"I'm very sorry, this chocolate ice cream will have to wait until the afternoon at the earliest..." the waitress behind the ordering counter said, "Children can try other flavors of ice cream in our store, strawberry, mango, warm sun. Coke, Tropical Colorful, all the flavors are great!”

"No, I like chocolate flavor." Killua was a little depressed.

At this moment, another waitress serving in the dining area came over, holding the chocolate ice cream he had been thinking about all morning.

Killua stared at the other person with dead eyes, and his eyes gradually became surprised, because the waitress came straight towards him, handed the cup of chocolate ice cream to him, and said with a smile: "Little brother, this is that The two guests over here gave it to you." As she said that, she turned back and pointed.

Killua took the chocolate ice cream and looked at it. Jing Yang smiled at him over there and made a scissor hand gesture.

"What a strange person..."

As a young genius who has been trained to be a cruel killer since childhood, Killua is very good at judging a person's strength. It is this ability that allowed him to compete in the sky for the past two years at the age of 6 to 8 years old. In his playing career, he has been like a fish in water and has hardly suffered any injuries.

But this person makes Killua unable to feel the depth, as if he is just a black mist, whose breath cannot be grasped, touched, or guessed.

If he met such a person in the sky arena, Killua would most likely not compete with him on the same stage. He is a killer but not a martial artist. If he is faced with an opponent he is not sure about, he will use the killer's method to solve the problem and choose a head-on fight in the ring. That is a strange thing...

Killua looked at the chocolate ice cream given by the man in his hand.

"Is it poisoned?"

Killua showed a smile. He had been eating poisons since he was a child, and his body has long been immune to poisons. If you have such an idea, then you are miscalculated.

He happily took a big spoonful and put it into his mouth. The delicious chocolate and the silky texture of the ice cream instantly swept over his taste buds and went straight to his forehead...


Killua was eating and found a card under the cup.

I raised my head and glanced at the person. The other person pointed down and made a gesture of opening it.

Killua opened the card and saw a short line of text written on the paper, which made his pupils shrink suddenly.

"I opened the second door of trial. What about you?"

Xiaodi was still studying the photo that Jing Yang found just now, recalling when and where they took the photo of a passerby from the Luta tribe with yellow hair.

Bang, an empty cup was placed on their table.

Xiao Di turned her head and saw that the person coming was the white-haired boy that Jing Yang seemed to be a little concerned about.

The angry look...should be that of an ordinary person. Xiaodi glanced at Killua's body and stopped paying attention to it, continuing to look down at the photos.

Killua, on the other hand, muttered to himself, has he eaten too much ice cream and chocolate recently, and has his senses become less sensitive? Why is this woman like this man, so that no one can tell the truth?

"I thought you were going to poison it." Killua put his hands in his pockets, raised his head slightly, and looked directly into Jing Yang's eyes, "The poison may be used as an ingredient, so it might taste better."

Jing Yang smiled and said, "Isn't that why you took the initiative to come here?"

He pointed to the remaining card in the empty cup.

"Of course, I'm only 8 years old, and delicious food is more important." Killua glared, "Have you been to my house?"

Jing Yang said: "Kokulu Mountain is a tourist attraction, so there's nothing surprising about going there."

Hearing Jing Yang talk about Kukulu Mountain, Xiaodi raised her head again and her attention was attracted.

Jing Yang patted the seat next to him. Xiao Di stood up and left the opposite seat, sat down next to Jing Yang, moved the pile of newly developed photos to the front, and then looked at the white-haired boy curiously.

Listening to the exchange between Jing Yang and him, this white-haired boy is a member of the family of killers who beat enemies and guests in Kukulu Mountain?

Killua glanced at the vacant seat and said to Jing Yang: "It's been almost a year since I left home for travel (actually it's not travel, and it's been almost two years). I don't remember that I have casually revealed my personal information. Identity. It is even more impossible for my family members to disclose my information to outsiders casually. Do you know me?"

His expression remained unchanged, but doubts arose in his heart. Even if someone pushed open the door of trial and entered Kukulu Mountain, at most they would only be received by the housekeepers. I rarely left home before I was 6 years old. Two years ago, my father threw me into the Sky Arena, where I have been until now. It stands to reason that it is unlikely that a stranger would recognize him as a member of the Kedi Hakka family at a glance. But if you don't recognize yourself, it's impossible to send yourself that kind of card and note.

Jing Yang smiled and said: "Anyway, we know each other now. You can call me Zhen Yuanzi. I have just reached the 70th floor of the Sky Arena. What about you?"

What does it mean that we know each other now? Killua said: "I am Killua. Have you really opened two doors of trials?"

