I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 8: Doctor Jing Shen’s Conservation of Conscience

I'm very interested in Nian Ability. Volume 1: The Oath Restriction. Chapter 8: Doctor Jing's Conservation of Conscience. Since he wants to play the role of the miracle doctor and catch the rich man who holds many sets of Greedy Island game consoles, Jing Yang needs to confirm something first.

Whether he is a "miracle doctor" or not.

If you can't cure the incurable disease of the rich man's true love girl, then you have to change new ideas, iterate new methods of play, and optimize the plan. In other words, if fishing doesn't work, you have to find a way to rob her.

Jing Yang is not willing to rob openly, it would cost a lot of face. So try to fish first.

Since it was a temporary hotel, there was no need to worry about the license login signal being leaked. Jing Yang directly swiped the black card license and entered the hunter website to get the required information.

It has to be said that this card of a professional hunter is really like a West Factory token, an imperial charter. Even Batra, one of the world's richest men, has the authority to easily access a considerable amount of information that is not shown in the online encyclopedia - - Jing Yang guessed that these confidential information were probably contributed by other hunters who did not know each other, or there might be guys like "intelligence hunters", "privacy hunters" or "hacker hunters". Maybe you are keen on doing this.

Soon, Batra's extremely wealthy and dense asset structure and huge business empire were like a spider web of interpersonal relationships, ranging from shareholders, consultants, lawyers, security teams, to the cleaning lady of all the properties under his name. The list... was clearly visible in front of Jingyang and Xiaodi. This is information that is relatively easy to obtain if you have a hunter's license. But if the scope is narrowed down to Batra’s personal privacy, it’s not that simple.

Need to pay more.


Jingyang and Xiaodi have hundreds of millions in their cards, so they can make whatever they want. It didn't take much effort to get the information I really wanted.

Certain accounts that seem to have little to do with Batra, medical records of countless transfers, different hospitals, and different expert doctors - there are many professional hunters among the recipients, and Jing Yang does not know the dog sister of the Twelve Branches. , "Intractable Disease Hunter Chiduo" is not among them - but the common denominator is the patient, and these accounts give money to the same patient for treatment.

This true love girl is the only weakness of Batra, a wealthy and powerful tycoon. It is reasonable for Batra to try his best to hide his relationship with her and her current situation.

As for the patient's private information, such as their last name, and where they are currently recuperating, these are all very expensive. It is a waste of money, so Jing Yang feels that it is unnecessary. He didn't want to go to the doctor for consultation.

Just get a description of the other party's condition - based on the patient's multiple medical records in multiple hospitals, the conclusions of all medical experts are similar: in addition to retaining some instinctive nerve reflexes and conducting material and energy In addition to his metabolic ability, his cognitive ability has been completely lost, and he has no active activities.

Commonly known as vegetative state.

The brain is too sophisticated and mysterious. Once something goes wrong, even the medical level of the Hunter World, including professional hunters, will be unable to do anything. To put it more mysteriously, in this world where the ability of thoughts to reflect the soul exists, the human brain, consciousness and other fields will only become more difficult, unpredictable and difficult to study.

Jing Yang also used the convenience of his hunter's license to check how many similar vegetative patients were hospitalized in nearby hospitals, what were their addresses, and what were their ward numbers.

These ordinary patients, neither rich nor noble, were admitted to ordinary hospitals in this small town. With a hunter's license to clear the way, Jing Yang got the most detailed and accurate information without even spending a penny. These ordinary people have almost no secrets in front of this card, or it can be said that they have no value at all.

"No wonder all the smart people in the world want to be professional hunters." Jing Yang took out the hunter's license from the card reader and rotated the corner of the card on his fingertips. "There are infinite privileges and infinite obligations. Who can not love this?"

"If you are a telepathic person, you should know that the Hunter Association is the organization with the most in-depth research on telepathy and the longest history. You should join it and join the path together." He sighed, "Just like this."

Xiaodi asked, "So, we're going to find them tomorrow?" She pointed to the data on nearby vegetative patients that Jing Yang had collected and tabulated on the screen.

