I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 28 A smaller class than Auntie

With Jing Yang's strength of three people and one tiger, he didn't walk long before he saw a town in front of him under the moonlight, brightly lit and very lively.

There is a wooden boundary sign standing beside the road at the entrance of the town, with the place name written on it in Hunter World characters: "Bounty City" Anduo Qiba.

"Why is it called this?" Xiaodi walked on the streets of the town night market, looking left and right curiously.

"Here." Jing Yang pointed at the wall on the roadside.

Xiaodi went over to take a look, and sure enough, the walls were covered with notices similar to their respective reward orders - however, unlike real reward orders, the content on these posters was not a wanted order, but something like "Looking for the missing so-and-so" Task lists such as "dog", "asking for help to take care of the elderly at home", "investigating the second mistress who is suspected of having an affair", are accompanied by a brief description of the task and an approximate remuneration.

Jing Yang said: "It's better to call it 'Mission Center' or 'Mission Hall'. Or just plant a tree every 1 kilometer on the island, dig a tree hole, and put a Celiado in the tree hole..."

Bisji suddenly said: "Many people are looking at us."

"Yeah." Jing Yang's expression remained unchanged.

Xiaodi touched the soft tiger skin on the back of the neck of Misue Huwuer next to her. The little gray bird, the rock sparrow, jumped away from her.

The looks of their profession are indeed eye-catching, and people have been paying attention to them since they first appeared.

The person at the head was a tall and handsome young man, and to the left and right were a black-haired and quiet girl with glasses. Just looking at her eyes, this girl seemed to be only thirteen or fourteen years old. Just looking at her face, she seemed to be sixteen or seventeen years old. However, looking at her face further, The next time I looked, I realized that he was about 20 or 30 years old!

As for the blond girl in a princess dress on the other side, she is even younger, only in her early ten years. It is surprising to have telekinesis ability at this age, but it is not surprising. On the contrary, the tiger following behind the three people is more eye-catching - the fur glows with a gleaming blue light in the night, like jade, which is actually the rumored figure. The Miserable Moon Tiger, one of the seven beauties.

The players who come to Greed Island are all telekinesis users.

Those who can become telekinesis users are not too weak in physical strength. Compared with ordinary people, all of them are full of energy. This is why this town is very lively until night. They came all the way to the Greedy Island for adventure, and of course they all wanted something. Now that they see a walking money printing machine, although they are not salivating, some of them are indeed eager to try it.

Jing Yang and his party walked toward the center of the town along the walls covered with task lists.

"How many people are there? In which directions are they located?" Bisji asked without squinting.

"It seems like... 7?" Jing Yang answered without squinting, "There are some in the front and some in the back." It was as if he didn't say anything.

Xiao Didi said: "15."

Jing Yang was very surprised, there were so many? But it's not surprising. The players in this town are all telekinesis users. Even if they don't use "Jue", they can hide their own aura, which is much harder for ordinary people to detect.

"The answer is 19." Bisji said, "Xiao Didi performed better."

"He is indeed better than me." Jing Yang praised.

Bisji said: "Although you have very little experience as an ordinary person, you are very talented in the field of Nian. In this case, the lack of experience can be made up directly from the level of Nian."

Jing Yang asked curiously: "How do you say that?"

Bisji said: "Use 'Tangle' to keep your Qi as calm as possible."

"Okay." While Jing Yang was walking, his body was still a little shaky, but it immediately shrank and formed an invisible, shapeless, water ball or jelly-like shape on his body surface. No matter how his body moved, it did not change. .

The group of people turned a corner on the road, and some people on the street behind them walked back and forth quietly.

"The gaze is not invisible." Bisiji said, "Even ordinary people, as long as they are more sensitive, will feel like a light on their backs when being stared at closely by someone, let alone a person with telekinesis ability? Qi is The power of life, Qi is the mind. As long as the sight is projected, wherever the gaze reaches and the thoughts go, one's own Qi will be projected there, even though the Qi in the eyes is very little, as fine as dust, almost nonexistent..."

"I see."

Jing Yang suddenly realized. He no longer tried to figure out which followers were peeping in which corners, but focused on examining his own Qi - the Qi on the surface of the body that was maintained in a "tangled" state was like a pool of still water, with outside eyes as fine as dust. Although it is impossible to stir up water like throwing a stone, no matter how light the dust is, it will fall when it falls. As long as you observe carefully enough, as long as you become one with Qi...

By the way, before I regarded "Yuan" as a diffuse version of "Hardness" with 0 defense power and full detection points; then similarly, can "Tangle" also be regarded as 1 defense power and within the perception circle? Shrinking, the "circle" of the body surface?

The dust particles fell on the water surface without any ripples, but it was enough for Jing Yang to feel.

Many dust particles appeared in the Qi on his body one after another. Jing Yang recalled this, as if he saw dust particles flying from different positions from the side and rear, hitting his body like miniature meteorites. He was as calm as water. On the "entanglement". The flight trajectories of these dust particles form gazes. The source of one of the gazes is at seven o'clock behind you, about 30 meters; the other is about 55 meters behind on the left hand side; and...

This is a very novel experience, as if I have a completely new understanding of myself, my energy, and my thoughts.

Likewise, this was a usage that had never appeared in comics in previous lives. Jing Yang was so entertained for a while that he almost forgot about the real thing.

"But don't rely too much on this method. Instead, as you get used to it, you can gradually get rid of it to judge the enemy's gaze." Bisji warned, "It should be noted that you can perceive the gaze in this way, and in turn, the better. The master who has strong control over his own aura will project less aura in his eyes. As long as the skill is high enough, you may not even notice such a master standing not far from you and looking at you carelessly. At this time, purely intuitive reactions will be more reliable than rational perceptions.”

"Subconscious." Xiaodi said suddenly. She is also imitating Jing Yang, trying to sense other people's prying eyes in Bisji's way.

Bisji looked at her. Xiaodi said: "Jing Yang said that in the world of mind, the subconscious mind is very important. Sometimes it can reflect the essence of oneself better than the active consciousness. For example, oaths and restrictions rely heavily on the subconscious mind, because we cannot deceive the real person. self."

"That's right." Bisji nodded, "Human thinking has its limits and will filter out a lot of details. For example, the books you glance at, the faces of strangers you glance at from the corner of your eyes in the vast sea of ​​people... But these large amounts of details The details don’t really disappear, but settle in the subconscious.”

"The brain has forgotten it, but the 'qi' has been remembered." Jing Yang concluded. He looked up and saw that it was the largest grocery store in the center of the town. "Oh, here we are. There should be maps for sale here."


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