I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 3 Set a small goal, medical ninjutsu?

Jingyang and Xiaodi spent two days walking around the streets.

I have been drifting on the sea for too long, and I want to experience more of human city life.

Although this seaside town is not prosperous, it is still full of fireworks.

There are only two movie theaters, and they are not big, but at least they are there. There aren't many shopping malls, and there aren't many big brands, but Jing Yang doesn't have any feelings for consumer products in Hunter World anyway. The tadpole-like hunter characters printed on the packaging give him a sense of alienation from a foreign country. Xiaodi was born in Meteor. On the street, the requirements for consumer goods and commodities are more focused on the latter. Except for jewelry, she likes shiny and precious ones, and she will accept everything else that is basically usable and edible. Although there is no Eternal Library chain store, the two of them found several secondhand book shops. Jingyang browsed through them casually and saw Xiaodi buying baskets by baskets. When he left, he put them all into the big-eyed fish, like a hoarder. Squirrels spending the winter feel that their trip is finally worth it.

"What's wrong?"

In the evening, the two were having dinner at a snack bar. Xiao Di was sitting across from her. She had already finished eating and was flipping through a chess book. She noticed that Jing Yang had been looking at her for a long time and couldn't help but raise her head. Her glasses slid down the bridge of her nose because she lowered her head. Her big purple eyes were dull. There are some doubts.

Jing Yang pursed his lips and took the last noodle into his mouth, one by one, and said with a smile: "I'm curious, Xiaodi, if you forget all the chess records after reading them, how long will it take you to learn... "

"Why do you say that?" Xiaodi became even more confused, "It's just an introduction to military ritual chess, how difficult is it?"

She lowered her head to read again and turned a page, "Jing Yang, do you want to learn?"

"Humph." Jing Yang said nothing.

"Who learns faster?" Xiaodi raised his eyes. He had no expression as usual, but he looked so good-looking. She stepped aside and patted him.

When the waiter came to clear away the dishes, he saw a scene like this. The handsome guy and the beautiful girl from out of town were sitting shoulder to shoulder and head to head, reading the same book together. Their eyes were actually quite focused. It seemed like it was really true. Some of them are carefully reading the words on the paper, oh, and there are also pictures...

In fact, Jing Yang was "distracted".

He himself was indeed carefully reading this introductory book on military ritual chess with Xiaodi, but he had more than one brain at the moment. He also has a tough head and a tough brain.

With his consciousness attached to the miserable tiger Wu Er on the other island of the ocean, Jing Yang continued to wander in the jungle, trying to find Bisiki, who had disappeared for many days.

He wanted to tell the pale ghost boy who was following him to help him look around and pay more attention, but when he opened his mouth, there were only roars of tigers, and it was difficult to speak. He couldn't help but roll his eyes... Bai looked at the big tiger strangely, a little confused.

Night, hotel.

Jing Yang came out of the bathroom wearing sandals and only wore a pair of newly bought loose pants.

Xiao Di was no longer reading the introductory book on military ritual chess. She was practicing. She was sitting cross-legged on the bed. The Qi on her body was integrated. After Jing Yang came out, it suddenly spread out in all directions and expanded to form a hemisphere with a radius of about five meters. .

Jing Yang stepped into Xiaodi's "circle" and asked, "The range has been expanded?"

"Yeah." Xiaodi said with eyes closed, "1.89 meters."

Jing Yang smiled.

In the past, because of his heart failure, he rarely measured his height and weight. Anyway, it might change at some time, not to mention that he himself was not willing to see the results of the measurement - they were different from his previous body data. It's too big, as if to remind myself that this is a different world, and that I am no longer myself.

But now it's better. Not only has the hidden danger of dead energy been removed, and the body will no longer be forced to grow uncontrollably, but the current physical condition, although the actual level of physical fitness, weight, etc. is so much better than that of the previous life, at least They are very close in height - close to each other in the past life.

Moreover, he didn't know whether it was Jing Yang's own illusion, or whether the memories of his previous life had begun to imitate and mix with this life. He always felt that his current face seemed to have some shadow of his appearance in the previous life.

Maybe it's because of anger, maybe it's because of thoughts...

It's probably some mysterious thing like the appearance coming from the mind. Because of the reflection of one's own subconscious mind, the body is tending towards the appearance in one's own self-perception.

After all, the manifestation system, one of the six major systems of mind, involves areas such as clones, physical changes, and creation out of nothing.

Barbie can transform into King Kong, and Barbie can appear. What's so strange about the subtle development of facial features?

What's more, his current talent limit for the materialization system has reached a full 81%!

It wouldn't be surprising if someday the ability to manifest telekinesis is automatically derived - at least there is a precedent for me to have the ability to manipulate telekinesis to be automatically derived.

In short, Jing Yang happily accepted this development.

After Xiaodi went to take a bath, Jing Yang also started practicing. My "circle" only has a radius of seven meters, so I have to continue practicing, and I can't lose to Xiaodi.

Oh, yes, there is still one last bit of death energy left to digest.

