Is it that boy Chilu?

Jing Yang sensed that the location of the Star Sign signal was in the southeast, about ten kilometers away from him. Judging from the strength of the signal, it was obvious that after being seriously injured, the Star Sign's healing ability was maximized. a process of activation.

Is this kid really that unlucky?

Jing Yang was speechless.

Yesterday he also had a whim. Even if he didn't mention Hisoka's evil spirit, just being seen walking with the two "masked weird doctors" himself and Xiaodi might not be a good thing for Chilu. , so he gave Chilu a star at the door of Chilu's house to prevent accidents. After all, he was walking with him all the way. Don't turn around and be killed by the gangsters, which would damage his merits.

Unexpectedly, early this morning, Chi Lu was the one who encountered an unexpected incident on his way over to learn skills. It was so pitiful.

However, Jing Yang didn't project his consciousness to go and find out.

He has no masochism, nor does he like to bear pain on behalf of others. What happened will naturally be explained when Chi Lu comes over after being cured by the star. Sure enough, about an hour later, a pale-faced Chi Lu rushed to the hotel where Jing Yang and Xiao Di were staying temporarily in shock.

There was no need for Jing Yang to find an excuse to interrogate him. Chi Lu pointed at the blood stains on his collar and tremblingly talked about the strange things he encountered on the way here - no one might believe him. He seemed to have died suddenly, but Alive again!

Jing Yang smiled and said nothing.

Chi Lu suddenly realized that this miracle doctor must have done something!

Thinking of this morning, his father, who had been bedridden for many years, was actually able to walk around and regain at least the ability to live independently. Today, the miracle doctor rescued him from the air and "resurrected" himself. Chi Lu couldn't help but shed tears of gratitude and said with tears in his eyes. : "I really don't know how to repay..."

Xiaodi suggested from the side: "Just tell me how you died."

Chi Lu was a little embarrassed to say it, and muttered: "Actually, I don't know what happened. I just vaguely remember that when I took a shortcut through an alley, I suddenly felt cold all over. When I woke up again, I was already lying on the ground. It was in a pool of coagulated blood... Oh, by the way, my neck seemed to hurt a little at that time."

He touched his neck where the wound was no longer visible, swallowed, and said in fear: "Moreover, I found a blood-stained... playing card on the nearby wall. The playing card was almost completely submerged in the bricks. Inside the block, only one corner with a square pattern is exposed..."

He didn't bring the "murder weapon" and he couldn't pull it out. The playing card was embedded in the wall. If he pulled it with brute force, it would only tear it apart. He couldn't even imagine how such an ordinary playing card could be embedded in the wall as tightly as cutting tofu...

Is it really Hisoka?

Jing Yang was surprised in his heart, and immediately remembered the great achievements of Sisuo that guy couldn't defeat Chrollo in a one-on-one fight, and then went to the toilet to kill Kubi Knight. However, that was the Phantom Troupe after all, and those who were above the average level were all masters. And Hisoka really shouldn't be so cautious that he has to specifically target even a noob like Chi Lu...

It can only be attributed to the fact that Chilu was so unlucky that he bumped into Hisoka who was out for a walk early in the morning, and Hisoka happened to remember him, so maybe he didn't target him in particular, he just casually played a dart poker from a distance and saw him directly. With blood sealing his throat, Chilu didn't even see Xisuo's figure, and Xisuo probably didn't take it seriously and turned around and left, otherwise he wouldn't have missed the star mark on Chilu's body...

In the world of Nian, novices really have no human rights!

Jing Yang looked at Chi Lu, who was still in shock, and thought of himself when he had just time traveled. He was really lucky to be able to kill the first prince's subordinates on the ship. If he hadn't thought about it after a life-and-death fight, If he had already bottomed out, he might just be like Chi Lu, being killed in a daze without even the strength to resist.

"If you want to become stronger, just follow me."

Jing Yang left a message and went out with Xiao Di directly to leave the hotel. The two of them wore sportswear suits of the same style and strolled towards a nearby park.

To them, it was just a stroll, but to Chilu, it was simply running at sprint speed. He had no time to say anything, so he could only use all his strength to catch up behind him.

But these two people also took long detours, zigzagging repeatedly on several streets. During the two to three kilometers journey, they had to run for more than 20 kilometers before they ran from the main entrance into the park where there were not many people. Chi Lu had already run away. His forehead was sweating, and he took off his shirt and tied it around his waist. However, the pace of the two people walking side by side did not change at all, and they did not break out a drop of sweat.

The three of them walked all the way deep into the park, barely seeing anyone else. Xiaodi lowered her head and found the mark she and Jing Yang had left a few days ago on the grassy path. She found the prepared wooden sign in the nearby weeds and went to It stuck to the ground and stood up.

"5000..." Chi Lu finally caught up, panting and sticking out his tongue. Looking at the handwritten numbers on the sign, he couldn't help but wonder, "Is this a distance mark?"

