Xiaodi did not follow Jing Yang and look away, so she immediately saw the tall middle-aged man walking out of the street shop.

He seems to have been here for a long time, waiting for the three people who returned from the park.

Chi Lu practiced her reading ability for a day, and was so tired that she lost consciousness. She passively stopped and realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere. She had a tightly combed back and thick gray eyebrows that were like a sharp sword thrust into her temples, leaving them trimmed and maintained. A middle-aged man with a very neat and thick beard, wearing a smart soldier-like combat uniform, blocked their way.

Behind the middle-aged man, three or four men in black suits came one after another, acting like followers or bodyguards.

Xiaodi looked at this person and said, "You finally showed up."

The middle-aged man with white eyebrows and thick beard couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this.

Only then did Jing Yang look away, and turned back to look at the middle-aged man blocking the road - this man was indeed very tall, almost the same as himself now, nearly two meters tall, and he felt oppressive when he looked at it.

"Why are you looking in the wrong direction? Don't touch porcelain casually. It's not you I'm looking at." Jing Yang asked, "You guys have been secretly watching us since yesterday. The eldest girl is finally willing to show up and meet us. Have we met?"

The people behind the middle-aged man were shocked. It turned out that their tracking and observation had always been under their control?

How fresh. What do you use the little sparrows that you raise as buddies? Is it specifically for the purpose of being disconnected and hidden?

The rock bird sitting on a nearby lamppost opened its mouth and yawned humanely.

"My name is Juez Juela." Although the middle-aged man was surprised, he kept his expression and immediately confessed his identity and took out a card from his arms. "I was entrusted by someone to see the two miracle doctors. As for the secret observation yesterday, , just to confirm the identity of the two of you, it is really a last resort, please forgive me."

Jing Yang and Xiao Di were not wearing masks at the moment. He revealed their identities in one breath, which surprised Chi Lu. What was even more surprising was the card that the middle-aged man named Jue Zi Jue pulled out, " Hunter’s license!?”

The kid exclaimed, causing passers-by to look at him, but Juezi Juela didn't care. It was obvious that he was a brave man who was an expert and didn't worry about his license being exposed and being noticed by thieves. Really capable masters, looking down on other people's hunting licenses, and petty people who are jealous of licenses, Juezi Juela doesn't even know how many people have been killed by flipping his palm.

"Can you two show your respects and find a place to chat?" Juez Juela calmly put the hunter's license back into his arms.

"No." Jing Yang said expressionlessly, "Hiring a professional hunter to kidnap this miracle doctor is just to use me to treat illnesses and save people. How novel? I'm still busy practicing my martial arts, and I don't have time to run around with you, or... Please be wiser." After saying that, he raised his feet and left.

Juezi Juela said from behind: "The reward is very rich, anything you want, wealth, treasures, no matter what it is, even the out-of-print Greedy Island game console, as long as you are willing to help, my employer can do it satisfy."

Jing Yang stopped and turned around to look at Juezi Juela up and down, "I won't talk to you about the reward, so what do you promise?"

Juez Juela smiled and said: "It's all the same. As long as you are willing to speak."

Jing Yang turned to Chi Lu and said, "Go home by yourself. Remember, at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, you will still practice at the same place in the park."

"Oh. Okay." Chi Lu wanted to run away for a long time. This bearded middle-aged man had a serious and capable look, and he was not easy to mess with just by looking at him.

Juez Juela looked at Jing Yang and the two calmly.

Jing Yang pretended to think about it for a while, then reluctantly said: "Well, you are a hunter, so you must be a master of telekinesis?"

"A master..." Juezijuela smiled and said nothing. He didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either.

"You heard what I said just now. Let's fight in the park tomorrow." Jing Yang smiled, "If you can beat me or her, then we can have a good talk." He pointed to Xiao Didi next to him.

Xiaodi looked at Juezi Juela. She was not as bellicose as Jing Yang, but it would be good if she could gain more experience in fighting with people with telekinesis abilities.

After Jing Yang finished speaking, he turned around and continued walking away without waiting for Juezjuela and the others to reply.

Juezi Juela didn't pursue them either. Since he knew that they were always being followed, there was no need to continue to pursue this problem.

The backs of Jing Yang and Xiao Di were framed in a shot. On the balcony of a high-rise building a few kilometers away, someone put down the telescope in his hand and said to himself: "What's going on? You didn't follow us or start a fight?"

"Juez Juela, are you sure you can defeat them?" someone in a black suit followed asked.

Juez Juela was silent.

Others said: "Didn't there be an 'or' just now? Even if you can't beat the man, if you beat the silent girl next to you, there is no problem, right?"

Juezi Juela glanced at a few people unhappily, "As long as you can complete the employer's commission and get the commission, you can beat anyone. Let's go back first and get ready."

In the past two years, due to his breakthrough in reading ability, he has been busy accumulating performance and making a lot of money. His basic skills have been delayed for a while. I hope his fists and feet have not become too rusty...


