I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 73: Kukulu Mountain, the Gate of Trial

Yes, they have your mark on them too. I forgot... Xiaodi's voice came from "Jingdi's" mind, and she said as if talking to herself: I really don't seem very smart...

"You can't say that." "Jingdi" looked in the mirror in front of the sink, as if Xiaodi had just woken up and said with a somewhat unwilling expression on his face, "It can also be understood that you care about animals very much. "

What he said caused Xiaodi's voice from Meteor Street to fall into a brief silence deep in his mind.


Beside the window sill of the room, the rock bird seemed to have just woken up and was very energetic and wanted to jump around. Seeing "Jingdi" coming out of the bathroom, it tilted its head and stared at her.

"What are you looking at?" "Jingdi" walked over. Yanque was about to run away, but was glared at by "Jingdi". His body involuntarily fell into "Jingdi's" hands and let him knead it. "Jingdi" He laughed and said: "You don't recognize me anymore after changing your vest? I think you little rock bird is going to rebel!"

"Chichi! Chichi!" The rock sparrow called out happily and pecked "Jingdi's" hand excitedly, but the latter let go of it in disgust and flew back to the window sill with its wings flapped.

"Jingdi" put his hands on his hips and looked around the hotel room where Xiaodi lived, "It's not bad. What did you eat for breakfast?"

Bread, milk... Xiaodi's answer came to mind.

"Eat more meat, Doraemon-san." "Jingdi" said earnestly, "In a few days we will go to the Sky Arena to paint the buildings. What's the point of not eating more meat?"

OK... the little drop in my mind said this.

"That's it, my train has arrived too." "Jingdi" said this, suddenly remembered something, returned to the sink and looked at Xiaodi's face in the mirror, with a bright and sunny smile, " Haha, I’ve never seen this expression on your face! - I’m going to leave first, and you should buy your tickets to the Sky Arena as soon as possible.”

When Jing Yang was about to withdraw from consciousness and release control over Xiao Di, Xiao Di asked in his mind: Won't Jing Yang give orders to my body?

"Huh?" He was a little puzzled, "Don't play with colors, I'm telling you."

Xiao Didi said: When the star is executing commands, will it be easier for Jing Yang to sense it, right?

"Jingdi" smiled, "I didn't even give orders to Wuer's star, so how could I do this to you? Don't be stupid, you are not my pet. If you miss me, boss, just call!" Maybe I’m missing you too? You’re really gone this time.”

"Oh, okay..." Xiaodi realized that she had regained control of her body after hearing her own voice. Jing Yang has already left.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Xiaodi thought of Jing Yang's words just now and tried to laugh, but she couldn't. She seemed to lack that kind of intense emotion.

She imitated what Jing Yang had done before, pressing the corners of her mouth with two index fingers and raising a smile.

He put down his hands, but the faint smile in the mirror was still there.



The trains here seem to be of an older model, and they actually make a very antique roar as they speed along the tracks.

Jing Yang was sitting by the train window, with a layer of Qi on his body that was integrated and wrapped around his whole body, maintaining the "winding".

The carriage was noisy, making it inconvenient to practice complex reading skills. Jing Yang practiced the most basic basic skills, condensing Qi in his eyes from time to time, practicing his "condensation" reaction and proficiency.

With my current strength, if I only use "Tangle" and "Condensation", I probably won't feel any obvious fatigue after playing for a whole day.

After all, the drive of more than an hour is short, and Jing Yang's self-entertaining practice is not boring at all.

Suddenly, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

Jing Yang took it out and saw that it was a text message from Xiaodi: "I bought the ticket." Attached was a photo of a train ticket to Terra Mathias.

"Read it. Dora, please be safe." Jing Yang pressed his fingers on the keyboard of his phone, and at this moment he heard a sudden burst of surprise in the carriage.

He looked up and saw, on the distant horizon outside the car window, a towering mountain range that seemed to reach straight into the sky.

The only mountain that can make these passengers in the carriage fuss is probably the Kukulu Mountain at the destination of this train.

"I'm almost there."

Jingyang raised his hand and took a photo of the distant view and sent it to Xiaodi.

The phone vibrated and Xiaodi wrote back: "Jing Yang, please be safe."


The train stopped and Jing Yang got off amidst the crowd of people talking about it.

He casually carried a shoulder bag, put on a peaked cap, and a very ordinary sportswear. He was walking on the street. Considering his current height, he was quite inconspicuous.

Many people outside the station were excitedly pointing at the Kuru Mountain in the distance, taking photos and discussing it.

It seems that everyone is similar, they all come to the killer family's lair.

Kulu Mountain, where the Dadi Ke family lives, has become a major local tourist attraction. Many tourists come here every day. Several towns at the foot of the mountain even have scheduled mountain tour buses and tour guides. Jing Yang found the bus stop for the mountain tour bus under the guidance of the fruit stall aunt, and thought maliciously in his heart. Judging from the financial resources of the enemy Hakkas who used a mountainous area as their back garden, the Republic of Patokia where they settled would probably be different from the one they settled in. There are partnerships on all levels.

