I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 5: This princess will consider it at her own discretion

Within the hexagonal frame, a gray little man sits cross-legged with swords across his chest. The number on his chest is about 26101, floating in the single digits along with Jing Yang's heartbeat.

11 gray air currents surround it.

With a thought, Jing Yang injected 10 gray air streams into the corner directly above the hexagon, quickly increasing the upper limit of the enhancement system from the original 2% to 2%!

A single move affects the whole body, and as the upper limit of the enhancement system increases, the other systems also follow suit.

Release system 8%→8%

Change system 2%→2%

Embodiment system 2%→2%

The operation system and trait system are already 100%, so naturally they cannot be upgraded.

There is still a gray air current wrapped around the Hengjian villain, which will be left to be slowly digested into thoughts later.

Jing Yang opened his eyes and felt the cool breeze blowing from the rooftop of the hospital. At first, he could only refine about 800 qi of death and use it for his own use, becoming part of his total energy. With the current experience, the efficiency of this refining can be improved. It is possible to refine a wisp of death energy into 900 energy. It is not unthinkable to be lucky and have 1000 energy.

Therefore, when it comes to thinking, Jing Yang is no longer so anxious compared to the previous bottleneck. Eighty-nine out of ten of the dead energy he got from other places has been invested in his own side thought systems such as the strengthening system and the transformation system. In terms of the upper limit expansion, if you click on all six major series to 100% early, it will also be refreshing and beautiful.

Xiaodi sat on the ground and studied the chess records.

After leaving the small seaport town near the Eye of Death whirlpool where he landed, and coming to this slightly livelier town, Jing Yang immediately took Xiaodi around the hospitals in various areas.

The radius of Jingyang's absorption of death energy is 1 kilometer, so whenever he goes to a hospital, he often goes straight to the top floor of the emergency center, picks a deserted place and kills time with Xiaodi, waiting for the death energy that may appear. In the past three days, he had received no more than 11 death auras, and he had just spent 10 points on the strengthening system in one go, which also raised the upper limit of other systems a little bit.

The upper limit of the strengthening system has been extended to 2%. Jing Yang thinks that now that he has practiced the strengthening system's telekinesis ability, the effect should be no less than that of a person with natural release or transformation system abilities.

He followed the old method and removed the star mark on the back of his neck, then scratched his palm, leaving bloodstains, and at the same time concentrated his mind energy on the other hand.

Recalling the feeling of Xingbiao's healing, he applied the air pressure on his hand to the wound. Visibly to the naked eye, the blood stopped and the wound healed and scabbed...

Xiaodi was also watching at some point and asked curiously: "Did it succeed?"

"According to my expectation, it must be at least comparable to the healing ability of the star mark to be considered successful. It's not enough for such a small wound to be so slow!" Jing Yang said, suddenly looked into the distance and muttered, "It should be done. Alright?"

With a thought in his mind, he sensed that the distant shore was at a star with activated healing power, and projected his consciousness there.

Possessed by his consciousness, the familiar somatosensory feeling of the tiger's limbs and tail came over him. He found himself lying on the ground with his eyes crooked and his mouth crooked. A pale ghost-like little boy squatted next to his brain, staring blankly at the "little blond princess" as if nothing had happened. "——Bisji looked at the beaten Misery Tiger, "He's finally back."

As long as it’s not broken!

"Jing Wuer" grinned, climbed up, shook his head, and looked at the tiger paws on the ground that said "Aunt Bi, I'm Jing Yang, don't you recognize me? I even had dinner with Yun Gu." The first half was already blurry, so he simply scratched it twice, erased and rewritten the entire paragraph, "Since we know each other, why do we still hit people?"

The eyes of the watery brain ax blinked and blinked, looking at the opposite side pitifully.

Standing on all fours, Banyuehu was half a head taller than the little blond girl in front of Bisiji, but he still felt like he was being looked down upon by her. Bisiji glanced at the new words on the ground, put his hands on his hips and said, "At that time During the video call on the computer, didn’t you say you were Zhen Yuanzi?”

"Jing Wuer" rolled his eyes, erased the words and rewrote: "Jing Yang is Zhen Yuanzi, and Zhen Yuanzi is Jing Yang. In addition, we didn't talk via video, we just had a phone call."

