For example, most of the princes of the Cajun Kingdom in the comics, especially the perverted fourth prince, have never heard of anything related to Nian despite their high position.

For high-ranking people in the hunter world, it is enough to have someone who understands this kind of thing. If you understand it yourself, it will be the icing on the cake, even more powerful. But it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. There are ways to find various professionals. Isn’t this what the Hunter Association does? Of?

In this way, one of them was in the west of the mainland and the other was in the east of the mainland. With the help of the moon sign, they talked about everything from Paliston to telepathy, from telepathy users to the books Xiaodi read. After mentioning Xiaodi's code name, Jing Yang Even a few Doraemon scenes were told on the spot... Before we knew it, the night was getting dark.

【It's time to sleep. ] Jing Yang was lying down, [Good night. 】

[Oh, okay. 】

[Remember daily practice...]

【I see. 】

The sensor of the moon mark suddenly cut off. Communication terminated. Jing Yang lay alone on the bed of the small hotel, staring at the unfamiliar ceiling quietly for a while, then quickly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Jing Yang opened his eyes, it was already dawn.

The morning noise of vehicles and people on the street could be heard outside the window facing the street.


Jing Yang straightened up and sat up, crossed his legs on the bed, wiped his face, raised his arms, and used "Lian" as if instinctively, a total of 9,000 Qi spurted out radially around his body, and then closed as soon as he released it.


Holding the end of the bed with his hands, Jing Yang did a somersault in mid-air. The moment his bare feet were about to hit the ground, strong air spurted out from the soles of his feet, pushing him back three feet off the ground and staggering towards the bathroom.


Jing Yang turned on the faucet, brushed his teeth and washed his face. His fingertips passed through the water. A drop of water was wrapped in a ball of air like a bubble. In the air ball, the water droplets quickly flowed to outline the shape of a five-pointed star.


While Jing Yang was washing his face, bubbles formed by air kept coming out of the wet towel, wrapped in strands of five-pointed star water lines, flying out, and in the blink of an eye, they surrounded Jing Yang like a group of soap bubbles.

Jing Yang threw the towel aside and leaned against the pool to look at the mirror. He raised his hand and kept moving, causing the flying star bubbles surrounding him to flutter.

After practicing his reading ability for a while, Jing Yang casually flicked his hand, bang bang bang bang! All the flying star bubbles hit the mirror with a huff, leaving behind rose gold five-pointed star marks. Jing Yang was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly stopped, "What do you mean, the star mark can be placed on objects?"

He tried to activate the bunch of stars on the mirror, and soon understood the difference between these stars and the stars on living things.

You can indeed "control" the mirror with the help of the star mark on the mirror.

However, unlike animals or people, the mirror itself has no Qi that can be forcibly mobilized by the star... Jing Yang wants to "control" the mirror, so he can only use the star as an anchor and inject his own Qi from the air.

The next specific control method is actually Jing Yang's ability from the beginning. He can use his own energy to wrap objects such as blood, hair, water droplets, and threads... depending on the size and quality of the object, consuming Jing Yang in proportion. Breathe your own anger. The size and mass of the mirror were far greater than a hair, and Jing Yang had to expend dozens or hundreds of times more energy to move it.

"In this way, my ability is indeed a whole. The core is operation, and the star is just one manifestation."

Jing Yang reached out and wiped it on the mirror, and the rose gold stars that his palm touched disappeared one by one.

I just happened to see the ring on my finger.

Not up yet?

Jing Yang didn't think much and went back to the house to tidy up - there seemed to be nothing to pack. Most of his clothes were stored by Doraemon in her bulging fish.

After checking out of the small hotel room, Jing Yang went out and bought a travel backpack and a few changes of clothes. He quickly arrived at the city's train station and bought a ticket to the Dentola area where Mount Kurulu is located.

Check in half an hour later and expect to arrive in 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Jing Yang sat idle on the seat in the waiting area, looking at some people in the train station in the morning, and couldn't help but raise his left hand again, stroking the ring.

He subconsciously sensed the moon mark on the ring.

no response.

He didn't sense the presence of another moon mark... Jing Yang frowned, sat up straight, and concentrated on the moon mark on the ring.

"The moon mark on my hand feels very clear."

This is Jing Yang's own telepathy ability. Jing Yang can actually sense the existence of the moon mark with his bare hands. The reason why he also carved the moon mark on his ring is mainly to facilitate moon mark ring owners like Xiaodi to tell him the moon mark. Initiate communication without it becoming one-sided communication on your own.

Now, Jing Yang can only sense the moon mark on his hand, but cannot detect the existence of the moon mark that originally sensed the obvious droplets.

"Because it's too far away?"

After all, it was his telekinesis ability. Jing Yang actually had some premonitions in his subconscious. He raised his head and looked at the morning light, "I'm afraid I'm right. The moon mark only has the largest signal range at night... This is my subconscious. Are you affected by the Misery Moon Tiger's habits? It only glows at night, right..."

If he follows this pattern of thinking, Jing Yang has no doubt that if he develops the third mark "Fire Sun" in the future, it will probably be the opposite of the moon mark, and it will have the best effect only in broad daylight.

With this thought in mind, Jing Yang took out his mobile phone with his backhand and entered Xiaodi's number skillfully, and then only heard "beep...beep...beep..."

The line is busy.

Hit again.


Still busy.

Just when Jing Yang wanted to try again, he suddenly heard a cough in his mind.

He raised his eyebrows and looked back to the east.

Just now, a fuzzy sensor with a star mark activated appeared, and it was far away.

Huhuhu——The train bound for the waiting area where Kululu Mountain is located brought a gust of wind into the station.

Through the suddenly activated star mark in the far east, Jing Yang projected his consciousness over it. After switching to the first operation mode, he first saw "himself" by the pool using a fruit knife to cut a hole in the palm of his hand. The wound was neither deep nor shallow, and there was clear pain from the wound. A line of blood slowly flowed out, fell into the pool, and merged into the water outlet.

It is this wound that activates the Star's healing powers.

Jing Yang sighed and looked up at "Xiao Di" in the mirror.

He let go of his consciousness and suddenly heard Xiaodi's voice: Jing Yang, your moon mark seems to be no longer close enough during the day...

"Well, I discovered it too." said "Jingdi" in the mirror.

A small trickle in my mind said: I called you, your line is busy...

"Jingdi" looked at the wound on his palm being healed visibly to the naked eye, "Well, because I happened to be calling you too."

Xiaodi suddenly said: Oh...

"Jingdi" shook his restored palm and sighed: "Are you stupid, why are you cutting your own hands? Don't you have three ready-made birds? Just do it with them!"

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