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Chapter 85 An irresistible temptation

There was a park a few kilometers away from the Sky Arena, on a grassy slope beside a small river where no one appeared.

Kurapika was thinking about the information revealed by this boy named Zhen Motoko all the way.

After thinking again and again, he took advantage of Jing Yang to speak and said, "Before you tell me the information about the Phantom Troupe, I want to make it clear in advance that I will probably not agree to your so-called request to join your organization."

Xiaodi asked curiously: "Why?"

Kurapika said: "I have things that must be completed in my life."

"Kill all the Phantom Troupe?" Jing Yang sat on the grass on the slope, "Although I don't hate those people to the point where I want to get rid of them quickly, but after all, they are some extremely vicious criminals. If I can help, I will You won’t mind at all. We don’t have any differences on this point, right?”

Kurapika lowered his eyes.

Xiaodi said unexpectedly: "It seems you don't want to kill them at all."

"I don't want to kill anyone...Killing between people is the most tragic thing in the world." Kurapika closed his eyes, "Because of this, I hate the Phantom Troupe so much. What are they going to do? How cold-blooded do you have to be to do something like that..."

There was a sad anger in his tone.

Xiaodi was unmoved and commented: "If all the Kuluta clan is as merciless as you, it's no wonder they were easily killed by the Phantom Troupe."

"What did you say?!" Kurapika's only reverse scale was touched, and his eyes immediately turned red like burning flames, glaring at him angrily.

"This is how Xiaodi speaks, relatively straight." Jing Yang raised two fingers, pointed at Kurapika, and then pointed at his eyes, "Hey, hey! Don't look at her, look at me. Our organization Here, I am the boss. Come, look at me. Continue the topic we just talked about."

"Join us and accept me as your boss, and I will tell you the information you want and provide you with good help." Jing Yang said, "I am not so kind as to give free gifts to strangers."

Kurapika was silent for a longer time this time. He closed his eyes and rubbed them. When he opened them again, the fiery red color gradually faded.

He also sat down and looked at the calm water of the river.

"I came to the Sky Arena a year ago. On the one hand, I wanted to hone my martial arts skills and prepare to obtain a hunter's license in the future. On the other hand, I also wanted to contact as many people from all over the world as possible and collect all possible information about the Phantom Travel. Information about the group... A month ago, I reached the 120th floor. Although there were more masters on the top, I finally gave up. After reaching the 100th floor, the players in order to keep the preferential treatment of the 100th floor , becoming more and more unscrupulous, and some people even poisoned them secretly... One week ago, I left the Sky Arena and will no longer challenge."

"Because I can't die." Kurapika put his hands into his somewhat messy hair. "The eyes of each of the corpses of the Kuluta tribe are empty, and their souls cannot rest in peace..."

He raised his head, tears welling up in his eyes.

This made Jing Yang realize that the Kurapika in front of him was not the same person when he took the hunter exam four years later.

The Kurapika in front of him is a 13-year-old boy who lost all his relatives and friends a year and a half ago and was abandoned in a completely unfamiliar world.

"I want to find all the eyes that my tribe has lost."

Kurapika took a deep breath and his eyes became firmer, "I will never stop until I complete this mission. Not even the Phantom Troupe."

He said to himself with pain: "If nothing can be done in the future, I will probably stop chasing their phantoms like they stopped on the 120th floor of the Sky Arena..."

Jing Yang couldn't help but think of the manga in which Kurapika tried every means to disband the Phantom Troupe but finally found that it was impossible. After that, he no longer took the initiative to track down the traces of the Phantom Troupe, but devoted himself to retrieving all the stolen items. In the pursuit of the flaming eyes of the Kuluta tribe, he mixed up in the gang and reached the position of second-in-command. When he prayed to the flaming eyes in front of the mourning hall, there was no sense of violation at all with a BGM in the name of the father. Degree……

"So please forgive me for not agreeing to your request." Kurapika calmed down and said sincerely to Jing Yang, "If possible, I will pay all other conditions I can in exchange for your information. If it still doesn't work, then I have no choice but to continue on my own path, work hard to become a professional hunter, and make other plans later.”

Since everyone was talking about this, it seemed that Jing Yang had no need to force others into things other than agreeing.

However, Jing Yang said, "Have you never thought about resurrecting your dead tribesmen?"

These words struck Kurapika like a bolt of lightning, and he was stunned. In fact, let alone him, Xiaodi didn't expect Jing Yang to say that.

Kurapika's eyes once again turned red with anger, but Jing Yang had already stood up and patted his butt.

Jing Yang raised his hand towards Kurapika, and a strong energy was released.

For a moment, Kurapika, whose eyes were blazing red, was shocked.

He intuitively felt that the atmosphere around Zhen Yuanzi and around him suddenly changed drastically.

The person who was just ordinary and unable to see the depth suddenly seemed to transform into a beast in human form, giving people an indescribable and powerful sense of oppression, as if any of his next movements could easily take his life. .

"Kurapika, this world is big, and there are many miracles you can't imagine."

Jing Yang pointed his finger at Kurapika, and a ball of mind that the latter could not see was spinning and condensing rapidly.


Too dangerous!

With his red eyes, Kurapika's intuition has also become extremely sharp. Every cell in his body and every brain nerve is roaring and sending out extremely dangerous signals, as if he is walking naked in the ice and snow, with no safety at all. It feels so bad that my body can't move as if I'm frightened...

Jing Yang snapped his fingers and let go.

An invisible but intense warmth scratched Kurapika's cheek, leaving a wound.


There was an explosion behind Kurapika, and a two-meter-diameter circular crater was blown out of the grass on the slope.

"What's this?"

Kurapika looked back at the smoky round pit in disbelief, "What did you do?"


Hand cannon?

Kurapika looked at Jing Yang's hands in shock. He was wearing short-sleeved shirts, so there could be no mechanism hidden in his arms or palms.

"This is the extraordinary power called 'Nian'. Not only me, but every member of the Phantom Troupe has this power."

Jing Yang said slowly, "In the world of Nian, everything is possible, and it doesn't just have to be used to destroy things like I just did. Nian can create objects and heal lives... so I was wondering if it could be done. How about using the power of mind to resurrect the dead?"

"Kurapika, do you think this is possible?" he asked, "Even if there is only a slight possibility, is it worth everything you have to pursue it?"

Kurapika's face changed from disbelief to shock, to slowly frowning and falling into deep thought.

Xiaodi looked at Jing Yang who was taking advantage of the psychological weakness of the Kuluta tribe to deceive the other party, then turned to look at the big hole made by Jing Yang's mind bomb on the slope grass, and said: "Have such destruction. , there will be people from the park looking for trouble, right?"

"Uh..." Jing Yang sweated and said to Kurapika, "Let's talk somewhere else?"

"Teach me," Kurapika said.

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