"Akatsuki Organization?"

It was getting dark, and by the campfire in the wild, Bisji raised his head when he heard the words, and raised his hand to catch the lunch box thrown over.

Opposite the fire, Jing Yang picked up the last bento spit out from Xiaodi's bulgy-eye fish vacuum cleaner and said casually: "Yes, the dawn of dawn. Including me, I plan to recruit 12 people. How many brothers will I have by then?" Let’s explore the Dark Continent together! How about it, sounds good, right?”

Bisji opened the lunch box and said calmly: "Dark Continent, that is not a good place."

Jing Yang smiled and said, "That's why we need an experienced senior like you, Bi Siji, to protect us."

"Are you inviting me to join?"

"Yes." Jing Yang said honestly, "At present, apart from me and Xiaodi, there is only one member, and there are still 7 vacancies..."

"The other one is probably the person you want to give your practice notes to."

"That's right. Our organization uses codes such as A, B, C, and D. I am A, Xiaodi is B, and the other one is C."

"What's the Heavenly Stem? It happens to be opposite to the Earthly Branches. Because the Hunter Association has twelve Earthly Branches, so you made up a set of Ten Heavenly Stems?"

"Hey. Are you a little crazy?"

"Why are you so crazy?" Bisji smiled slightly, "Old man Nitro is not among the twelve earthly branches. You listed yourself as the top of the heavenly stems, which shows that you are not crazy enough yet."

Jing Yang said: "I want face. I don't dare to compare myself to President Nitro. - What do you think? Think about it? Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, Gui, you can pick one."

Bisji smiled and said: "Old man Nitro doesn't need to use such a tone if he wants to make anyone the twelve earthly branches."

Jing Yang scratched his head, "Didn't you tell me that I don't have Zibinetero?"

"Did you invite me to join you on a whim, or was it something you had planned for a long time?"

"This..." Jing Yang hesitated for a moment, then said calmly, "It was really a spur of the moment. Isn't this already familiar? Everyone is so familiar with it, so we might as well get more familiar with it!"

Bisiji said: "Not that familiar yet."

"Ah?" Jing Yang blinked.

Bisji put down the finished lunch box and said slowly: "At dawn tomorrow, come and fight with me. Xiaodi, you can watch."

Across the fire, her clear eyes were like gems, "Aren't you excellent at self-healing, recovery, and treatment? Tomorrow, I will not show mercy."

Want to fight?

Xiao Di bit her chopsticks and looked at Bisji and Jing Yang.

Jing Yang looked at the total amount of energy on the death energy panel, as well as the amount of death energy that was 5. If he completely refined these 5 points of death energy, his total amount of energy would increase by at least five to six thousand, which would be close to 40,000 qi...and the ability of Nian Beast Taoist Priest has not yet been perfected...the ability of the change system is about to be developed...

"Okay." Jing Yang agreed without hesitation.

"Rest." Bisji said.

Xiaodi then materialized into a bulging-eyed fish and released three simple tents. After quickly setting them up, the three of them got in to rest.

In the darkness, Jing Yang thought for a while and slowly closed his eyes.

His main host is dormant, but other CPUs are still working.

"King Wu Er" was walking by the sparkling lake, with the markings all over his body shimmering like precious jade. "Scenery Rock Bird" folded its wings, stood at the tip of the black shadow-like forest, glanced at the Misery Moon Tiger walking by the lake, put away its distracting thoughts, and told the rock bird in the sea of ​​consciousness: Feel carefully, remember, this is how thoughts are used …

Tweet. The rock bird responded perfunctorily.

With a thought, "Jingyan Bird" entangled the weak Qi flowing around the little gray bird's body. With another move, the Qi on his body was stimulated to form a "hard", but this "hard" could not be stretched after less than a minute. …

How to change Qi into wind?

The "Jingyan Bird" flaps its wings and rides on the wind. Carefully feel the touch of air flowing through its wings. It seems that a pair of invisible hands are holding up the wings and the bird's light body... It may be the rock bird. Because the bird's body is so light, when the "Jingyan Bird" closes its eyes and flies in the air, it feels like a person is swimming in the water... It seems that it can hear the airflow around it, just like the current when swimming, " "Huhu" dial...

I feel it! I feel it!

"Jingyan Bird" fell back to the top of the tree, and part of the layer of thought energy wrapped around its body suddenly dispersed like smoke, seemingly disappearing, turning into invisible airflow flowing between its wings. It's just that the time it lasted was too short, and the Qi that turned into a breeze dissipated in the blink of an eye, ending without any problem, which was equivalent to evaporating a part of one's own small amount of thought.

Just have an idea! This bird body can practice the wind attribute, and it is indeed a small effort and a big profit...

"Jingyan Bird" thought so, the glimmer of the rising sun shone on the bird's head.

Unknowingly, he had mastered the body of a gray bird and practiced silently all night. Fortunately, Yanque has the blessing of a star, and its recovery ability is very impressive. Otherwise, he would have been exhausted and wouldn't be able to squeeze out a drop of energy to continue the struggle.

The gray bird turned its head twice and looked at the two men who were fighting fiercely by the lake not far away. Nearby, Wu Er was lying down, and Xiao Di was sitting on the roadside stone with one leg propped up and hugging his knees, and they were all watching carefully.

The calm lake water in the early morning occasionally stirred up ripples that interfered with each other.

The air was filled with a palpitating atmosphere, accompanied by the muffled sound of flesh colliding one after another.

