〖No. 100, a map of the island, G-400, priced at 20,000 gin, introduction: a map that only shows the shape of the island. The content will be automatically filled in by the magic map after actually going to the local area and obtaining information. 〗

〖No. 101, map of the island, d-70, priced at 650,000 denim, introduction: a map that records city and place names in detail. There is a lot of information on specialties, attractions, special shortcuts and more. 〗

In the glass display window, one on the right and one on the left, there are two products that look almost identical at first glance: game cards.

Jingyang, Xiaodi and Bisiji were standing in front of the display window.

The so-called grocery store, when you walk in, is actually a very common large supermarket. However, what is unusual is that the products displayed in the windows, counters, and shelves here are all prop cards with different numbers in the game.

There are 5 items on the card, including number, name, rarity, diagram, and brief introduction.

For example, the two maps that Jing Yang and the others are looking at: the numbers are 100 and 101 respectively, which happen to be the two cards immediately following the numbers 0 to 99 needed to clear the level. Although the names are both "Map of the Island", they are rare. The difference in degree distinguishes the two. G-400 means that the difficulty of obtaining is level G. There can only be a maximum of 400 cards of this card on the entire Greed Island at the same time. Similarly, d-70 means that the difficulty of obtaining is level D and the maximum number of cards is 70—— The difficulty of obtaining these two cards is intuitively reflected in the selling price.

"The three customers are outsiders. Do they want to buy local maps?"

Jing Yang and the other three had probably been standing in front of the window for a while, when a waitress with a sweet smile came over and asked enthusiastically, "Which one do you want to buy? Map No. 101 can give you a full understanding of the situation." Understanding the geographical environment and cultural customs of the island is a great travel tool! And if the guest prefers exploration and adventure, then this No. 100 map is also very suitable. You can use your own eyes to fill in the blank bit by bit. It’s exciting to write your own footprints on the map!”

He's quite good at sales... Bisji was thinking to himself.

Xiaodi took out a thick stack of banknotes and said, "I want both."

The waitress's smile remained unchanged and she said: "Our store does not accept banknotes from other places. We can only consume card-based coins here." As she said this, as if she had done it many times, she skillfully took out a card from her work clothes pocket. card.

〖No. 607, Buddhist nun, h-∞. Introduction: The highest denomination banknotes in Greed Island are exactly the same as international banknotes after being de-carded. However, in Greed Island, non-card banknotes are worthless. 〗

Xiaodi took a second look and suddenly realized.

Bisji asked Jing Yang, "How many are in your card collection book?" Of course she was referring to the "beginner's benefit" delivered to your door. Jing Yang searched all the other party's cards, and there were banknote cards in them.

"Book." Jing Yang shouted, raised his hand to reveal a floating card collection book, and opened the book to the free card slot page. Xiaodi looked over and saw that there were 10 banknote cards in total, 6 of which were worth 10,000 renminbi, 2 of which were worth 5,000 renminbi, and two of which were worth 1,000 renminbi.

Added up, the total is only 72,000.

"My friend, a billionaire, is stumped by this mere 650,000 yuan..."

Jing Yang tightened his fists and asked the waiter in a complicated tone to take down the card No. 100 in the window in front of him, which was a blank map that required "adventurers" to explore the "fog of war" by themselves.

Interestingly, when he was about to pay, the waiter at the counter reminded him of something in time.

"Do you want to use these two cards to settle the bill?" The counter attendant smiled and pointed at the open card collection book floating in front of Jing Yang. The position he pointed at was the 10,000 ring card embedded in the two free card slots. "After confirming, please be sure to hand it over to me as soon as possible. If the card is not put into the card collection book, it will be automatically deactivated and turned into a physical object within less than 1 minute after it is in your hand. Physical banknotes cannot Checkout."

Essentially, it's a rule that limits the money-spending warriors... Jing Yang thought to himself, and quickly took out two 10,000 ring cards and handed them to the waiter.

The counter attendant took it with both hands and presented them with the No. 100 map card they purchased. At the same time, he reminded: "If the card purchased by the guest is not used immediately, please store it in the card collection book immediately. Or, we can provide new cards for new customers." The purchased product card provides free packaging service.”

"Packaging? What do you mean?" Jing Yang asked curiously.

The counter attendant took out a small transparent plastic sheet from under the counter and flexibly pasted it on the front and back of the No. 100 map card with his little hands.

Co-writing is a film!

Jing Yang took the coated map card No. 100 and gave it to the curious Xiaodi to touch and see. With such a layer of coating barrier, even if the card stays in the player's hand for a long time, it will not be automatically de-carded.

Bisji smiled and said, "This kind of sticker is probably not for sale, right?"

"Yes, this is a gift that comes with the purchase of the product and is not for sale." The counter clerk's smile did not change at all and explained, "Once the card is stored in the card collection book, the film will disappear. In addition, even if the film is affixed, it will not It will affect players’ normal use of cards.”

In other words, even if there is a layer of film between them, if Xiaodi shouts "gain" at this time, the card will be de-carded and irreversibly turned into a prop - a blank map full of "fog of war".

"How much 'code' do you have to write for this small layer of film." Jing Yang sighed. Of course, this code is probably the code at the level of mind and energy, and it is the 11 people who participated in the design of the Greedy Island game. Complex design of rules.

He asked again: "I also want to ask something, where do game designers live?"

"I don't understand what you are referring to." The waiter smiled.

Jing Yang then asked: "The boss of this island, where do they live?"

