"Medical Ninjutsu: Palm Senjutsu" was not successful.

It can be seen that the mind ability to strengthen treatment is not so easy to acquire.

Jing Yang looked at the scabbed wound on his palm with some regret - he was a telepathic person with more than 20,000 qi of telepathy, and his physical fitness was already higher than that of ordinary people. This small scratch would naturally heal faster than Ordinary people are much faster.

According to Jing Yang's idea, his star sign itself has functions related to healing and blood recovery, which means that he has the potential in this area.

The one that can best utilize this potential is undoubtedly the strengthening system.

The strengthening system is not only about strengthening the close combat ability of fists and feet, but also self-resilience and the extended ability to treat others, which are all areas of the strengthening system.

All along, if Jing Yang wanted to help someone with treatment, he had to put a star on the person first, and then the star would activate the self-healing ability... This was quite troublesome. Not everyone is willing to be manipulated by a person with telekinesis abilities at will, not everyone trusts him like Xiaodi, and not everyone is as desperate as Kurapika was back then.

It seems that the "2%" enhancement system is not enough, we need to add more!

Suddenly a cry for help came from the sea.

Jing Yang looked up and saw the only man without a safety rope, struggling desperately on the edge of the maelstrom, trying his best to wave to the shore, and sinking into the water from time to time.

"Oh my God, he's alive!"

"Someone go save him!"

Many people on the shore exclaimed. Of the other five challengers tied with safety ropes, two were killed, turning into Jing Yang's two points of death. The remaining three were dragged back to the shore with the help of the staff, all with the excitement of surviving the disaster. Later I saw that the guy without a safety rope was not dead. I was both impressed and surprised, but there was nothing I could do.

"He has been away from the maelstrom for too long. There is nothing we can do in that position." The staff regretted.

"Wait, someone jumped!" one of the challengers yelled, pointing to the seaside.

Everyone looked and saw that it was the pair of tourists who had been playing chess on the shore since they got off the tourist liner. The tall and handsome young man jumped up, skimmed ten meters from the shore against the sea like a cannonball, and then dived in diagonally. In the sea, it was as if I was on the edge of a maelstrom and was swallowed up by the eye of death for an instant.


Many people saw this scene and covered their mouths in shock. What kind of exaggerated jumping power is this?

However, this is the eye of death, and even this will not help. What's more, seeing that the man had been dragged into the whirlpool, even his calls for help became fainter. The man had challenged the Eye of Death alone, but luckily he didn't die. He was exhausted and could no longer resist the suction of the maelstrom. He was about to be swallowed by the maelstrom and swallowed up by the "Eye Child".

"Ah!" The buddy who had closed his eyes and waited for death in the maelstrom exclaimed, as if being bitten by an underwater shark, he suddenly went upstream and cut through a corner of the maelstrom like a sharp arrow.

The people on the shore exclaimed, quickly calmed down, and cheered like the man, because the man broke through the waves in the direction of the shore, and it was the young man who jumped who successfully saved him!

Many people raised their mobile phones to take photos and videos, preparing to post them online. This is too exaggerated. Many people risked their lives to challenge the whirlpool. A young man on the shore who was playing chess with his girlfriend jumped in immediately. Not only did he jump in, he could also easily save someone.


The man was excited to ride the wind and waves, raising his head and shouting excitedly. He felt the owner of the hand holding his arm like a steel drill under the water, like a powerful engine, dragging him effortlessly towards the shore. , the sound of water waves breaking all the way around my ears almost turned into a roar - it was incredible, was the person who saved me really a human being?

Suddenly, he felt a sense of weightlessness. He left the water, and the images of the sky, islands, and crowds rotated rapidly in his eyes. Finally, he landed heavily, and his back was burning. He seemed to have broken his leg, dislocated his shoulder, and dislocated his arm. It seems that I also have a broken bone, and my internal organs are very uncomfortable...

Stars were shining in his eyes, and the ringing in his ears made the cheers and shouts of the crowd get farther and farther away. However, after someone jumped ashore through the waves, the sound of his wet feet squeaking on the ground was particularly clear. He was probably the one who saved him. He was dead... He was dizzy, and the images in his eyes were shaking like an out-of-focus lens. There were images of the young man who saved him casually looking at him, and several attraction staff not far away with first aid. The scene of the box running over...

