Counting the time Jing Yang gave to Batra and his wife in the castle, as well as the time he and Xiao Bisji spent in the tree house at the landing site, they came to Greed Island only a few hours later than Juez Juela. Just hours.

Juezjuela entered the game late at night, almost three or four o'clock in the morning the next day.

How did he blow himself up in half in just a few hours?

"Wait, don't hang up yet!"

Jing Yang said hello and swept forward like the wind. With the help of the field of vision obtained by possessing the rock bird, he accurately positioned the direction of Juezi Juela, sparking and lightning all the way, flying over the walls and flying over the walls. After Xiaodi started to move, he followed him without thinking. Even the Miserable Moon Tiger Wu Er jumped up, the clouds followed the dragon, the wind followed the tiger, Wu Er, the fierce tiger, jumped up and ran, really like the wind, and disappeared in a flash.

Bisji stayed where he was, with a question mark on his head. Although there was an explosion over there, was it necessary to be so excited?

Young man, you are so unstable!

She swayed, and the streets and houses on both sides were like light and shadow flowing backwards. In a blink of an eye, she caught up with Wu Er, who was running forward. She turned a few more turns, stepped on the wall and passed Xiaodi, and finally jumped high. , under the dim moonlight in the early morning, the two straight braids were like the long ears of the Moon Palace Jade Rabbit. In a swish, the whole person caught up with Jing Yang, who was leading the head, and happened to hear Jing Yang muttering:

"The wind resistance is small due to the small size..."


Bisji jumped on the ground and kicked Jing Yang on the butt.

Jing Yang flew forward like a cannonball, turned over in the air, and jumped again with one hand on the ground, "It's okay to say that you are old and beat people up, but why do you still do it when you are said to be petite and cute?" He staggered a few times. After landing, he walked a few steps and finally saw the remote place on the outskirts of the city in front of him. Juezjuela was lying there half dead, with thick smoke and heat coming out of his body, especially the broken part of his waist.

"Hey! Are you okay!" Jing Yang shouted and rushed over.

"Does he look like he's okay?" Bisji dusted off her fluffy skirt, and Shi Shiran walked over, "His buttocks are already hanging on the tree, it's so far away." She pointed with her little hand, and sure enough, it was twenty meters to the west. There was a dead tree, and Juezjuela's broken lower body was pressed against it like a large, extinguished sticky match.

"Do you want to save him?" Xiaodi finally arrived.

She is inclined not to save.

With Jing Yang's star ability, as long as there is a breath, let alone the upper and lower parts of the body being blown apart, even if the head falls off, it can be held on by the last breath and slowly recover. However, since this person can almost be judged to be hopeless, and it was not injured by Jing Yang, if he died like this, wouldn't he be able to contribute a piece of death energy to Jing Yang?

As far as Xiaodi knows, among Jing Yang's six thought systems, only the "additional points" of the transformation system and the materialization system have not been completed yet, and they are lacking the use of death energy.

"He is hopeless." Bisji lowered his head and glanced at Juezi Juela's body.

When she and Jing Yang ran over, it seemed that her eyes were still turning in their direction, and she could barely move with breath, but now her pupils were completely blurred, and the last hope of life was almost cut off...

Jing Yang pressed his heart, looked at the rapidly dilated pupils in Juezi Juela's dilated eyes, who still had the shock on his face, and said, "He is not dead."

Bisji squatted down, stretched out a finger and pointed at Juezi Juela's chest, curled his lips and said: "The heartbeat has stopped, this -"

Before he finished speaking, white light emerged from Juezjuela's "corpse".

The white light was like a flame, burning half of his body, no, including the lower body hanging on the tree twenty meters away, into white flames, which were quickly extinguished on the spot - the two parts of Juezjuela's body suddenly disappeared. .

The little dripper raised a question mark. Wu Er followed behind, circling around the place where Juez Juela disappeared, lowering his head and sniffing from time to time. The heat of the explosion and the blood of the corpse were still lingering. The little gray bird Finch flapped its wings and landed on Jing Yang's shoulder from the air, its beak combing its feathers.

Juez Juela is dead.

Because it was true as Bisji said, he died completely before Jing Yang could even plant the star. His heart stopped beating. No matter how powerful Jing Yang's star was, he couldn't reverse life and death and resurrect a corpse - oh, two mutilated corpses.

