"This, his treatment, patient, he, this... really works!"

A few days later, in an intensive care unit of another hospital in the next city, several doctors and nurses in white coats surrounded the hospital bed, but they kept a certain distance from the masked man sitting beside the bed. For fear of disturbing his mysterious medical skills - although in their opinion, what the masked man did was just press his right hand against the seriously ill patient's torso covered with instrument threads on the hospital bed.

The masked man's right hand didn't even actually touch the patient. This, the nearest, wide-eyed little nurse can attest to.

Probably because she was too close, the masked man looked up. The little nurse smiled sheepishly and raised her phone to signal.

The masked man didn't care about being photographed. It would be better to say that it was precisely because he and another masked accomplice didn't care much about being caught on camera that their deeds quickly spread from several hospitals in neighboring cities.

First there were rumors, and then newspaper reporters quickly followed up. After receiving the surveillance video provided by the hospital, these successive medical miracles quickly occupied the front pages of major newspapers and triggered continuous investigative reports.

The serious condition in front of me was brought to the emergency room 2 months ago. After several hours of resuscitation and multiple surgeries, I was able to barely preserve my basic vital signs. However, I still cannot leave the intensive care unit. It can be said that I am still suffering from this condition. Not out of danger.

The doctor also wanted to continue with the new surgical plan, but the patient was too weak to withstand the pain. In other words, whether this seriously injured patient can get better depends on his willpower in a coma and a little bit of luck.

And his luck seems to be good, and he happened to meet the "Mask Monster Doctor Duo" today.

Jing Yang, one of the "Weird Mask Doctors", pressed his right hand on the seriously injured patient's chest, which was covered with threads from medical equipment. A dense aura invisible to the naked eyes of the medical staff behind him was flowing under his palm. The thin layer of Qi on the unconscious and seriously injured person's body surface fused together, as if continuously injecting strength into him.

In the eyes of Xiaodi, the second "weird masked doctor", the moment the strengthened Qi from Jing Yang's right hand was injected into the weak and injured person on the hospital bed who might die at any time, the original energy on the top of the weak and injured person's head that would have naturally dispersed... His weak energy immediately subsided.

This person has forcibly entered "Tang". Xiaodi thought.

I spend time with Jing Yang day and night, and from time to time I can hear and see his thoughts on the development of intensive healing abilities during my spare time during practice and leisure. Similar to Xingbiao's healing ability, the main healing method of Jing Yang's enhancement system "Palm Immortal Technique" is to forcefully activate and greatly strengthen the injured person's own "self-healing ability".

However, the fact that some injured people are already extremely weak cannot be explained by "the injured person's own potential and vitality are used for self-recovery", and Jing Yang did not notice that Kurapika was almost exhausted. After recovering with the help of Xingbiao, there was a backlash of the so-called "vitality overdraft". This raised the question of what the energy source of Xingbiao's extreme healing effect was, and Jing Yang still couldn't figure it out for the time being.

Jing Yang's previous development of enhanced healing abilities was stuck at this step.

However, he has now given up completely imitating the healing power of the star.

Since you can't find the source of the star's healing energy, the next best thing is to use your own Qi instead of pulling down - when the Qi of the target being treated is in good condition, Jing Yang's "Palm Immortal Technique" will After forcing the opponent to enter the trap, he stimulates the opponent's Qi to heal himself. When the opponent is really exhausted, Jing Yang will consume his own Qi and pour the strengthened Qi full of healing effects into it.

At this moment, Jing Yang was adopting the second method.

This severely injured patient, whose conventional medical treatment had little effect, has been injected with Jing Yang's healing energy. He is now out of danger and is improving significantly, and his breathing has become stronger.

"It consumed about 2,000 of my energy." Jing Yang retracted his hand, his expression behind the mask was a bit muttering. This amount is equivalent to the total energy of the 20 people who just traveled through time.

From now on, I won’t touch the “patients” who take so much trouble and effort without touching them!

Jing Yang winked at Xiaodi in the corner of the ward, and the two of them walked towards the door of the ward together. All the medical staff respectfully moved to both sides to make way.

The hospital corridor was also crowded with onlookers. When they saw the duo of "weird masked doctors" coming out, they immediately became noisy. Many people looked excited and wanted to rush up. They didn't know whether they wanted to sign autographs or kidnap. Of course, the result was They all rushed to nothing, and the two people who were standing here just now disappeared out of thin air.

Behind them, Jing Yang and Xiao Di's bodies were almost level with the ground, stepping on the corridor wall and running towards the stairs.

"Fortunately, I wore a mask! Otherwise, for a thin-skinned person like me, a bunch of unknown people would run over to me with tears in their eyes asking for help, and they would treat this and that, and that would be very troublesome!"

On the rooftop of the hospital, Jing Yang sighed as the wind blew, "I know I can't stay in the same hospital for too long, especially if I can't both save people and collect death energy in the same hospital, I'm almost going to have a schizophrenia!"

They sat in the corner of the rooftop, with a dining table and a table of good food, and had a hot lunch.

Of course, Xiaodi had already stored these in the different space of the protruding fish.

Xiao Di ate her rice and asked curiously: "Why did Jing Yang insist on developing this kind of palm magic?"