When I left home two years ago, I couldn't even open the first door! If not, it wouldn't have taken two full months to reach the 150th floor of the Sky Arena.

Jing Yang's smile deepened when he heard this, and he stretched out his hand to signal to his opponent, "You don't believe it? Let's try it out. We'll know after you try it."

Arm wrestling?

Killua thought for a moment, "Okay."

He is an expert and daring person. He is not afraid of eating poison as food. His body has been tempered for a long time. He can't even touch a switch to kill him. Ordinary assassination methods have no effect on the seedlings cultivated by his family, a top killer. It has no effect. Naturally, I am not afraid of whether the guy opposite has any other plans.

Killua jumped onto the opposite seat and stretched out his right hand.

Jing Yang also stretched out his right hand and shook it, "Xiao Di, count to three, two, one."

Killua looked at him, and when he shook hands, he could feel that this man's wrist strength was really good. In his heart, he already believed three points of what he said about opening the door to the trial in his family, so he held his breath and concentrated even more. Gather your strength and wait.

Xiaodi raised her hand and read: "Three, two, one."


Killua used his right arm to exert force, but found that the opponent's arm seemed to be welded to the table and did not move at all.

A tic-tac-toe popped up on Killua's forehead. He didn't want to give in easily, so he used the killer's special move. His entire right arm seemed to have grown thicker out of thin air. The muscles in his originally seemingly thin arm bulged, even with Jing. The palms Yang held became hideous and terrifying, with veins all over the skin. It seemed that he could feel the blood rushing rapidly in the blood vessels, delivering huge force to his arms that could shatter rocks and crack monuments.

What makes Killua happy is that the guy opposite him is no longer calm. It can be clearly seen that he is also clenching his right hand, tightening his right arm and increasing his strength, indicating that he has forced out the opponent's strength.

But Killua was also frustrated that he had tried his best, but he had only been able to force the other party to take it seriously.

Killua gritted his teeth, his thick and vein-covered arms trembling slightly as Jing Yang pressed him down little by little towards the table on the right.


The back of Killua's right hand touched the table.

"I lost!"

Killua took out his hand with a look of displeasure on his face and shook it hard. The strength and ferociousness just now suddenly diminished and returned to its original state.

Xiao Didi was stunned, raised her glasses, and observed curiously.

Killua suddenly found that there was a ball of jam on the palm of his right hand, and his face suddenly turned green, "Why is there still jam on your hand? Wow, it's so dirty..."

Jing Yang took out a tissue and gave it to him, and said with a smile: "Do you believe this? Are you also competing in the Sky Arena?"

Killua wiped his palms clean with a tissue, "Yes, tomorrow at noon, on the 190th floor, will be my last game (actually not). Do you want to come and watch? If I win that game, it's almost time for me to go home ( In fact, I don’t want to go home at all).”

Xiaodi asked doubtfully: "Aren't you going to go above the 200th floor?"

Killua said calmly: "I'm homesick (not really). That's it, bye."

He jumped off the seat and left without looking back.

"Damn it, he's so powerful. He's more powerful than anyone above level 100!"

Killua's face darkened as soon as he pushed the door open and went out.

"Isn't it just him? Does the woman next to him also have this kind of strength?"

"It's so irritating! I almost couldn't control my desire to kill someone..."

After Killua left, Xiaodi turned to look at Jing Yang. When he lowered his head, Jing Yang was wiping the jam on his palm with a tissue.

Although the jam was smeared, it could still be vaguely seen that it was originally a five-pointed star symbol.

Even though Xiaodi and Jingyang were so familiar, she didn't notice when and how he drew the pentagram symbol with jam on his palm in advance.

"Do you think he just said a few truths?" Jing Yang asked, seeing Xiaodi looking at his hands, he couldn't help but smile, "What's wrong?"

Xiaodi asked curiously: "Why didn't it succeed?"

She didn't care at all that Jing Yang wanted to put a star mark on a strange boy.

To her surprise, Jing Yang's ability failed.

That white-haired killer boy clearly didn't even master the basics of telekinesis, so it was impossible to guard against Jing Yang's operational abilities.

Jing Yang also said thoughtfully: "That's true. Then eliminating all the impossibilities, there is only the only possibility left."

Xiaodi said in surprise: "He has been controlled by another operating system ability user?"

"Maybe." Jing Yang said, "It's impossible for parents to just leave their children running around, right? We have to take some protective measures. This is the young master of the killer family! Maybe we just talked to him When he made contact, there were some killers secretly protecting him watching in the darkness outside the window..."

Xiaodi nodded suddenly.

In addition to this statement, Jing Yang speculated on another greater possibility - Killua may have had a mind needle implanted in his forehead.

