I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 80 What kind of wind and thunder?

Xiaodi was not in the auditorium where he was just now.

Jing Yang looked towards the other arenas in the venue, and soon saw Xiaodi slapping her opponent away, crossing several arenas, and falling into the audience area... Finally, she remembered that Jing Yang was nearby and was not suitable. This incident resulted in the death of people, so no fatal blow was made.

There is a life and death exemption clause in the registration provisions. If someone is beaten to death in the ring, neither Sky Arena nor the opponent will be held responsible.

"Take it easy. If I turn around and become a seventy-year-old, you will be fully responsible, do you understand?" Jing Yang left with Xiaodi who had returned victoriously. They went to hand in the note and received the 152 ring from the first victory. Nice, a can of drink as a bonus. Then we took the elevator to the 10th floor together, "You can just fast forward to the point where you can provide for me in my old age."

Xiaodi turned to look at him and said seriously: "So Jing Yang is not suitable to stay in this place for a long time."

She knew Jing Yang's situation, so she would be careful not to kill her opponent during the match. But others don't have this worry... Although it is probably rare to easily kill an opponent to death on the spot on the same floor.

"Who is Jing Yang? I am Zhen Yuanzi." Jing Yang reminded, and then smiled, "If you win one game, you will run away, and no one else will let you go. There seems to be a requirement for the number of games in the rules. You must win two games every day, or Lose a game, otherwise leaving without permission will be regarded as a forfeit and you will be disqualified from the competition. Well...how about if you win another game today, we can go out to eat? "

"Yeah." Xiaodi nodded and suddenly said, "I can fight here, and then go back and fight with Jing - Zhen Yuanzi. This can also increase your fighting experience, right?"

"That's a way." Jing Yang walked out of the elevator.

In the ring on the 10th floor, Jing Yang's opponent this time was a boxer who was not too burly, but was full of tendons.

The referee explained: "The game adopts a 3-minute points system. An excellent attack is worth 1 point, a very good attack is worth 2 points, knocking down the opponent and being confirmed by the referee is worth 1 point. The first one to get 10 points wins, that is, TKO; if the opponent If you lose the ability to fight, you will win immediately via KO. Do you understand?"

"Understood." The boxer on the other side clapped his fists. Weapons are not allowed on this floor, and he naturally has no gloves, just layers of bandages.

do not understand! Jing Yang nodded secretly, this time he couldn't win too casually like before. What effect would that have?

The opponent took the lead and seemed to notice that Jing Yang's body was full of flaws. As he approached, he struck with a dazzling set of punches.

But Jing Yang's eyesight has become accustomed to "condensation". Even without "condensation" now, he can easily see through these seemingly fast but actually slow fists... He did not fight back for the time being, and made some perfunctory defenses. With his posture, the fists like raindrops hit his body that had been tempered by Nianqi for thousands of times, and he basically felt nothing.

How does it feel to hit a 16-ton steel statue with a bunch of cotton fists?

In the comics, Xiaojie, who pushed open the first trial door, was able to climb all the way to the 200th floor with a simple "push you fly" move. And Jing Yang is now able to push open the second trial door with bare hands. With his current pure physical fitness, the actual pressure that the opponent can put on him on the 10th floor or the 190th floor is probably not much different...

In other words, if you want to accumulate combat experience below the 200th floor, there is no difference between the 10th floor and the 190th floor... You can think about countermeasures now and find a way.

As for floors above 200 floors? That is the domain of those with telekinesis abilities.

Fighting between people with telekinesis abilities is already another way of fighting, which is inconsistent with Jing Yang's original intention of accumulating fighting experience.

"Huchi, Huchi..."

At some point, the boxer, who was covered in tendons and muscles, was sweating profusely and panting from exhaustion. He looked at the distracted Jing Yang in disbelief.

The referee also looked over with an "Are you serious?" look on his face.

"You're looking down on me?" The boxer on the opposite side wiped his sweat, his eyes were fierce, and he screamed strangely. Using one leg as a fulcrum, he spun his body, swung his leg like a whip, and whipped Jing Yang on the head, "Ah beat!"

This strange and strange cry suddenly reminded Jing Yang of a black and white interview video he had seen in his previous life. The energetic martial arts philosopher said to the camera: "be water, my friend..."

Star activated!

Command: Use a power similar to that of the opponent...

Jing Yang's heart moved, he raised his arms and caught the opponent's leg.


He actually felt his arms tingling slightly and couldn't help but smile. The rose-gold pentagram on the back of his neck was like a seed, blending into the energy of his whole body, pulling the muscles and nerves all over his body...

"Ah fight!"

The tendon boxer was sweating profusely and kicked again.

Imitate your opponent's moves! Jing Yang used the star mark on the back of his neck to give himself an order. In an instant, he used his kick as a fulcrum to spin and kick. Bang!

Their legs collided in mid-air and each bounced away.

Operation 1! Operation 2! Operation 3! Jing Yang used all the control methods available on himself. In a daze, he felt that he was operating a game character named Jing Yang, and it seemed that his eyes were three feet above his head, looking down. I was fighting back and forth with my opponent, and I felt like I was being manipulated but not being manipulated. I felt like I was dreaming but not dreaming, I felt like I was awake but not awake...

Half an hour later, the opponent was exhausted to death by Jing Yang. His whole body was bruised and bruised, his body was cramped, and he was frothing and was carried down.

Jing Yang, on the other hand, did not break out a drop of sweat.

Although he only used strength similar to that of his opponent, it was impossible for him to reduce his physical strength as well.

