The recuperation center that Batra arranged for his little girlfriend who was already in a vegetative state can be said to be in a serious condition. There were patrolling security personnel everywhere. There were three circles inside, three circles outside, and three circles in the core. Jingyang and Xiaodi were walking and suddenly suddenly There is a sense of déjà vu. This is similar to the structure of the Misery Moon Tiger Reserve on Ghost Island...

Arriving at the core area, the number of medical staff increased sharply. It was obvious that Batra maintained a large medical team on a daily basis, taking care of his little girlfriend around the clock and trying his best to improve the treatment plan.

Jing Yang and others filed in, and when they walked in the lobby filled with the smell of the hospital, all the doctors and nurses who were coming and going stopped what they were doing and looked at them.

The miserable moon tiger that was almost as tall as a man was indeed terrifying. However, almost all the medical staff immediately focused their attention on the young leader who was almost about to be surrendered by Batra. This man was tall and tall, with excellent proportions. Just like a mannequin from a medical textbook, the muscles are well-proportioned and the steps are as strong as the wind. At first glance, it is obvious that the body is in excellent physical fitness and has balanced nutrition. The eyes are clear and bright, and the mental state is also very active. There is a feeling that there is no need to enter the body in a lifetime. The beauty of the hospital.

Coupled with the black-haired girl next to him, who seemed to have purchased many black shirts and simple jeans suits of the same style because she was too lazy to change her outfit, their identities were immediately revealed - they were indeed "Chaotic Kindness" and "Substitute" "Practice medicine" two strange doctors!

As expected, Mr. Batra invited them... The medical staff exchanged glances, and not long after, a man in a white coat with Chinese characters hurriedly came forward. After saying a few words to Batra politely, he looked at Jing Yangsan with surprised eyes. The man nodded, "Please follow me."

After that, let him continue to lead the way.

Jing Yang, who was observing the large private medical center used by the rich with Xiaodi and Bisji, followed calmly. There were fewer and fewer bodyguards following Batra along the way. They stopped one after another along the road, almost every ten or twenty There is a security guard just meters away, which can be said to be airtight.

Not long after, everyone arrived at their destination, a large ward in the deepest part.

The bodyguard captain stayed at the door. Juezi Juela accompanied Batra and the attending doctor and pushed the door open. Jingyang, Xiaodi and Bisij followed them in. Different from the unique smell of the hospital along the way, this view The open ward is filled with a light fragrance, which comes from some fresh lilies of various colors placed around the room, as if they had just been picked. Seeing how Batra's expression softened as soon as he entered the door, one could imagine dozens of chapters of a year-end love story.

There was a young woman lying on the hospital bed, as peacefully as if she was asleep. Batra couldn't help himself, tears overflowed from the corners of his wrinkled eyes. He sat aside and said nothing, pursed his lips tightly and looked at her silently.

The commission that Juez Juela accepted in the original time and space was to clear the Greed Island, so it was not until the end that he found out that his employer Batra’s true heartache and purpose was this true love. And now the task he accepted was to invite the miracle doctor, so from the beginning he After learning all the truth from Batra's mouth, looking at the infatuated man, I also secretly sighed.

Xiaodi didn't have any special reaction. He only glanced at the plant woman on the hospital bed curiously and didn't take it to heart anymore. Bisji's two watery eyes were wandering around, looking around at the decorations that looked like jewelry in the room.

The attending doctor was introducing the patient's basic condition to Jing Yang in a low voice.

Jing Yang listened patiently and understood 10% to 20%, and nodded to the attending doctor, "Okay, I understand. If possible, please ask all the irrelevant personnel to leave. We are going to start treatment."

The attending doctor was a little hesitant, he still wanted to observe and observe!

Batra took out a silk handkerchief from his arms to wipe his tears, stood up and nodded to the attending doctor. Juezi Juela had personally experienced Jing Yang's healing ability that could be said to be at the level of flesh and bones, so he walked directly out without hesitation.

Before Batra left, he asked, "Excuse me, how long will the treatment take?"

Because none of the cases of vegetative patients similar to his lover's miraculously cured cases published in newspapers required multiple courses of treatment and took more than half a day, so Batra had already expected the speed of Jing Yang's treatment. .

Jing Yang smiled and said, "Maybe very quickly, maybe very slowly."

Got it, got it. Batra nodded, he was actually very happy, didn't he just need the reward? If he paid as soon as possible, he could kill his lover as soon as possible, so why would he need to suffer in pain for several years? As soon as you get out of this door, go get some money! Hit him hard!