Killua's eldest brother, the eldest son of the Kampong family, a telepathic user of the manipulation system, Ilmi = the telekinesis ability of Kampung.

The operating system must win first, and only if Ilmi's operating system telepathy needle is implanted in Killua's forehead can it be possible for Jing Yang's operating system ability star to fail to take effect...

"But the killer should be very keen." Xiaodi was doubtful again, "You clearly wanted to control him, didn't he notice the crisis?"

Jing Yang reached out and pinched her soft cheeks, "That can only mean that I have no ill intentions. Doesn't it?"

"Then why did Jingyang want to mark him..." Xiaodi had her cheek pinched, and she spoke a little too much.

Jing Yang let go of his hand, "How should I say..."

Xiaodi rubbed her cheek. Jing Yang organized the language and said: "I once had a person who was marked by me, and I instantly gained his language ability. I guessed at the time that this was because the mother tongue had been internalized as that person's instinct, so when he was manipulated by me , I also naturally mastered this instinct of his... So I thought, if I do the same thing to a person who has mastered killer skills to perfection, maybe I can also learn many killer skills in an instant."

"I don't really want to control him as a puppet. If I can successfully learn the killer technique, I can erase the mark immediately." Jing Yang said, "In addition, he himself doesn't understand reading. This can't trigger it. His killer instinct, right? Then he’s not invincible, does he have his own radar..."

After all, it was about beating the enemy Killua, not Killua Haibara.

There are also gaps between radars.

Killua has not yet entered the realm of Nian, and even if he is well-trained as a killer, his abilities have limits.

"Oh..." Xiaodi suddenly realized, "Then I'll go catch him back. Seeing as he's not very powerful, he should be able to subdue him easily, and then find a way to remove the existing operations on him."

"Sit down, sit down!" Jing Yang grabbed her, "They say I mean no harm."

Xiaodi sat back next to him obediently and heard him mutter: "Besides, we can't beat the person behind Killua..."

This is the point, right?

Xiaodi looked at him.

"What are you looking at?" Jing Yang pinched her cheek again, it felt really good. He smiled and said: "Okay, the young killer and so on are just a sideshow. Let's continue with our own business."

"Okay." Xiaodi pulled out the photo of the Luta tribe in Huangfa Cave that was accidentally taken, "Why does Jing Yang want to find this person?"

Jing Yang said: "Everyone of the Kuluta tribe was killed by the Phantom Troupe. I'm afraid this one is the only one left. Is it miserable? I'm asking you, is it miserable?"

Xiaodi blinked.

Jing Yang smiled and said: "I guess the spider we left on Greed Island is dead. As for Liang Zi, we have formed a relationship with the Phantom Troupe. The enemy of our enemy is our friend. This Kuluta clan, He must also hate the Phantom Troupe deeply. If so, then he is our natural ally."

Xiaodi nodded.

Jing Yang added: "Besides, our great Dawn of Dawn still only has two members, so it's a bit awkward."

"This third member will decide him!"

Snap, he pointed his finger at Kurapika's profile at the edge of the photo.

Walking out of the restaurant, Xiaodi asked: "But, how can I find it?"

"Well, I have my own plan." Jing Yang said with a smile, "Let's go buy some props first."

On the way, Xiaodi suddenly thought of something and said curiously: "If we want to recruit new members of the organization, the 'young master who beats the enemy' as you mentioned seems to be a good candidate."

Jing Yang said silently: "You also said that I am a young master, how could I be easily persuaded to join us?"

Xiaodi nodded and said, "Oh. Jing Yang has his sights on the Kuluta clan, but he has no choice, so he is more likely to agree to us."

Jing Yang rubbed both sides of her cheeks with his palms and laughed loudly: "Xiao Di, you tell the truth like this, it makes people want to kiss you."

Xiaodi blinked innocently.

Jing Yang controlled, controlled, and controlled again... I was sorry that I couldn't control it, so he gave her a smack on the cheek.

"Besides, even if you want to trick an enemy into joining the organization, why should you recruit a brat? Instead of looking for Killua, I might as well be bolder and go directly to his high-end version... There are ready-made complete The body can be used, why do we need to make a juvenile version of it?"

"Who is the perfect body?"

"His biological father..."

"Oh...that one is more difficult, right?"

"Isn't it okay to think about it?"


"So don't be in a hurry. Let's develop first! Get rid of the Kuluta clan first and then make plans."


Jing Yang muttered all the way. Xiaodi walked with him, nodding in response from time to time.

The two of them walked on the street, their hands holding each other's hands unconsciously, and soon found a supermarket and went in.

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