"No, go now." Jing Yang jumped up, opened the window, and looked up at the dim starry sky, "The night is dark and windy, eerie and quiet, which is perfect for our work!"

Xiao Di did everything he could. He raised his hand and materialized into a vacuum cleaner, sucking in the belongings of the two people in the room like a gust of wind sweeping away fallen leaves. She followed Jing Yang and jumped out of the window, falling from the third floor to the ground. The two of them disappeared into the night ahead.

Late at night, in the inpatient department of the hospital, the quiet corridors were lit with lights, and the doors of some wards were ajar. In some rooms, the sobbing or mumbling of accompanying relatives could be heard vaguely, but most of them soon fell into silence. The nurse on duty at the nursing station yawned, stood up, put her pockets in her pockets, and walked around outside each ward.

She glanced in at the door of the corner ward. The thin and thin 14-year-old boy who was unconscious on the bed only moved slightly. The gray-haired woman who was napping next to her immediately woke up. After nervously checking the boy, she turned her back to the door as if After muttering something to himself, he lay down to rest again.

The nurse sighed and left.

What she didn't realize was that after she walked away, two ghostly people opened the door of the ward behind her openly and stepped in.

Even before entering the ward, the taller one raised his head and looked around the corners of the corridor ceiling, seemingly looking for the location of the hospital's surveillance cameras.


The lights in the ward suddenly turned on, and the mother who had just fallen asleep suddenly woke up again. When she opened her eyes, she thought it was a nurse coming, but she saw two strange figures, one tall and one small, standing beside her son's bed.

Two strangers, a man and a woman. The man is very tall, 1.9 meters tall, and the woman looks petite in comparison. But what frightened the mother was that they were all wearing masks with strange characters on the four corners, as if they were looking at her son who had been sleeping in the hospital bed all year round.

She was about to scream——

"Shh! Don't make any noise." The tall masked man raised his hand. His voice was a little dull through the mask. He stretched his hand towards the young man who seemed to be sleeping soundly on the hospital bed. "It's very critical now. You don't want anything to happen to him. Bar?"

The woman's eyes only dimmed as the masked black-haired woman next to the man appeared next to her, and a hand that looked like a weak girl pressed on her shoulder. As if a mountain was pressing down, the woman sat down again without any resistance. She whispered in horror: "You guys, come at me if you have anything, don't hurt him."

Jing Yang didn't explain. He glanced at the 14-year-old vegetative boy on the hospital bed, reached out and pressed on the side of his neck, leaving a rose gold pattern of a five-pointed star.

The woman watched nervously, but in the blink of an eye, the tall figure of the masked man standing in front of the hospital bed with his fingers against her son suddenly disappeared in the night by the window, as if blending into the night.

The girl's hand on his shoulder and the invisible pressure no longer existed.

The woman looked around in horror. Apart from her bedridden son and herself, there was only the sound of dripping instruments in the empty ward, as if the masked man and woman who had just appeared were an illusion.

"Nurse..." The woman subconsciously pressed the call button on the bedside. She looked down and saw that her son, who had been sleeping on the hospital bed for an unknown length of time, had opened his eyes at some point.

With the help of a cautiously extended hand, his son sat up from the bed. He turned to look at the night outside the window and thought to himself: Success!

He turned to look at the woman beside the bed who was so excited that she was speechless and helpless. He smiled slightly, stretched out his finger on the pentagram on the side of his neck, and lightly scratched it with his neatly manicured nails. The rose gold pentagram mark shattered.

There was confusion in the son's eyes. He quickly focused his eyes and saw clearly the haggard-looking woman supporting him. He was surprised and asked: "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"Ward 302, something happened..." The nurse hurried into the ward, and the corridor outside seemed to be noisy. The nurse looked at the mother and son crying in the ward in surprise, "Is your son awake?"

From the nurse's mouth, the mother and son learned that something strange happened in the hospital tonight.

