Limited by Wu Er as a carrier, Jing Yang's observation ability was weakened, and he could not tell at all when Bi Si Ji noticed something strange, and when he was quietly observing himself secretly approaching...


How can a little white cat have any evil intentions? Aunt Bi, are you going to run away from me on the spot?

Jing Yang cursed secretly.

Since that time, Bisji has never appeared anywhere on Ghost Island.

No, could it be that he just ran away?

Jing Yang could only continue to leave instructions to Wu Er to pay more attention, waiting for Bi Siji to appear again.

However, after landing today, he took the time to take a look and found nothing.

After confirming at the self-service machine in the small seaside town that he could no longer sign up for the hunter test, Jing Yang looked up to the sky and sighed. It seemed that the opportunity to pretend to be a pig, eat a tiger, abuse vegetables and fry fish could only be reserved for next year.

Putting aside the hunter test for the time being, Jing Yang and his group went to a small town to find a restaurant for a toothpaste. They were really exhausted from being at sea these days. Even the always aloof Kate and the reserved Kurapika didn't hesitate. , the speed at which a few telekinesis users wiped out table after table of delicacies left the young girl leading the way dumbfounded.

Most of the restaurants in the seaside town specialize in seafood. However, Jing Yang and the other two people could be said to be nauseated by the sight of seafood. They ordered several tables and ordered so much that they almost devoured the restaurant's stock today.

Except for small drops. She has been floating on the sea for so long and can still eat fish and shrimps calmly. Jing Yang has known her for so long that he has never noticed that she has a bad appetite. As long as she needs to eat and the food can be eaten, she will calmly finish it without leaving any...

Jing Yang bit his straw and wandered.

The boy and girl who led them observed the four of them curiously. Especially the young man among them. He still doesn't understand why he clearly broke several ribs in his arm, but now he is as good as a normal person and can move freely. If it weren't for the feeling of breaking bones that is still fresh in his memory, he would have thought that That was an illusion... And who are these people and why did they emerge from the sea? Did they encounter a shipwreck? If so, there was no sign that the four of them wanted to seek help. Why did the sea monster leave quietly like a released pet? This big brother, who is in a daze, looks confident about participating in the hunter test. He must have unusual abilities! He encountered too many strange things today, and he was very interested in a young man who wanted to be a hunter. He had an excited feeling that he seemed to have accidentally touched a corner of a magical world, and that might be the world where hunters lived.

"Do you want to be a hunter?" The dazed elder brother finally noticed his gaze.

"Yeah!" The young man nodded wildly. The purple-haired girl next to her curled her lips in disgust.

Kurapika, who had already put down his tachyon, took a look.

Of course he knew that with Jing Yang's ability, he could easily help this young man to open his mind. As long as he opened his mind and practiced more, he could greatly increase the possibility of passing the hunter test - even though Kurapika himself had never participated in a real Hunter's test, but I don't expect it to be more difficult than learning "Nian".

This young man seems to be himself last year.

But Jing Yang gave him a completely different treatment. Unlike when he directly helped him to read, Jing Yang faced the boy's enthusiasm and just encouraged him: "That's great! But I suggest you wait until your ability is strong enough before participating."

"What kind of ability is enough?" the young man asked, "If I dare to dance the eye of death, that should be enough, right?"

"Hey!" The purple-haired girl was dissatisfied with him.

Xiao Di was peeling out the crab claw meat the size of a human arm. When he heard this, he asked curiously: "What is the eye of death?"

The purple-haired girl politely explained in a low voice: "It's a huge abyss on Siha Island. It's a very famous scenic spot. Siha Island is in that direction, not far from here..." She pointed as she spoke Outside the hotel window.

Regarding the boy's question, Jing Yang touched his belly that was a little full from eating, and said casually: "How did I know? Didn't you just see it? I wanted to sign up, but I didn't catch up!"

The boy was a little disappointed. Kate suddenly said: "If you want to become a hunter, you must have basic combat capabilities."

Then everyone looked at him.

Kurapika knew that this Kate was a professional hunter who had truly passed the test.

Jing Yang even knew that Kate's words were based on the first of the Ten Commandments of Hunters: "Every hunter must have basic martial arts." The so-called basic martial arts is actually the ability to read.

Kate took out another hat from somewhere and put it on, "I am not in a position to disclose the form and content of the hunter test, and I have no way of revealing it. But at the very least, you must have the physical strength to run...well, 200 kilometers." "

"Also, try to broaden your knowledge base. It's always right." He stood up and looked at Jing Yang and the others during the second half of his sentence.

