I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 82: I’ll blanch you, Immortal!

Jingyang took Xiaodi around the supermarket and bought five masks, five sets of large-sized gray sportswear, five loudspeakers, and a box of fine needles under Xiaodi's confused eyes.

"Let's go to the area where the photo was taken."

The two quickly went to the area around the Fountain Square where the photo of Kurapika was accidentally taken.

Jing Yang turned his hands, and the five threads were wrapped in the air ball emerging from his palm, and suddenly turned into five flying star bubbles floating in the air in front of Jing Yang.


Jing Yang casually waved his hand, and five flying star bubbles flew into the crowd.

No matter how excellent ordinary people's dynamic vision is, they can only see threads folded into the shape of a pentagram flying in the air, but not the air mass wrapping the threads.

These air masses have given up their direct destructive power, so they do not give people a sense of threat and will not arouse alertness at all.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

Soon, five flying star bubbles touched the skin of five male and female passers-by, leaving five rose gold marks in different locations.

The five people immediately froze and changed their walking direction in unison, walking towards a nearby shopping mall and entering the restrooms in the shopping mall one after another.

They opened the partitions of their respective bathrooms, and inside the door hung a set of gray sportswear, a mask, a loudspeaker, and a thin needle.

In the fountain square, a man wearing a toy mask and gray sportswear climbed onto the fountain platform while carrying a loudspeaker.

This quickly attracts the attention of passersby.

"What is he going to do?"

"Performance Art?"

The crowd was talking a lot, and the man in the gray sportswear mask raised his horn and shouted: "I have clues about the Phantom Troupe!! Anyone who wants to know can come to me!!!"

"I have clues about the Phantom Troupe!! Anyone who wants to know can come to me!!!"

"I have clues about the Phantom Troupe!! Anyone who wants to know can come to me!!!"

The masked man repeated loudly over and over again, and more and more passers-by stopped to watch in surprise.

"Phantom Troupe? That A-level bounty criminal group?"


"Has he been harmed by the Phantom Troupe?"

"Why does he shout like this over and over again? The speaker can record and play it back, right?"

"Wait, is that the point?"

"Where's your phone? Take a quick video!"

"Dressed like this, you can't even tell whether he is a boy or a girl..."

Many passers-by quickly gathered in front of the fountain, watching the strange masked man standing on the fountain platform and shouting through a loudspeaker: "I have clues about the Phantom Troupe!! Anyone who wants to know can come to me!!!"

Soon, things got even stranger.

"I have clues about the Phantom Troupe... Anyone who wants to know can come to me..." Similar loudspeakers could be heard faintly from the streets west of Fountain Square.

Then there are the streets to the east, "I have clues about the Phantom Troupe..."

From the south, north, and four directions, the shouts of loudspeakers gradually came, "... Anyone who wants to know can come to me!!!"

Many passers-by stopped to watch the fun, and some even booed and asked loudly, "I want to know, you can tell me!", but unfortunately the masked man ignored him at all.

Some people are also contacting the police who maintain public order...

Of course, more people are holding their mobile phones, taking photos and videos, or joking with each other.

Jing Yang and Xiao Di were behind the crowd, their eyes filled with anger, and they carefully observed the masked man who was shouting loudly through the loudspeaker on the fountain platform, seemingly causing big news.

"Did you see anything?" Jing Yang asked.

"Not yet..." Xiaodi said, "His Qi is normal. Even in the form of an ordinary person, it is difficult to detect the rare Qi mixed with Jing Yang's mark... But yes, the power used for healing , where did it come from?”

Jing Yang and Xiao Di left and took a detour to the four nearby streets, east, west, north and south, and observed the other four masked men one by one who were controlled by the star and were broadcasting through loudspeakers.

Jing Yang observed with "Condensation" and said slowly: "It should not entirely use the bearer's own Qi. After all, the mark can assist in recovery when the Qi is used up. If the Qi used for healing itself is If it's exhausted, how can you use Qi to heal it? Isn't this the left foot stepping on the right foot?"

If I remember correctly, the wild wolf controlled by his star did not die immediately after his head fell off. Instead, the severed head was still under the control of the power of the star, slowly moving towards the severed neck, as if it was still alive. The way he took it back...the wolf was almost dead, and no matter how hard he thought, there was no extra energy left for healing. In other words, even the head can be reattached. This is no longer the category of "healing", right?

Return the star bearer to a healthy state...

Jing Yang thought of his guess and wondered if it was really a consumption of life force?

But what is vitality? According to the rules of the Hunter World, the essence of vitality should also be Qi.

Nitro fought with the Ant King, and the final shot of Guanyin Zero used up all his energy, causing Nitro to become a deflated and shriveled old man, like a skeleton with only skin left...

Is the star sign overdrawing its vitality, that is, using its lifespan to recover from injuries?

Jing Yang knows that lifespan is a real concept in the Hunter World. For example, Kurapika's special ability "Absolute Time" after entering the flaming eye will burn off 1 hour of lifespan for every second the state is maintained.

But Jing Yang intuitively felt that this was wrong. The star should not consume lifespan.

Nothing else, he didn't like this approach.

The ability to think reflects the heart. Even the ability to think automatically formed unconsciously cannot break away from this basic framework.

Since this is your own mind ability, there will be no effects that are not in line with your inner wishes.