But Juezjuela was not dead.

Because Jing Yang did not receive the death energy. Unless he completely cut off his vitality when Jing Yang was one kilometer away, the death energy would naturally escape before Jing Yang got close. However, this was impossible. Jing Yang was staring with the help of Yanque's eyes. In order to keep an eye on Juezi Juela until he died, he didn't even let Yanque follow the person who killed Juezi Juela.

——The person who blew up Juezjuela to death was probably the Bomb Demon, or more specifically, Gan Shu among the trio of Bomb Demons.

Jing Yang looked at the ground where only the radial remnants of the explosion were left, and suddenly said: "It seems that Juezi Juela is a special type."

Bisij nodded and said: "The six major thought systems, if the release, enhancement and change of the upper three systems are classified as the strike system, then the operation, characteristics and embodiment system of the lower three systems can be collectively referred to as the rule system. . And the rule system likes to produce some weird mental abilities involving prophecy, life and death, etc."

When Jing Yang heard this, he naturally thought of Kate.

The telekinesis ability of Kate's carousel lottery weapon "Crazy Clown", one of the most difficult weapons to draw "Absolutely Resistant to Death", seems to have the effect of reincarnation. Specifically, according to the inconsistent golden one in the comics The statement seems to be summarized as, as long as Kate really doesn't want to die, she will never die.

According to Jing Yang's understanding, it means "disintegration of corpses", "disintegration of demons", "I've sent this one, I'll change my number and start again"...

Juezi Juela's telekinesis was not weak, but the strength of his fists and kicks was a little lacking. After several previous fights, Jing Yang and Xiaodi had made some guesses. Now they saw that this guy was blown up by the bomb demon. In this way, there was no real death contribution, not to mention the "corpse" disappeared. If it weren't for the special telekinesis ability, Jing Yang would have eaten the Greedy Island ring on his hand right now.

Yes, not only did Juezi Juela's "body" disappear, but his game ring also disappeared.

"In other words, the game determined that he was not dead. So the ring left with him." Xiaodi said, "It seems that his special telepathy ability can give him a second life."

Bisiji said: "There may not be only a second life. This is not in line with the habit of practicing telekinesis. Generally speaking, telekinesis practitioners will practice abilities such as 'I paid a huge price in exchange for the telekinesis ability that can be reborn.'" , rather than 'I paid a huge price in exchange for a chance to be reborn'.

"The stupidity of the latter makes it a huge side effect in itself, and the more it is not used, the greater the side effect - because before it takes effect, the person with telekinesis will definitely become more and more fearful, and the more... Become more and more afraid of hands and feet.

"Isn't this a bigger price that keeps accumulating? If this telekinesis ability is never put to use in a lifetime, wouldn't it mean that the telekinesis person himself will live a life of unhappiness, hesitation, and fear?

"You can only be reborn once, how can it be worth paying so much for!"

Aunt Bi shook her head repeatedly, it would be better to simply forget about this broken ability and develop it again in another branch.

Jing Yang translated it in his mind: What kind of ending should be worthy of the ups and downs along the way?

"Then, his special telepathy ability is that every time he is resurrected, he has to pay a huge price." He pondered, "No wonder he wanted to defeat me so much before, but never used his telepathy ability. It turns out that he didn't like to hide, but really It doesn’t work…”

You can't just jump up and let Jing Yang beat him to death just to show off your skills, right?

This seems to also explain why Juezi Juela, a senior professional hunter and even a one-star bounty hunter, can't compare to Gon Killua in terms of basic attributes such as jumping on the spot. Two newbies who have only just started reading skills...

Forget about the trait system, the derived telekinesis ability still has no frontal combat effectiveness. If he doesn't pull it, who will pull it? He is absolutely stunning!

Xiaodi asked curiously: "He cares so much about the reward of the mission, will the price of resurrection be money?"

"In that case, wouldn't it be too simple?" Jing Yang expressed doubts.

Bisji smiled and said: "What if there is such a restriction: it must be his legitimate personal labor remuneration?"

Jing Yang thought for a moment and agreed: "Exchanging hard-earned money for hard-earned money is a good idea!"


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