Jing Yang smiled and said, "Why? We just didn't sign up. If we had, maybe Nitro would have called us and approved it directly for us!"

Anyway, bragging doesn’t cost you money.

Kate showed a rare smile and lowered the brim of her hat, "Anyway, let's say goodbye. Maybe we will see you again in the future if we have the opportunity."

Jing Yang knew that Kate had already taken over his main mission and was now eager to find his obscure master.

"Speaking of this..." He thought of a small question and stood up from the table, "I'll give it to you."

Jing Yang walked Kate to the door of the hotel and then asked: "As far as I know, for new hunters who pass the hunter test, the Hunter Association will arrange one-on-one tutoring with a professional hunter to help them learn and master the basics of telekinesis. "

Kate said: "It seems so."

"So Jin is your new teacher?"

Kate nodded.

Jing Yang then asked curiously: "But your Nian is so strong, you don't look like a 'newbie' who hasn't passed the instructor's test yet."

Kate looked at him and said, "Your Nian is not weak either. But you haven't even taken the hunter test yet."

Jing Yang smiled.

Kate looked into the distance and said, "It's because of Jin that I want to become a hunter."

"Before taking the hunter test, I had learned a lot of skills under Jin's guidance." He continued, "If it weren't for him, I would have starved to death in the slums."

These words were very touching, but Jing Yang still asked in an awkward tone: "In this case, the Hunter Association should not go to any trouble to arrange a novice teacher for you." He raised a finger, "Even if the Hunters test other The examiner may be mistaken, but I don’t think that old man Nitro can’t see that you are already a telepathic user. And you are quite powerful.”

For example, in the comics, Hisoka, Yin Ermi, and the knights who are also suspected to be professional hunters, the Hunter Association does not arrange any instructors for them, so it is uncertain who will guide whom.

"I don't know about this," Kate said. "After I passed the hunter test, Jin appeared again as my mentor on the road to professional hunting. It is said that it was arranged by President Nitro."

For example, Menqi’s novice teacher is Yinda. In the comics, Killua's novice teacher is Yun Gu... and Kate's novice teacher is Jin. Is this something Jin took the initiative on his own, or is Nitro causing trouble?

Jing Yang thought to himself. Kim's random thoughts are all coming up, not to mention him; Nitro is the "evil-minded Nitro" in Bisgi's evaluation. The old man can't fail to see Kate's ability, maybe He also knew the relationship between Jin and Kate, but at the same time, the bad old man must also be well aware of Jin's inconsistent personality. Out of a mischievous mentality, Bao Buqi deliberately let Jin be Kate's novice teacher, hoping to see what Jin was teaching. What fun things can you do when you have nothing to teach...

So now I know, where did Jin Zheng's living master go...

Highlighting one is uncreative. Three years later, actually several years ago, Jin had left a similar job for his own son Xiaojie in his hometown of Whale Island, lying quietly in a small box, just waiting for Xiaojie. When you get older and have the idea of ​​becoming a hunter, you will trigger a similar main quest. That quest is called Where's Dad?

Speaking of which, after Kate left today, his first stop to look for Kim might be Kim's hometown, Whale Island.

It was also because of this that he met Gon who was in distress in the mountains, thus triggering the bond between him and Gon between Red Hair and Luffy. However, he did not risk an arm like Red Hair, but he also left One Piece Luo Fei like Red Hair. Jie's straw hat left Jin's hunter's license to Xiaojie...

In other words, three years later will be the beginning of the so-called hunter’s official history!

After bidding farewell to Kate, Jing Yang went back to the hotel thoughtfully. He glanced at the nervous and lost young man and suddenly asked, "Is the eye of death you mentioned famous?"

"Of course!" the young man said, "That is... it is... in short, it is a super powerful abyss whirlpool! Every year, countless outsiders come from all over the world..."

Jing Yang asked: "How powerful is it? Is it as powerful as World Tree?"

Xiaodi asked curiously: "What is the World Tree?"

"The tallest tree in the world." Jing Yang said, "It is said that every year, every day, there are countless challengers trying to climb to the top of the tree."

The young man said: "I have never seen the World Tree, so I don't know. But the Eye of Death, I will definitely challenge it! Because I want to become a hunter!"

