I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 43 There are traces to follow

Judging from Bisji's reaction, we knew that the half hour mentioned by Jing Yang was definitely not like this from her perspective.

Bisji said: "I just felt the scenery in front of me change, and in almost an instant, it came out again. I thought it was you who knew you were afraid, so you tried a little and released the ability——"

Seeing the displeased look in Bisji's eyes, Jing Yang quickly said, "I've already admitted my fault, and I don't want to settle old scores."

Xiao Didi said: "Is it a moment of Bisiji's illusion or a real moment?"

Her words were a bit convoluted, but Siji, an old goblin who has been walking around in the world for many years, understood it as soon as she heard it. She nodded and said: "Yes, did I mistake half an hour for an instant, or was it because of you, a mind beast?" When I take it into my sleeve, time stops on my body – it’s definitely a completely different concept.”

How to test this?

Jing Yang looked around and suddenly remembered something. He controlled the Taoist Nian Beast and gently flicked the sleeve of his left Taoist robe. A white light flew out from it and turned into the passing bird that had just been photographed.

He plucked off one of the feathers from the bird, and drops of blood suddenly appeared on the skin at the base. Taking advantage of the bird's pain and panic, Jing Yang repeated his old trick and called it a little bird. The Taoist nun floated over, raised his left sleeve and pulled the bird away. It turned into a ball of thought energy and was absorbed into the sleeve.

"After a while, you will know whether time has stopped if it is in the sleeve by looking at the condition of the blood drops in its wound." Xiaodi said.

Bisiji said: "This telekinesis beast always uses the left sleeve to use its abilities. Did you intentionally leave other abilities for the right sleeve?" She spread her left and right hands and added: "Many people develop telekinesis abilities like this. The inertia is based on the left and right hands. For example, if a person with the ability to operate telekinesis develops abilities, it may be designed to trigger what conditions will be triggered by the left hand and what conditions will be triggered by the right hand."

Jing Yang looked at the floating right sleeve of the jade-faced Taoist Nian Beast and said with a smile: "That is indeed the plan, but the specific ability has not been realized yet. The Nian Beast is only a semi-finished product now."

Bisiji said: "Judging from the characteristics of the left sleeve, the right sleeve should also be related to space collection?"

Jing Yang nodded: "It should be similar to a small portable warehouse by then."

Bisji glanced at Xiaodi. If it is a portable small warehouse, isn't Xiaodi's ability already sufficient?

When a person develops his mind ability, there are usually traces to follow.

The better you know a person, the better you can understand their developing abilities.

The reverse is also true. The better you understand a person's mindfulness ability, the more you can truly understand his or her heart.

According to Bisji's observations during this period, the only two things that Xiaodi's bulging-eyed fish vacuum cleaner cannot absorb are living creatures and things related to telekinesis. Now Jing Yang's Nian Beast, the left sleeve is used to absorb living things - so the conclusion is obvious. The right sleeve is the so-called warehouse, which should store things related to Nian.

Based on some of Jing Yang's previous words, the real answer gradually became clear...

Taoist Nian Beast stood there, and while the three of them were waiting with their watches, Xiaodi released some food from the bulging-eyed fish to satisfy their hunger, and also fed Wu Er, the big tiger.

"He wants to design such a telekinesis ability: store his messy telekinesis abilities in some way by his telekinesis beast, and when needed, release the telekinesis beast and let the telekinesis beast take it out from his right sleeve Use the corresponding telekinesis ability..." Bisji chewed the buns and thought in his mind, "'Acquire multiple or even endless telekinesis abilities through one of my own abilities'. This greedy idea is not It's not new... but this child's idea should be that he can only store his own telekinesis ability. In this way, the difficulty of development will be lower and the restrictions will be very few. Although when other abilities are used, there will be more time to release telekinesis. Beast, let the telekinesis beast vomit its power. These steps will save you a lot of troubles at ordinary times. You need to keep in mind the different feelings of many different telekinesis abilities at all times..."

Thinking of this, Bisji also chuckled inwardly. Sure enough, those who are greedy for too much are all heading towards the same choice, using a certain telekinesis ability to carry other various telekinesis abilities. This can make the mind easier... However, other people with this kind of telekinesis ability often have the same problem. He developed this ability from the beginning, but Jing Yang went back to make amends after realizing the consequences of being greedy for too much.

After resting for about an hour, the Taoist nun flicked her left sleeve again and flew out a ball of thought energy, transforming into the flying bird before.

Bisji took off the bird with his hands and took a look at the feathers. On the skin where Jing Yang had taken off the feathers before, the drop of blood seemed to have just emerged, flowing slowly and soaking the other feathers.

"Your ability, if used properly, will be of great use." Bisji looked at Jing Yang seriously, "And I see now, whether it is your mind beast using ability, maintaining ability, or It has been maintaining its own existence for one - oh, more than an hour and a half, but your own Qi has not weakened significantly..."

Jing Yang said: "This mind beast relies on its own energy to maintain it. If you just use the ability of 'The Universe in Your Sleeves' without actually fighting with people, then yes, the consumption seems to be very low indeed."

Since it was also the first time it was released for use, it was naturally the first time Jing Yang confirmed it.

Bisji's eyes focused on Qi, and then he looked at Jing Yang: "I see that the Qi in your body is about one-sixth or seven-fold less than usual - that is, five or six thousand Qi less?"

Jing Yang smiled and said, "That's right."

He snapped his fingers, and the jade-faced Taoist nun's mind beast turned into a ball of mind energy and surged towards him.

Xiao Di condensed her eyes, and sure enough she felt that after the Nian Beast returned, Jing Yang's energy suddenly increased a lot.

"This consumption is too low. It seems that there are restrictions in other places." Bisji pondered, and suddenly smiled, "I guess, if you, the left sleeve of the mind beast, accept people, then you can release them. Before, you couldn’t recycle it, right?”

"As expected of Lao Jianghu!" Jing Yang gave a thumbs up in praise.

Xiaodi said from the side: "If your opponent is absorbed into your sleeve by your mind beast, he will undoubtedly be at a huge disadvantage. But on the other hand, the mind beast cannot be recovered, Jing Yang, you yourself will lose a considerable part of your mind energy. This will It is an advantage for the opponent’s companions.”

"It doesn't matter, I also have a companion." Jing Yang said with a smile, "After taking the person, he threw it directly into Xiaodi's chain saw formation, and then twisted it with a bang - oh yes, Xiaodi's chain saw Has the name of the sawing ability been decided yet?”

Xiao Didi said: "Well, it's called 'Chasaw Woan'."

Bisiki complained: "What a random name!"

Jing Yang stretched out and sensed the location of the star marks left by the rock bird in several towns along the coast of Greed Island. He said energetically: "Anyway, it's time for us to get started."

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