Chapter 243 Exhaustive

"Leiza! Come out quickly!!"

"Where is Leiza?!"

"Someone wants to settle a score with you!"

Over the town, a roc-like bird was hovering, and a clear and sharp female voice echoed above everyone's heads.

Who is Leza?

Is there anyone on the bird?

The residents and players in the town all had such doubts.

"It's really..."

"You are so high-profile on this island, don't you know how to write the word death?"

"A veteran shouldn't be so careless, I'm afraid he's a newcomer who just entered the island!"

"If you are new..."

In the streets and alleys, many pairs of eyes observed the big birds hovering overhead and whispered. It's a pity that the person on the bird is too high from the ground, exceeding the maximum release distance of the Greed Island spell card. Otherwise, I would just use a spell card like Peeping. I want to see how many cards this newcomer has in his pocket. So arrogant.

Such an arrogant newcomer is currently stepping on the back of Dapeng Bird, and said dissatisfiedly: "For me to say such shameless lines, you are simply bullying the teacher and destroying the ancestors! Why don't you speak?"

Xiaodi sat next to him, touched his neck, and said, "Jingyang turned into a bird and can't speak human words."

"Humph, I was mute on purpose." Bisji said, patting his wings under the seat, "You must have used up a lot of energy, go down and rest for a while."

The roc nodded and took a bird's-eye view of the town below. He found a remote corner, folded his wings, and almost fell headlong. The wind was howling on both sides. Fortunately, the two people riding on him were agile masters, so he was steady. Waiting steadily for him to almost "crash", he jumped and landed one after another.

Dapeng also swayed and turned back into Jing Yang. He casually pulled off a tiger skin skirt wrapped around his waist.

In just such a short time, my thirty-two thousand Qi was burned to a full ten thousand.

Although the Seventy-Two Changes are good, they are a big burner.

"You have to find an opportunity to recharge the 'qi battery'." Jing Yang said to himself.

"What?" Bisji asked.

Jing Yang told him about the Yin Nian Sword. Bisji was surprised and said, "You have a lot of good things, kid! How many abilities have you developed? Can your brain still handle it?" She stepped on her feet and touched Jing Yang's forehead, as if he was dizzy.

The ability to read is a very brain-burning thing. Take the chain of the materialization system of Kurapika's practice in the original time and space as an example. In order to successfully materialize the chain, he specially bought a pair of real chains. He touched them day and night, played with them all the time, and even licked them. , just to deeply imprint all the components of the chain into my mind - to put it simply, it means modeling the chain in my mind, and this kind of modeling will undoubtedly consume a lot of brain memory.

Even if other types of telekinesis abilities do not require physical props, any telekinesis ability is to some extent made out of nothing. If you are greedy for too much and do not know how to measure it, you will conceive and store too many "models" of telekinesis abilities in your mind, and you will not be able to use them until they are actually used. When the brain is running out of memory, it is a bad thing. It is a bad thing if the whole computer crashes when running multitasking.

Jing Yang smiled: "The Drinking Nian Sword is not my own ability, it was given to me by others."

Bisiji asked curiously: "Can I give this as a gift?"

Therefore, Jing Yang briefly told Bisi Ji that King Zhenwu had refined the parasitic mind beast and turned it into a drinking mind sword as a gift to him.

After Bisiji heard this, he asked Jing Yang to stretch out the Yin Nian Sword to check. Sure enough, he saw hollow runes on the elusive sword. A rough count revealed that there were more than thirty runes.

"Try to cut me with the sword." Bisji said.

Jing Yang cut it.

The Nianjian sword passed over Bisji's body, causing no physical damage, but it took away some of the Nianqi from her body. Bisji made a slight guess and said, "Come and chop me down later to recharge the 'battery' of your sword."

Xiaodi asked: "Full? Are you alone?"

Bisji smiled slightly: "I am enough alone."

Jing Yang asked curiously: "Bisi Ji, how much do you always think about?"

Bisji hummed twice: "What do you think? - Let's change places first. More and more people are coming towards us."

Jing Yang put the tiger skin skirt back on, but without activating the seventy-two transformation abilities, he just hung it up as Wu Er's low power mode, making it easier to carry. He recalled the layout of the town he had seen in the sky before, "Over there, let's get some food first."

On the way, Xiaodi said to Jingyang: "What Bisiji said makes sense. Building too much telekinesis ability is not necessarily a good thing."