He writes here, and Bisji reads it this way. Fortunately, Wu Er is in good physical condition after successfully losing weight, and his claws are also flexible. Jing Yang's hand speed is not slow when he pops out tiger nails and scratches on the ground, but after all, it is still not as good as talking - but who made him wear a tiger body now? Well, when I open my mouth, I can only roar and roar, but I have no personal words.

Only then did Bisiji nod.

Of course she remembered that the kid in Yungu on the other end of the phone was probably a telekinesis user in the operating system.

In fact, Yun Gu also mentioned Jing Yang's real name to her when he was helping to carry the message after leaving Xianshui Mountain.

With the two-phase confirmation, Bisji could initially confirm the identity of the consciousness residing in the body of the miserable moon tiger in front of him.

She touched her chin, took two steps back and forth, and suddenly said: "If you have anything to do with me, you can always call me. Why do you do this?"

The boy from Yun Gu told her that there were gems on this island, and there happened to be a Miserable Moon Tiger on this island that could be controlled by Jing Yang and was following her. This didn't look like a coincidence.

Misery Moon Tiger scratched her paws and wrote: "Two-star hunter, I can ask her to help with just a phone call. How can I have such a big face..."

Bisji glanced at it and said without comment on the second half of the sentence, he just said: "Help?"

"It's paid." Tiger Claw quickly added.

Bisji tapped his toes, signaling to continue writing.

"Kage Takeji" wrote the word "Blue Planet", then raised his head, just in time to meet Bisiki's eyes.

Bisji's expression didn't change much. He stared at his big eyes for a long time and asked: "The blue planet is indeed the gem I must win. Continue writing?"

"The Blue Planet gem can only be obtained on Greed Island." She said suspiciously, "You don't think you can get me to help just by providing the name of the gem, do you? Do you have the game equipment from Greed Island?"

Greedy Island is a special game console that is suspected to be manufactured by telekinesis users of the special type. This is information that can be sold on the hunter website, and Bisji certainly knows it.

As for whether this game creates a different dimension out of thin air, or whether it is connected to a place that really exists in the real world, Bisiji has never actually been there, so it is still unclear.

In response to Grandma Bi's doubts, "Kingwu Er" wrote: "In short, if the invincible and lovely sister Bi helps me, I will risk my life and I will definitely help you get the blue planet. ps: I will do the same for the time being. It’s like I’ve been to the Island of Greed.”

He recalled the plot time.

Anyone who has read the Hunter comics can’t forget the timing of You Kexin’s auction—it started on September 1st! In short, it was September 1999. How could the Greedy Island game console be put up for public auction at that time? No matter what, there would be a chance to enter Greedy Island, so don't worry about the big talk now.

Bisji held his little face in his hands and said cheerfully: "Since you said so, well, that's great! Who told you to be that boy's friend in Yungu?"

"So, what's the business?" She didn't forget to ask.

The furry tiger claws scratched the ground, and he scratched and wrote "Put me", pointing at his brain, "This Miserable Moon Tiger, please help to adopt it, it can be carried around the world..." The Miserable Moon Tiger is Protecting animals, as an old hunter who has been traveling around the world for decades, Bisji does not need Jing Yang to dwell on this common sense.

But Bisiji ignored Jing Yang and looked at the miserable moon tiger up and down, especially at the eyes that reflected human wisdom in the tiger's pupils, and said bluntly: "With your strength, I What’s the difficulty in getting a hunter’s license and then adopting this miserable moon tiger yourself? You’re going around and around, you’re just trying to make friends with me through this!”

Brain Tiger touched his big head, as if he was embarrassed after being exposed.

"Goodbye, princess." He scratched the ground.

"Oh no, you are not a princess!" Bisiji looked calm, raised his chin slightly, and said reservedly, "You kid, just tell me if you have anything to do. I will consider it at my discretion."

Jing Yang thought for a while, and finally decided to treat each other with sincerity. He wrote on the ground with Wu Er's claws: "Although I have a small talent and am a rare piece of rough jade, after all, I am just a bastard who has become a monk halfway. It's really... I really want to find a famous master who can give me guidance like the Great Merciful and Compassionate Bodhisattva on the path of mindfulness..."

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