If Jing Yang had consciously and proactively designed the star's ability, he would definitely not have chosen such a nonsense setting as burning his life in exchange for milk... He is not the kind of Kurapika who died along with the clan annihilation a few years ago. , only to be buried in the soil together with the eyes of the tribe in the end, how can someone who is determined to die be willing to give his own ability, or the effects of the ability, at such an uneconomical price?

"I have clues about the Phantom Troupe!! Anyone who wants to know can come to me!!!"

The man in the sportswear mask controlled by the star was also shouting loudly through the loudspeaker when he was attacked by the crowd. Above his head, a thin wisp of air rose like smoke and passed away naturally...

Until he returned to the hotel and entered the afternoon practice of "Jian", the image of the wisp of air rising from the head of the person controlled by his star still appeared in Jing Yang's mind.


He suddenly opened his eyes, "Xiao Di, let me ask you a question."

"Oh?" Xiaodi sat cross-legged on the bed, holding her bulging fish vacuum cleaner in her hand, "What's the problem?"

Jing Yang still remained "hard" and did not let go. He had only been "hard" for less than half an hour, and he still seemed very relaxed.

"You said, the qi that ordinary people naturally lose," Jing Yang pondered, "where does it go?"

Xiaodi looked surprised, "I have never thought about this problem..."

Jing Yang, like her, instinctively looked at the sky outside the window. The street scene outside is still the same street scene, the blue sky and white clouds are still the same blue sky and white clouds, even the outline of the sky arena nearly a thousand meters high in the distance is visible in the distance, nothing has changed. But after thinking about this problem, these scenery seemed to be a little different.

There are countless billions of people in the world, and countless trillions of life have existed over the past tens of thousands of years...

And the vast majority of beings do not have the ability to read, and they cannot control the flow of their own Qi...

Where did this passing energy go?

Integrated into the sky?

Incorporated into the air?

Jing Yang looked at the bulging-eyed fish vacuum cleaner in Xiaodi's hand, and said with great imagination: "Since people with telekinesis abilities can turn Qi into real substances, could it be that the real substances in our lives are these that pass away naturally? A massive amount of Qi, formed naturally during a long period of evolution?"

"The entire material world is formed by the continuous accumulation of qi emitted unconsciously by all living beings, and is finally 'embodied' after a qualitative change?"

Anyone who listens to Jing Yang's words will think that it is really whimsical. The most important thing is that it cannot be verified and is just a wild idea.

Xiaodi asked curiously: "Why did Jing Yang suddenly think of this level?"

"Because I'm still thinking about the healing effect of the star mark..." he said, then paused, "Xiaodi, let go of the knot on your body, don't control the Qi on your body, and let it flow away naturally."

"Oh, okay." Xiaodi did as she was told.

In an instant, the Qi around her that had been as calm and unified as flowing water began to fluctuate, turning into an irregular outline that seemed uncontrollable like an ordinary person's. There was also a wisp of Qi gradually passing away above her head.

However, since Xiaodi did not deliberately make herself look like an ordinary person, although the Qi around her body showed an irregular outline like an ordinary person, no matter the size or thickness of the Qi, it gave people a different feeling. It is far beyond the level of ordinary people, not to mention that the energy flowing naturally from the top of her head is much thicker than that of ordinary people.

Jingyang approached Xiaodi. He is now in a "hard" state, and even if his eyes are not deliberately "condensed", the effect will not be much different.

He carefully observed the flow of Qi above Xiao Di's head.

Xiaodi leaned forward to make it easier for Jingyang to see.

The air was like a column of smoke, curling up above Xiaodi's head... Jing Yang looked closely, and at half a meter high, the tail end of Xiaodi's airflow looked very...smooth?

The end of the flow of qi above the head of an ordinary person will appear in a blurry, dark, and unclear state, making it difficult for people to understand how the qi is lost into the air and what it becomes after flowing into the air. How did it finally dissipate.

But the "break" at the top of the droplet's head where the smoke should have dispersed was very smooth. At first glance, they look very similar to ordinary people, but upon closer inspection, you can find that they are completely different.

The small droplets of Qi are not naturally lost into the air at all!

"But I can really feel the natural loss of Qi?" Xiaodi said doubtfully, but soon, she and Jing Yang realized something, "Ah!" Xiaodi opened the waistband of his pants and pulled them down, exposing his left leg. Rose gold star at the root.

Jing Yang studied with her for a long time and found nothing unusual about the star mark.

"Although the specific principle may not be clear, I guess it is this." Jing Yang finally judged, "The star mark can absorb the naturally flowing Qi and use it as an energy source."

"But most of the time I use 'Tangle' and won't let it pass." Xiaodi said.

"You also said that most of the time. There is always a chance to get your wool." Jing Yang said with a smile, "I think the energy used by Star Mark for healing has several priorities, and the one with the highest priority is It is the trapped and accumulated Qi that flows naturally, followed by the remaining Qi in the carrier. What if all the energy in Mao is left..."

"Then you might choose to hang it first and let the wearer recover to a certain extent before activating the healing function." Jing Yang looked around, raised his hand and flicked the air, "Or even more simply, the star might be able to be used all the time. To absorb the Qi that may exist in the natural environment and that has not finally disappeared after ordinary people naturally disperse..."

I'm sorry, can you master the immortal mode? !

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