The three of them found a hotel room and continued the conversation.

Kurapika's mind was in a mess, constantly thinking about Zhen Yuanzi's words, recalling the indescribable sense of oppression he felt from Zhen Yuanzi at that moment, and the magical special power...


Extraordinary power...

Kurapika calmed down, looked at Jing Yang who was discussing which dish was more delicious with Xiaodi, and asked, "I have one last question."

"Tell me." Jing Yang made a gesture of invitation with one hand and flipped through the menu with the other.

"Why me?" Kurapika asked, "You arranged for someone to deliberately create a topic about the Phantom Troupe near Fountain Square because you already knew I was there and would definitely take the bait, right?"

He stared at Jing Yang, "So why did you invite me to join your organization? I don't even know anything about your so-called power of Nian. With your strength, you can probably eliminate me with just a few clicks. I only have a deep understanding of the Phantom Troupe." There is nothing but the anger of hatred, and you don’t seem to have a strong motive to be hostile to the Phantom Troupe, you are just following my thoughts. So why me? Is there anything I can do? Was it provided to you?”

Jing Yang smiled and said, "If I help you like this, you will have to work hard for me in the future. Xiaodi, what is the first rule of our Xiao organization?"

Xiao Didi said: "Listen to the boss."

“What is the ultimate purpose of our organization?”

"Explore the Dark Continent."

"That's right, the Dark Continent!" Jing Yang patted the edge of the table gently, "Kurapika, the Dark Continent is not a place that can be visited by just one person. Throughout the ages, I don't know how many people have gone to the Dark Continent overtly or covertly. But they either died there, died on the road, or contracted incurable diseases, went crazy, died, or disappeared. Wanting to explore the Dark Continent is not something that happens overnight. Without sufficient preparation, there is no one With a reliable team, it’s impossible to achieve it.”

"If you don't know the Dark Continent, I can tell you," he said with great enthusiasm, "It is an area thousands of times larger than the world we currently know. We don't even know how many vast and boundless continents there are. , there are countless miracles there, including mountain-like animals, trees reaching into the sky and the earth, life forms that bring hope, stones that generate endless electricity, and even rice that can make people live forever!

"Eternal rice! What is rice? It can be harvested in thousands of tons when it matures seasonally. And this rice can live forever!"

"Even such outrageous things are available in the Dark Continent. Who knows if there is any hope of resurrecting the dead there?" Jing Yang looked at Kurapika and said, "We just want to explore the Dark Continent, but if it is possible there There is a glimmer of hope to resurrect the tribe, and you are the most determined, persistent, and most able to risk everything for it. With talents like you joining, why should I hesitate? With the same destination, you must It can be of great help to us. Kurapika, what do you think?"

Xiaodi became a little strange as she watched Kurapika's expression change from shocked to numb.

Kurapika murmured to himself: "Nitolomi, hell's ringtone..."

"What the hell?" Jing Yang really didn't hear what he was mumbling for a moment.

Kurapika said: "I - I once picked up a book. I always regarded it as a fictional fantasy adventure story by the author, but... the content in the book is exactly the same as what you just said... "

He was stunned and said: "The longevity rice you mentioned is called Nitolomi in that book..."

Jing Yang was also stunned. In Kurapika's experience, is there such a thing?

"What's the name of the author of that book?" he asked.

"There is no signature. It looks more like an unpublished draft." Kurapika didn't know what he was remembering, and his tone became a little low, "But in the book, the author calls himself 'Hunter D'. - Of course, it is also possible. Merely the name of the hero of the adventure story.”

Hunter d…

I blanch, dong = Fulis? !

Jing Yang was really shocked. When he was a child, Kurapika picked up the draft of "New World Chronicles" written by Jin's ancestor?

This book has been banned by v5 International for a long time. It would be extremely difficult to find another copy.

East = The travel notes on the eastern coast of the Dark Continent recorded by Fulis. Currently, only the International Ferry Licensing Office under the jurisdiction of v5 has backup related information.

Jing Yang wants to go to the Dark Continent. If he can get this book, it will be a real help in times of need. He plans to work hard with the Hunter Association in the future to find a way to get it.

I didn't expect that Kurapika would have an unexpected harvest today.

"Look, you've already provided a huge help even before you joined." Jing Yang smiled, "I can't just let you go."

Kurapika shook his head and said, "That book was lost in the disaster."

"But you have read it after all." Jing Yang said.

Kurapika hesitated and said: "I should be able to recount the general content..."

Jing Yang slapped the table and said, "The situation has changed now, classmate Xiaoku. Even if I break your hands and feet, I will let you join us. The information you learned from that book is quite valuable!"

"There's no need to break your limbs..." Kurapika closed his eyes and pondered for a moment. He had some mental barriers to say the word "boss". But for the sake of his people, for the glimmer of hope, he can do anything... He opened his eyes and said seriously, "Boss, please teach me to read."

Jing Yang smiled and said: "If you want to get started with Nian, you must master Qi. Qi is a kind of life energy that everyone has. If you want to completely master Qi, you must first open up the sperm pores in the whole body. Now, there are two ways to do it. You get started. The first one is slower, as you gradually open your sperm holes during exercise and gradually perceive the existence of Qi. The second one is very fast and has immediate results, but there is a small risk."

"I choose the second option." Kurapika said decisively.

"The risk is..." Jing Yang stood up and left his seat, dipped his fingers in some juice, and walked to Kurapika. A flying star bubble wrapped in the juice on his fingertips and flew out, "Next, you must trust me completely. .”

Kurapika couldn't see the flying star bubble, but he could see a wisp of juice wrapped in the flying star bubble, vaguely twisting into a pentagram symbol in the air, slowly floating towards him.

He didn't understand what it was, and he didn't know what Zhen Yuanzi was going to do.

The corpses piled up by the tribesmen, the dark empty eye sockets...many images appeared in Kurapika's mind. He took a deep breath and said, "I am willing to trust you."

Boom, the flying star bubble hit Kurapika's forehead, and after it shattered, a rose gold five-pointed star was left behind.

The energy around Kurapika instantly changed.

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