"There's more ahead." Jing Yang greeted, and the three of them walked forward along the path and crossed the river. Every 500 meters, they put up a wooden sign until they reached a straight line distance of 5 kilometers. Sure enough, they stopped, and here it happened to be. It is a scenic riverside slope. Although there is the exit on the other side of the park not far ahead, it is indeed inaccessible.

"Don't look at it, this is my practice, it has nothing to do with you." Jing Yang put up the awning with his hands, nodded, retracted his gaze, turned to Qi Lu, who had recovered, and said, "What you say must be from the most basic level. start."

Xiaodi had already entered the cultivation state not far away.

Jing Yang gave Chi Lu a simple demonstration of the Four Elements of Tangle and Hair Training. This is the foundation of the foundation. No matter how advanced your skills are, you must practice more.

Although Chilu didn't have these basic knowledge, he had been a wild telepathic user for a long time, and even developed a half-baked monkey telepathy beast against his attributes. Although the basic skills were uneven and confused, at least he knew how to do it.

Jing Yang said it again, and he probably had some understanding and sorted out the rough experiences in the past.

He practiced first, while Jing Yang also sat down on his own, blew the wind, brought up the Death Qi panel, and put the Death Qi that appeared with Hisoka yesterday into the Change Department corner of the panel. The numbers in the Change Department changed from The 3% immediately increased by one level to 3%. This qualification was already higher than the 80% transformation qualification that Xiaodi was born with in the materialization system.

Chi Lu combed through the four major elements. The first three, Tan Jue Jian, are okay and are common to all systems. They are the basic skills of the basic skills. However, the fourth word, according to Jing Yang, needs to be made according to different Nian systems. Targeted training - and according to yesterday's Shuijian test, I am a telekinesis user of the transformation system.

So, how to practice the "Fa" of the transformation system?

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not a member of the transformation system." Jing Yang waved his hand, "I have only heard about the practice standards of the transformation system. In order to avoid misleading others, what I say next should be regarded as advice Come and listen, don’t believe blindly.”

If you know everything, why would you want to go to Bisiji to study?

"As far as I'm concerned, the essence of the change system is, of course, change. You have to change your Qi into the nature you want." Jing Yang said slowly, "It's too difficult to change the nature, so let's change it from a new one. Do you think it makes sense to start by changing the form more easily, expand the plasticity of Qi step by step, and finally achieve qualitative change?"

Of course, Chilu nodded repeatedly, looked down at the Qi on his palms, and muttered to himself: "The changes in form..."

"The first step is to release your Qi from your fingers." Jing Yang raised a finger, and the Qi of thought extended from his fingers and slowly twisted into a circle shape, "Release the Qi one by one. The ground changes into numbers 0 to 9. The faster the switching speed, the higher the proficiency and the stronger the plasticity of Qi. If the time is compressed to less than 5 seconds, the first stage is completed."

This is a rare exercise standard revealed by Bisiki in the comics when she was instructing the two protagonists Gon and Killua. However, she only mentioned this phase 1 of the training standards of the transformation system, and the subsequent stages 2, 3, and 4, 5 or more, Jing Yang didn't know what it was like.

The rest, what Jing Yang still remembers is the training methods of strengthening and releasing. In the strengthening system, you hold a stone to break the stone. If the stone in your hand does not break, the more stones you break, which proves the strengthening. The higher the level of cultivation, but Jing Yang has long forgotten how many stones are required to be smashed with the same stone in the first stage;

The release element is more direct and simple, that is, releasing the energy. However, Jing Yang only remembers one of the stages, which was when Bi Si Ji asked Xiaojie to stand on one hand and blow out the energy under his palm to push back and lift his body. But what exactly this standard is called, he can’t remember for a long time...

Therefore, Jing Yang thought about it on his own and set a standard for his release practice.

In Jing Yang's view, the core criterion for releasing the system lies in "distance".

The farther you can release your Qi, the more awesome you will naturally be according to the standards of the release system.

Of course, it has to be an effective distance, the maximum distance that can guarantee the power of the Qi, rather than closing your eyes and throwing it with your hands. As a result, after throwing the Qi, not only the shape cannot be maintained, but the power cannot be guaranteed, then it is meaningless.

The standing signs they erected along the way were used by Jing Yang to practice his release system.

To this day, Jing Yang can throw a ball of energy up to 2 kilometers.

If it is further away, the power of Qi will quickly drop, proving to be beyond Jing Yang's current ability...

"Why hasn't it changed?" Chi Lu looked at the numbers on Jing Yang's fingertips that were changing. He held it up for half a minute, but it was still the number 0.

Jing Yang said with a straight face: "I told you that I am not a change type. Xiaodi!"

The teaching assistant Xiaodi then raised a finger from a distance. The air rising from the fingertip changed into a number 0, and under Chi Lu's stunned gaze, it quickly jumped from 0 to 9 in one second. , finally turned into the Chinese character "TI", and she raised her other fingers in turn, and "天", "行", and "医" appeared on her fingertips. She naturally raised the four fingers of her other hand and pointed. The four words "chaos", "chaos", "kind" and "good" quickly appeared on the tip.