Not only did her son, who had been in a vegetative state for a long time, come back to life in this ward, many patients in other wards also recovered one after another: patients recovering after emergency surgery found that their surgical wounds suddenly disappeared; patients who had broken bones and were bound with plasters had their bones recovered. Completely healed, I spent most of the night in the ward screaming to break the annoying plaster...

"The most incredible thing is that the patient who just had five toes amputated yesterday, her toes actually grew back!"

The inpatient department became lively at night, almost boiling. News of the bizarre situation was rapidly passed among patients, family members, and medical staff. In ward 302, the woman who was carefully feeding hot soup to her son looked at the ward. A figure hurriedly passed by outside, thinking silently: They must have done it!

It must be the miracle granted by the mysterious man and woman wearing masks... The woman didn't know how to thank them, and she didn't know whether she should publicize their merits to others, so she could only look at her son's doubtful eyes with tears in her heart. She silently remembered the figures of the man and woman, and the characters and symbols on their masks that she did not recognize.

"What's the writing on their masks?"

"Maybe it's just a pattern."

A bunch of white coats have gathered in the hospital's monitoring room. In the surveillance video that has been pulled out, men and women wearing masks are shuttled from ward to ward like ghosts. They will go from one ward to another in a minute at most. A ward, this speed, let alone using some kind of miracle to cure diseases and save people, even shopping for clothes is not as efficient...

The chief doctor zoomed in on the paused surveillance picture, which showed the man looking up at the surveillance camera before entering Ward 302.

If these doctors and nurses could recognize Chinese characters, they would recognize that there was a word written on each of the four corners of his mask.

The mask with the words written on it was swayed like a fan in the night. From the top corner of the building opposite the inpatient department, Jing Yang looked at the brightly lit and lively inpatient department building in the night.

Next to him, Xiaodi, who was wearing a Chinese character mask, asked: "What was the result?"

"It was a success. I didn't turn back into a vegetative state again." Jing Yang said happily.

"This healing ability is really amazing." Xiaodi commented.

"Indeed, God has reached me." Jing Yang was convinced.

Putting the star mark on the side of the neck of the vegetative boy in Ward 302, Jing Yang used the first-person perspective control method to possess him.

Jing Yang still hasn't understood Xingbiao's mysterious and unreasonable healing ability, but - the priority of possession control must be very high, or even the highest level, in Xingbiao's operating system, so Jingyang Yang Zai guessed in advance that as long as he could possess the vegetative boy and open his eyes, it would prove Xingbiao's healing ability. In order to make this body meet the conditions for him to open his eyes, he had already cured and repaired the original vegetative boy's brain. The unknown crux in the depths, that is to say, even if he releases the possession control and the star mark, what will be left behind should be a completely healthy body and an awakened brain.

Since my star ability can indeed cure vegetative state, what else is there to say? Batra, you'd better watch more news.

"Look what I'm doing?" Jing Yang noticed Xiaodi's gaze next to him.

Xiaodi behind the mask asked curiously: "Are Jingyang trying to compensate? In the past few days, you have been absorbing death energy at the top of several hospitals and emergency centers, and you know that you could have saved those people. So today, you are extra Treated many people in the hospital so that you can gain peace of mind?"

Jing Yang was greatly surprised when he heard this, "If you say that..." He muttered, "I really haven't thought about it carefully, but what you said makes sense!"

"Perhaps, that's true!" He laughed, "What do I call this, the principle of conservation of conscience of the miracle doctor?"

Xiaodi thought for a while and said: "This seems to be called hypocrisy. Or, hypocrisy?"

Jing Yang reached out with his big hand, grabbed Xiao Di's mask and pulled it out a little. After letting go, the mask flicked on Xiao Di's face, "I should say, this makes me have a little conscience, but not much. "

"Oh." Xiaodi held on to the crooked mask.

"Let's go back to sleep. Waiting to read the newspaper tomorrow..." Jing Yang jumped up.

"Then what?" Xiaodi followed.

"Then? Then let's catch up and go to the next YC city!"


In the night, the two of them quickly touched the outer wall of the building like Spider-Man.

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