To be honest, Xiaodi feels a little soft when held in his arms.

Obviously this is a young master whose total thoughts are not much lower than Jing Yang's, and whose actual combat experience is probably richer than Jing Yang's... If we really talk about it, Xiaodi, who grew up in Meteor Street, how much of normal human society does she have in her heart? Morality is hard to say. If Jing Yang ordered her to kill all the people on the street, she probably wouldn't even blink. She wouldn't have any psychological burden at all. She could even clean up all the corpses with a bulging fish as if nothing had happened. clean.

If Xiaodi were allowed to push the door of trial, the result might not be worse than Jing Yang's.

"Ji?" The little gray bird landed on Jing Yang's shoulder and tilted his head to look at the two people hugging each other.

Jing Yang let go of his hand. Xiaodi took half a step back and looked at him cutely. Jing Yang pushed up the glasses that were halfway down the bridge of her nose.

"Do you want to put it away?" Xiaodi looked at the parachute backpack he was carrying.

"Yeah." Jing Yang followed her upstairs.

Back in the hotel room, Xiaodigu transformed into a bulging-eyed fish and put away all the things Jingyang didn't need for the time being.

"When I came here, were you practicing 'firmness'?" Jing Yang sat on the bed and asked, "I see that you have less Qi than usual now."

"Yeah." Xiaodi nodded and walked to Jing Yang.

Jing Yang stretched out his hand. Xiaodi stretched out her hand and held it.

"Then you go ahead. You've already been hardened. It's better to do it once and completely. Only in this way will the effect be effective." Jing Yang put her hands together and said with a smile, "I just want to take a rest. It's nearby. There is no guarantee that there will be no masters in the Sky Arena. During this period, it is best for one of us to practice 'Strength' while the other recovers to ensure that at least one of us has complete and full combat effectiveness."

"Okay." Xiaodi agreed.

Soon she stood on the floor again and let go of all the energy in her body, maintaining her "hard" form. With the passage of time bit by bit, under the pull of will, one's own thoughts are polished.

The sky was dark and the crowds were surging. The 991-meter-high Sky Arena seemed to reach straight into the night, towering into the stars.

Jingyang and Xiaodi passed by and took a look at each other from a distance before leaving first. They could put aside the matters in the arena for a while, but it was more important to deal with their stomach problems.

The two found a restaurant with good business in a nearby street.

Not to mention Xiaodi's savings, Jing Yang still had most of the remuneration he earned on Ghost Island, so they weren't really short of money to begin with. In addition, I am going to try my hand at the Sky Arena tomorrow. Every time I win a game, there is a bonus. In the comics, after winning the game on the 190th floor, the bonus is even as high as 200 million gin. In this world of hunters, powerful people don't need to worry about money at all. The man whose name is Jin is said to have a personal wealth comparable to that of a country.

Most of the diners in the hotel are no strangers to the Sky Arena. Some of them have just won money in the Sky Arena's ring gambling, and some may have just lost in the ring. At this moment, someone occasionally overheard the conversation between Jing Yang and Xiao Di. They seemed to have an attitude of not caring about the difficulty of the Sky Arena, and they could not help but look at them with suspicion.

Yun Gu put down the newspaper and looked back at the boy and girl sitting next to him talking, but they just got up and left.

The young man was relatively energetic, while the young girl was quieter, but the only thing they had in common was that they both had a calm spirit and could not feel any impatience.

There are so many capable people in the world! Yun Gu secretly thought about it, and he suddenly felt stressed when he remembered that because he made his master angry, he was sent to the Sky Arena to obtain the title of building owner.

"I didn't expect there to be an elf playground here..."

Jingyang and Xiaodi took a walk after dinner, walking in the bustling night market, and suddenly noticed a place with a huge flow of people in the distance. The huge entrance sign with neon lights flowing in the night was not the property of Blanchett Company.

"The Elf Playground is a great place. I picked up a Doraemon for nothing." Jing Yang said with a smile, "Let's go in and have a look."

The two walked around the amusement park and bought a lot of things along the way.

Xiaodi is very curious and always tries the snacks and specialties she sees along the way. If she doesn't like them after trying them, she looks at Jing Yang with cute eyes. If it really doesn't taste good, Jing Yang will reluctantly help her deal with it; if the taste is not bad, Jing Yang will stuff it into her mouth with a wicked smile...

"Oh!" "Wonderful!"

There was a commotion. Nearby is the world-famous Sky Arena. There are indeed many talented people in this city. Some people who may not be able to survive in the Sky Arena can actually set up stalls in the night market, perform magic shows, perform juggling, etc. Jingyang and Xiaodi also saw a lot of new things.

After strolling around for a while, the two of them walked along the illuminated river and returned to the hotel to rest.

In the dead of night, lying on the bed, Jing Yang looked at the ceiling and suddenly asked: "Xiao Di, can I hold you?"

A warm and soft hand from the side stretched out and grabbed his hand.

Jing Yang held it with his backhand and turned around to see Xiao Di turning his head to look at him. After taking off his glasses, Xiao Di's bright big eyes turned half purple, and he seemed to be able to speak in the dim room. Jing Yang had the urge to put her glasses on for her. It was too foul not to cover such beautiful eyes with glasses.

Xiaodi squeezed towards him and hugged his entire arm.

Jing Yang turned around and hugged her tightly.