She knew that Jing Yang planned to develop at least one ability from each of the six major systems of thought. In Jing Yang's words, his talent and potential had been developed. If he didn't develop a corresponding ability, wouldn't it be a waste?

Jing Yang said as he walked: "Indeed, especially the materialization system... it should be possible to develop it, but if you think about the complexity of creating things out of thin air, it is probably a bit brain-burning to take it as an 'elective'."

Because he recently helped Wuji develop the seventy-two transformation abilities of the manifestation system, he has some sympathy for the complexity of the ability to manifest the mind.

But because of this, he had other ideas, "Since it's burning my brain, wouldn't it be nice to have an extra brain to use?"

"Huh?" Xiaodi was confused for a moment.

"Are you planning to go from town to town looking for the so-called Leza?" Bisji, who was walking in front, suddenly asked.

"Well..." Jing Yang pondered, "That's a good question, I have to think about it."

"You just started thinking about it?!"


"...That's pretty much it. In short, Xiaodi and I drifted to a certain coast of Greed Island. We met Leza as soon as we landed. He finally used the administrator card to expel us and teleported to another continent. Obviously He’s the steward of this game.”

In a corner of the hotel, Jing Yang said while eating, "In short, you don't need to search every town. Just follow the coastline and look for places that look like the landforms where Xiaodi and I first landed, and there are towns nearby. That’s it.”

"This island is quite big." Bisji reminded him, taking a bite of the dessert.

Xiaodi said: "Would it be better to get a map of the entire island?"

Jing Yang said: "I don't know if they have it."

None of the three of them looked around, but they were all aware of the players who were coming in one after another, sitting down quietly or ambushing them.

The Qi on Jing Yang's body was calm and calm, but due to the hidden sight coming from all directions, the surface of the Qi layer rippled like tiny dust particles. This little trick taught by Bi Siji is really useful and makes up for my lack of experience in the world.

20 minutes later, five other players were piled up at the door of the hotel with squinting eyes, and all the card collection books were swept away.

"You don't have a complete map either?" Jing Yang was disappointed and threw the sixth player who tried to use a spell card on them to the ground, and secretly left a rose gold pentagram mark on the opponent's chin skin. Just like the other five who had passed out.

If I remember correctly, the city where Leza is located has a certain number of people required to trigger a mission?

Jing Yang scratched his head.

Behind him, Bisji and Xiaodi bumped into each other and were dividing the stolen cards.

Jing Yang asked: "Is there a blue planet?"

Bisji said disappointedly: "No. There are a lot of spell cards."

"There are also a lot of rubbish such as stones on the roadside." Xiaodi said.

Jing Yang glanced around, and some hidden eyes in the crowd avoided him and left quietly.

A small gray bird was hovering high in the sky above his head. Jing Yang pointed in the distance, and the gray bird flew away like an arrow.

Bisji took a look and said, "You're not letting it fly around along the coastline, are you?"

"We can only use the exhaustive method." Jing Yang walked towards the outside of the town, "Fly all the way, leaving marks along the way..."


Bisji and Xiaodi followed his footsteps. After they left, the six players who had passed out at the door of the hotel suddenly opened their eyes, startling the passersby and hotel waiter NPC who came to check. However, the six people who woke up were all silent and did not look at each other. They rushed away in different directions without looking back.


While Yanque was using the exhaustive method, along the various coastal villages and towns on Greed Island - Jing Yang remembered that Leza's old nest seemed to be a lighthouse on the seaside, which was good, and could exclude some locations - Jing Yang The three of them came to the wilderness outside the city, found a forest with good scenery and terrain, and continued their practice.

Jing Yang stretched out his left hand and released a chaotic air ball the size of his arms, flying towards Xiao Di. Xiao Di also inserted his hand into the chaotic air ball, trying to materialize a bulging-eyed fish.

Since Jing Yang currently has quite good qualifications in the field of releasing thoughts, he will soon be able to maintain this chaotic air mass in the air to assist Xiaodi's practice, and he himself is also thinking about his own ability to release thoughts... Just like he did before As Xiaodi said, like creating a second brain, his first instinct for the release ability was undoubtedly the "mind beast".

He already had a basic idea for his release of the telekinesis beast.

It's equivalent to ten and a half days of drafting, meditation training, and quietly modeling in my mind. Now I can't wait to start sketching.

Jing Yang stretched out his right hand and released a ball of energy, which gradually condensed into a human shape in front of him.

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