The waiter's smile did not change and he said: "Do you want to know the location of the castle? This information is worth 10,000 gin."

"So cheap?" Jing Yang waved his hand and dialed out another ten thousand yuan card, "Where are they? I want to find them."

After collecting the money, the waiter pointed to the north, "Go north through a mountain forest, and continue going north. About 500 kilometers away, you can see a city, and the city lord's castle is built on the top of the city."

"Gain." Xiaodi pinched the map card and shouted.

The card Pengdi was released and appeared in her hand. In a blank map of the entire Greed Island, only the middle part of the island where they were at the moment showed the specific location: the bounty city of Andoqiba, and next to it A few lines of small text comments and the like. If you zoom in, you can still see the location of the store they are at at the moment.

Xiaodi spread the map in front of the waiter and said, "Point it out."

The waiter's finger pointed at Anduoqi, the only location on the snow-white map, and drew north. He clicked on a large blank spot and drew a circle. "It's probably in this area. Is there anything else I need help with?" Of?"

Oh, it means that these 10,000 qini can only buy so many words.

Jing Yang understood and was about to leave when he noticed that Xiao Di was pressing the map with one hand and looking straight at the waiter behind the counter.

Bisji saw Xiaodi's eyes condensed with thought energy, and he was using "Condensation" to observe the other person carefully.

Bisji punched his small waist and asked with a smile: "Did you see any flaws?"

By the way, most of the NPCs on this island are most likely dummies created by game designers using telekinesis.

In other words, they are all embodied dolls.

And the core element of the cultivation level of the materialization system - authenticity!

When Jing Yang remembered this, he almost instinctively focused his eyes and looked at the waiter behind the counter in front of him.

No flaws can be seen on the other party's body. He seems to be the same flesh and blood as ordinary people. There is even a thin layer of Qi flowing on the surface of the body, and it naturally flows into threads on the top of the head...

According to what Bisji said before, if the cultivation level of the embodiment system is divided into five levels, then Xiaodi's embodiment level is at the second level, which is invisible to ordinary people but can be seen by people with telekinesis abilities. The level of flaws - to use an inappropriate analogy, it is like a special effects blockbuster from 10 years ago. Ordinary people are like ordinary viewers from 10 years ago. They think those special effects are quite real, while people with telekinesis are like those from 10 years later. The audience can tell at a glance that "it's fake", or after a few more glances, they can always feel that "it's not real".

And if even the telepathy ability user's "condensation" can't find any flaws, there is no doubt that the level of embodiment cultivation is still above the third level.

With a thought in Jing Yang's mind, the energy from his body spread out and expanded into a "circle" with a radius of two meters, just enough to cover the waiter behind the counter. Upon seeing this, Xiaodi followed suit and expanded the "circle" to feel the reality of the doll in front of him.

Bisji smiled beside him.

That's right, at the fourth level of the materialization system, the judgment is based on this - even if "condensation" is used to materialize the items, there is no difference between them and the real existence. Only the extremely keen "condensation" is used. Circle", or some special intuition, can find some disharmony.

Being stared at by Jing Yang and Xiao Di, the waiter behind the counter asked in confusion and got no answer. He stopped "triggering conversation" and stood there with a smile and silently, letting them look at him.

Neither Jing Yang nor Xiao Di sensed any flaws in their "yuan".

Even when they looked at each other, they both took out jade pendants with divine characters written on them from their arms, with the superimposed blessing of "cone", as if they had piercing eyes. They looked at the counter clerk in front of them repeatedly, but they still couldn't see any clues. ...On the contrary, Jing Yang had a doubt because of his own observation. Could the waiter in front of him be a real person hired by Jin and others to spread around the island pretending to be an NPC?

Bisji thought to himself: "There is no doubt that among the people who participated in the design of the comprehensive telekinesis ability that covers this island, there is at least one person who has achieved the ultimate level of embodied telepathy ability..."

In the embodiment system where the cultivation level has reached the "extreme" level, the embodied items are truly flawless and cannot be distinguished by any means. Generally speaking, as long as the ability user does not die, and as long as the ability user does not take the initiative to remove it, it can continue to exist after being created.

The three of them walked out of the shop, and Wu Er, who was wandering outside the door, walked over.

Jing Yang looked around and saw that it was already past midnight and there were fewer people on the street.

"It's rare that I want to catch a fish, but I don't catch anything." Jing Yang touched the tiger's head, "Wu Er, Wu Er, your tiger skin doesn't seem to be very popular!" Suddenly, he had a thought in his mind. , the eyes switched to a perspective overlooking the town of Anduoqiba.

Before entering the store, Jing Yang asked Wu Er to fish and enforce the law at the entrance of the store, hoping to deceive a few fools who were jealous of Yuehuhu. In addition, he put the rock bird in the sky to patrol, and tried to find people while keeping sentry.

At this moment, Yanque discovered something unusual.

On the eastern outskirts of the town, in a remote place with few people, under the moonlight of the dark night, there was a vaguely familiar figure.

Jing Yanque flew over to observe, and saw from a distance that the person was Jue Zi Jue La.

Juez Juela was flirting with another stranger.

The two seemed to be arguing about something, and in the end the stranger's feet quickly bounced away as if the bullets were yellow. Juezi Juela looked like he was yelling something, but almost instantly, a bright fire broke out in his chest and abdomen, and his whole body The waist was broken into two pieces.


Only then did Xiaodi and Bisji hear a faint explosion coming from the east.

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