The purple-haired girl complained: "You should give up this idea. Have you forgotten that so many people died directly because of jumping? I think the goal of running 200 kilometers is more realistic." Although they are very scary goals, But at least if you run 200 kilometers, you won’t die if you jump, right?

Jing Yang asked: "How deep is this abyssal whirlpool called the Eye of Death? There should be official statistics, right?"

"209 meters." The boy replied instantly.

Jing Yang looked at his small body, especially the energy on his body. Of course, ordinary people have Qi in their bodies, and since ordinary people do not control these Qi independently, in Jing Yang's opinion, the state of ordinary people's Qi can better reflect their true physical state - in front of them This boy's strength was quite average, less than half of what Kurapika had been without his enlightenment.

"Are you going to challenge the Eye of Death?" After leaving the hotel, the young man saw them leaving and asked with anticipation and excitement.

"No challenge." Jing Yang said, "But I want to see it. There seem to be many natural wonders and challenging secrets in the world. If I have the chance, I really want to go and see them all..."

People who like to seek death are everywhere, and there are many cases of falling to death just by trying to climb the World Tree.

It is true that I will not take the initiative to kill people in order to plunder the death energy, but this does not prevent me from preferring to go to places where casualties are likely to occur in order to have a better chance of obtaining the death energy, right?

Oaths and restrictions are double-edged swords, gain part and lose part.

The price in exchange for powerful abilities is to tie yourself up.

Jing Yang did tie himself up for the ability of "Going to the blue and falling to the underworld", but he didn't tie himself completely.

It restrains the part of "actively killing and harvesting death energy, letting go of the greed in your heart", but does not restrain the part of "people are going to die anyway, rather than wasting it in vain on nature, you might as well pick up a bargain for me".

Looking at the back of the boy who was being comforted by the purple-haired girl and leaving, Kurapika said at this time: "I thought you would give him some thoughts."

Jing Yang gave him a strange look, "You didn't drink too much, did you? My craft is so precious that I have to pay for it. Just to give you an idea, wouldn't you just sell yourself to me?"

Kurapika's eyes instantly turned to death. How could this guy speak so harshly?

Xiao Didi said: "It may not be a good thing for ordinary people to be enlightened."

Jing Yang and Kurapika looked at her together.

Xiaodi said: "If someone with strong evil thoughts passes by, they will still know nothing about it and continue to live a normal life when they don't know how to read it. But they can already sense the thoughts, even if they are in Mimihuhudi, they can sense the thoughts. ,In this case……"

"It will probably be unforgettable for the rest of my life, and it will even make me panic all day long." Jing Yang said.

"More than that," Kurapika pondered, "Reacting to someone with strong evil thoughts is more likely to attract the other person's attention and interest, and such an outcome will probably not be good." After a pause, he whispered. , "Perhaps this is the reason why the ability to read is not widely popularized." He sighed.

As long as the method is correct, anyone can start chanting.

However, not everyone is good at practicing Nian, let alone practicing diligently and accumulating good strength... If through some method, all people can open Nian, then for most ordinary people, the result will be It may not necessarily be an increase in happiness, it may even be the opposite.

In a world where extraordinary powers exist, perhaps ignorance is not a blessing at all. The powerful hunter Nobu sensed the powerful evil thoughts of the three ant guards from a distance, and was so frightened that he became bald and aged several years... replaced by an ordinary person who knew nothing about it. Man, it's not a big deal.

"Are you sure you want to go?"

At the train station in the small town, Jing Yang looked at Kurapika.

"Yeah." Kurapika said, "I want to continue looking for the eyes of my tribe."

He stopped Jing Yang's next words and smiled: "You have helped me too much. Next, I want to act on my own."

"No matter what, remember to sign up for the hunter test at the end of the year." Jing Yang stretched out his fist, and when Kurapika also extended his fist, it suddenly turned into a palm, rubbed Kurapika's head, and rubbed his yellow hair It became a bird's nest. Kurapika's eyes were closed, his fists clenched, and he sighed deeply: "Of course, it will be more convenient to have a formal hunter's license." Kurapika still bumped his fist and said, "See you next year." He also expressed his gratitude to Xiaodi. head, then turned around and entered the station, walking into the crowd.

"There are two of us left again," Jing Yang said.

"Yeah." Xiao Didi said, "Want to go shopping?"

"Let's go." Jing Yang put his arms around her shoulders and walked towards the street, "Let's go shopping first, then go to the Eye of Death, and then we'll see where the World Tree is. By the way, is there a big hospital here? Slaughter. It can also be a venue or something..."

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