"Kubi is dead."

Chrollo's face was calm, at least it seemed that way. He said to the slightly moved Madge, "It's the confirmation given by No. 4."

Madge couldn't help but clenched her fists, and then quickly released them. She asked with a sullen face: "Do you want revenge?"

"Retaliation for whom?" Chrollo asked.

Ma Qi said: "Before the spacecraft exploded, the black-haired woman who claimed to be Meteor Street might be used as a clue."

Chrollo was noncommittal, "Rather than looking for the unconfirmed murderer, I prefer to fill in the gaps left by Kubi as soon as possible - such as the black-haired girl you mentioned who claims to be from Meteor Street."

"I have asked the vigilantes to pay attention to the list of survivors after the search and rescue, but to be honest, I don't think there is much hope of finding her or attacking our enemies." Chrollo continued, "Let's not talk about the one who controlled Kuroro. We have no way of confirming who the person beeping is. Since that girl was from Meteor Street, she has no real identity information for us to search. Even if she does, it must be a forged false identity, or even more than one... "

"The brigade is our top priority."

"Members can be replaced."

"Including me as the leader."

The creed from which the Phantom Troupe was founded flashed through Madge's mind...

She was silent for a while and said: "If you can't find her, you can go back to Meteor Street to find someone to fill the vacancy at No. 12 left by Kubi."

"Well..." Chrollo picked up a book and flipped through it.

Madge was speechless, "Captain, you have never thought about returning to Meteor Street in the short term, have you?"

Chrollo said: "Machi, we are thieves. Since we have something we want to steal now, we shouldn't give up halfway, right?"

"How can the clues to King Zhenwu's treasure be so easy to find..." Ma Qi said, "Also, Captain, why do you call No. 4 No. 4 instead of his name?"

Chrollo turned a page, "Well... I just said it because I just thought of it. Madge, are you doubting Li Ying's ability?"

"I'm not doubting his ability, I'm doubting his brain." Madge said, "He keeps changing all day long. Who knows if his brain is broken or not."



In the corner alley, the gang members who had dealt with the betrayers looked warily at the entrance to the alley. The Yin Beast Purple Ape, with dark skin, thick lips, and messy gray hair, stared at the past coldly, "Come out!"

Just say it and say it?

Jing Yang scoffed, directly used "Jue", and left quietly, leaving these people to fight with the air.

The gang members led by Yin Beast Ziyuan waited for a long time, but no one came out. They quickly chased out of several alleys and came to the street. They frowned and searched everywhere, trying to find the sudden intruder among the passing crowd.

Unfortunately, nothing was found. It's like the other person never appeared.

Zi Yuan understood that the other party must be a telepathic person. It's a pity that I'm not good at "circle", otherwise it wouldn't be so easy for the opponent to escape with "absolute" in the alley just now, and now he has blended into the crowd and disappeared...

"You handle the traitor's body." Zi Yuan waved his hand, took out his cell phone and made a call before returning to the alley.

In less than half a minute, half of Zi Yuan's face poked out of the alley again. His cold eyes were filled with Qi. He carefully observed the people on both sides of the street. Everyone's Qi looked like that of ordinary people. Nothing unusual... Either the other party has completely left, or the other party is very capable of pretending and is very vigilant.

In the roadside coffee shop, Jing Yang was drinking coffee while paying attention to the guy at the entrance of the alley, fighting with the air until he finally left.

Is this the Yin Beast?

Jing Yang thought of the Qi he saw on the other party just now. It was quite strong.

Not to mention that he is not at his peak now. Even if he is at his peak, there is still a gap between him and his opponent in terms of mental capacity.

Although the battle between telekinesis abilities is not purely based on the amount of telekinesis, this Yin beast is undoubtedly not an easy opponent for me now.

Although in the comics, these Yin Beasts were bitten and punched one by one by the Phantom Troupe, making them look very weak, and even the entire group of ten people were easily wiped out by the Phantom Troupe... But that was extremely important. It may be that the Phantom Troupe is too strong, rather than that the Yin Beast is too weak. You must know that Wojin's reinforced steel and iron bones are invulnerable and cannot even be blown up by RPGs. However, the porcupine and sick dog in Yin Beast can easily pierce his fist and bite off his shoulder muscles. This is not ordinary. People can do it.

There are ten major gangs in ten different areas on several continents in the Hunter World, and their leaders are called the Ten Old Men. The ten old men gather together from time to time and have thousands of subordinates, and the strongest among them is a group of ten people with telekinesis abilities - the "Yin Beasts".

Jing Yang had maliciously speculated in his previous life that the ten old men... were evenly distributed. Could it be that v5 raised two of them?

It just so happens that v5 dominates five continents, and there happen to be ten major gangs operating in these five continents.

The ten old men also had a tacit agreement that each of them would only raise one Yin Beast with telekinesis ability?

Is there such a coincidence?

Ten old men and ten Yin beasts, I'm afraid they are not all fixed black glove positions that v5 acquiesces to, and there will be no change of guard when there is a replacement...

I still have something to do, so there is no time to add extraneous matters.

Jing Yang touched his heart. Including the two who beat up the enemy at the door, they had already inhaled three strands of death energy.

Fortunately, the condition of the heart is far from being on the verge of transformation next time...

Jing Yang got up and left the coffee shop. Before going out, he asked the boss for directions, then opened the door and went straight to the mall.


In the Kingdom of Terramathe, the city where the Sky Arena is located is also known as Sky City.

Xiaodi was in a hotel room near the Sky Arena, standing on the floor and practicing, her whole body covered with a layer of "hardness". Suddenly she noticed that the moon mark of the B-shaped ring on her index finger reacted.

Is it daytime now?

Xiaodi glanced out the window doubtfully and connected the moon sign on the ring. Jing Yang's voice immediately came to her mind: [Is Xiaodi here? Is Xiaodi here? 】

【I'm here……】

While Xiaodi was replying via voice message, she picked up her phone and took a look. Jing Yang's last text message was only three hours ago. She couldn't help but wonder, [How far is Jing Yang's moon mark during the day? Has the train you are taking entered the range? 】

[This is what you asked me...]

Jing Yang was vague and rambling. After chatting for a while, he suddenly said: [Doraemon, come out. 】

【come out? 】 Xiaodi was puzzled. At this time, the rock bird that was napping by the window sill suddenly called out and fluttered towards the window.

Xiaodi opened the window and looked outside, only to see Jing Yang standing there on the roadside across the street downstairs. After realizing that he opened the window, he smiled and raised his hand to wave to himself.

[Don’t you have to drive for several days to get there? 】

While transmitting the message through the moon mark of the ring, Xiaodi opened the door and quickly went downstairs and walked out of the hotel door, looking at Jing Yang across the street.

[Oh, I changed the spaceship. ] Vehicles were coming and going on the street between the two of them, but with the help of the moon sign, the conversation was not affected. Jing Yang gestured to a heavy package on his shoulder as he said, [Well, I'm worried that the spaceship will explode again. Yes, I even bought a parachute. Fortunately it was not used! 】

Jing Yang walked across the street, opened his arms to Xiaodi, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a few days. Do you miss me? Come and give me a hug."

"Chichi!" The rock bird flew over happily.

"Go away!" Jing Yang slapped it away angrily. Xiao Di curled up the corners of her mouth slightly, stepped forward and gently hugged Jing Yang.

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