Before closing the door, the attending doctor looked gloomily at the miserable moon tiger and a gray-feathered sparrow left in the room. I can keep them both, but I can't?

Click...the door of the ward closed.

Wu Er walked around twice and lay aside. The rock bird consciously landed on the big tiger's head and rubbed its feathers with its feet.

Bisji asked: "So, how do you want to cure it? What's your "Nine Yangs", can even a vegetative state be cured?" She was not taking a test, but just out of curiosity, "Such a disease involving the brain is very dangerous. complex……"

"What can you treat? I don't know how to treat it. Do you really think of me as a doctor?"

Jing Yang stepped forward, lifted up one side of the quilt, and grabbed the plant woman's right hand. Jing Yang turned his palms, and a bubble broke away from the mental energy on his body. Inside the bubble was a substance the size of a hair, twisted into a five-pointed star pattern.

When Xiaodi saw this, she thought that Jing Yang still needed to prepare a hair in advance or get a drop of blood to act as the medium for this "Pentagram". However, since Jing Yang's own talent in the materialization system has continued to improve, He can already create a pentagram "hair" inside a bubble out of thin air...

The flying star bubble fell into the plant woman's palm and shattered, leaving behind a tiny rose-gold pentagram pattern.

Hmm, what next? Bisji was thoughtfully thinking on the side, but he saw Jing Yang pulling the plant woman up from the hospital bed, turning her back roughly to him, and then... then this kid slapped her very roughly. Slap the plant woman on the back of the head.

Puff, click, click.

It was as if a large ripe watermelon had been beaten into a ball of juice with the force of beating a cow from across the mountain, but the rind of the watermelon was still intact. Bisij could almost hear the cracking sound of the girl's skull and the speechless shaking sound inside. …

Bisji focused his eyes and ears, raising his eyesight and ear power to the highest level. After careful observation, he found something strange. After the girl was smashed by Jing Yang's palm to smash the watermelon, the energy in the girl's head fluctuated violently. , as if time has gone back, and as if matter has returned to its place and is rapidly reorganizing. Just like when it was destroyed just now, various tissues in the skull are being repaired and reconnected, and Bisij can vaguely hear the various subtle sounds of the skull being spliced ​​and restored. .

Jing Yang was not idle either, worried that the root cause of the disease would not be completely removed, so with flying fingers, he went all the way down the spine of the vegetable woman's back, from the cervical vertebrae to the tail vertebrae, and clicked more than a dozen times, crushing it completely... …

After doing all this, Jing Yang threw the plant woman back and covered her with the quilt again. Well, it didn't get dirty. Her craftsmanship has improved!

Xiao Di looked normal, but Bisji grinned. This kid really didn't label himself wrong. This kind of evil so-called treatment, even if it is a kind act, is completely confusing! You're not afraid of hurting someone else's little girl to death! Although she has become a vegetative state, she may not be unconscious...

"Aunt Bi, what do you think?" Jing Yang clapped his hands and asked with a smile on his hips.

"This is your telekinesis ability, right?" Bisiji nodded, "It comes with a powerful recovery effect... It seems that the so-called "Nine Suns" you developed on the enhancement side are derived from this. "

Jing Yang chuckled, "Okay, let's wait."

"Will she succeed in recovering on her own?" Bisji asked.

"Waiting for the kindness of the good people of Bada to be in place..."

Bisji: "..."

Jing Yang said to Wu Er, who was lying on the ground doing nothing, "Tang!"

The star mark on Wu Er's body was activated immediately. It was like muscle memory, and the floating Qi on his body immediately became entangled and became very stable. Jing Yang then ordered: "Fat!" So Wu Er immediately activated its manifested attributes and tried to follow Jing Yang's earnest instructions to transform his body into a tiger skin skirt.

The flexibility of operation has almost no boundaries, and the range of perception is extremely large. It even comes with self-healing properties that directly point to the essence of life. There is almost no room for improvement... Bisji looked at Jing Yang who was struggling with the miserable moon tiger, I silently thought in my heart that this child's innate talent in the operation system might already be at, or at least infinitely close to, the extreme point of the attribute circle...

"Oh clumsy, is it really that difficult? I still don't believe it - huh?" Jing Yang was scratching his head, and suddenly an idea came to him. He looked at the big tiger who could skillfully complete entanglement, jue, and exercises under his instructions. , "That's right, you don't need to know how. I'll possess you. After I figure it out myself, I can then order you in turn, right?"

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