I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 21 Who wants the bicycle?

A prince who was no more educated than Wu Er once said, study? Learn shit!

It doesn’t matter if your brain can’t learn it, just use your body to remember it.

Animals are also life, and the energy of life is qi. Of course Wuer itself has qi. Every time Jing Yang possesses it and the rock bird, even if he does not do it intentionally, he will always use the four elements of Qi Nian subconsciously - -Tang, Jue, Ning, these are the most commonly used ones, and they are used many times.

When Jing Yang possesses them, he will undoubtedly need some skills to use their bodies to plant stars on others.

It's nothing once or twice, Wu Er and Yanque may not feel anything, but being possessed, manipulated, and left by Jing Yang again and again, these experiences of using Qi remain like muscle memory. Not only can they be successfully reproduced when Jing Yang uses the star to give instructions, but they can also be imitated according to their feelings in ordinary times. At least the most basic entanglement is no problem.

Thinking of this, Jing Yang opened the death energy panel and took a look. His own materialization qualification had reached 2%, which was not far behind the 100% of a purely natural person with the ability to materialize thoughts like Xiaodi. Belong to yes!

Just do it!

Jing Yang activated the star mark under Wu Er's abdomen and activated the first operation mode. After just one thought, he had possessed Wu Er and saw his own body sitting opposite through the eyes of the miserable moon tiger.

"Ugh..." The plant woman on the hospital bed groaned in pain, and she was about to wake up.

"I said stop," Jing Yang turned around and said, "The redeemer hasn't come yet, please just keep sleeping for a while."

With the command, the tiny rose gold star in the palm of the woman on the hospital bed fluctuated slightly, and she uncontrollably took the initiative to find the feeling of sleeping. The residual memory of her brain and spine being crushed flashed by, as if it was activated. She ignored the body's self-protection mechanism and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Redemption? Bisji smiled evilly and said, "You are quite self-aware of your own behavior."

Jing Yang chuckled, "What did the old lady say? You..."

Before he finished speaking, the other person was already punched and sent flying.

The door to the ward was pushed open immediately. Juezi Juela and the bodyguard captain looked at Jing Yang doubtfully. Healing him, why did he heal himself into the wall? Juez Juela looked at Xiao Didi, who seemed like nothing had happened, and Bisji, who was sitting quietly reading a book, with sweat on his forehead. "This is..." The bodyguard captain was particularly confused about the situation.

"It's okay." Jing Yang slid down from the wall, straightened the hem of his coat, straightened his sleeves, and nodded to the two people outside the door, "Everything is okay. The treatment process is going well. Let's wait for the good news."

The bodyguard captain doubtfully and Juezi Jue pulled out again.

Jing Yang sat back and said to Si Ji, "Next time, my brother will definitely stay away!"

Bisji chuckled and looked thoughtfully at the big tiger who was still practicing - it turns out that when he was controlling the possession, the consciousness of the possession was completely dependent on the brain of the possessed tiger for thinking. , so you can achieve true dual-purpose, the main body acts as usual, and the split consciousness attached to the tiger will not be disturbed...

According to this principle, as long as this child is willing, the number of targets he can operate is probably endless...

The ability to think reflects a person’s true heart. This child has such telekinesis ability, but he does not endlessly turn everyone he meets into his own puppet. It can be seen that although he laughs at himself and has a confusing attitude, he is still kind after all... and he may not be aware of this. Little did I realize how unimaginably destructive it would be once I started doing evil...

Like a pure and flawless gem, blurred between pure white and pure black, surrounded by ambiguous gray mist.

It's dangerous, but also beautiful.

Bisji showed an intoxicated smile and glanced at Xiao Didi, who was idly taking out a chessboard from the vacuum cleaner to amuse himself. This little girl was actually the same. Her heart was also in a blurred middle ground of black and white. …

I really want to induce the two of them to go astray, so that their truly broad possibilities can be revealed...

"Imagine this tiger paw turning into a hollow and simple piece of tiger skin..."

"Jingwuer" and Jingyang of the real body stared intently at the raised big white glove. As long as the "power of my thinking" is strong enough, the thoughts that reflect the heart will respond. Moreover, this is a transformed tiger skin. , it’s not like transforming into a Gundam, but the body of Takeji is a tiger himself. If you want to transform into a tiger skin that “gets along day and night”, the difficulty should be very low.


"King Wu Er" only felt that his eyes were going dark and he couldn't see anything. Of course, through his own eyes, he silently discovered that Wu Er's body was "transforming into tiger skin, into tiger skin, into tiger skin..." under his own thoughts, and all the energy in his body suddenly surged toward his head, and the big tiger's body The head actually shrank and shriveled, turning into a tiger skin like a torn bag hanging around the neck, swaying slightly...

Xiaodi's attention was attracted, and he crawled over to sit cross-legged on his hands and feet. He reached out and lifted the "tiger scalp hood" around the tiger's neck. He saw two tigers' facial features that seemed to have become two-dimensional, floating on the "hood". From the front, the eyes are moving vividly.

"This can be considered... barely successful... half, right?" Jing Yang said uncertainly.

... Bisji glanced at it, speechless, what kind of speed is this girl’s cultivation! Are you sure your kid is a telepathic person?

Xiaodi glanced at the "tiger skin hood" in his hand and commented: "You can see the surge of uncertain Qi without condensation. In the practice of realism, it will not be higher than the second level..."

At this moment, the ward knocked aggressively. It was Batra who came to deliver money. Oh no, Batra came to see his little girlfriend.

"King Wu Er" shook his head. The empty "hood" was already uncertain, and his breath fluctuated. After shaking it twice, it quickly filled up like a blown balloon and returned to its original shape.

As soon as the old man entered the door, he looked at the woman who looked unchanged on the hospital bed, "She..."

"You..." Jing Yang sat on the ground without moving, looking at the old rich man in the same tone.

Batra took out a beautiful black gold box from his arms, turned it upside down and opened it in front of Jing Yang, revealing a bank card of the same black and gold color displayed inside, "It's the same password, there are 800 billion gins in it. Sorry, I can only get it together at the moment." We only have this amount of cash, and if we deal with a lot of fixed assets, it will take a lot of time to turn around..."

True love, this is it!

Not only Jing Yang was in awe, but the bodyguard captain who followed him into the ward was also shocked. Juezi Juela almost turned red. He took a few deep breaths before he managed to calm down, but his eyes were still staring at Jing Yang's hand. , took the bank card offered by Batra calmly, and closed the black gold box with a snap, making Juezi Juela's heart tremble.

Jing Yang went to Xiao Di and muttered, and gave her the black gold box, ready to find a free time and stuff it directly into her vacuum cleaner. 800 billion, even if Jing Yang had experienced the Sky Arena in his life, he would have been financially free by now. Now, I have to treasure it.

"800 billion, there is a place not far from the door, you can check at any time..." Batra thought what happened, and nervously added, "What is the situation of my lover..."

"Island of Greed?" Jing Yang suddenly raised his head.

Xiao Di was raising a question when she saw Jing Yang scolding her: "What is the Greed Island? Who wants the Greed Island! Isn't 800 billion enough? Don't be too greedy, this girl... don't think that Bart is If you have money, you will feel like others have everything!"

"Wait! Greed Island, I do have it!" Batra said quickly, "I have collected a total of 30 sets of Greed Island game consoles. As long as my lover wakes up, I will offer 30 sets with both hands. It is disrespectful... "

"You have all this? Why are you so polite?" Jing Yang waved his hand, "Okay, she's already awake."

Bisij nodded with satisfaction, you kid can't walk until you see 800 billion, just remember the business!

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