The handsome guy disguised as Jin is sitting quietly under a big tree with his eyes closed.

On the stone opposite, Bisji focused his eyes on Qi, carefully watching Jing Yang who was practicing, and observing the flow of densely entangled Qi on his body.

"The total amount of Qi seems to be increasing." Bisji thought to himself, "What happened? It actually reminds me of that old guy Nitro..."

Nitro has a personality that likes to find someone to be his opponent's sparring partner. Bisiki was not only a member of the Hunter Association, but also a disciple of Shingenryu. Of course she had sparred with Nitro countless times when she was young. She had also seen Nitro meditate seriously. At that time, there was something difficult about Nitro. The momentum of speech.

But Nitro is a great master of martial arts. He meditates to increase Qi, which is to stimulate the dormant skills. Why does Jing Yang increase his mental power by sitting still?

Of course Jing Yang is "refining" the death energy.

After entering Greed Island, there are already 4 lines of death energy accumulated in the death energy panel.

He put 3 points of death energy into the transformation system, and the upper limit of qualifications in the transformation system was instantly increased from 3% to 3%. The only remaining uncompleted embodiment system also increased slightly, and was subsequently increased to 8%.

With the remaining 1 point of death energy, Jing Yang directly invested his total thoughts into refining.

The total amount of thoughts: 30906, 31000... 31404... 31502... Finally, the total amount of thoughts stayed at 31999 qi.

This time, 1 point of death energy was refined to exceed 1,000.

Good luck.

Jing Yang was satisfied, and slowly opened his eyes. When he looked up, he saw a pair of big, jewel-like eyes right in front of him. It turned out that Bisji had walked in front of him at some point.

"Auntie, it's not polite to observe people like this," Jing Yang said.

Bisji asked as if he was talking to himself: "Your...certain telekinesis ability can improve your own quality in all aspects, right? Including your potential in other telekinesis systems. That's why you asked me about both before." Things involving one or more departments... not only that, but it can also increase the total amount of thought in a relatively simple and crude way."

Jing Yang was ashamed: "As expected of an old hunter in his fifties, his ability to observe and analyze is terrifying!"

This time Bisji did not beat him, but just said: "I don't know what your ability is, but you must always remember one thing - you are a telekinesis user of the operating system. No matter how many kinds of telekinesis you have developed, All mental abilities should keep this in mind and use it to guide practice and combat."

"Nian is the heart." She stretched out her index finger and pointed at Jing Yang's chest.

Jing Yang nodded, and then asked jokingly: "Don't you wonder why I can do this kind of thing? To tell you the truth, I have almost all of the six major mental systems, six of them are 100% full. oh."

Bisji snorted, straightened up and said, "Do you think you have done something unprecedented and unprecedented?"

"Oh?" Jing Yang was curious.

"Since the day the concept of Nian system was born, some people have tried to master the abilities of all Nian systems." Bisji said, "Most people fail and achieve nothing in their lives. If this system is not practiced well, adjacent or opposite Nian systems will The system is also half the effort and wasted effort. However, if some people fail, others will naturally succeed."

After a pause, she said seriously: "At least, President Nitro once said that there are indeed masters in this world who are proficient in all six major mental systems."

who is it?

Could it be gold?

Jing Yang asked curiously: "What about before the concept of mind system was born?"

Bisij rolled his eyes: "Before there was no concept of mind system, of course people would practice whatever abilities they could. If you practice the right way, your kung fu will advance by leaps and bounds, and it will come naturally. If you practice wrong, you will consider yourself unlucky. What's the matter? It's fair to say." Jing Yang nodded.

It seems that in the world of hunters, not only technological weapons and the like are changing with each passing day, but also similar to the previous life, the practice of nen is also the same. ization and systematization.

Compared with modern professional hunters, ancient telekinesis users were probably all wild people.

Thinking of this, Jing Yang couldn't help but look at Xiaodi not far away.

Xiaodi is also practicing, and she is polishing her protruding-eyed fish ability - since learning from Bisji that the key to the practice of the manifestation system lies in a "degree of reality", she has begun to refocus her practice. Back to the embodiment of her own lineage.

But, how to improve the "realism"?

From a utilitarian point of view, whether the fish gear with protruding eyes is "real" or not does not affect its use.

It doesn't look like something that exists in reality. It's obviously a vacuum cleaner, but it has a mouth with fangs and a big mouth like a living thing. Anyone with telekinesis should understand this thing as long as they have a brain. It is a materialized prop, no matter how "realistic" it is.

Still, Xiaodi wants to continue improving the bulge-eye fish. Although it may be strange to say this, the protruding fish was indeed her first partner and her only friend before Jing Yang.

But the question remains, how to exercise the "reality" of embodied objects?

Xiaodi condensed his eyes and thought for a while, this was not enough, so he released his "circle" with a radius of two meters, covering the entire bulging-eye fish, and observing the "fake" details of the bulging-eye fish itself from all directions.

Discover the "fake" spots on the vacuum cleaner's body where there are masses of mental energy fluctuations, and then you just need to work hard to erase these "fake spots" and become more real, right?

Suddenly, two small hands wearing white gloves entered her "circle".

Xiaodi looked up at Bisji and saw invisible thoughts spurting out from the palms of Bisji's hands, forming a rapidly expanding turbulence. Bisji quickly opened his arms, as if holding an invisible heart. , chaotic, violent, huge thought ball, and slowly pushed this ball of violent thought ball towards the small bulging-eyed fish vacuum cleaner.

This ball of violent thoughts was obviously not a telekinesis ability, let alone an offensive telepathy bomb. It just formed a chaotic area of ​​​​qi. When it completely covered the bulging-eyed fish, Xiaodi found that the bulging-eyed fish in his hand suddenly The sub has become very "heavy"... In other words, it is obviously getting more and more difficult for her to maintain the stability of the bulging fish.

Soon, the bulging-eyed fish was shaking like a TV screen with poor signal, and even the big mouth of the vacuum cleaner could no longer maintain its shape, almost disintegrating into pure thoughts.

Xiaodi suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is how the materialization system practices authenticity!"

Bisji blinked his left eye and smiled: "Try to be as present as usual in this environment."

Jing Yang asked from behind: "I understand, as long as you continue to increase the violent degree of the energy you release, you can continue to increase the difficulty of the practice of embodied reality, right?"

"Don't just watch. You won't learn such a simple trick after watching it once, right?" Bisiji said without looking back, "Aren't you 100% sure about the release system? I'll only teach it once, listen. good."

Jingyang then listened carefully to Bisiji's explanation on how to create this kind of violent air mass that assists in the practice of manifesting reality. Xiaodi concentrated on the environment of the violent air mass released by Bisiji, trying to embody it bit by bit. A stable bulging-eyed fish appears.

In this way, after practicing all morning, the three of them released some reserved food from the bulging-eye fish for lunch, and then followed Jing Yang's words to find one of the goals of the trip - Leza.

However, Jing Yang only remembered that the card that Leiza was responsible for was called Yiping Coastline, but he didn't quite remember that the specific location of Leiza was the town on Greed Island. In short, it seemed to be some kind of lighthouse. .

He put on a tiger skin skirt and used his seventy-two transformations to transform into a huge roc, carrying Xiaodi and Bisji flying in the air and flying towards the nearest town at extremely fast speeds.

"Leza! Please answer if you hear it!!"

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