Kurapika didn't know what Zhen Yuanzi had done to him. The only thing he knew was that he suddenly lost control of his body.

The body is moving, but not of its own will.

There is only one pair of eyes left, which can barely be regarded as my own, otherwise I am afraid that I will not be able to see anything...

He immediately understood what Zhen Yuanzi just meant when he said that he must be completely trusted.

Is this Zhen Yuanzi’s special ability...

"Your body is now under my control, and of course I know how to use Qi. In other words, after being controlled by me, your body is ready to formally learn Nian."

Jing Yang raised his hand, and Kurapika's hand on the opposite side also rose uncontrollably.

As he moved his fingers, Kurapika made a set of seals for the Fireball Jutsu...

Jing Yang smiled and said: "That's basically it. The sperm pores on your body should have been opened slightly, but the ones around your eyes are not yet open. If you want to completely open the sperm pores all over your body, I need to push up a little more." Put..." He raised his palm. Xiao Di could feel that he had gathered a small amount of Qi on his palm.

"Normally speaking, forcibly opening the sperm holes in a person's body through the impact of thoughts will cause the latter's qi to drain away rapidly. You must learn the trick to retain this qi as quickly as possible, otherwise you will only end up dead." Jing Jing Yang said, "This is also my first time doing this kind of thing. I'm not sure how to control the strength so as not to kill you with one palm."


As he spoke, he slapped Kurapika with his palm, and it exploded inside Kurapika like a violent storm, violently opening all the sperm holes in Kurapika's body in an instant.

Kurapika's eyes trembled, he saw it!

The strong white light on Zhen Yuanzi's body is Qi?

As for Xiao Didi, the energy on her body was also very obvious.

Kurapika felt a mass of liquid that seemed to have no mass surging around him. These "liquids" that flowed wildly quickly stopped rioting, gradually gathered around his body, and became quiet.

"——I will temporarily take over your body to ensure that it is safe and sound." Jing Yang clapped his hands and saw that he had successfully entered "Matori", and it was obvious that his "eye aperture" was opened, and Kurapika could already see Qi. He couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, "The first operation, the effect is not bad."

Brother, can this skill of risk-free reading be regarded as a unique skill?

Kurapika couldn't move and could only look straight at Zhen Motoko.

Jing Yang raised his hand, "Forgive me, Sass, this is the last time... haha." He told a cold joke that others couldn't understand, and pointed at the rose gold pentagram on Kurapika's forehead. .

The star immediately disappeared.

Kurapika also regained control of his body instantly.

But the energy in his body that was originally as stable as still water immediately became unstable. Kurapika's current level of "mattering" cannot be said to be top-notch, it can only be said to be half-incompetent.

"Don't panic, try to stabilize it." Jing Yang reminded, "Close your eyes and imagine that the Qi is blood flowing throughout the body, integrating on the body surface, like a layer of... uh, amniotic fluid? In short, that's about it. Let’s do it.”

Kurapika's talent is quite good, and with Jing Yang's way of thinking, he is not in danger of dying suddenly after the airflow dries up. After trying with bated breath for 10 minutes, Kurapika can rely on his own will. , stably entangled the energy all over his body.

He opened his eyes, exhaled lightly, and murmured: "Is this Qi? Is this Nian? It's such an incredible power..."

"Where is this?" Jing Yang said, "The four basic skills of Nian ability are entanglement, jue, practice and hair. What you have now is just 'entanglement'. You have to practice to maintain this state. After you get used to it, You can use "Tang" when walking, sitting, or lying down, or even when sleeping."

Kurapika asked: "Can I also learn the special ability you just controlled me with?"

Jing Yang said: "That is the field of 'fa'. You first get used to 'tangling', then learn 'jue' and 'practice', and then 'fa'. This is the most orthodox and stable learning step. etc. When we reach the stage of 'unveiling', let's talk about abilities and...things about the Phantom Troupe. How about that?"

"I understand." Kurapika closed his eyes and prepared to continue practicing "Tang".

"What do you understand? This is a hotel room. If you want to practice, why don't you go home?" Jing Yang said, "Where do you live?"