Why is it Juezijuela?

On the way back to the hotel, Jingyang watched Juezjue pull the others away in the opposite direction through Yanque's eyes, recalling the comic plot that had already begun to become blurry in his mind.

In his impression, Zezuela was hired by Battra to try to clear Greed Island, as if it was half a year before Killua? That is to say, it is basically synchronized with the timeline of Chapter 1 of the manga, which was in early 1999, but it is only the beginning of 1996, which is a full 3 years difference.

What Jing Yang didn't know was that Batra had already started investigating the strange doctor duo when the rumors first came out.

The Greedy Island team that Batra has spent a lot of money to build has made limited progress so far. It is not known when they can hope to get the breath card of the archangel that is rumored to be able to cure everything. His lover who has been critically ill for many years may pass away at any time. , Batra will not give up any new hope, but ordinary investigation methods have yielded nothing, and they are not even sure where the strange duo is.

Until the interview report a few days ago, Batra spent a lot of money to hire a professional hunter. He is the famous one-star bounty hunter Jue Zi Jue La. He vowed to find these two legendary doctors at all costs. You should also invite your lover to come over and heal him.

Just last night, Juez Juela had already had a phone call with Batra, and through tracking and investigation and evidence collection in various local hospitals, he had largely confirmed the abilities of these strange doctors.

Batra has been seeking medical advice for many years, and his subordinates even have a large number of people with telekinesis abilities who can enter Greed Island to play games. Naturally, he knows some knowledge about telekinesis, so Juezi Juela made it clear to Batra last night that these two A miraculous doctor, at least one of them, is most likely an enhancement system with excellent healing telekinesis abilities...

This kind of mental ability is very rare, but the effect is so good that it can be said to be the flesh and bones of a human being. Even a vegetative person who has been paralyzed for many years can be revived immediately, and an incurable disease that is just one step away from dying can be saved from death alive. He was pulled back from under his mouth, which was something Juezjuela had never heard of.

Batra just said, if it is true, even if the man loses everything, he will invite such a god.

Juezjuela, don’t have any worries, just make an offer to these two miracle doctors!

"The price is already being raised."

In Juezi Juela's residence, he was wearing a vest and shorts, sitting cross-legged on the ground, his mind flowing through his body, inflating like a breath, picking up the wasted effort in a temporary manner, "If I can win, I will have the chance to sit on the ground." If we have the opportunity to negotiate a fair price together, if we can't win, what qualifications do we have? By then we really won't be able to stop Batra from going bankrupt..."

Tangle, Jue, practice, send...

Condensate, Zhou, hard...

He silently muttered to himself: "Batra's assets are as rich as any other country's, probably exceeding one trillion. If I made all of this, wouldn't I..."


There was a sigh in the room.


The next day, it was still the same park, still the same deserted riverside, Jing Yang and Xiao Di ran over at 8 o'clock as if they were just strolling all the way.

Tangle, Jue, practice, send...

Condensate, Zhou, hard, round...

He and Xiaodi had a thick layer of Qi all over their bodies, like solid armor. They fought each other quickly, and used the "flow" method to distribute just the right amount of Qi every time they fought each other.

You attack with 80 points of Qi, and I will defend with 80 points of Qi. You use 120 points of Qi to defend, and I will attack with 120 points of Qi. This kind of attack and defense not only tests the control of Qi, but also tests the concentration. Generally speaking, this kind of offensive and defensive mutual training is as slow and leisurely as an old man and an old lady doing Tai Chi. However, Jing Yang and Xiao Di are as fast, accurate and ruthless as Octagon MMA, and they can move freely. The slopes by the river were covered by The two of them were going back and forth, causing a gust of wind.

At 8:30, Juezi Juela, who was walking from a distance, happened to see this scene. At first, he thought they were simply fighting and practicing their fists and kicks, but after condensing his energy in his eyes, he saw that the two were fast and ruthless. Between punches and kicks, it turned out to be such a situation, and I couldn't help but be shocked.

Is this how anger works?

Is "flow" so "flow"?

You guys are not flowing at all, just call it slipping! The Qi all over the body is not like a ball of water flowing on the body, but as if lubricant has been rubbed in it. It is really silky smooth - in comparison, when I use "Flow", it is like rust. The machines that have been installed can already hear the creaking sound.

Is there something wrong with me, or is there something wrong with you two?

Jingyang and Xiaodi played for a while, then noticed the wooden dummy on the top of the slope. Then he stopped gesticulating, looked at the time, raised his head and said hello: "You're early."

Juez Juela was stunned. He took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, and asked in a deep voice: "Are those wooden signs on the road used for practicing the release system?"

"Is it so easy to see?" Jing Yang nodded, "Yes."

Juezijuela couldn't help but sweat again. According to his observations on the way here, the farthest road surface with traces of damage by air masses was in the middle of the 2500-meter tombstone and the 2000m tombstone. In other words, this god in front of him For a young man with extraordinary healing abilities, he is also quite impressive in the release system development!

