In the castle on the mountain, "Jin" walked out of the gate and touched his waist, and pulled out a tiger skin skirt out of thin air.

Suddenly, "Jin"'s appearance kept twisting and deforming, his height grew taller, and he returned to Jing Yang's appearance.

The tiger skin skirt turned into a ball of thought energy, and after landing, it turned into Misery Tiger Wu Er. She walked a few steps and looked up at Jing Yang.

Jing Yang made a slight estimate.

Taker's "Seventy-two Transformations" are collaborative telekinesis abilities that consume not Taker's energy, but the energy of the person who puts on Taker's tiger skin skirt to transform. Moreover, the greater the difference between the changed body shape and the original shape, the more Qi is consumed every second.

The size difference between Jin and Jing Yang was not that big, so Jing Yang did not feel the discomfort of burning up too quickly while maintaining the transformation.

Now that Jing Yang has released his transformation, he estimates that he spent about 2,000 qi after transforming into gold and wandering around the castle for about 20 minutes, which is about 5 qi per second.

My current total mental capacity is over 30,000. Theoretically, I can wear a tiger skin skirt and disguise myself as gold for a full five or six hours... If you calculate it this way, it seems that this consumes a lot of money. If If any techniques such as "Condensation" and "Strength" are used during the transformation, the energy consumption will increase and the maintenance time will be reduced.


Jing Yang casually flicked his hand, and an air blade extended from his hand, which was the "Drinking Nian Sword".

On the sword made of condensed Qi, there are vaguely hollow runes one after another, only one of which is filled. That was when I used the Drinking Nian Sword to eliminate the thoughts of a patient in a certain hospital, the Qi stored in the runes on the sword's body was jokingly called the Qi battery by the Drinking Nian Sword.

If the energy stored in the Drinking Sword is used to offset the consumption of maintaining the seventy-two transformations, then there is no need to affect one's basic combat effectiveness. It's really good...

"What are you thinking about?" Xiaodi asked from the side.

The two of them and the tiger left the castle and went down the mountain quickly.

Jing Yang looked around: "I was wondering, where is Aunt Bi?"

When she found Bisji, she was eating noodles and chatting with a man at a roadside stall in this town. Jing Yang took a closer look, and it turned out to be the nagging guy he met at the foot of the castle hill before - a man named Dimu who was called a game hunter by Bisji.

Game hunters appear on the most magical game island in the world. Well, that makes sense.

"Just in time." Bisji said to Jing Yang who was walking over after taking the last sip of noodles.

Jing Yang asked curiously: "Where exactly are you? Do you know where the city lord is?"

Bisij put down his chopsticks: "I just happened to pay the bill, kid."

"BOOK." Jing Yang didn't take it seriously, called out the game card book, took out a ten thousand yuan card and handed it to the food stall owner.

He sat down and pushed Bisji to the side from the stool. The one who paid was the boss.

Wu Erzehu was lying next to him and Xiaodi was sitting on it.

Bisji said: "I asked Dimu, as a game hunter, I am not surprised at all that he would appear in this special game Greedy Island, but what I don't understand is that with his level, how could he Why haven't you beaten this game yet?"

"Why?" Xiaodi looked at Dimu curiously.

Jing Yang said: "What I'm more curious about is how come this one-star professional hunter doesn't even have money for noodles?"

Kim wiped his mouth and said, "My experience since I was a child is: when you go out to eat, the oldest or the most capable person pays the bill." He looked at Bisji.

Jing Yang also looked at Bisji and said proudly: "I'm definitely not the oldest, so Aunt Bi thinks I'm the most capable?"

Bisiji said hehely: "I also have a life experience: if you have an apprentice to call upon, you don't need to do everything yourself."

Hearing this, Zi Mu glanced at Jing Yang twice. Is this Bisiji's new disciple?

Jing Yang said: "Don't just look at me, this one is the same." He pointed at Xiaodi.

Xiaodi is still curious about the original question: "Why haven't you passed the level yet?"

Dimu stood up and said: "It's not that I failed to pass the level, but that I didn't want to. Don't you think that the most interesting thing about Greed Island is not how to pass the game, but - these things on this island How are these magical props realized?"

Looking at his figure who left alone and disappeared into the crowd in the town, Bisji said: "There is no doubt that the game Greedy Island is realized through the ability of telekinesis. According to Zimu, there must be seven or eight, or even More than ten people with advanced telekinesis abilities in various systems must work together to complete such a complex telekinesis game."

Xiao Didi said: "The cards in the game are all realized by telekinesis, which is easy to understand. What is he wondering about?"

"Here's the key." Bisji raised a finger. "After the game is cleared, as a reward, the winning player can take the cards out of the game. Think about it, these cards in this game can flow in every day. A kettle that produces a large amount of water, a hot spring that can solve all skin problems, a stone that can make people pregnant...a demon who can make any wish come true, an archangel that can heal all injuries, and even a TV that can predict everything in the next 24 hours . These things that can be laughed off in the game, if they can be taken to the outside world, they can be regarded as real 'psychic abilities', but..."

If these things are really regarded as "thinking abilities", no matter which kind they are, they are too extraordinary, right?

Even the well-informed veteran Jianghu Bisiji couldn't help but be speechless when he thought about it carefully.

In particular, these extraordinary card abilities are all created by a certain person or a certain group of people.

What kind of telekinesis and telekinesis abilities are needed to create such a game, or in other words, to create these incredible cards?

"I'll interrupt," Jing Yang said, "When I entered the game, the NPC lady didn't say what the rewards for completing the level were, right? How did this guy know?"

Bisji said: "He is a game hunter. He has some unique skills in the game field. It is natural, right? Don't underestimate professional hunters, boy."

Xiaodi said: "In short, he thinks the cards in this game are unusual, and after knowing that they can be taken outside the game, he can't understand how they are made..."

"That's it." Bisji nodded, "But I just want to get the blue planet gem. If you don't play games, I won't have much interest. - Where is that bird of yours?" She glanced at Xiaodi's seat. The miserable moon tiger looked up in the sky. I don't know when, but the gray-feathered bird that had been lingering nearby disappeared.

Jing Yang smiled and said, "I asked it to test a few small things..."

"What's the matter?" Bisji asked.

"What will happen if the 'player' leaves the island on his own?"

Greedy Island, the west coast, the land on the shore, a gray-feathered bird put something away, then fluttered its wings and flew towards the sea. It quickly rushed across the border of the island and flew into the offshore waters.

There were waves of waves below. Yanque's eyes flashed, and "Jingyanque" came online.

"Is it really possible to fly out directly?"

"Jingyanque" thought like this, and continued to flap its wings to fly across the sea, "Wait, that's not right..."

Only two minutes after flying to the sea, "Jingyanque" felt that the scene in front of him flashed "swish", and then disappeared a long distance out of thin air - oh, it wasn't that the scenery was far away, but that he was back on the island again. .

The "Scenery Rock Bird" fluttered its wings and glided. Looking down, it happened to be the boundary of the island coast.

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