The opponent rushes towards you, the movement of the opponent's footsteps, the change of the body's center of gravity after stepping on the floor, the tendency of the arm to exert force, the trajectory of the fist clenching, rotating, and swinging towards you...

Everything was flowing in Jing Yang's eyes, which seemed to be covered with a layer of sapphire light.

While seeing this clearly, his body also moved accordingly.

Be the first to raise your foot and kick back the opponent's hidden kick.

Raise your left hand to block the opponent's feint attack.

The right palm points upwards, turning into a whip-like afterimage that hits the opponent's chin with a "snap", and then raises the right elbow like lightning.

Stepping forward, his right elbow "lightly" hit his opponent's chest and abdomen, bang!

Everything happened in one round. The referee only saw a few crisp moves by Zhen Yuanzi, and his opponent was already elbowed by him and rolled to the ground in embarrassment.

The referee on the 140th floor immediately raised his hand and announced loudly: "Excellent attack + knockdown! Player Zhen Yuanzi + 3 points! The score is 12-0! Player Zhen Yuanzi wins!"

"This is player Zhen Yuanzi's first match today, and also his first victory today! His winning streak continues!" The referee's passionate voice echoed above the bustling audience in the venue, "From Zhen Yuanzi Since entering the Sky Arena, he has maintained a rhythm of winning two games every day, and today is already his 8th day! Will he continue his winning streak? Let's wait and see!"

Jing Yang waved to the applauding and cheering audience around him and walked towards the referee.

"Still the same, go to the 150th floor?" The referee smiled and printed a new note for Jing Yang.

Watching Jing Yang leave, many viewers couldn't wait to go to the 150th floor to reserve seats in advance.

The player Zhen Yuanzi has already gained a certain reputation for his eccentric operations. Some people think it is outrageous that he can be so stable and "get stronger as he fights"; others hope that this pretentious guy will be beaten to death at a higher level as soon as possible. Many of these people have bet on Zhen Yuanzi. If he loses, he loses a lot of money; of course, more people are like chasing stars, and even set up extra bets to bet on whether he can reach the 200th floor on February 15th according to the current speed and rules!

Jing Yang didn't take it seriously and went back to the players' lounge. Xiaodi played behind him today and hasn't come back yet.

It was already 3 days ago that I helped Kurapika read. These three days passed very regularly. In the morning, Xiaodi and I came to the sky arena to check in and win two games. At noon, we met with Kurapika at the restaurant outside. In the afternoon, we practiced together. In the evening, we rested separately... After so many days in the sky Through patient training in the arena, Jing Yang's fighting experience has been rapidly improved by using the new usage of the operational ability "Meteor Like the Wind" mode.

If the fight was restricted to close combat with equal amounts of energy, the current self could push the self eight days ago to the ground and beat him violently, ensuring that the self at that time would not be able to fight back at all.

When Jing Yang found a bench and wandered away, the other contestants in the lounge couldn't help but peek at him.

When they peeked at Jing Yang, they didn't notice that above their heads, there were some flying star bubbles invisible to the naked eye, quietly landing on their heads, necks and shoulders.

Jing Yang felt a little resentful that iron could not become steel. Aren't these people who challenged the sky arena the so-called martial artists and fighting masters from all over the world? Why is there no one who has internalized combat experience into instinct? Forget about the general fighting experience, I don’t even have the chance to incorporate a one-and-a-half-move unique skill into my instincts, and I can copy it with the help of a star... I really can’t get the slightest bit of wool out of it...

"Oh! You shouldn't have let the cute Killua run away so easily."

Jing Yang felt a little pity, "Hidden steps, limb bending, snake movement... the unique skills of assassination are quite coveted. Not to mention anything else, the fashionability alone is amazing."

Just as he was thinking this, Xiaodi came back with a calm look on his face and said, "Let's go."

Jing Yang went to the registration office on the 140th floor with her, and got the prize money for the game they just won - 9.2 million ringgit for both of them.

That adds up to almost 920,000 soft girl coins.

And he and Xiaodi only won two arena matches... It took him a little more than 2 minutes; Xiaodi probably took less than 10 seconds to get on the stage, wait for his opponent to rush over, slap him away, and then get off the stage to receive the award. But walking back and forth is more time-consuming... This is more than picking up money, it is simply robbing money.

"Let's go up and pick up more than 10 million." Jing Yang hooked Xiaodi's shoulder and left with a smile, "Oh yes, the two of us combined are over 20 million..."

Looking at the backs of player Zhen Yuanzi and others who have already regarded the bonus as something in their pocket, the female staff member who just handed them the bonus can only feel ashamed and a little envious at the same time. For these powerful masters, life must be difficult. It's on the super easy difficulty level. well.

After Jing Yang left, the contestants who had been controlled by Feixing Bubble in the lounge just now found spikes to prick themselves, and punctured the rose gold five-pointed star mark...

On the 155th floor, in Arena A, amidst the warm applause of the audience, Xiaodi knocked his opponent away with a random palm, fell out of the arena, foamed at the mouth and passed out.

On the 156th floor, Arena A, the battle on Jing Yang's side quickly came to an end.

I don’t know if it’s because I have more and more fighting experience. In my eyes, my opponent’s movements are getting slower and slower, and there are more and more loopholes. This kind of pure fighting with fists and kicks seems to make people feel more and more. Boring and boring...