Early the next morning, Jing Yang and Xiao Di packed up and officially set off for the Sky Arena.

It is said that as many as 4,000 challengers queue up to compete in the Sky Arena every day and advance to higher levels, and there are as many as 1 billion viewers from all over the world! Jingyang and Xiaodi had already set off early enough to come nearby, but they were still stuck behind the long queue outside the door.

After finally queuing up and entering the registration office, Jingyang and Xiaodi looked around curiously and followed the people in front to the registration window.

The worker behind the window handed over two forms, "Welcome to the Sky Arena, please fill in the information here."

Name, age... When he was filling in his fighting experience, Xiaodi leaned over and took a look at Jing Yang's form, and found that Jing Yang had used a pseudonym.

Then she saw Jing Yang writing a big "0" on his fighting experience, so she also wrote 0 fighting experience on her form... After submitting the form, the two of them received their respective participation numbers, and After being guided, we went to the competition area on the first floor.

On the way, Xiaodi asked curiously: "'Zhen Yuanzi'?"

"It's just a random pseudonym." Jing Yang pointed at his face, "After all, it has changed, hasn't it?"

Soon after walking out of the passage, the front suddenly lit up. With loud noises and cheers, a venue like a huge stadium appeared in front of Jingyang and Xiaodi. There are spectator seats on all sides. In the competition area in the middle, there are four rows and four columns, a total of sixteen arenas. Each arena has a referee, and there are two contestants on the stage fighting each other. Some people had been beaten with blood on their faces and were carried down unconscious...

The air was filled with the wild smell of blood and sweat, fermented by the shouts of the audience.

I hope there won’t be too many deaths here... Jing Yang thought to himself. After finding an empty seat with Xiao Di and sitting down, he asked, "I'm here to train my skills and gain fighting experience. Where is Xiao Di?"

Xiaodi pointed upward, "I'm very curious about what the upper level is like."

"Then you're in trouble," Jing Yang said. "In order to gain more fighting experience, I definitely won't climb the stairs too fast."

"It doesn't matter." Xiaodi said, "I'll wait for you."

At this time, the loudspeaker in the venue reported: "Contestant No. 725, Contestant No. 988, please come to Arena C."

"Ah, it's my turn." Jing Yang stood up.

Xiaodi waved to him and watched from the audience as he went down to the competition area. He quickly walked to the C ring and listened to the referee say a few words with another burly man before boarding the ring together.

Jing Yang is 1.5 meters tall. From a distance, the audience did not laugh at his age like Xiaojie did in the comics.

However, the burly man who was also in the ring saw his tender face clearly and said with a straight face: "Boy, you are here to make a living. Leave as soon as possible before you are injured."

"Why do I feel like I'm in the right place?" Jing Yang said, thinking in his mind, how can he practice his fighting skills without punching his opponent to death when the power gap is too large?

The referee said: "In the competition on the first floor, the level of the contestants will be judged based on the victory or defeat. Please show your strength within 3 minutes."

"Then, the game begins."

As soon as the referee gave the order, the burly man on the opposite side rushed over and hit Jing Yang on the head with a powerful and heavy punch.

How should I answer?

Jing Yang's eyes reflected the movements of the other party. As he concentrated his attention, the movements of the other party seemed to be slowing down, as if in slow motion in a movie...

dodge? Or head-on?

Punch? Or take action?

Lightning flashed in Jing Yang's mind. There were so many ways to deal with the guy in front of him that it was hard to make a decision for a while.


The huge and heavy fist was caught by Jing Yang's palm. Jing Yang, who was able to push open the second trial door with his bare hands, weighing 16 tons, basically did not move at all.

The burly man blushed, but he couldn't break free. His fist seemed to be welded into the young man's hand, and he couldn't pull it out no matter how hard he tried.

He roared angrily and raised his knee to hit Jing Yang's chin.

Jing Yang subconsciously slapped the man, his face turned pale, he screamed, and his thigh muscles were slapped with a sunken palm print.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot to hold back my strength." Jing Yang released the man's fist, "Sorry, I have never fought like this and have no experience. Come again."

What are you coming for? The referee was speechless. This person is not your opponent at all, right? Hurry up and win, forget it!

The burly man on the opposite side was lame on one leg and re-arranged his posture with a cold sweat on his face. Looking at the young boy opposite who was eager to try, more and more cold sweat formed on his forehead. Finally he put down his hand dejectedly, "Referee, I admit defeat. I don't know how to do it." Not his opponent..."

"No, wait, come back!" Jing Yang looked at his opponent limping off the ring, a little caught off guard, "Can't I just hit him lightly?"

The referee was ashamed and said to Jing Yang who seemed quite unwilling: "No. 988, you go to the 50th floor."

"I refuse!" Jing Yang immediately raised his hand, "Can I stay on this floor? I won't gain anything. It would be boring to be promoted like this!"

"No." The referee also refused, "If you win, you have to go to a higher level." After a pause, he added, "If you really want to accumulate fighting experience, you can go to the 10th floor first. In the Sky Arena, every 10th floor is one level. If you lose on the 10th floor, you will go back to the 1st floor, and if you win, you will go to the 20th floor. Do you have any objections?"

"You said so, so be it." Jing Yang said.

The referee printed out a note from the device in his hand, handed it to Jing Yang, said with a smile: "Please work hard. Practice your skills, you will definitely shine at a higher level."

Jing Yang waved his note and left the ring.

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