"It's okay, I can't die." Jing Yang, soaked to the skin, waved his hand at the person running towards him.

The staff opened the medicine box and was busy checking the man's injuries. Someone in the crowd couldn't help complaining to Jing Yang, "Is it necessary to throw him ashore so roughly?"

"That's right! He didn't have to get hurt in the first place..."

"W-why is this necessary?"

Several people echoed.

"Hey!" Jing Yang raised his hand nonchalantly, turned around to meet Xiaodi, and met her eyes with doubt.

Jing Yang looked down at himself, "What's wrong?"

Xiaodi said nothing.

Jing Yang laughed and said, "Why do you think I'm angry with him and won't bother him? People are already calling for help, so there's no reason why I can't help him even if he's dead."

Xiaodi was thoughtful.

Over there, the rescued man's dislocated shoulder was corrected, several fractures were treated for emergency treatment, wooden boards were clamped and covered with bandages. With the conditions here, there was only so much that could be done... Jing Yang saw this and left. Go over, "Need help?"

"You..." The staff member who provided emergency treatment to the man looked at Jing Yang, as if asking, in this case, why did he go there so early? You brought him ashore gently, and he didn't even need treatment.

After they talked about it, the saved friend was still very grateful to Jing Yang. He lay on the ground and thanked her repeatedly. He excitedly announced his name and asked, "Are you a hunter?"

Do you consider yourself a hunter?

Jing Yang thought for a while and said, "He is a folk hunter."

As soon as he said this, the strange looks around him disappeared. In this world of hunters, regardless of the reputation of hunters and folk hunters, most ordinary people should understand that the kind of people who are related to hunters are the ones they cannot afford to offend.

Jing Yang then used the guy he had rescued as a guinea pig to continue testing the healing power he had in mind.

According to his expectations, the requirements for the healing thought ability he developed in the reinforcement department were actually not high.

Ordinary wounds, whether wounds, bruises or burns, can be healed with the touch of a small hand.

Severed limbs can be reattached, and if necessary, a large amount of energy can be spent to slowly regenerate the severed limbs.

In addition, it can also speed up the recovery of injuries and even restore physical strength...

Basically, it is enough to strip away all the "authorities" related to the treatment, recovery, etc. of your "star", separate it from the operating system, and enhance it.

Enough is enough.

Jing Yang put his hand on the arm wrapped with a wooden bandage. He recalled in his mind the experience when the star sign activated self-healing, and continued to strengthen his expected strengthening healing ability... In the final analysis, what this thing reflects In his heart, Killua believes that he has been electrocuted since he was a child, so of course his energy can more easily change into electricity, so it can really turn into electricity. Then Jing Yang also eats the benefits of automatic recovery and healing from the star sign every day throughout the year. , as long as the idea is firm enough, one day this expected intensive treatment will turn from imagination into reality.

"Do you feel it?" he asked.

"Uh, yes?" The injured man was not sure what his savior was doing. "It's very hot. Is there really nothing in your hand? The fractured area doesn't seem to hurt so much..."

It's normal for the other person to have feelings for you. Qi, first of all, is a kind of life energy. The concentration of Qi gathered in Jing Yang's palm is very high, and it presses against the opponent's fractures, which is equivalent to "borrowing" Jing Yang's own excellent resilience as a person with Nian ability. Gave it to the other party - but this was far from what Jing Yang wanted.

In the end, this "treatment" had some effect, but the effect was minimal.

Jing Yang was not disappointed either. He felt that he had found some feeling. He could just continue to grasp this feeling and try slowly.


There was a piercing bird call above the head, and a gray bird flew towards Jing Yang and was caught in his hands.

"What the hell?" Jing Yang pinched the rock bird, "We haven't seen you for a while, have you turned into a duck?"

"Ji?" The rock bird turned its head and stared, looking very innocent, and pecked Jing Yang's hand with its beak.

Jing Yang let go of his hand, and the bird spread its wings, and finally landed on his shoulder, rubbing its gray feathers.

The buddy, who was dubious and felt that his bones had healed a lot, looked at this scene in surprise.

"I'm a hunter, what do you think?" Jing Yang flicked the bird on his shoulder, "Let's go." He greeted Xiaodi.