"Hello fellow passengers, please look, that is the Kukulu Mountain where the notorious Hakka family lives..." The beautiful tour guide in the bus, with a professional smile, took the microphone and introduced the passengers on this trip. , "Kulu Mountain is 3,722 meters above sea level. It is an extinct volcano surrounded by a boundless sea of ​​trees. It is said that the house of the Dadi Ke family is somewhere on the mountain, but no one has ever seen it."

The tour guide's voice was clear and lively, "There are 10 people in the Da Di Ke family. Below the great-grandfather, grandparents and parents, there are also five brothers. All 10 people in the family are professional killers."

"Next, the bus will go along the mountain road and get closer to their territory to visit..."

Rather than the tour guide's nagging, Jing Yang paid more attention to the behavior of the other passengers in the bus. They all seemed to be ordinary passengers. There was no one with unusual expressions, and no one who looked like someone with telekinesis.

After driving on the winding mountain road for a long time, the bus finally stopped in front of a simple and thick city wall.

"What a spectacular city wall..."

"Is it too high? Is it more than 50 meters?"

Many passengers exclaimed as soon as they got off the bus.

The tour guide smiled and said: "The Sea of ​​Trees and Kukulu Mountain behind the city wall are both the private territory of the Beaten guest family. If you want to enter, you have to go through the small door of the guard room at the entrance..."

The gate of the city wall is dozens of meters high. There are dragon head statues on both sides of the top, which looks majestic and domineering. It has an ancient and thick chilling temperament, which is quite in line with everyone's imagination of the killer family.

In comparison, the guardhouse at the foot of the gate seems very inconspicuous, and the small door next to the guardhouse is even more inconspicuous.

Sitting in the guard room was a bald, middle-aged man who seemed a bit bloated. He didn't seem to pay much attention when the tour bus stopped at the door, and continued to read idly in the guard room.

"Since there is a doorman, let's go and give it a try? What if you can be accommodating and let us go in and have a look?"

"This is a world-famous family that beats enemies!"

Because of the tour guide's introduction, the tourists were eager to try it out. They called friends and went to the guard room to knock on the door.

"Huh?" The tour guide noticed a young man wearing a peaked cap walking towards the magnificent gate in the city wall of Da Di Ke, and she couldn't help but kindly reminded her, "This gate is actually dead and cannot be opened at all. Why……"

The guard room was jammed with a group of curious tourists. The bald man Jie Bujong, who was regarded as a guard by outsiders but was actually a cleaner, was troubled. In the crowd, he saw the boy in the peaked hat walking towards the door of the trial. Because of his gaze, many other tourists also looked back, "Huh? Can the gate be walked through?" Many people also walked over curiously.

"Hey!" A tourist tried to push the door, but it didn't move at all.

Others did not believe in evil and tried again and again, but without exception, the results were that they were all exhausted, but the door could not move.

Everyone looked up at the towering city gate. Judging from the shape, from high to low, from outside to inside, it seemed to be made of nesting dolls of seven gates. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the same thing. It looked like seven gates. As a result, there is no way to push it away at all. Could this door have been built for viewing?

"Let me try!" A young and strong tourist rubbed his hands and shouted loudly. He slapped his palms on the door. The muscles of his arms were bulging high. He tightened his sleeves and slid his feet backwards on the ground. But until his face turned red, his muscles trembled, and two small pits were created under his feet, the gate in front of him still didn't move at all.

Finally, the young tourist let out a long sigh, stopped his hand exhausted, shook his head and said: "I can move a box weighing a thousand kilograms, but this door is totally fake and it can't even move!"

The other tourists believed it and approved of it very much.

If you can push a thousand kilograms of strength, you'll be damned!

Jing Yang thought to himself, the door to the enemy guest has seven nested doors and is equipped with an automated sensing system. When the door body is subjected to different thrust, it will open the doors at different levels. Specifically, the bottom and the most A door inside weighs 2 tons on the left and right sides, which adds up to 4 tons. There must be 4 tons of thrust to fully push the first door open.

A thousand pounds is only 500 kilograms, just half a ton. Even if it is pushed halfway through the first door, the strength is still three-quarters less.

Each additional door among the seven doors of trial doubles the strength required.

The first door totals 4 tons, the second door totals 8 tons, and so on, 16 tons, 32 tons, 64 tons... To open all seven doors, a full 256 tons of terrifying brute force is required!

Jing Yang didn't know any members who beat up enemies in this world. He came here specifically, not because he thought that he would be familiar with them just because he had read the comics, but because he came here specifically to push the door of the trial. Weigh yourself now.

You can’t find equipment that is so good, so accurate, and so high-quality in the gym...

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