After waiting for half an hour, Nian Beast Taoist Sister waved her left sleeve again, and a ball of Nian Qi flew out of the sleeve, and turned into Bisiji when it landed on the ground.

Bisji was stunned for a moment, then frowned and looked back.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Jing Yang raised his hand.

At this moment, Jing Yang seemed to see a sleeping giant beast waking up... No, it wasn't as if Bisji had really transformed into a humanoid beast! Bisiji was seen standing tall, her muscles all over her body swelled, and astonishing waves of thought energy surged around her, almost like an eruption of intense energy, exuding a ferocious and terrifying aura.

Wu Er immediately became furious, arched his body, and let out a vigilant growl.

"Calm down!" Jing Yang waved his hand, "Calm down, Aunt Bi! Master Bi! Princess Gem! Sailor Moon!"

Xiaodi held the big-eyed fish tightly and watched as Bisji's image changed drastically. In front of her, he turned into a nearly two-meter-long man with perfect proportions. His hands were long and his body was as muscular as cast steel, containing unimaginable power. The explosive power... But this image is like an illusion, appearing and disappearing suddenly, and Bisji has returned to his original petite and cute image like a princess.

It was like Uncle Jie had turned dark... Jing Yang shouted inwardly and wiped cold sweat.

"Sailor Moon?" Bisji raised his eyebrows, looking like he was happy to be licked. Then he put on his master's posture, put on a straight face and stretched out his index finger to poke Jing Yang's chest, teaching him a lesson: "Don't just test your telekinesis ability on others casually!"

Jing Yang's chest was so painful that he didn't dare to put up a strong defense at this time. He argued: "I'm just simulating the actual combat situation..."

"What about the actual battle? If it was an actual battle, how do you know that I don't have trigger-type countermeasures?" Bi Si Ji poked faster, pushing Jing Yang back step by step, "Wan Once an irreversible result is triggered, there is no place for you to cry. Those who are good at swimming will drown! Guess, what kind of telepathy person is most likely to fall into the trap of rule-based telepathy? You answered correctly, they are both rules. A telepathic person!"

Jing Yang said: "I haven't answered yet..."

"Huh?!" Bisji's forehead showed throbbing veins, and he looked up and glared.

"I'm sorry, Master, I was wrong." Jing Yang stood at attention.

Xiaodi, who was already a little far behind, raised her hand and asked curiously: "Excuse me, what's going on with Bisji's appearance just now? Is that your telekinesis ability, Bisji?"

"Huh?!" Bisji suddenly turned around and looked at Xiaodi with Jing Yang, and then Jingyang and Xiaodi looked at Bisji again.

Bisji glanced at Jingyang's Nian Beast Jade-faced Taoist Nun "Zhen Yuanzi" who was floating on the spot, and corrected him: "You said the opposite, it's not what I looked like just now, but What’s wrong with me looking like this now?”

Xiaodi pondered for a moment and then understood: "Oh, yes, Bisiji, you are very old. The appearance just now is your true body. The you in front of you is the result of telekinesis..."

Bisji said nonchalantly: "When I was young, I also practiced according to the mountain shape. The changes in my body are almost the result of practicing on the side of the manifestation system."

"Oh?" Xiaodi blinked.

Bisji said: "Didn't I say that I am a change type?"

"The transformation system is my innate talent." She stretched out her right hand wearing a white glove and slowly made a fist. "The strengthening system is my persistence as a martial artist. And the materialization system..." She He showed an extremely cute smile and made a very iconic scissor hand, "At least it satisfies my girlish heart, doesn't it?"

"How old are you—" Before Jing Yang could finish his words, he was hit by a fist whose trajectory could not be seen clearly and he was sent flying 20 meters backward.

Lying on the ground, Jing Yang thought to herself that as a senior miner, Bisiji might be the first gem she carved.

The fierce and unrivaled JO-type muscleman martial artist is like an indestructible diamond.

The petite and cute little princess image is a bright and gorgeous ruby.

The person who can take care of the carving of these two gems is Bisiki's beautician's ability - her beautician's ability can turn Qi into special oil, which can not only provide perfect beauty and skin care, but also can Get rid of the fatigue of practice and enhance your strength with hard work that is twice as hard as ordinary people.

Thinking about it this way, Bisiji's reading ability is really simple and perfect.

"So, the ability of your mind beast is that as long as you call out the name and the other party agrees, it can suck the other person into your sleeve?" Bisji's voice came.

"That's right." Jing Yang turned over and jumped up, patting the dust off his body. "After all, it seems to be a bit of a quick success. The limits of his abilities have increased one by one without realizing it."

Bisiji looked at the jade-faced Taoist Nian Beast, thought about it, and concluded: "Distance. There is also a limit to the release distance - if you want to contain the target, your Nian Beast must be close to the opponent."

Jing Yang smiled and said: "It must be within one meter of the target to take effect."

"As a release-type ability, the effective condition is close range," Bisji shook his head, "I don't know what to say!"

Jing Yang corrected: "It's just that when using the 'Sleeve Universe', you have to be close to the target - the advantage of this mind beast as a release type is that there is basically no distance limit between it and me."

Bisji shook his head: "Think again."

Jing Yang thought for a while and said: "Oh, yes, my current level of cultivation in the release system is not high, so the distance is still limited - about 5 kilometers away from me at most. Within this range, I can use Nian freely. beast."

According to the five-level rating of spiritual practice mentioned by Bisji at the beginning, the fifth level of the release field is: being able to release Qi 10 meters away and maintaining the power is the first level of entry; more than 100 meters is the second level. ]; more than 1 kilometer is [three]; more than 10 kilometers is [four]; level [fifth] Bisiji has not said that according to the rules, it should be more than 100 kilometers, but Jing Yang guesses that the system will be released If one's ability has been cultivated to the extreme of extremes, perhaps there will be no limit to distance...

Jing Yang's current release system cultivation level is at the [third] level. The energy can no longer maintain its power after being separated from the body for more than 5 kilometers.

This Nian Beast Suppression Yuanzi is his ability to release the element, and naturally it also follows the height of his practice in the release element.

"If names must be called, can they only be used on humans?" Bisji asked again, but she quickly corrected herself, "No, pets can also have names...ah, I understand." She After pondering for a while, I got the answer.

Jing Yang smiled slightly, and with a thought, Taoist Nian Beast flew up and showed his left sleeve to a passing bird. Jing Yang shouted: "Hey! Bird!"

Feiniao couldn't see Taoist Nian Beast. When he heard Jing Yang shouting, he squeaked in fright, then turned into a ball of air and escaped into the Taoist nun's left sleeve.

After falling to the ground, the Taoist nun glanced at Wu Er again.

"Misery Moon Tiger." Jing Yang shouted.

Wu Er roared in cooperation, but there was no movement.

So Jing Yang shouted again: "Wu Er!"

Wu Er roared in response again, and this time it turned into a ball of thought energy and escaped into the deep open sleeve of the Taoist nun's left arm.

"As expected." Bisji nodded.

Xiaodi concluded: "Similar to my bulging-eyed fish, what the 'name' is is based on Jing Yang's own cognition."

If Jing Yang himself thinks that the other party has a name, then he must know and call out the other party's name before he can capture the other party with "The Universe in His Sleeves"; and if Jing Yang does not think that the other party has a name, then he can just call out " "Hey", all abilities can take effect.

Bisgi also concluded: "This is actually a more strategic ability that is better used on companions than on enemies."

Jing Yang asked at this time: "So, how do you feel? I just let you out half an hour ago. What was your experience in the sleeves?"

"Half an hour?" Bisji was stunned.

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