"OK, hidden rule 1. The so-called Greed Island refers to the island itself and the area within 5 kilometers of the offshore area. Once the player leaves this area, he will be forced to return to the coast of the nearest island land..."

"That's right. If the player fills the ring's book with designated cards and spell cards of various abilities, then directly builds a boat and leaves, rowing back to the mainland city... wouldn't that be a card bug?"

"Since the player itself cannot 'physically sneak away', then there are other things..."

"Jingyanque" looked at the vast sea on the shore. After blowing the sea breeze for a while, he jumped and turned to look at the thing he had brought to the shore beforehand - it was a necklace, 084's "Paladin's Jewelry", and equipped it When placed on the body, the spell can be rebounded and lifted.

It sounds powerful, but the difficulty and rarity of obtaining it are actually only D-60.

This is easy to understand. After all, the so-called spell is only available on Greed Island, so naturally this defensive item is only useful on Greed Island. When taken to the outside world, it is just an ordinary necklace. .

Therefore, Jing Yang was very willing to use it for experiments.

He controlled the rock bird and wandered around the offshore sea. He found a fish as thick and short as an adult's arm. He immediately thought of it and released a ball of flying star bubbles. The small air ball containing the five-pointed star pattern submerged silently under the water, leaving a rose gold five-pointed star mark on the forehead of the ignorant sea fish.

Soon, the sea fish carried the "paladin's jewelry" thrown down by the rock bird in its mouth and quickly swam towards the sea outside the island.

This fish is not a "player"...

"Jingyanque" stayed on the shore and waited. Not long after, a necklace stained with water suddenly appeared out of thin air on the ground next to it, and fell to the ground with a clatter.

A group of dogs plan!

Even if you want to get a BUG, ​​it won't work.

"Jingyan Bird" gave up its fantasy and flew back towards the island with the necklace in hand.


"Both the manifestation system and the release system often have space-type telekinesis abilities."

On the way out of the main city, Bisji said to Jing Yang and Xiaodi, "The release system usually focuses more on teleportation, such as transporting oneself or others to another location in an instant, or even transporting part of oneself or others' bodies. …”

"What brought us to this game is this ability to teleport," Xiaodi said.

Bisij nodded: "That's right. The spatial ability of the materialization system often creates a special space out of thin air, and then formulates various rules in this special space. Generally speaking, as long as you are not careful, If you fall into this kind of trap, you must obey the corresponding rules, which has nothing to do with the strength of your own telepathy."

Jing Yang said: "Just like the operation system, the first mover will win! Rule-based abilities are always unreasonable."

Bisiji said: "So, no matter how strong you are, you cannot be careless when facing anyone with telekinesis who doesn't know the details, especially if you know that the other party is of the manipulation system or the embodiment system. Of course. , the trait type must be more vigilant. If you rely on your strong telepathy and end up overturning, there is no regret."

Xiaodi looked at the sky and said, "So, this island is a special space that has been realized?"

Bisji said: "The island itself may not be materialized, and there is no need for it. However, since your bird cannot fly out, it is certain that the area where this island is located, and the area where it is located, Space is indeed a special realm that contains rules.”

"One of the rules is that you can only leave by the method specified here." Xiaodi understood. Among the cards Jing Yang grabbed, there was one "Leave" card, which was undoubtedly the "legal" way to leave the island.

Jing Yang said: "In this case, there is really no chance of 'extorting a 'Blue Planet' card from other players, turning the card into a gem, rowing a boat with the gem to leave the island, and running away from school." ”

Bisij sighed: "It would be so simple! The person who designed this game is really a clever and evil person..."

The small figure of Yanque flew in the sky, and Xiaodi said: "The space where the entire island is located is shaped by the power of telekinesis. There are so many monsters and strange cards on the island... It's really amazing!"

The small figure of Yanque flew in the sky, and Xiaodi said: "The space where the entire island is located is shaped by the power of telekinesis. There are so many monsters and strange cards on the island... It's really amazing!"

Bisji pondered: "It is indeed like what Guimu said. The more you think about it, the more chilling it becomes... I mean, if you get rewards for clearing the level, you can really use the cards here." Take it to the outside world for use."

Wishes, prophecies, immortality, money and wealth, life and death, human flesh and bones, creation out of thin air... The range of abilities covered by the cards on the island is incredible, both in terms of breadth and depth.

The effects of mental abilities usually comply with a certain principle of equivalent exchange. The stronger and more incredible the ability, there should be certain restrictions and restrictions, or a certain price to be paid - even the enhancement system that least pays attention to special abilities, "years of hard training" itself can be regarded as a way to realize strong strength. cost.

What did the people who made the game Greedy Island pay to realize the countless miracles on this entire island?

"In short, Blue Planet can only think of other solutions."

Jing Yang looked at the sky.

Bisji smiled and said, "Don't worry about it now. Aren't you here just to find a place to practice?"

Xiaodi was surprised and said: "Bisji, you are pretending to be fierce, but you are actually very gentle and considerate!"


Bisji punched him, Xiaodi braced his arms and slid back more than ten meters with his feet on the ground. "Don't think that I'm polite because you're beautiful, little girl." Bisji blew into his fist, "Are you still gentle and considerate now?"

Jing Yang smiled and said: "You have to practice cultivation, and you have to play games. Leiza wants to beat him, and Blue Planet also has to do it."


"Are you that surprised to see me?"

Alandriel, wearing a suit and leather shoes, walked down the stairs and came to the castle hall.

Du En was still lying on his side in front of the garbage-heap-like TV, rubbing the controller and playing the game. He said without looking back: "Although you are 'A' in Greed Island, you are a busy man. I haven't seen you since the game was finished." You’ve been here before, but you suddenly showed up today, shouldn’t it be a surprise?”

"A?" Alan Tril paused and said suddenly, "Oh, I almost forgot."

"You're just saying you didn't trust me, right?" Du En complained endlessly as he rubbed the controller and broke the speed record. "You were just dragged along by that guy Jin to make up for the numbers. You don't have the heart of a player at all!"

GREEDISLAND, GREEDISLAND, the name is spelled out with the initials of eleven game designers. Jin is the G at the beginning, Alandriel is the A, Du En is the D, and Li Site is the L.

Alandriel said calmly: "At any rate, I am also responsible for part of the operating system."

Du En said: "Actually, that guy Jin can handle it all by himself. He is just short of an A in GREED ISLAND! That obsessive-compulsive, willful, arrogant man..."

"Is it related to it?" Li Site spoke at this time. Like Alandriel, he looked up at the ceiling of the castle hall and looked at the strange icosahedron suspended above the chandelier, "It has something to do with this 'D' related?"

At this time, even the casual Du En put down the controller and looked over.

Alandriel said: "A while ago, Jin suddenly contacted me and said that someone might come to Greed Island. If he sees this thing, something interesting might happen."

Du En said: "What that guy finds interesting is usually not a good thing!"

Li Site was a little confused and asked, "You mean the person who just pretended to be Jin?"

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