Am I a person without goals? How did you say this?

Hearing this, Jing Yang wondered: "Who said I don't have goals? I do!"

"Oh?" Bisji said, "Then tell me."

"I..." Jing Yang paused for a moment. He wanted to say that his goal was to explore the Dark Continent, but when he met Bisji's jewel-like eyes, he was silent for a moment and said sincerely, "Explore the ultimate level of telekinesis ability— —I once set a goal for myself that no matter whether it can be achieved or not, I will never lose money if I continue to pursue it: immortality."

Xiaodi noticed that there was nothing unusual about Bisiji's expression when he heard Jing Yang mentioning such a blatant goal.

This is normal! Many people who have been exposed to the magical power of Nian have fantasized about being immortal and invincible. It's not surprising that Jing Yang said such things.

Bisiki said calmly: "You said that your pursuit is the ultimate in mind, you want immortality, but what have you done for this? More than a hundred years ago, President Nitro determined to pursue the ultimate in martial arts. Since then, he has practiced diligently and immersed himself in the practice of martial arts regardless of the cold or heat. He has thrown himself into the mountains and forests many times and practiced hard for five, six, seven or eight years without even realizing it.

"When others are practicing, he is practicing boxing. When others are enjoying their secular life, he is still practicing boxing. Nitro does not think that he has sacrificed or paid anything. In fact, even in the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed in his life. It has been decades, but as long as his martial arts improves, he feels happier than anyone else."

"Or take me as an example." Bisiki said, "I am also obsessed with martial arts. When I was a few years old, I went to the Shingenryu Dojo to practice my fists. After I gained the ability to read in my teens, I stayed in seclusion for several years, regardless of everything. Chores, that's what happens all the time! It wasn't until I reached middle age and realized that my spiritual practice had reached its peak that I started to travel around the world..."

Jing Yang couldn't help but said, "Aren't you a gem hunter?"

"That's a hobby." Bisji said calmly, "Martial arts is my lifelong pursuit. Don't interrupt!"

She looked at Jing Yang, "But what about you? According to my observations during this period, you spend no more than 10 hours a day on practice. When you are tied up by other things, you can't even think about it for a second. Get up and practice."

"You have to relax in moderation." Jing Yang laughed dryly.

"But have you really stretched yourself to the maximum extent? Have you completely squeezed the maximum of your energy and talent?" Bisiji's tone was not aggressive, but Jing Yang felt very guilty when he heard it.

Apart from anything else, just the incredible aspect of the death energy panel... I 100% failed to fully utilize it.

In fact, with the help of Star Sign, I can practice for more than 20 hours a day.

If you control yourself, you can even practice 24 hours a day, even if you are idle.

"Look, you said that you pursue the ultimate in Nian, but you don't take it to heart." Bisji said, "You said that you formed the Akatsuki organization with the intention of recruiting companions to explore the Dark Continent. However, when Now we have only recruited two people. Even if you invited me, you said it was just a whim - which shows that you don't take the goal of exploring the Dark Continent as very important."

Jing Yang defended: "How can you recruit people casually? I'd rather be in short supply than in vain."

Bisiji smiled and said: "If someone of my level meets your so-called standard of "preferring to be lacking rather than excessive," then I'm afraid you won't be able to recruit enough members even if you travel all over the world."

This is crazy. But neither Jingyang nor Xiaodi could refute.

Bisji continued: "You said that when you entered the Greed Island, you wanted to find all the second-rate hunters who occupied the game machines and drive them out. But after you came in, you hardly mentioned it. You kept saying that you wanted to find the man named Lei. Zha's people are seeking revenge, but Leza is already in front of you, but you are still procrastinating and careless - not to mention being fully prepared, I think you actually know Leza very well, and I can guarantee that your current level is already better than Most of the telepathic people in the world.”

"He just lost to you." Xiaodi said.

"Because I am better than the vast majority of people with telekinesis abilities in the world." Bisji said calmly, "Losing to me doesn't mean anything. - You said you planned to take part in the hunter test, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you will do this. Keep this matter in mind, you know so many professional hunters, there are obviously many ways to think of, right?"

Jing Yang had been silent until now, and said with a wry smile: "As if I am useless."

Bisji waved his hand, "I still admire you very much, otherwise I wouldn't have said so much to you. I... feel a kind of confusion in you. As you get older, I can't help but nag a few words."

Have it? Xiaodi looked at Jing Yang.

"Is that why you declined my invitation?" Jing Yang asked, "What if I'm not confused anymore?"

Bisji looked at him.

Jing Yang sighed, sat down again, pondered for a moment, and said, "I... want to go home."

Xiaodi looked surprised. This was the first time she heard the word "home" in Jingyang's mouth.

"Also... I want to know the truth and falsehood of this world." Jing Yang closed his eyes, pursed his lips, and said for a long time, "If you can reach the extreme of your power of thought, maybe you can get what you want, right? Or...even if it's decades or a hundred years later, even if I die without accomplishing anything, I can still see the result."

"I see." Bisji frowned and then relaxed, and said slowly, "Pursuing the ultimate in thought is the only way you can think of to achieve your wish, but even if you don't do anything, at the moment of your death , you feel that you can finally give an answer to the doubts in your heart. That’s why you look confused!”

Jing Yang thought for a while and said, "Maybe!"