The complex "patterns" that changed in less than 5 seconds were exactly what she and Jing Yang had on their masks, and Chi Lu was amazed to see them.

"If you can achieve this speed, you will be more than just a beginner." Jing Yang said seriously, "Take your time, young man."

The droplet has already been able to change the nature of Qi into a form with the sharp cutting properties of a chain saw. This is not only shaping, but also a qualitative change. This is undoubtedly a high-level transformation ability.

If it hadn't been so effective, it would not have been possible to crush Hisoka's "flexible love" so easily.

Jing Yang's Drinking Nian Sword was able to cut off Hisoka's chewing gum energy, relying on the "Drinking Nian" characteristic of the Drinking Nian Sword, while Xiaodi relied on the sharp cutting property of the chain saw, otherwise it was just a sharp and saw-toothed form. , I am afraid that the chewing gum cannot be cut off so simply, but is "stuck" and "blocked" by the chewing gum, but is restrained by Hisoka.

Needless to say, Xiaodi's development results in the change system, Jingyang also has his own ideas for the development of the change system, but the road has to be taken step by step, and the meal has to be eaten in stuttering steps. His development of the strengthening system has initially achieved results, so what is the next step? It should be the release system that is relatively good at and already 100%. The change system can be released first.

In the release system, Jing Yang already had the "magic power with a snap of his fingers", but this thing was achieved quickly with the help of constraints, and Jing Yang felt dissatisfied.

In the development of thinking ability, first intuition is very important.

And Jing Yang's strongest first instinct about the release system is undoubtedly "mind beast", "teleportation" and the like.

Release the Nian Beast and perform the flying thunder god technique. How cool would that be?

Therefore, Jingyang patiently learned the few experiences from Chilu's stumbling experience in developing mind beasts...

So the three of them started practicing like this.

Chilu slowly started to learn the transformation system by the river alone, holding back enough energy to let his breath tremble and twist into the shape of the number 1...

Xiao Di is training with Jing Yang. She takes care of both the chain saw and the bulging fish, and the transformation system and the materialization system. Jing Yang is the main trainer of the release system, taking care of the strengthening system. As for the operation system, I really feel that it is already done. There is no way to practice it. The star mark and the moon mark are both very handy and smooth. As for the third mark that should be imagined-the sun mark, there is no clear idea yet, let's not mention it for now.


The thought ball broke through the air, passing the 500-meter, 1000-meter, 1500-meter, 2000-meter signposts, and flew towards the 2500-meter signposts with difficulty. As a result, it collapsed halfway, and drifted down and collapsed at about 2222 meters. After disintegrating, Jing Yang curled his lips from a distance and waved his hands. He was so lucky!

I don’t know what the level of more than two thousand meters is in the field of release system?

"I think it's probably good to practice the distance of the system, but for the transformation system, how about just practicing the speed of change?" Jing Yang turned to look at Xiaodi and considered, "I always feel something is not right, the practice standard of the manifestation system , even more clueless!”

In the comics, Bisiki guides Killua, who is in the transformation department. Logically speaking, according to the Yamagata training method, Killua should major in the transformation system, and his minors should be in the enhancement system and the embodiment system. However, Bisiki only lets Killua and Xiaojie smashed rocks together to practice the enhancement system, but did not mention how to practice the materialization system. As a result, Jingyang wanted to give Xiaodi an adviser, but he had no idea.

Only by having standards of practice can we know the core ideas of practice, such as the distance of the releasing system, and the word "strengthening" of the strengthening system. The farther away, the more powerful, and the stronger the increase, the more powerful. These are not always wrong, but changes What about the relationship between the relationship and the materialization relationship? What exactly is the standard and the core idea?

Let’s talk about the speed of change and switching...

However, Xiaodi's chain saw is one of those types that once it changes into shape, it can be whipped up and danced like a whip. There is no need to pursue the speed of switching forms. Why continue to pursue extreme speed at a stage where it is already too fast? ?

As for the materialization system, not to mention, Xiaodi's protruding-eyed fish belongs to the space regular type. In Jing Yang's opinion, if this function is there, it is there, and if it is not, it is not. Once it is cultivated, it seems to be gone. There is room for continued improvement and how can we continue to practice? Even if I want to continue to practice deeply, I have no practical ideas.

Xiaodi hugged the bulging-eyed fish of the vacuum cleaner and said, "Just ask Bisji when the time comes."

“I’m really looking forward to it!”

Jing Yang said enthusiastically that if he caught Bisji, even if he tried hard, he would definitely ask the old aunt to reveal all the cultivation ideas of the six major departments. This setting was not completed, and it always felt like a big shortcoming. .

In this way, while Jing Yang was practicing, he and Xiao Di occasionally went to various local hospitals to have their faces cleaned and feel a little more present. Four days had passed before they knew it. On this day, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the busy streets. Jing Yang and Xiao Di were followed by Chi Lu, who was as exhausted as a dead dog. They were finishing their practice and planning to find food. Suddenly, Jing Yang's expression changed slightly and he stopped.

He turned around and looked away, but a calm male voice came from behind him: "You are looking in the wrong direction, we are here."

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