A pale tiger galloped through the forest and slapped a gray hare, killing it immediately.

Xiao Bai emerged from the ground like a ghost. He squatted aside and watched Wu Er step on the hare's body and lower his head to gnaw. He quickly chewed up a lake of flesh and blood. He licked his tongue and his mouth was full of blood. Then he suddenly made a move—— This sign of it was already somewhat familiar to Xiaobai, which meant that another person in Dabai's body had revived at this time.


As soon as Jing Yang went online, he found that his mouth was filled with the taste of blood. He felt that it was both delicious and disgusting, contradictory and intertwined. He couldn't help but take a few sips.

Wu Er's consciousness called out twice in his mind.

It seems that it did not meet the "little blond girl" during this period.

"Kingwu Er" pushed aside the messy hare skeleton with his front paws, raised his head to identify the direction in the forest, shouted to Xiaobai with a low growl, and flew away.

After getting closer to the island town, "Kage Takeji" slowed down. Xiaobai was riding on the back of the tiger. Like him, he looked towards the town, watching people coming and going, and observing whether there was that golden...


Suddenly a stone hit the tiger's back. Passed through the ghostly Xiaobai.

"Kage Takeji" instinctively let out a low tiger roar, and turned around to look. The tiger's roar suddenly rose - the "little blond girl" was sitting on a high branch of the big tree diagonally behind, holding two broken pieces in her hands. Shi Zi looked at him from neither far nor near.

Aunt Bi, Aunt Bi, why are you here? Where have you been these days?

So naughty!

On the other side of the world, Jing Yang, who was sitting on the rooftop of a large hospital with Xiao Di, drew a simple chessboard game on the ground, and almost screamed with joy.

"Twice." Bisji, who had blond hair in twin ponytails and looked like a little girl in a princess dress, said suddenly while sitting on a tree, throwing stones in his hand.

"King Wu Er" was stunned.

Bisiji said: "I have been observing you for 10 days (in fact, I was shopping for several days). At least twice a day, you will suddenly...become less like a real tiger."

"The walking movements and running postures of cats will suddenly disappear. The blood food that should be delicious becomes difficult to eat. It is as if something, a human, has taken over the body." She tossed it. Shizi, "During this period, you usually wander around amusement parks and towns. Rather than observing something, it is better to say that you are looking for me."

"Am I right? I don't know what a telepathic user is called?" She flicked her finger, and the thrown stones flew out like bullets.


"Kage Taker" flicked his tail and smashed the flying stones into pieces like a lightning whip.


Jing Yang wanted to say something, but all he could do was roar, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Who are you?" Bisji stood up on the branch. She looked like a little girl and her body was very light. She put her hands on her hips and scolded, "Sneaky, do you know me or do you want to kill me?"

No matter who it is, I will always accompany you.

Aunt Bi, do you think I can communicate now? "Kage Takeji" swung his tail and stared at the "blonde girl in princess dress" on the tree with a pair of tiger eyes. He also understood at this moment that Bisiki suddenly disappeared that day and didn't show up for many days. He was probably secretly rebelling. Come and observe for yourself!

The older one is in the arena, the less courageous he becomes. Bisiji is in her fifties and has a lot of experience in the world. Precisely because of this, she will not look down on anyone, especially those with telekinesis abilities. She has seen too many examples of telekinesis users who thought they were powerful, but were miserably defeated by newcomers in a certain operating system who had achieved the ability requirements and were "win first".

This guy parasitic on the miserable moon tiger looks more and more like an operating system to Bi Siji. That is to say, he felt that the other party did not seem to have strong hostility or malice, and Bisji was indeed somewhat curious about his purpose, so he decided to show up to see him. However, even now, she keeps a distance from the other party. If something goes wrong, she plans to apply oil on the soles of her feet and kick them out directly.

"If you can't speak human language, you can always write, right?" Bisji stood on the tree with his arms akimbo, pointing at the big tiger on the ground and said, "Write."

"King Wu Er" breathed out hot air from his nostrils, damn, just write.


He took out his tiger nails and scratched them on the forest floor like a carving knife.

"Aunt Bi, I'm Jing Yang, don't you recognize me? I even had dinner with Yun Gu..."

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