I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 22 My family is quite big

Jing Yang waved his hand, and the animal woman on the hospital bed quickly moved her eyelids. She opened her eyes for the first time in many years.

Anyway, with Star's self-healing ability, you don't have to worry about not opening your eyes for a long time or being unable to adapt to the light. If your eyeballs are dug out, you can recover. If you are afraid of this, just open them, open them hard!

Batra burst into tears of joy, threw herself on the spot, knelt beside the hospital bed and held the woman's hand with tears in her eyes.

The latter was at a loss for a moment, staring at him for a long time, and gradually remembered what happened before he fell asleep. He remembered that he used the money he had saved for a long time to buy a gift for his boyfriend Batra to commemorate their relationship, but when he was crossing the road...

The two of them held hands and looked into each other's teary eyes, hugging each other and crying, but they didn't even mention their gratitude to Jing Yang.

Jing Yang led everyone out of the ward temporarily, looking thoughtful, and suddenly asked: "Bisi Ji, does the so-called soul exist?"

The issue of the soul is one of the themes of the Ant King chapter of the comic.

After Kate was killed by Nephipidou, he was reincarnated due to his own mysterious telekinesis ability. It can be said that he lived a second life.

The chimera ant queen eats humans and then lays eggs. Many of the chimera ant soldiers hatched carry the memories of their "previous life" as humans, and therefore consider themselves to be the reincarnation of the original human being. Not only ordinary ant soldiers, but also the ant king Meruem, because his appearance is very similar to Bakuru, a professional hunter who was killed by chimera ants, many people believe that he is the reincarnation of Bakuru.

Jing Yang in his previous life quite agreed with this guess. The reason is also very simple. The chimera ant queen was pregnant with a boy and a girl. The girl who almost died was the reincarnation of Kate who was killed by Nepheid. So the boy was also the reincarnation of another human hunter. What's the problem?

So the question is, does the soul exist?

This is a concept that needs to be understood. After all, the telekinesis ability of Kurapika-san in the sixth volume of the Akatsuki organization, "Resurrection", was developed to resurrect his dead clan members "one life for another". If there is a soul, and the souls of his people have long since disappeared, then even if there is a chance to set foot on the Dark Continent in the future, get Nitolomi, and allow him to "resurrection", will those who are resurrected by then still be his true people? Shouldn’t Direct Steel make its grand debut in the first episode? That’s so hellish!

When Bisji heard this, he knew that the child was confused because of the experience of the woman who was crying in the room. Did you destroy someone's brain and nervous system to pieces and then recover it again? Now that the recovery is safe and sound, and even the memory is the same as before, you yourself are confused?

She asked Jing Yang Xiaodi to take a few steps over and said calmly: "Whether the soul exists or not depends on which field you want to get the answer from."

"What fields are there?" Xiaodi asked curiously.

"Of course it's the field of natural science and the field of people with mental abilities." Bisji said, "Of course, with the development of the times, in the distant future, the latter may be covered by the former, but for now, There is still a clear difference between the two.”

Jing Yang nodded, "What does science say, and what do people with telekinesis say?"

Bisji said: "The scientific community doesn't even know what a vegetative state is, so how can it possibly explain to you why there is no soul? And as a telepathic person, the answer I can give is -"

She smiled slightly, "As for the soul, if you think it exists, then it is more likely to exist. If you think it does not exist, then it is really difficult for it to exist."

Jingyang and Xiaodi looked at each other.

Bisji said: "Do you know what you want after death?"

The two nodded.

"Thoughts after death are often the last and greatest attachment of the deceased during his or her lifetime." Bisji smiled with an unclear meaning, "Then, if a person dies, his remaining thoughts will be placed in his heart. Where are all the memories and emotions from his lifetime?"

"Then it's okay to call this kind of thought a soul." Jing Yang said to himself, "It doesn't matter whether it is before or after death. As long as it can copy and carry all the memories and emotions of oneself, it can be called It is the soul, and if it can only carry a part of the emotional memory, it can also be called the so-called residual memory and residual soul."

That Sky Master in Xianshui Mountain can probably be regarded as a remnant soul of the former Gro Gray Guoru.

Xiaodi said from the side: "In other words, the soul is just a way of saying it, and it is artificially defined. The woman's brain was destroyed, but it was perfectly restored, and all the memories were not damaged, so there is no need to bother. Introducing the concept of soul..."

Jing Yang nodded. In other words, as long as the bodies of Kurapika's resurrected tribesmen are intact, then everything will be fine. What kind of soul has no soul? There is nothing in the first place, so where can it cause dust? Just be open-minded, family members.

They were discussing mysterious and mysterious things. Batra and his little girlfriend in the ward talked to each other for a long time. The latter couldn't bear it and wanted to thank the doctor who saved her. Batra hurriedly tried to stop him, but found that his lover He was actually able to get off the ground. If he hadn't stopped him, he would have been able to not only walk, but also run, and even jump!

It's so good... so good? Batra had another surprise. He carefully helped his girlfriend out and thanked Jing Yang profusely. He made a phone call on the spot and prepared a special plane and car. I didn’t say that he wanted the Greedy Island game console. 30 sets, together with the ancient castle where the game console is stored, are all given to you. I will send you there personally in an airship!

What's there to say? Walk!

Jing Yang waved his hand to lead the way.

He was actually quite moved when he saw Juezi Juela standing by, and he was quite content to call her with him. Strictly speaking, Juez Juela's mission has ended after Battra's lover wakes up, and he actually needs to moisturize after settling the payment with Battra...

The group of people took the airship in a lively manner, got off the airship and transferred to the train. As a sign of respect, Batra used his few remaining financial resources to charter the entire train. As soon as they got off the plane, they got on the train and drove straight to the building. Heading towards the remote ancient castle.

Jing Yang got off the airship flying all the way south, sat on the train still heading south, and looked at the passing scenery outside the window. The location of Batra's ancient castle for the hunters he hired to conquer the Greedy Island game is not too far from the Balusa Islands at the southern end of the Eurubian continent...


The night was dark and windy, the moon and stars were sparse. Jing Yang and Xiao Di were huddled together in the back seat of a special car. Xiao Di was reading a book with one hand in his hand, his head resting on Jing Yang’s shoulder. Since Jing Yang’s height reached 1.9 meters, , she was quite accustomed to this posture, while Jing Yang crossed his legs and was writing and drawing in a notebook with a pen.

Bisji looked back from the front seat. The journey was boring. From time to time, she asked Xiaodi what she was reading and what Jingyang was writing... Damn it, these young lovers were inseparable and had a tacit understanding in everything they did. It made her The elderly have no sense of participation!

At this time, the motorcade slowed down. Jing Yang stopped writing and looked outside. He saw the silhouette of an ancient castle on the edge of the mountain. It looked like a black giant beast lying on the top of the mountain, opening its silent mouth to swallow up the traffic coming under the pale moonlight. enter……

Hey, my family is pretty big!

It’s time to check out the composition of the three-body version of the show!

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