Obviously it can be replaced by a more advanced star-marked cure.

"Good question!" Jing Yang picked up his rice bowl, blowing the slightly cold wind and bathing in the warm sun. He pointed at the small drops with his chopsticks, "I can give up the name 'Palm Immortal Technique'. I only realized it when I was about to finish it." Well, since this move can activate the potential of the human body, there can be another way of using it, another way that is more combat-oriented..."

"Then what should it be changed to?" Xiaodi was curious as she picked up the food. "To stimulate potential and use it in battle... Is this a desperate move?"

"Nine-Yang Divine Art? Eight Gates of Dunjia?" Jing Yang shook his head while eating, "I haven't thought about it yet! Oh, is this the trouble of genius? There are too many skills, and it is difficult to name them! Auntie, Auntie, Auntie, I advise you to have eight senses and take this genius under your wing as soon as possible, huh..."

"As for your other question," Jing Yang said, "What if the target that needs healing cannot be marked with a star? Since I have the conditions to prepare backup methods, I have to be prepared, right?"

"Oh!" Xiaodi finally understood.

The so-called inability to put a star on it is either because this kind of behavior would be offensive and the other party is taboo about being fully operated by an operating system ability; or the other party is also an operating system and has already operated it for himself, so the operating system comes first. Based on the first-come-first-serve principle, stars cannot be added, and cure is out of the question...

After a while, the door to the rooftop passage was pushed open violently, and a young woman with a camera hanging around her neck hurriedly ran out. She quickly looked around the rooftop and found a woman who had just finished eating and was getting up at the table. Mask duo.

"You..." The female reporter was stunned. These two people hid on the rooftop of the hospital and were actually eating? And there was a table set up, which looked quite sumptuous... As soon as she blinked, she heard a vague buzzing sound, and the table and all the dishes and chopsticks disappeared out of thin air!

"Hello, bye." Jing Yang said hello and was about to leave Xiaodi when he saw the stunned woman suddenly shouting hurriedly: "I am a reporter! There is a patient that only you can save!"

"What did I say?"

Jing Yang jumped to the edge of the rooftop and stood there, facing the wind with his hands in his pockets, and complained to Xiaodi, "This is what I'm afraid of. It's so troublesome!"

The female reporter only had time to loudly announce the address and ward number of the hospital where the patient was located, when she saw the masked man step into the air and jump off the roof of the rooftop! The masked woman next to him followed closely and jumped down.

"Holy shit!"

The female reporter hurriedly moved to the edge of the rooftop and looked down. The man and woman in the mask had fallen more than half of the way down. The woman in the mask seemed to be waving at the hospital building and nearby exterior windows, billboards, street lights and the like from time to time. The two men were falling. He continued to be blocked, and finally landed calmly amidst the exclamations of passers-by on the ground, walked away along the road as if no one was around, and finally disappeared from the sight of the female reporter.

"They should have heard it, right?" the female reporter murmured to herself, "I have saved so many people, so I won't die without saving them..."

She was right, Jing Yang did hear it. With the idea that they had heard everything, Jing Yang and Xiao Di strolled towards the target hospital while taking a walk to eat.

When the hospital appeared not far ahead, Jing Yang took out the "Chaotic Kindness" mask and put it on again. Xiaodi heard him mutter to himself: "I have been pretending to be a good person for the past two days, but I haven't collected death energy for two days." Already..."

Xiaodi also put on the mask of "Practice for Heaven" and entered the hospital with him. Their two masks had long been in the news because of surveillance video footage, so they attracted attention and exclamations along the way in the hospital.

They went straight to the ward where the woman was on the rooftop and pushed the door open.

As soon as I entered the door, I felt an unusual atmosphere.

Jing Yang took a closer look and saw a palm-sized green skull lying on the body of the man who was so thin that he was lying on the hospital bed. He was still squirming and sucking in the patient's meager breath.

Xiaodi also saw that this so-called patient was possessed by some kind of thought. It might be some kind of curse, or it might be marked by the abilities of other telekinesis users.

"You are..." The relatives accompanying them in the ward looked surprised. Some of them had already recognized the masked duo. They hurriedly pulled the arms of others with excitement and let the hospital bed out.

Someone even sneaked into the bathroom quietly. Xiaodi's ears twitched slightly. After turning on "Listen", she heard the person talking on the phone in the bathroom, saying something like "reporter" in a low voice.

"There's no way to cure this, right?" Xiaodi looked at the parasitic "skull curse" on the person on the hospital bed. "He's not sick or injured, and there's nothing we can do about it."

He and Jing Yang do not have the ability to eliminate thoughts...

"If there is a way, maybe it's not impossible." Under the nervous gazes of the onlookers' family members, Jing Yang flicked his right hand, and an air sword invisible to their naked eyes pierced out of Jing Yang's air as if it were unsheathed.

The special Nianjian made by King Zhenwu using the "Guardian Spirit Beast Reflection" was called the "Drinking Nianjian" by Jing Yang because it can absorb other people's energy.

Since I can drink my thoughts, I wonder if I can get rid of my thoughts?

Jing Yang thought like this, and slashed at the dying patient with a sword.

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