
After filling a new glass of water, Kurapika turned on the faucet.

He released all the energy in his body and concentrated on moving his hands to both sides of the cup filled with water.


It was as if the water turned into alcohol and burned on its own.

The fire grew bigger and bigger, reflected in Kurapika's fiery twin children, and he thought of the destroyed place where the Kuruta tribe lived...

Peng... The entire cup of water burned up and turned into a raging fire, leaving not a single drop of water left.

Special system!

After he entered the flaming eye state, just as Zhen Yuanzi guessed, the system of telekinesis changed, from the materialization system to the trait system.

Kurapika looked up at the living room.

Jing Yang sat cross-legged on the carpet, with his hands on his knees and his eyes closed.

Kurapika clearly saw a layer of rich Qi on Zhen Yuanzi's body that was like a solid and thick barrier.


Maintaining "practice" is "firmness".

The most basic "Tangle" can enhance defense, but it does not increase much attack power. Only "practice" and "hardness", both offensive and defensive, can be greatly enhanced. But "practice" is an explosive performance, and if you want to maintain and form "hardness", you need to expend twice as much energy. Once you relax, your achievements will fall short, and once your concentration reaches the bottom, it will be unsustainable...

And Zhen Yuanzi's "firmness" at this moment, whether it is the size or volume of Qi or the stability of the outline, far exceeds his own.

What's more important is how long it lasts.

It has been more than an hour since Kurapika practiced "Fa" by enhancing the effect of the Mizumi style, but Zhen Motoko's posture and the energy in her whole body have not shown any disorder, and it seems that she can continue to be so calm.

He didn't know how much hard work this young man who looked no older than himself had gone through to achieve such a level.

Even with this level, he still persists in practicing every day.

This is the world of Nian...

Kurapika went to get another glass of water, recovered from his fiery red eyes, put his hands on both sides of the water glass, and after injecting gas, dolphin-like impurities like blue ore gradually precipitated in the water.

Now that you know the system of your telekinesis ability, there is no need to put a leaf on it.

Kurapika continued to practice the basic skills of "Fa" while conceiving in his mind the ability to manifest his thoughts that he would formally build in the future.

Xiaodi is holding a book and reading it. This is a small part of "New World Chronicles Draft" that Kurapika has recited in the past few days. At the same time, he has a timer on his hand, and Jingyang starts this round. After the practice of "firmness", the time starts. The time numbers on the display gradually exceeded 2 hours and 30 minutes, but Jing Yang could still maintain a certain degree of "firmness"...

Two days later, on the 188th floor of the Sky Arena, the referee watched the fierce fight for three minutes. Zhen Yuanzi finally knocked down his opponent and loudly announced: "11 to 9! Player Zhen Yuanzi wins!"

Jing Yang waved his hand towards the audience that was cheering like a wave, and took the note printed by the referee to go to the 190th floor.

"I can't learn anything anymore." On the way to collect the bonus, Jing Yang said to Xiaodi, who won easily again, "It's definitely not because my skills have been perfected. I guess I am a real martial arts master, but I may not really be a master of martial arts." Gathered in this damn place - speaking of which, if he is a true master of martial arts, he would have already awakened his mind and become a mind user, so why are he still spinning below the 200th floor!"

Xiao Didi said: "It makes sense."

"But it's not in vain. At least my fighting experience has indeed increased, and I have become completely proficient in the operating combat mode of 'Meteor Like the Wind'."

Jing Yang smiled and said with emotion, "The more you get to the top, the more you realize. No wonder I always heard people say in the past that those who practice martial arts are afraid of those who practice Sanda, and those who practice Sanda are afraid of those who practice weightlifting! No matter how good the technology is, its uses are limited. When I meet someone with a higher basic panel, it’s just some bells and whistles…

"If I hadn't used [Meteor Like Wind] to force myself to suppress the power I exerted to the same level as those opponents, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to push me if I stood up and let them push me. But as soon as I raise my hand, I can push them out of the sky. He was thrown out of the building."

Is this what is meant by looking at landscapes three times?

At first, I thought that just strengthening my mind would be enough, and I could defeat all laws with one force;

Later, I realized that it wouldn’t work if I didn’t practice the basics of fighting. For example, when someone comes up close and punches you, if your first reaction is to close your eyes or make a wrong decision, that would be bad;

And when I went from the first floor to the top floor of the Sky Arena with the "Fifty-Five Fighting Method", and learned all kinds of martial artists, fighting masters, sumo wrestlers, etc., I suddenly had a so-called fighting style and experience. It’s just such an experience…

"120 million nuns, 150 million nuns, please put them away." The staff member smiled politely.