Xiaodi asked curiously: "You want to know whether this world is true or false? What does this mean?"

"The existence of such a power as Nian always makes people doubt that this world is fake." Jing Yang said. It’s better to talk about the comic “Hunter Hunter” to Xiaodi and the others abruptly, right? He is happy to talk, but they may not be happy to listen.

So, Jing Yang briefly talked about the outline of the movie The Matrix. Xiao Di listened with interest and asked about the details of the movie... Bisji looked at Jing Yang who was talking eloquently and thought calmly: This kid... is hiding. He has a strong urge to self-destruct. Isolated from social relationships, doubting the authenticity of the world, and having nothing I really want to do...

Probably I feel deep down in my heart that whether my thoughts are perfect or whether I can cultivate to the extreme may not be able to explain the doubts in my heart.

Only death can give the final answer.

What on earth had he experienced... Bisiji had never seen such a child before.

"Anyway, as long as I can defeat you, Bisji, you will be willing to accept my invitation, right?"

Jing Yang suddenly turned around and asked.

Bisji smiled and said, "Okay, I have no objection."

"Wait!" Jing Yang ignited his fighting spirit, grunted, and sat cross-legged on the spot. His mental energy suddenly stopped, "Practice, practice!"

Death Qi: 5 points

Start refining!

Looking at Jing Yang's body bubbling like boiling water, and there seemed to be some kind of qualitative change, Bi Siji couldn't help but marveled, and said to himself: "This kid, no wonder he dares to talk about pursuing the ultimate in thoughts. There is indeed something extraordinary about it." Department! Probably there is some secret ability that I rely on..."

"Xiao Di, don't be idle. Come on, let's do a few tricks."

Bisji waved to Xiaodi, so Xiaodi quickly threw away the chain saw and attacked Bisji.

The mental energy in Bisji's body turned into mental oil, and he wandered calmly in the net woven by the chain saw...

In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed!


An invisible shadow cut through the air, and the jade-faced Taoist nun stood floating in the air. A mahogany sword thrust out of her right hand held two sword flowers, and she swung it behind her back gracefully.

"Tsk tsk... the energy consumption of your mind beast has increased a lot! I guess you will need about 10,000 qi to release it now!" Bisiji looked at the jade-faced Taoist nun up and down, "This wooden sword is its right hand Ability?"

Jing Yang glanced at the death energy panel.

Total amount of thoughts: \\/qi

Death air: 0

Jing Yang smiled and said: "Strictly speaking, it is this wooden sword plus the sleeve on its right hand that is its complete new ability."

He raised his fingers towards the jade-faced Taoist nun.

The Taoist nun then handed him the wooden sword in her right hand - silently, the wooden sword penetrated his chest.


Both Bisiji and Xiaodi could clearly see that most of the wooden sword had not penetrated Jingyang's chest, but not a single bit had come out from the back.

After 5 full minutes.

The wooden sword suddenly stabbed out from Jing Yang's back, and at the same time, a yellow talisman paper hung on the end of the sword.

Xiaodi stretched out her hand to grab it curiously, but could not touch the yellow talisman paper at all. However, she saw the pattern drawn on the talisman paper, which was a rose gold five-pointed star.

"Star mark talisman." Jing Yang said, the jade-faced Taoist nun retracted the wooden sword, raised her right sleeve, and the yellow paper talisman with the five-pointed star pattern flew into the sleeve, and then the Taoist nun handed it out with another sword, and 5 Minutes later, the wooden sword emerged from Jing Yang's back again, and there was still a piece of talisman paper condensed, but this time the pattern on the talisman paper was the word "Nine Suns".

The Nine Sun Talisman floated into the Taoist nun's waving right sleeve.

The Taoist nun flicked her right sleeve again, and the star talisman flew out from her sleeve and flew towards Bisij.

Bisji raised his hand to catch it and asked curiously: "In other words, your telekinesis beast can not only store your own telekinesis ability, but also lend it to others?"

Xiaodi was also curious: "How to use it?"

"You will have an intuition when you hold it in your hand. Just concentrate the mind energy in your hand and make a crushing motion. Not only can others use it, but the mind beast itself can also use these talismans!" Jing Yang said with a smile, "Besides, Bi Si Ji, it can not only store my own telekinesis ability - for example, this is also possible."

He snapped his fingers.

The jade-faced Taoist nun floated away, and actually floated in front of the confused Wu Er. The wooden sword penetrated Wu Er's body without stopping. Five minutes later, a seventy-two transformation talisman was condensed on the tip of the sword, and he picked out It took off into the Taoist nun's raised right sleeve.

"The telekinesis ability developed by the target controlled by my star mark can also be made into a talisman and stored." Jing Yang added, "Of course, the telekinesis ability that has been developed before being marked with a star mark cannot be made."

In other words, only if Jing Yang or Jing Yang's star mark has the ability to participate in reading, can it be made into a talisman.


When Xiaodi heard this, she looked at Jing Yang, "Then my 'Chain Saw Girl' ability..."

Jing Yang smiled and said: "There is also Kurapika. If I remember correctly, when he developed telekinesis, he had a star mark on his body! Next time you meet him, you can borrow some books from him to play with... …”

One of Kurapika's books is a Noble Phantasm for the Brigade.

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