More than 2,000 meters?


Even if the releasing system is adjacent to the strengthening system, are you exaggerating a bit? Don’t you need to invest energy in your strengthening training? As for basic tanjue training, as well as Liuzhou Ning and other skills, these all require hard work and training. Where do you get so much energy and so much time? ? ?

When Juezjuela came back to his senses, he realized that he had accidentally wandered off just now. He saw the young man walking up, rubbing his shoulders and asking: "Start now? Do you want to prepare?"

"No need." Juezjuela took a deep breath.

"By the way, what type are you?" Jing Yang said, "If you are too far away from the enhancement type, I won't get close to you."

Damn you...Juezi Juela almost lost his strength and broke his defense. What do you mean by this? You look down on people, right? !

Jing Yang observed his constipation-bearing expression and said, "He didn't directly scold him. It seems that he is definitely not an enhancement type."

He is really curious!

When I was reading Hunter comics in my previous life, I was very curious to know what type of telekinesis person each appeared on. For example, the classic Jie Nuo who beat up the enemy Hakka. Is the old man a release type or a transformation type? There are many people who have different opinions. Even Nitro, because of the extraneous trick of Baishi Guanyin, many people wonder whether this old guy is an enhancement type. If it is an enhancement type, how can he move Guanyin out of thin air? What the hell is the ant king trying to do with a cannon from behind? Even Ant King Meluem, there are many people arguing whether he is a trait type or an enhanced type...

Juezi Juela appeared in the Greedy Island chapter, but his telepathy didn't seem to be mentioned, so Jing Yang was a little curious.

Xiaodi was also curious and observed keenly from the side, ready to watch the battle.

Juezi Juela did not answer, but put on a posture, the energy on his body became active, and he said in a deep voice: "Come on."


Jing Yang also made a hand gesture, and his energy surged out, forming a "hardness" like thick armor. The rose gold star mark on the back of his neck also quickly activated "Meteor Like Wind", switching to his strongest melee mode, like flowing water. So strong and soft at the same time... Juezi Juela didn't fully unleash his momentum, and Jing Yang didn't know exactly how strong or weak he was, so he didn't dare to neglect him.

Juezi Juela gave a low shout and took the lead in attacking.


Juezi Juela flew out with a nosebleed and rolled to the ground. He struggled to turn over, but suddenly he was hit hard. Jing Yang had already caught up with him. He pressed his arm with his knee and punched him on the side where the nosebleed was flowing. Facing the door.

Juezi Juela could not struggle, and was dripping with cold sweat.

Jing Yang retracted his fist, pulled him up from the ground, and asked: "Why don't you always support Jian? Don't you want to? Without Jian, of course the offense and defense can't keep up!"

Damn it... Juezi Jueila wiped his nosebleed and cursed in his belly. Do you think that everyone is like you, who is an enhancement type and maintains "Strongness" throughout the whole process without weakening at all? When it comes to melee combat, I can't beat these enhanced muscle sticks...

"Here, let's test it." Xiaodi had already prepared a glass of water and placed a leaf floating on the water.

When Juezi Juela took a look, his eyes suddenly twitched.

Jing Yang spread his hands and said, "You lose."

Not far away, Chi Lu hurried over. Jing Yang took Xiaodi's wrist and looked at his watch, it read 8:55.

"I'll come again tomorrow!"

Did you only hold on for ten or twenty minutes? Juezijuela was so embarrassed and angry that she snorted coldly. Regardless of whether Jingyang and Jingyang promised to give him another chance tomorrow, he limped away proudly.

"He..." Chi Lu pointed.

"It has nothing to do with you, you just practice." Jing Yang clapped his hands.

"Oh." Chi Lu nodded, and began to practice the four major practices in sequence, focusing on the skills of changing the mind energy.

In the evening, the setting sun was like blood, shining on the quiet river. Chilu had gone back after a tired day.

Xiaodi picked up the big-eyed fish and sucked in all the leftover lunch boxes. By the way, he and Jing Yang discussed again what the core of the practice of the embodiment system is. From the embodiment system, it extends to the Department of Change.

“How quickly does the change transition?”

"How radical is the change?"

"How long does the materialized item last?"

However, for some materialization props, you only need to add some restrictions to easily extend the effectiveness. It is definitely inappropriate to judge the progress of materialization practice by the length of time it lasts - just say the prominence of Xiaodi Eye fish, according to her, since the birth of the eye fish, she has not paid much attention to the problem of the maintenance time of the fish. It seems that as long as she does not remove it, the fish can always be carried in her hand.

This is natural. Whose vacuum cleaner suddenly disappeared when it was half used?

Jing Yang sat side by side with her on the slope by the river, looking at the beautiful sunset in the west, and suddenly asked in a loud voice: "Aunt Bi?"

Xiaodi sat up straight and looked around curiously.

Jing Yang waited for a while, and then heard a clear and sweet voice like a girl coming from far behind, saying: "Idiot, the problem is 'reality'!"

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