"KO! The winner is player No. 988 Zhen Yuanzi!" the referee raised his hand and announced, and scattered applause came from the small audience. This evenly matched game is indeed a bit exciting, but the ending where one side is still calm and composed while the other side is carried off foaming at the mouth is a bit unexpected...

The referee thought to himself: "The movements of this boy Zhen Yuanzi have suddenly improved, and the more he plays, the better he gets... Is he suddenly enlightened? He already had absolutely crushing physical fitness, and now he has made significant technical progress." , the future is really limitless!”

Jing Yang ignored this and left, immersed in what he had just experienced.

"Somewhat similar to the knight's fully automatic operation mode..."

he thought to himself.

The knights of the Phantom Troupe have the ability to "carry the fate of others" through telekinesis. After plugging an antenna into the target, they can control the target with their mobile phone. The knight's trump card is to plug in his own antenna and let the mobile phone system take care of his body. Like a Super Saiyan, he enters a full-automatic combat mode...

"What Bruce Lee called "be water" in the interview is probably the Chinese word for "the best is like water", which can change anytime and anywhere. If I remember correctly, what he meant was to integrate the fighting instinct with self-control. It is not completely instinctive, nor is it absolutely rational control. For example, when the idea of ​​punching arises in me, I have already punched out, without sticking to any form of convention..."

"I am super, isn't this the ultimate freedom of mind..."

"No, no, this is in the Hunter World. If you have to find an example, the more similar one should be..." Jing Yang thought of a figure in his mind, "It's Killua's speed! Gale and Thunder mode..."

In the comics, Killua's telekinesis ability can change the nature of Qi into electricity. He uses electric current to stimulate the nervous system. After sensing the opponent's actions through the enemy's hostile thoughts and the shaking of telekinesis, he acts with physical reflex actions. Isn't this the "natural unnatural" and "unnatural natural" described by Bruce Lee? The self-control of the body and the body's instinct are integrated into each other regardless of each other...

Of course, to achieve this level, there is actually a prerequisite, which is to accumulate a lot of fighting experience.

However, Jing Yang made up for this by using Xingbiao's self-control to enter a state similar to the vigilante's automatic combat mode. In this state, Jing Yang can even learn and imitate his opponent's fighting moves at the fastest speed...

Soon, Xiaodi also won the second game. Like Jing Yang, they both got promotion notes to the 20th floor, but they both decided to call it a day.

"Auto mode?"

After leaving the Sky Arena, Xiaodi couldn't help but be curious when she heard Jing Yang talking about his latest insights.

In the restaurant, Jing Yang clicked on his spoon and said with a smile: "This name doesn't sound good, Xiaodi, think of a new one for me... Hey, this chocolate ice cream is good, Xiaodi, would you like to try it?"

Xiaodi became thoughtful and opened her mouth to take the scoop of ice cream handed over by Jing Yang.

Until the afternoon when the two of them were shopping on the street, going to the Elf Playground, taking photos, feeding pigeons, and riding the Ferris wheel, she would ponder from time to time, still thinking about the name of Jing Yang's new move...

In this way, Jing Yang and Xiao Di's current lives have stabilized.

In the morning, go to the Sky Arena to check in, win two games and then leave.

At noon, I went shopping, walked around, took pictures as a tourist, had lunch by the way, and then spent the afternoon practicing in the hotel...

A few days later, there were more people in the auditorium on the 70th floor, and more handicaps appeared.

On the ring, a strong man weighing four to five hundred pounds rushed towards Jing Yang. Jing Yang was unmoved and thought to himself: "Meeting stars are like the wind!"

The star mark on the back of his neck was activated immediately, and Jing Yang's eyes were dimly lit, as if covered with a layer of sapphire-like brilliance. Facing the opponent's attack, his body reacted instinctively, but he still had a sense of reality that he was in control. Jing Yang's consciousness and body absorbed all the fighting experience in these "extreme" battles...

"KO! The winner, player Zhen Yuanzi!"

The referee walked up to Jing Yang and announced loudly, and waves of cheers came from the audience.

Jing Yang waved his hand and left to collect the prize money from this game. He found Xiaodi who had also returned victoriously and asked, "How much do you have?"

"70,000 ordination nuns." Xiaodi said.

"Me too, 70,000." Jing Yang smiled, "Let's go and have another meal!"

After playing around near the Elf Playground, the two found a restaurant that felt good recently. They looked at the newly developed photos while waiting for their meal. Fortunately, they arrived early, and the few remaining chocolate ice creams were wrapped up by them. Anyway, with their physical fitness, it would be difficult for them to eat up, so they had a good time.

Suddenly, Jing Yang paused while looking through the photos. He suspected that he had made a mistake and found the one he had just thrown away.

This is what Xiaodi took for him. He was standing in front of the fountain, teasing the rock sparrows and playing in the water, and was captured by Xiaodi... The focus is not here, but the edge of the photo. In the corner of the crowd, a figure with yellow hair almost walked out of the camera range.

Although the picture is a little out of focus and the face is slightly blurred, the delicate profile of the yellow-haired boy, especially the unique costume of the Kuluta tribe, is so recognizable. Kurapika?

Just then, a dissatisfied voice of a young man came from the ordering counter of the restaurant: "What? The chocolate ice cream is gone? Who bought it all?"

Xiao Di looked back, and Jing Yang also looked over, just in time to meet the eyes of the little white-haired guy with an unhappy face.

Gee, meeting two "protagonists" in succession is really amazing! Jing Yang recognized this little white-haired guy at a glance. With this temperament, he is indistinguishable from ten, he is the group favorite who beats the enemy Hakka, Killua = beats the enemy guest.

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