Kurapika reported his temporary residence address. He once reached the 120th floor in the Sky Arena. After reaching the 100th floor, he would receive a bonus of more than 1 million denies for winning a game, and no money would be deducted for losing a game. Therefore, although he was alone, it was not too much. Struggle.

Jing Yang also told the location of the hotel where he and Xiaodi lived, and made an appointment for a place where they would meet and communicate daily.

"You won the battle on the 90th floor this morning, so you can move up to the 100th floor, right?" Kurapika asked confused, "When you reach the 100th floor, you will have a separate personal room, so there is no need to live outside anymore. "

Jing Yang said: "The killings in the Sky Arena are too heavy, and the poor monk won't like it."

Kurapika didn't know what to say.

Finally, he said seriously: "I will retell the book as soon as possible and restore the original text as much as possible."

Jing Yang smiled and said, "It's okay. You write slowly. It's still early for us to go to the Dark Continent anyway. If we go without the strength, we will die in vain."

"Anyway, that's it, let's stop talking here." Jing Yang and Xiao Di stood up, and before leaving the box, he said earnestly, "I hope you can complete the basic training as soon as possible and develop your unique mindfulness ability."

Ring finger soul chasing chain!

When it comes to Kurapika's telekinesis ability, which one Jing Yang "covets" the most is undoubtedly this one.

In the comics, Kurapika's telekinesis ability is five chains on his five fingers. Each chain has different abilities and effects.

And this ring finger soul-chasing chain is the most commonly used one by Kurapika. The effect is extremely outrageous. To sum it up simply - Sequence 9, fortune teller!

Although it is an exaggeration, it is not far off...

With a map, you can hang a chain and perform divination and search for people on the spot. Can you believe it?

If others lie in front of his soul-chasing chain on his ring finger, the chain will move. Do you dare to believe it is a universal lie detector?

Not to mention the ability of Kurapika's pinky chain - Chain of Commandments!

Tie a chain to your heart and directly make an unfair contract for you, such as "You are not allowed to use telekinesis in the future." Once you violate it, the other party's heart will be pierced by the chain of commandments and die...

Can you believe it?

Are you a shameless person?

It would be very satisfying if Jing Yang could acquire such a shameless ability indirectly and let Xiao Ku serve as a tool to help with divination and fortune-telling...

Now a new item is about to be released from Xiaoku, which is suspected to be the manuscript of Dong=Fulix's travel notes on the Dark Continent. It can be said to be a fruitful and worthwhile trip.

On the way back, Xiaodi, who had been quiet all this time, suddenly said: "Jingyang, can you use the method just now to make Wu Er and Yanque open their minds?"

"Maybe." Jing Yang said, "But the intelligence of animals is limited, and it is difficult for them to practice deeply if they open their minds. Do you want me to help them practice? There is no need..."

If you have this energy, you might as well practice more seriously to deepen your abilities.

Even for humans, it is hard to say that they will definitely be able to achieve anything in the world of Nian, let alone animals?

"Jingyang seems very sure that that person will definitely agree to join." Xiaodi asked curiously, "Why?"

Jing Yang said: "Didn't you also say that he is 'kind-hearted' and soft-handed." He paused, "Maybe it should be said that he has a relatively high sense of morality, and even has some mysophobia. Faced with the enemy who exterminated the clan, he is not willing to retaliate with blood. Blood... If a person like this gets help from me for no reason and activates his telekinesis ability, I don’t even have to force him, and he will have an uneasy conscience and feel bad about it."

In the comics, the Hunter Association sends teachers to teach telekinesis. That is a task assigned by the association. As a member of the association, it is reasonable for Kurapika to enjoy some benefits. There is nothing to feel sorry for.

But Jing Yang's situation is different this time. We are not familiar with each other. I'm giving you such a big benefit. How dare you accept it?

It can be said that Jingyang is convinced that Kurapika cannot resist the temptation of telekinesis, so it is a sure thing that the other party will fall into his pocket.

The fortune teller is in hand.


The next day, the 100th floor of Sky Arena.

Jingyang and Xiaodi did have their own personal rooms, but neither of them had any intention of moving in.

"See you on the 110th floor." Jing Yang smiled and high-fived Xiaodi.

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