"Where are you looking?"

Bisji frowned and looked at Jing Yang speechlessly.

More than ten kilometers away in the direction of the prairie that Xiaodi pointed to, someone was secretly spying on them - but Jing Yang was looking in the opposite direction.

Jing Yang naturally turned back, pointed over, nodded and said, "Oh, that's where it is."

Bisiji jumped off Wu Er's tiger back, patted the princess's skirt, and suddenly asked: "Boy, the time you actually started practicing, and even the time you actually entered a world full of battles, is actually relatively short, right? wrong?"

Jing Yang said honestly: "From the time I awakened and started practicing Qi, no matter how hard I calculated, I could only make progress in one year. Before that, I was just an ordinary person living an ordinary life."

As his strength increased by leaps and bounds, his senses and intuition became sharper and sharper, but after all, he lacked the "experience in the world" like Bisji and Xiaodi. Not to mention, even Xiaodi, who grew up in Meteor Street, traveled alone around the world before meeting Jing Yang, and has much more experience in the world than Jing Yang.

Jing Yang could sense the prying eyes, but he couldn't grasp the specific location because he lacked this part of experience. Of course, this is also because the person spying on them is quite far away from them. If the other person is within one or two kilometers of the surrounding area, Jing Yang can directly locate the source of the spying gaze by feeling without any experience.

In this regard, Bisji commented: "You became stronger too quickly and skipped the experiences and lessons that you should have experienced in the process of growing up."

Xiaodi asked: "How to make up for it?"

Jing Yang thought: "If you can always rely on hard power to get through, then you don't need to think too much."

Will the tiger study how the rabbit and the fox fight against each other?

"That's the question. Can you always maintain your hard power to surpass everyone else?" Bisiji pointed out, "What's more, there will always be the strongest among the strongest, and there will always be those at the same level as you, or even higher. Opponents. Those opponents, if they have experience but you don't, then you will suffer a loss and be plotted. As a hunter, you should try to understand everything, even if you only understand a little."

She nodded her forehead, "The deeper the practice, the stronger the Qi, the stronger the source of life, and the brighter the mind will be - at least, the speed of thinking must be faster than that of ordinary people, otherwise how can we survive in a fierce battle? Do complex thinking anytime, anywhere?”

Jing Yang nodded and accepted the instruction. There are indeed many knowledgeable and knowledgeable people in the hunter group.

The three of them just walked on the night grassland in the direction where the sense of spying came from, chatting as they walked.

Wu Er followed beside him, and the white fur shone with a glistening cyan light in the night, mysterious and magnificent. The rock sparrow flew for a while and landed on Wu Er's head, curiously jumping on the glowing king stripes.

The prairie at night is only filled with the cool breeze, the rustle of grass blades, and the occasional chirping of insects, adding to the silence.

Jing Yang vaguely remembered that there was a town near the prairie where Greed Island landed, which was probably where the sense of voyeurism came from. There were probably other players there who were constantly tracking the landing site - commonly known as bullying newbies.

A white light flew in the night sky. Here comes someone who wants to bully newbies.

As Jing Yang, three people, one tiger and one bird watched, a white light that seemed to fly from the Dragon Ball set landed in front of them with a "bang". It was a fat man with thick lips and a big floating book hanging in his hand. In his narrow eyes, After dancing all his energy, he took a moment to look at the newbies who were blocked by him.

Of course a newbie.

He suddenly flew over and had already taken out the card collection book. They saw his posture, but they didn't react at all. They were definitely novices. ——Typical performance of those who have just come into contact with the game Greedy Island. These people are still in shock of "What incredible telekinesis ability is it to create such an incomprehensible game?" and are entering the game. Not long after, I am still in a state of confusion and novelty.

Among these people, the little girl in a skirt is nothing to worry about. She is a "genius child" at first glance. It is actually not uncommon for children to have the ability to read, but they often do not have the ability to fight. The girl with short black hair looked dull and not very good. On the contrary, this tall young man of 9.9 meters looks quite bluffing. However, Fatty has always disliked such a guy with outstanding appearance. What's wrong with being so tall and handsome? On Greedy Island, cards come first!