He clicked on the death aura panel, and there was a gray air current surrounding the gray figure with his sword on his knees.

As soon as his mind moved, the gray air exploded and turned into dots of gray light, blending into his limbs and bones, the eight extraordinary meridians... in short, every part of his body.

It seems to include every part of the soul...

Every bit of gray light blends with Jing Yang's own Qi and emits surging power.

It is simply unbelievable. This bit of death energy was just the contribution of a kind-hearted sea beast that was strangled by Xiaodi with a chain saw while drifting on the sea. He was not a person with strong telekinesis ability. How could such a bit of death energy contain such a strong power? energy?

If you think about it carefully, it seems that the death energy generated by the private soldiers of Prince Kajin's telepathic soldiers after death is not much different from the death energy generated by ordinary sea beasts after death...

Life goes out like a lamp.

There is not much difference between humans and animals, and between people with telekinesis abilities and ordinary life.

Whether a person with telekinesis dies, or a kitten or puppy dies, there is only a little bit of death energy, neither a lot nor a little.

Jing Yang had some realization in his heart.

Death Qi, even though he calls it that, is not equal to, at least not completely, the conventionally known Qi.

For example, the patriarch who kidnapped Kurapika, and the lonely shadow of heaven and earth left behind by the Sky Master on the top of the Immortal Water Mountain were drunk to death and dreamed of life. They are all stronger thoughts after death, and they are all qi that does not dissipate after death, but they are only It can be regarded as a ball of twisted energy, nothing more. It is not really alive or a real person. Even if they are eliminated, it can at best be called eradication of thoughts, but not killed, and they will not produce death energy again. In their own hearts, which is now the judgment of "the poor blue sky and the underworld", their former physical body is dead and their life has disappeared, so they are already dead.

Death energy is related to something deeper and more essential.

With life, with life and death, with cause and effect, with things that I currently have no way of exploring...

Jing Yang seemed to be thinking but practicing silently.

He concentrated wholeheartedly, trying his best to retain every ounce of power bred by the little bits of gray light, integrating it with his own Qi and using it for his own use. The size of the "hard" on his body swelled a bit, and wisps of heat visible to the naked eye overflowed like boiling water vapor.

The numbers on the little gray man's chest climbed up little by little.

25211, 25333…

25404, 25555…

The next day, Jing Yang and Xiao Di left their temporary hotel and headed to the port they had already inquired about. They boarded a small sightseeing ship and headed to the abyss whirlpool where the so-called Eye of Death is located.

On the boat, most of them were tourists holding up their mobile phones to take pictures at the fence facing the sea. There were also some locals who seemed to have nothing to do and were chatting with tourists from other places. Jingyang and Xiaodi walked around and noticed the crowd. There are a few backpackers inside. Looking at their body shapes, muscles, limb movements, and most importantly, the state of Qi on their body surfaces, you can tell that they are indeed in trouble.

Even if these people are not here to challenge the Maelstrom, they are still close.

Jing Yang admires extreme challenge enthusiasts.

He took out his cell phone and continued searching for information. Xiaodi sat aside and read a book, which seemed to be the same as yesterday.

Jing Yang has been to two local hospitals several times in the past two days. He doesn't know whether to call it bad luck or good luck. He hasn't encountered any accidents. When someone happens to die of illness, the small town is not that big, and there are emergencies. The frequency is not high. Jing Yang wandered around for two days without encountering any accidents such as car accidents, so he learned nothing.

As for the slaughterhouse... Jing Yang walked around a few times and found no similar place. As for the smell of the vegetable market, he really didn't want to go there. The local fishermen seemed more accustomed to fishing at sea, so Jing Yang walked along the coastline. Apart from meeting a few old fishermen, I didn’t get much out of it. Jing Yang and Xiao Di waited for a long time at the fishing spots but no fish came to bite them. He got impatient, rolled his eyes and left.

Now that I think about it, if I look carefully for things like slaughterhouses, there may not be no results; there must be places where fish, chickens and pigs are killed in the vegetable market. The smell is just an excuse for myself... Scene We asked ourselves, maybe it was simply that we were not willing to take the path of squatting at the door of the pig-killing shop, squatting for a few seconds every day, until the Shilipo Sword God's skill was mastered...

It's quite hypocritical to say that I would rather stay in the hospital, but I don't want to stay in the vegetable market.

But my thoughts are like this, and there is no way to reason about them. I can't deflect myself.

It is important to have clear thoughts.

Therefore, Jing Yang now only searches for large hospitals, forgetting about slaughterhouses, wet markets and the like. If he passes by by accident, consider yourself lucky and take the initiative to go there and squat down to death, or pull him down!

And if it's a hospital...

Just in time, it is convenient for me to practice the abilities I want to develop next.

"There, there!"

At this moment, the crowd on the deck suddenly burst into noise. Some people shouted excitedly, "I saw it! The whirlpool!" Others exclaimed, "That's the Eye of Death..."