"Thank you." Xiaodi nodded and bowed slightly. Most of the time, she was quite polite.

The two of them add up to a total of 270 million Buddhist nuns!

It’s close to 300 million.

The purchasing power converted into soft sister coins is almost 15 million!

Jing Yang was very satisfied, and even more satisfied was that there was a 190-story building above.

On the 198th floor, in the A ring, Jing Yang slowly stepped onto the ring amidst the cheers of the crowd and the passionate announcement with the female referee.

This time his opponent was a master of comprehensive boxing with bulging muscles, shiny black skin, and a solemn face. He said to Jing Yang seriously: "Zhen Yuanzi, I have watched your previous matches. He likes to learn the opponent’s moves during the fight, defeat the opponent with psychological warfare, and torture the opponent, right?”

"But you're going to miscalculate this time. I, Black Alloy, don't have any special moves for you to learn!" Black Alloy clenched his fists tightly, and the muscles on his body were piled up like obsidian. His eyes were bright, "I only have the strongest. Power! The most agile footwork! The fastest punching speed! That’s all——"

"Then, the game begins!" the referee announced.

With this order, Jing Yang appeared directly in front of Hei Jin, who made a sonorous and powerful declaration as if teleporting. He was so shocked that the other party cut off his subsequent words in his throat and instinctively punched Jing Yang who was close to Chi Chi.

This punch was so powerful and heavy that there was no doubt that it could break rocks, and even made a sound of breaking through the air.

Jing Yang arrived late, and before Hei Alloy's fist hit him, he had already slapped Hei Alloy on the chest. A collapsed palm print was actually pressed on the black muscle as solid as iron.

Stop pretending, my brother is a 32-ton Hercules, I’m showing off.

boom! ! !

Black Metal's eyes turned white, and he was sent flying out, hitting the fence of the nearest auditorium. He was knocked away so fast that everyone thought there was an afterimage of black alloy in front of Zhen Yuanzi...

At this scene, the referee was stunned for a moment. It was not until the audience who had been silent for a few seconds erupted into amazing shouts that the referee hurriedly announced: "Uh, KO! The winner is Zhen Yuanzi!"

"It seems that this is your true strength." The referee said to Jing Yang who walked over easily, "Congratulations, player Zhen Yuanzi, you can already go to the 200th floor!"

"Thank you." Jing Yang took the note to the 200th floor and left.

Jing Yang was waiting for Xiao Di outside, when suddenly a stranger came up to him, stared at him with a bitter look on his face, and said, "That was your true strength just now, right? But don't be complacent. When you reach the 200th floor, You will definitely regret being so arrogant!"

"Who are you?" Jing Yang was very confused.

"..." Zheluo almost choked to death with a mouthful of old blood, staring at Jing Yang with red eyes.

Jing Yang suddenly asked, "Are you from the 200th floor? Are you here specifically to bully the newcomers?"

"I..." Zheluo held it in for a long time, finally able to hold his breath without taking a breath, and finally said with a stern face, "You can think so too! On the 200th floor, there are opponents you absolutely cannot defeat! You will humiliate Wu for you. The one who paid the price for being a Doujia... Zhen Yuanzi! Huh!"

He hummed heavily, turned around and left and entered the elevator.

Jing Yang couldn't help but be confused when he saw that the elevator actually went downwards.

At this time, Xiaodi came over amid a din of shouting and shouting in another venue and asked, "Who was that just now?"

As expected, she also won with one palm without any trouble - it seems that Xiao Di was nicknamed "Pusher" Xiao Di because she knocked away her opponents with one palm from the 1st floor to the 190th floor...

Jing Yang said: "I don't know him."

"Oh." Xiaodi didn't care and followed Jing Yang to collect the bonus.

"210 million nuns, 240 million nuns. Please keep them." The staff on the 190th floor quickly paid the bonuses to the two.

Jing Yang was in a good mood.

It's one thing to not be short of money, but it's another thing to make a lot of money.

Just like picking it up for free, the two of them made a total of 520 million ring nini in one morning, which is another story.

The bonuses below level 100 are not worth mentioning, but above level 100, the bonuses become more and more generous, and they keep rising with each level.

He and Xiaodi penetrated the sky arena level by level. A rough calculation showed that they earned between 800 million and 1 billion denies in total.

One billion!