As long as you are marked by a spell card in the first move, what will happen to you, handsome guy, beautiful girl or some other master? Do you have the ability to escape from the constraints of the rules of the game on this island? As long as you're in this game, you have to follow the rules!

The fat man sneered twice, and was about to raise his hand to take out a spell card from the card collection book. He wanted to read the name of the spell card, but he was surprised to find that he was frozen in place, motionless.

On the contrary, the tall young man opposite waved to him and said kindly: "Come here."

The fat man was horrified to find that his body was moving uncontrollably according to the other party's instructions.

"There are quite a lot of cards, aren't there?" The young man lowered his head and glanced at the pages of the card collection book spread out in his hand. Then the young man stretched out his hand and shouted "BOOK", and with a bang, a big magic book opened. Floating in front of the young man.

Damn it, why are you so skilled! You are not a newbie at all!

The young man turned the book upside down, and every card slot on every page was as empty as new, "Transfer the money, come on, take your seat yourself."

The fat man then uncontrollably took out the cards he had collected so hard, and one by one, even though his heart was bleeding, he put his cards into the slot of the young man's card collection book with a very steady hand. .

The last scene in front of the fat man was the young man walking to his side like a ghost, and the shadow of the knife in his hand magnified in the corner of his eye.

Tell me, if it weren't for you, my brother would have been killed by him, and wouldn't it be nice to earn a piece of death energy for nothing?

Jing Yang touched his heart and complained to his heart.

Before the fat man landed, Jing Yang had already flicked out a flying star bubble and lurked in the grass.

Jing Yang's mind system is in the sixth dimension, and his release system is at the third level. He can release the Qi separated from the body with fine control within five kilometers. In addition, he has a certain amount of talent in the materialization system. Originally, hair and blood were needed as the medium for the pentagram symbol in the flying star bubble, but now he can directly use Qi to materialize the pentagram, which can be said to be a snap. You can make a flying star bubble.

After the fat man landed, the flying star bubble quietly flew behind him, burned it on the back of his neck, and controlled it directly.

After smiling and accepting all the cards presented by the opponent, Jing Yang slashed the fat player on the back of the neck with his hand - knocking out the opponent's knife and removing the star at the same time, killing two birds with one stone.

"I'm so lucky. I just walked a few steps and someone came to give me equipment. Is this a benefit for newbies?" As he walked, he checked the many cards he had just earned. At this time, he also noticed the game in his card collection book. The system records the names of players that you have encountered since you logged into the game.




??Gray Feather

??Tooth harvest also

What stupid name did the fat man call just now? Many names in Hunter World are really weird and awkward to pronounce... Jing Yang looked disgusted. On the other hand, the names of Wuji and Yanqiao were naturally not entered by themselves. It seemed that the game system automatically defaulted to the scientific names of their species.

He continued to examine the card he had just received.

There are 12 designated cards, which is pretty good.

33 of the 45 free card slots were filled, 19 of which were spell cards. Of the remaining 14, 10 were island-specific banknotes that were turned into cards to carry, and the other 4 were obviously picked up on the roadside to make up the money. branches and stones.

"You're really lucky!" Jing Yang looked at one of the 19 spell cards and read out the card's introduction, "No. 1014, "Leave", sends a player out of the island, close range spell card, rarity B- 30. That fat man has a card in his pocket that allows him to log off and leave the island at any time, no wonder he is so arrogant."

Very arrogant? The little dripper raised a question mark.

Bisji shook his head. Since this game allows players to seize cards through force, the difficulty of this game has almost been reduced to the minimum for her. She quickly lost her little interest, "Don't you want to practice? Let's just wait and see. Practice while trying to pass the level and get the blue planet."

"Okay, but before that, we first have to find Juezi Juela, or other hunters hired by Batra to clear the level. Now all the game consoles in the castle belong to me, how can I let them take up resources in vain?" Jing Yang shouted "BOOK" again, and the card collection book turned into a ball of white smoke and disappeared like a shadow clone. He looked at Wu Er, who was covered in stripes of green light in the night, and the little gray bird that was standing on its head and could barely see its figure. He chuckled and said, "Also...as for me, I don't like to follow the designer's intention when playing games." Come on, let me move forward. I want to look back. They say that I need to collect 100 designated cards to complete the level. I want to look for evil ways, bugs and so on..."


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