Jing Yang and Xiao Di were both attracted to the sound. They followed the sound and took a look. Sure enough, the sea surface not far away on one side suddenly collapsed downwards, revealing half of the true face of the abyss of the whirlpool. On the other side of the whirlpool , is a crescent-shaped island. Jing Yang visually estimated that the length of the island is about three or four kilometers, and it presents an arc that just "embraces" the large whirlpool. It is really a unique natural landscape.

The captain of the sightseeing liner was obviously an experienced driver. He drove the liner as close as possible to the large whirlpool. It made people wonder as if the entire ship would be pulled down into the abyss by the fierce whirlpool water in the next moment, but it would not really be the case. , causing the people on the side of the ship to shout excitedly, gasp, and exclaim frequently.

But obviously there won't be any warriors who just want to jump down here. This makes Jing Yang feel regretful.

The whirlpool with a depth of 200 meters is as close as Chi Chi, like an abyss. If you take a second look, it seems that your mind and heart are being dragged into it, and it is teetering on the edge of collapse.

The thunderous sound of the maelstrom made the timid tourists weak and couldn't help but hold on to the side of the boat.

The sightseeing ferry sailed along the edge of the maelstrom towards Crescent Island. The few backpackers who Jing Yang secretly watched and focused on stared at the maelstrom, their eyes fixed on the maelstrom, their muscles tense, nervous, mixed with excitement and eagerness to try. As soon as the passenger ship docked at the shore, they almost immediately I jumped off the deck and went straight to the simple official post on the island. After communicating with several staff members, I prepared for the maelstrom one after another.

Six people in total. Five of them had safety ropes tied around their waists with the help of the staff, but the other one did not. He obviously planned to challenge the challenge with bare hands without taking any measures.

Many people took pictures of the scenery and these few people. Perhaps in the eyes of tourists, these challengers are also part of the scenery here.

Death eyes.

Jing Yang and Xiao Di sat on the shore of Crescent Island, watching the six people jump one after another and fall into the 200-meter whirlpool. The ones who jumped closer fell into the whirlpool after falling 30 meters. Those who jumped far, such as the one without any measures on his body, seemed to plunge into the center of the maelstrom. Tong Ren, who had the eyes of death, did not see any splash until his figure disappeared.

The sea breeze blew, the sound of waves continued, mixed with the exclamations of tourists and the sound of seagulls in the distance.

With her short black hair dancing in the wind, she used the bulging fish to release a chessboard and two boxes of chess pieces, placed them on a rock, and invited Jing Yang to play chess.

She held the black piece first, snap!

Snap! Jing Yang insisted on Bai Zi following him.

Click, click, click...

Both of them moved very quickly, going back and forth, novices pecking each other.


As soon as Jing Yang fell, a wisp of death air flew towards him. The direction deviated from the maelstrom by 300 meters. It seemed that he had been thrown away by the turbulence in the sea.

The death energy merged into his heart, and the thought "The sky is green and the sky is falling" turned into a gray air flow around the gray figure on the death energy panel.

"The rope is broken..." The staff in the distance looked at the broken rope floating back from the edge of the maelstrom and shook their heads at their colleagues.

Xiaodi pondered over the chessboard for a long time, and finally pressed a piece, pressing the chess piece with her fingertips, "General."

"Really?" Jing Yang looked at it twice and asked with a straight face, "What do the rules say?"

"I'm going to stop you, right?" Xiaodi wasn't sure either. She quickly asked the bulgy-eyed fish to spit out the introductory book, and heard Jing Yang laughing uncontrollably across from her.

"So I did general." She nodded.


Another stream of deathly energy escaped into Jing Yang's heart, turning into a second stream of gray air that wrapped around the little gray man.

With a thought in his mind, Jing Yang injected these two points of hot death energy into one corner of the hexagonal panel. In an instant, the numbers next to his "Enhancement System" changed.

"69.2%" → "71.2%"

Jing Yang picked up a stone and used the "Zhou" technique to wrap his mind energy around it. It is said that picking flowers and flying leaves can hurt people, and gravel blessed with energy can also be a murder weapon.


Jing Yang made a cut in his palm, and blood instantly flowed out.

The star on the back of the neck immediately activates the power of self-healing.

Stop bleeding instantly.

The wound on the palm is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This kind of skin injury was healed in almost two breaths. By the third breath, the wound had healed until only a pink and shallow scar remained. Soon even this scar disappeared, as if it had never been hurt. hurt.

Jing Yang shook hands and cut his hand again with a stone entangled with Qi, but at the same time, he patted the star on the back of his neck - the star suddenly disappeared.

The wound opened and blood flowed.

This time, the wounds and blood showed no signs of stopping immediately.

Jing Yang glanced at the "71.2%" upper limit of the enhancement system on the Death Energy panel, recalling the feeling when the star's self-healing power was activated just now, thinking of Naruto's medical ninjutsu, and treating it as some kind of ritual, he Concentrate the energy in the palm of your hand to form an invisible sphere, and press it towards the wound in the palm of the other hand...

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Chapter 3 Set a small goal, medical ninjutsu? Free to read.

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