Jing Yang overturned his opponent and punched into countless afterimages. However, none of the punches actually landed. They just hovered quietly above the tip of the opponent's nose.

The opponent was so frightened that he fainted.

While the surrounding audience screamed and applauded with excitement, Zheluo, a martial artist in the crowd who had lost to Jing Yang before, looked unhappily at the "Zhen Zhen" who was in the spotlight and was being pronounced the winner by the referee. "Motoko"... What a hateful guy. He obviously has the power to crush you, why do you pretend to be a layman? He is obviously a master, but he only dares to tease the weak and pretend to deceive others. Isn't it fun?

You will pay the price!

Zheluo left the scene angrily.

"You have 14 million, I have 13 million, tsk!"

Jing Yang received the bonus from the level 150 floor and happily pulled Xiao Di away from the Sky Arena, "I gained a lot today, so I went out to relax. By the way, I don't know how good Kurapika's training is." How's it going?" He took out his cell phone and called.

When he arrived at the appointed restaurant, Jing Yang opened the door of the private room and saw Kurapika, who was releasing all his energy and in a state of "practice" - strictly speaking, he was able to maintain a state of "practice". Call it "hard". But it was obvious that Kurapika's current proficiency could not be maintained well. After Jing Yang praised him, he quickly dissipated the "practice" on his body and let out a long breath of exhaustion.

After the waiter finished serving the food, Jing Yang said to Kurapika: "Continue to practice, mating, jutsu, and practice. These are very important basic skills."

After Xiaodi had heard the story of Kurapika before, she quickly lost curiosity about this orphan of the Kuluta tribe. If Kurapika hadn't already agreed to Jing Yang's invitation to become a member of the Akatsuki organization, she would probably have forgotten what Kurapika looked like. Now she was concentrating on the sumptuous meal.

"'Fa' is the key. It is the field of all kinds of strange special abilities you described, right?" Kurapika said, "I want to continue to the next stage and practice 'Fa'."

Jing Yang followed Shan Ruliu and said, "okok, if you feel confident, that's okay."

He himself is a person who has done all kinds of hair training in one day. In fact, he doesn't have much empathy for the step-by-step training process of ordinary people.

“Before you practice ‘fa’, you need to confirm the system to which your mindfulness ability belongs.”

Jingyang and Xiaodi no longer live in a hotel, but have found an apartment to rent. They are now placing a glass of water and a leaf in the living room, explaining to Kurapika the characteristics of the six major systems of telekinesis. .

"The way to identify the system is the Mizumi style. Put your hands together next to the water cup. The increase in the amount of water is the strengthening system, the change in the taste of the water is the change system, the appearance of impurities in the water is the materialization system, and the movement of the leaves is the operation system. The color change of the water is a release type, and all other situations are characteristics—do we need to avoid it?"

Kurapika looked at the still leaves on the water in the cup, thought for a moment and said, "No need."

Anyway, bro, I don’t really want to avoid it. Jing Yang nodded.

Kurapika placed his hands on both sides of the water glass.

Soon, some impurities precipitated out of thin air in the water in the cup... Through the curved water cup, Xiao Di's eyes became distorted and enlarged, and he blinked, "What strange impurities, blue, dolphin-shaped, like What kind of ore is it?”

"I am a manifestation type." Kurapika said to himself.

Jing Yang guided: "A person with the ability to manifest will usually manifest a handy prop, and most of them will add some special functions to the prop. The more conventional the form of the prop, the simpler the structure, and the more realistic it will be. The lower the difficulty, the more powerful and complex the additional capabilities, and the higher the potential constraints and risks..."

Kurapika said, "I want a book."

"Book, such a simple structure should not be difficult to materialize..." Jing Yang nodded, and then responded, "Book?"

Not a chain?

"The path to salvation lies within..." Kurapika murmured, looked at Jing Yang, and said seriously, "After listening to you talk about the characteristics of the ability to manifest, the first thing I thought of was books."

"Didn't you say that there is a glimmer of hope to resurrect our compatriots from the Kuluta tribe?" He said firmly, "I want to record all their names."

Jing Yang said: "I thought you would develop your abilities to deal with the Phantom Troupe."

The ring finger soul chasing chain that I have been thinking about for a long time... could the cooked duck just fly away?

"Although I hate the Phantom Troupe, murderers like them..." Kurapika's eyes turned red as he spoke, "but they are not as important as my compatriots."

Looking at Kurapika, who was once again agitated and entering a red-eyed state, Xiaodi said in surprise: "You've become more angry."

What an assist! Jing Yang also saw the Qi on Kurapika's body. After turning into fiery red eyes, the concentration and size of the Qi were like adding fuel to a fire. The ground burned, almost doubling in volume.

He pointed to the water glass with blue dolphin ore impurities in it, "It seems that the flaming red eyes of your Kuluta tribe is a special constitution. Let's test the water view style again."

Kurapika was a little confused by them, and tried to bring the qi on his hand closer to the water glass again.

The impurities in the cup did not increase.

But the water in the cup suddenly turned into a red flame, burning quietly in the surprised eyes of Jing Yang, Xiao Di and Kurapika...

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