I just spend time every morning after breakfast to go to the ring to compete.

When he turned to leave, Jing Yang couldn't help but said to Xiao Didi: "Damn, the money is so cool. It makes me want to give up my qualifications now and go to the first floor to do it all over again..."

The staff at the back hesitated to speak, and finally breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the two people enter the elevator heading to the 200th floor.

In the elevator, Xiao Didi said: "I thought Jing Yang had finished two games today and wouldn't go to the 200th floor until tomorrow."

Jing Yang said, "You've always been curious, haven't you?"

"Yeah." Xiaodi nodded.

The elevator slows down. With a ding, the elevator door opened, revealing the scene on the 200th floor of the Sky Arena outside... It was actually nothing special, except that there were suddenly fewer people. As far as I could see, the corridors were empty, not a single person in sight.

Xiaodi walked out of the elevator curiously, and felt a thought shrouding the passage in front of her, rushing towards her like a mist.

It's just mist. Jing Yang and Xiao Di were not affected by this thought at all and walked straight through. As soon as they exited the passage, they saw a figure coming out. Judging from his appearance, he was very similar to the guy Jing Yang was on the 190th floor who was inexplicably making trouble. !

"As expected, you have always been a telepathic person." The other party stared at Jing Yang and said.

Jing Yang wondered: "No, who are you? It's inexplicable..."

He dragged Xiaodi, who was still curious, straight to the registration desk. The female staff member warmly received them, "Welcome to the 200th floor! Please register your signature on this form. Do you two want to apply for the competition immediately?" ?”

Xiaodi looked curiously at the form handed to her, which read:

Please tick the desired items

□Specify the competition date (you can fill in more)

□Any day from _month_day to _month_day

□You can participate at any time


"A battle declaration system is adopted above the 200th floor. Each contestant has a 90-day battle preparation period, during which the battle date can be specified..." the staff explained patiently.

Of course players can fight every day. However, the 90-day battle preparation period will be reset every time you participate in a battle.

As long as you win 10 games in total, you will be qualified to challenge the original poster.

Floors 230 to 250, with a total of 21 building owners.

However, as long as you lose 4 games, you will be disqualified from the competition.

In other words, the worst record of a player who challenges the poster would have to be 10 wins and 3 losses...

Xiaodi ticked the others, and then she looked at the form in Jing Yang's hand.

Also looking to see which one Jing Yang wanted to fill in was the person he met just now - he looked at him with provocative eyes, as if he wanted to decide when to go into battle after Jing Yang finished filling out the form.

Jing Yang checked the second line and filled in the date of tomorrow, February 15th, but left the deadline blank. The meaning is obvious, I don't plan to compete today, and I will start tomorrow casually.

Today is February 14th, Valentine’s Day!

I plan to go shopping with Xiaodi in the afternoon, so I don’t have time to go on stage or fight...

The man saw the date Jing Yang filled in and said to Jing Yang with satisfaction: "Looking forward to our battle." After that, he left gracefully.

"This guy..." Jing Yang looked thoughtful, looking at the man's missing figure behind the corner, "Who is he?"

"He is Zhehao." Another elegant young man wearing glasses came over, "Zhehao's biological brother, a genius martial artist! And his goal is you, Zhen Yuanzi. He wants to give his brother Zheluo takes revenge with one stone."

Jing Yang said depressedly: "Zhehao? Who is Zheluo? Who are you? Why did I meet so many people who seem to be familiar with me today..."

The elegant young man with glasses smiled and said, "My name is Yun Gu. I have always been paying attention to you and you." He looked at Xiaodi.

"Thank you." Xiaodi said politely, "But I don't plan to participate. After 90 days, I will lose my qualifications."

Yun Gu was a little stunned, obviously surprised by Xiao Di's answer.

It turns out to be Yungu! Disciple of Bisiji...

Looking at this simple and upright reaction, it is indeed a typical strengthening type.

Jing Yang asked: "The one just now, Zhehao, wants to seek revenge from me. Is he very powerful?"

Yun Gu said seriously: "As far as I know, on the 200th floor where there are so many masters, Zhehao has won 8 games in a row and is the undefeated player! He is the one who is closest to challenging the poster... It seems that he was I originally wanted to have the 9th game, but I postponed it just to wait for you. I think he must have a way to make it possible for him to compete on the same stage with you on the same day."

"Be good." Jing Yang smiled immediately.


The number of words updated today is more than yesterday...

ps: What I bought is not a game, but a complete set of 36 volumes of Hunter comics.

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