Bisiji's footsteps moved and his fists and kicks moved so fast that even if Xiaodi focused all his energy on his eyes, he could only see a blurry shadow. One can imagine the tremendous pressure Jing Yang is facing personally at this moment.

too fast. If Jing Yang relied on his fighting consciousness and reflexes, Bisij would have his hands and feet broken and trampled under his feet in less than twenty rounds.

You can only rely on the star's self-control. Jing Yang let his mind go and relied purely on the instincts of his body and mind to deal with Bi Si Ji's sudden attack.

Bisji's figure flashed in front of his eyes. Jing Yang thought about blocking frontally, and the defensive instinct activated by the star mark, but he swung his elbow backward and collided with Bisji's kick - click, Jing Yang was hit in the arm. There seemed to be a sound of bones cracking.

Stars flashed, and cracked bones healed in an instant.

Jing Yang raised his finger, and several flying star bubbles hit Bisji from a blind angle.

I've been guarding you. Bisji smiled slightly, and the thought energy on her body was like an exploding oil pan. Suddenly, several "oil flowers" flew out, exploding the flying star bubbles coming from the blind spot one by one. She herself held up the non-existent little skirt and landed calmly.

Jing Yang reached out to grab her and pressed it between Bisiji's eyebrows.

Bisji's eyes narrowed and he saw a five-pointed star-shaped wound on his fingertips, with blood oozing out.

Bang, as soon as Bisji landed on the ground, he immediately raised his leg and kicked away Jing Yang's outstretched hand... At this moment, a strange ball of thought came towards Bisji. The reason why this mind ball is strange is that Bisji discovered that there was a number of 100 inside the mind ball.

Oh, maybe it's some kind of trick that wants to draw the opponent into a competition of recovery and healing abilities?

As soon as Bisji's thoughts changed, he guessed the number of steps for Huabei's Nianqiu...

An hour later, Jing Yang lay on the ground exhausted.

The surrounding ground was full of pits and cracks, and even a gourd-like hole was blasted out by the lake, into which the lake water was slowly pouring.

"I didn't expect that I would be the one who fell down due to being consumed..." Jing Yang lay there, panting tiredly.

The bruises and other scars on his body are slowly disappearing due to the star's self-healing function.

It's just that all the Nian Qi in the whole body has been squeezed out, and even the 30,000 spare Qi in the Drinking Nian Sword have been squandered. Even Xingbiao's rogue self-healing ability has undoubtedly been affected, and the healing speed has slowed down a lot...

Xiaodi turned to look at Bisji.

Unlike Jing Yang who lay down exhausted, Bisji looked... still like that young and cute doll girl. She heard this and said: "From the moment you decided to compete with me in endurance, you have already lost."

The energy lingering around Bisji's body was like flowing strange essential oil, covering her completely.

Xiaodi could see clearly that during the battle with Jing Yang, Bisiji seemed to have been immersed in special mind oil with extremely strong restorative power. Not only did Bisiji's energy consumption during the battle be much lower than that of Jingyang, Even the injuries caused by the superimposed power of the Huabei Nianqiu were alleviated and even healed at an extremely fast speed...

What was invisible during the battle, but what can be seen in Bisji's state now after the battle, is Bisji's perfect mental state - from physical body to mental state, from physical strength to mental energy. , Bisiji seemed to be fine, and it was hard to see how much she was consuming.

"This is unscientific." Jing Yang sat up and stared at Bisiji, who had lost the Nian Qi on his body and returned to normal Nian Qi. "Is Qi still endless and endless? No matter what, we have to fight. Wouldn’t it be more reasonable to reply after you’re done?”

Bisiji muttered: "In the world of Nian, what is reasonable and unreasonable...are you serious?"

Xiaodi came over and said, "Bisji, you didn't use it..." She thought for a moment, "Where is your true posture!"

That's right, from beginning to end, Bisiji fought with this petite princess body and defeated Jing Yang.

Bisiji waved her hand and said: "I already have a lot of understanding of Jing Yang's telekinesis ability, so there is no need to change it. And -" After a pause, she generously revealed to the two little guys. : "No matter which posture I use, my actual total energy is the same. In this way, I am not hiding my strength. Jing Yang, please don't put on that expression."

Jing Yang asked curiously: "The total amount of thought is the same? Then there must be something different between your two postures, right?"

Bisji pondered: "How can I describe it to you... It's like a tiger, with its limbs folded up to the size of a kitten. It seems that the strength of the tiger's body has not weakened, but it will inevitably feel constrained and inconvenient to stretch. !”

"You just said you weren't hiding your strength?" Jing Yang shouted.

Bisji consoled him, "Didn't I say it to make you feel better?"

"How can you feel better?" Jing Yang muttered, "Wait, let me practice for a few more days to perfect the mind beast and develop new abilities... Anyway, auntie, just wait!"

Xiaodi asked: "So?"

She looked at Bisji, "Now that you've finished fighting with Jing Yang, do you have a new answer to Jing Yang's invitation yesterday?"

Bisji did not answer directly, but asked Jing Yang: "The ones before, the ones threatened by the bomb demon, were hunters hired by Batra. Why didn't you use them to find other hired hunters?" Let them all leave Greed Island? If I remember correctly, this was your plan when you entered Greed Island, right?"

"Ah?" Jing Yang was stunned when he was asked, "Oh, it seems that there is such a thing. Hey, didn't I forget it?"

He turned to look at Xiaodi, "I was infected by you."

"Huh?" A question mark appeared on the little dripper's head.

Bisji pointed at Jing Yang and said, "You are a person without goals."

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