"anyone there?"

"Hey Hey hey?"

"Wouldn't it be rude if you don't come out again?"

The narrow-eyed strong man "Leiza" walked up and down the hall of the deserted city lord's castle. His calls echoed with each other, but there was still no response from the beginning to the end.

Isn't it here?

Jing Yang also murmured in his heart.

In the Greedy Island chapter of the comic, Du En and Li Site, the second game designers, directly sent an invitation card from the city lord to Xiaojie after Xiaojie cleared the entire game, indicating the location of the castle... As for the castle where Gon Killua and others arrived at that time, Jing Yang was really not sure whether it was the castle where Jing Yang was now.

After bracing Leza's skin and wandering around the empty castle shouting for two more times, Jing Yang regretfully left from the gate.

Li Site, who was not too tall and elegant, dressed like an exquisite butler, quietly watched "Leza" leaving the castle gate with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile: "It seems that he has a transformation-type telekinesis ability!" Well, do you think this guy who took on the appearance of Leza is the telepathic person himself, or is he an embodied doll?"

Li Site looked back and saw that on the carpet in the living room, which was full of debris, Du En, a man with messy curly hair, was already lying on his side, holding a game controller and looking at a big-ass computer monitor, typing with enthusiasm. game.

It wasn't until Li Site asked again that Du En, who was looking sloppy, yawned: "The point is why he became like Leza, right? As far as I know, there is currently no player in the level that Leza is responsible for. It has been triggered, and logically speaking, even if a player has the ability to transform, there is no reason to choose to become like him!"

As one of the game designers responsible for the release part, Leiza is responsible for acting as the end boss of the designated card 2, "One Ping of Coastline". This card is an extremely rare card, and can even be understood as the most difficult card to obtain in this game. Not only is it the most difficult to obtain, but even information about the card's traces is difficult to obtain.

14 players need to arrive at the seaside town of Shoufu Labi where Leza is located at the same time. Only then will special dialogues with certain NPCs in the city be triggered, pointing to the location of Leza, and then they will have the opportunity to enter the process of defeating the boss and obtaining treasures.

And the boss Leza is ridiculously strong.

In the original time and space, excluding the unknown combat power of Bisji, who had no power in paddling, if Hisoka's telekinesis ability "flexible love" was not too restrained within the rules of Leiza's volleyball game, he would have been able to fight like a volleyball player. It sticks to a volleyball like chewing gum... Even if Killua breaks his hand, he still won't be able to pass the test of Leza, the squinting boss, and get the No.2 card.

It was already 1999 in Hunter Calendar when Killua Gon cleared the level, and it is only 1996 now. Not to mention Leiza got the No.2 card by clearing the level. Hundreds of players on Greed Island don’t even know where the No.2 card is and how it happened. I don’t even know the triggering conditions, and no one has ever seen the boss Leiza.

"You guys are so impressive! You can't even see me?"

Suddenly, an arrogant voice came from the gate. Li Site heard the sound and looked over. The calm smile on his handsome face could not be stretched. Even Du En was attracted and saw the entrance of the castle again. The "Gold = Fulis" who walked in also had several black lines hanging from his forehead.

"No matter who he is transforming into, he has no intention of concealing the fact that he is pretending..." Li Site stood there with his hands behind his back, silently watching "Jin" walking towards him, as if there was nothing on him Passed through.

Watching "Jin" "walking around" among his magazines, game consoles, and snacks, Du En's eyebrows jumped: "Although he can't see us, and although he knows that this guy is not Jin, seeing this It still makes me feel bad to show my face..."

Jing Yang was completely unaware of this. There was still only an empty castle hall in his view. He didn't want to go all the way in vain, so he reluctantly wore his "gold" skin and walked around the various rooms inside and outside the castle. , and still not a single person could be seen.

"Can we just continue to collect cartoons and pass them?"

Back in the hall, Jing Yang talked to himself.

"This is what we should do, right?" Li Site was right next to him, but Jing Yang couldn't hear or see him.

"I always feel like it's so troublesome!" Jing Yang scratched his head. When he read the Hunter comics, he wasn't very interested in the Greedy Island chapter. He preferred the part in this chapter where Bisiji guided Killua and Gonzo to practice telekinesis.

"Playing games is troublesome, is there something wrong with him?" Du En, who was lying on his side playing games, scratched his messy hair that looked like a chicken coop, with a look of incomprehension on his face.

Just when Jing Yang was about to leave the castle gate, he suddenly stopped and looked back.

"Don't worry, you can't cheat." Li Site smiled.

"No, he's not trying to trick us out, but..." Du En was surprised, and Li Site quickly discovered that Jing Yang's gaze when he turned back was not towards the castle hall, but... he looked up.

Jing Yang frowned, a little confused, looking at the castle hall which was empty except for a huge chandelier on the ceiling.

Just now, it seems that you felt something in that position?

With a thought in his heart, Jing Yang reached into his arms and held the jade pendant engraved with divine characters. He focused his eyes on the chandelier on the ceiling and carefully observed the chandelier on the ceiling... Gradually, he seemed to see a blur above the chandelier. It seems to be a...rugged sphere outlined by thick black lines?

"Hey, can he see that thing?!" Du En was shocked and jumped up on the spot.

"Don't worry, let's look again..." Li Site stared closely at "Jin" who was very close at hand. He saw the opponent squatting deeply, condensing a lot of energy towards his legs, and then jumped up high. Twenty or thirty meters high, one hand grabs the chandelier and hangs it in the air.

But even if he got closer, what Jing Yang could see vaguely in his eyes did not become clearer.

He tried to reach out and fish it out, but he didn't feel like he was actually touching anything.


Jing Yang raised his hand, and a blade-like Qi emerged from his hand. It was the "Drinking Nian Sword".

...What does he want to do?

Can you stop being such a jerk?

Although Du En and Li Site didn't know what the air blade in "Jin's" hand was used for or what its specific abilities were, they were already planning to stop it. However, at this moment, "Jin" thought for a while, put the air blade back, let go of his hand, and fell from the chandelier back to the ground.

After all, this is a world of telekinesis with endless weird abilities. It is better to be careful about unknown things... Jing Yang took one last look at the blurry ball outline outlined by thick black lines on the chandelier, and left the castle through the gate.

This time, after waiting for a while, he really left and didn't come back with another skin.

"It's really not good for your heart to be so surprised." Du En breathed a sigh of relief and lay down again in the pile of magazines and game cartridges that looked like a garbage pile.

Li Site looked up at the top of the chandelier, the black icosahedron floating out of thin air, like a giant dice, and suddenly looked at the fence on the second floor of the castle. At some point, a middle-aged man with blond hair stood there, holding his hand. He put it in his suit pocket and looked at the black icosahedron suspended and rotating above the chandelier.

Alandriel said: "Jin and Leiza are the designers of Greed Island, how come they can't enter the real castle? He became the wrong person."

From below, Li Site raised his voice and asked, "Why are you here free?"

"Can't I come to the game I participated in designing?" Alandriel jumped down from the second floor.

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