Jing Yang wanted to find out more information about this Zhehao, but Yun Gu said that he had just reached level 200 a few days ago, and he had no way of knowing more information.

"I just fought once." Yun Gu said with a smile, "I am still preparing for the next battle."

Jing Yang asked: "Winning or losing?"

Yun Gu said modestly: "A narrow victory."

It seemed like an easy win. Xiaodi turned her fingers on the side of her head and looked at Jing Yang.

"A master who has won 8 consecutive victories. I don't know what his abilities are. He looks very fierce. Is it the strengthening system?" Jing Yang said to Yun Gu, "You are a newcomer, and we are also newcomers. Do you want to communicate together? Have a drink. Tea?"

"With pleasure." Yun Gu agreed happily.

So, Jing Yang and Xiao Di led him to the room where the key given by the staff just now was located.

The rooms assigned to Jingyang and Xiaodi are on the same floor (the 200th to 229th floors are all players of the same level, and each floor above belongs to each landlord) and are not far apart.

Pushing open Jing Yang's room, it is a hotel-style residence with two bedrooms, one living room and one bathroom. It is probably because the residents are all masters with spiritual needs. The living room is particularly spacious and there is not much furniture. Simply move it out Sofas, coffee tables, etc. can meet the basic needs of practicing practice.

Jing Yang found that there were drinks and snacks in the refrigerator, so he took some out.

Yun Gu felt a little uncomfortable with Xiaodi's curious eyes, and took the initiative to say: "Let me introduce myself formally. My name is Yun Gu. I am a disciple of Shingen Ryu and a professional hunter."

Xiao Di took the drink from Jing Yang, "My name is Xiao Di, I should be considered a folk hunter."

"Zhen Yuanzi." Jing Yang laid out delicious food and sat back on the sofa, "Xin Yuan Liu, it's great. I remember that the leader is President Nitro of the Hunter Association, right? I should be the same in the future. Get a hunter’s license.”

Yun Gu smiled and said: "Then we will be companions. With your current strength, it should not be difficult at all to pass the hunter test."

"No, no, if it's the whole written test, I'll probably fail." Jing Yang is not being modest, it's true.

The specific test content of each link of the hunter test depends on the free play of different examiners. For example, if an entire ancient document hunter comes to serve as the examiner, and the other party asks you to translate a bunch of ancient documents, then if Jing Yang doesn't want to fail the exam, he probably has to use a star to sneak up on the examiner...

With the hunter as a buffer, the relationship seemed to have become much closer at once.

Yun Gu smiled elegantly and said: "My master wants me to get the position of building owner, otherwise I won't go back to see her. It's really difficult."

So stricter than aunt? Jing Yang said: "Speaking of the original poster, do you know Galuo?"

"Galuo..." Yungu held his chin and muttered, taking a sip of the drink.

Xiaodi looked at Jing Yang with a puzzled look.

Jing Yang put a finger on her elastic cheek and pushed it back. Needless to say, Xiaodi has completely forgotten about the poacher named Garo...

"I remembered it. Garo, yes." Yungu said with a dumb smile, "Actually, if you mentioned the name of another poster, I would think of this Garo faster."

"Oh? Another host?" Jingyang was confused, and Xiaodi was also curious.

"Alpha=Edward." Yungu said with a smile, "You should have heard that 4 years ago, Alpha=Edward committed suicide by jumping off the building after leaving a video about King Zhenwu's treasure at the top of the Sky Arena that made many people upset. That incident..."

"What does this have to do with Garo?" Jing Yang said, suddenly making a sound, and looked at Xiaodi. It seemed that the two of them had guessed together.

After the contestants on the 200th floor win 10 games, they can challenge the poster.

If you win, you will take over and become the new landlord.

But what if the poster being challenged dies in public?

Yun Gu said: "Yes, Garo was the lucky one at that time. As soon as Alpha's front foot died, he won exactly 10 wins with his back foot, filling the vacancy left by Alpha. But he was also very unlucky, and someone else won the same day. He won the 10th victory and directly announced a challenge to him. Garo had no choice but to accept the challenge. He was defeated the next day and lost his position as the host..."

Jing Yang was speechless.

This may sound outrageous, but if you think about it carefully, it is indeed outrageous.

This Galo may become the shortest reigning poster in history... Jing Yang secretly thought that with his current comprehensive strength, if he returned to the woods of Ghost Island three months ago, he would meet Galo and his poaching gang again. , I can even pick up a few rocks on the ground and throw them to death one by one... It may take a little effort for Garo, but even if I fight with him up close, I can beat him to death. This is under the premise that I am an operating system.

After chatting for a while and leaving each other's phone numbers, Jing Yang, Xiao Di and Yun Gu left the room.

Yun Gu was surprised. Jing Yang smiled and said, "We don't live here, we have a place to live outside."

"Remember to go to the front desk to handle the matter and transfer the match notifications to mobile text messages." Yun Gu reminded. Generally speaking, notifications of game arrangements will be given on the monitors in the personal rooms assigned to the players.

After saying goodbye to him, Jing Yang and Xiao Di went through the formalities and took the elevator directly to the first floor.

"Aren't you going to compete?"

In the elevator, Jingyang grabbed Xiaodi's hand and played with it boredly while asking casually. Maybe it's because of the fish with protruding eyes. Xiaodi's body is particularly clean, and her well-manicured nails are spotless, which can be described as crystal clear. Her fingers are slender, and the skin of her palms is white and rosy, exuding youthfulness and cuteness.

Xiao Didi said: "Yeah. I'm not good at that kind of ring fighting, and I don't want to show off the bulging eyes in front of so many people."

"Good habit." Jing Yang praised. After the elevator door opened, they left the Sky Arena hand in hand. "By the way, Xiaodi, haven't you ever thought about training your abilities in the direction of the transformation system? Although Yamagata's practice method is more suitable for the release, strengthening, and transformation of the upper three systems, we can also apply it."

Xiaodi walked with him on the street. After hearing this, she pondered for a while, and finally said cutely: "...I can't think of the direction of the change system."

Jing Yang said: "It's nothing more than changes in the shape and nature of Qi. Or both at the same time."

Among the transformation systems that appeared in the comics, Jingyang remembered Hisoka, Bisiki, Machi from the Phantom Troupe, and Killua's grandfather, Jerno...

Hisoka can turn Qi into a texture like chewing gum, but there is no doubt that his freely stretchable chewing gum Qi also includes changes in the form of Qi. It can even be considered to be ever-changing and not limited to form;

There is no more mention of Bisji's transformation ability, except for a mind beast that can be massaged to dispel fatigue;

Ma Qi can turn her thoughts into silk threads, which is the same as Jie Nuo's dragon head paintings. It seems to be a type of shape change that focuses more on Qi...

"The bulging-eyed fish has the characteristics of 'swallowing' and 'expelling'. Xiaodi, you might be able to develop the 'All-Seeing Celestial Influence' and the 'Shinluo Celestial Sign' in the transformation system." Jing Yang said jokingly.

Xiaodi didn't understand the last two words.

"It's gravity and repulsion..."

"Oh. But in that case, I will also be disturbed by the energy that turns into the gravitational and repulsive force on my body, right?"

"When you say that, it seems like..."

The two of them spent the whole afternoon shopping, eating, drinking, visiting scenic spots, and shopping - they just made almost 1 billion! It’s a good time to do whatever you want.

They wandered around until evening before returning to the rented apartment. Due to the convenience of the Owl Fish, both of them came back empty-handed, with all their large and small bags stuffed into the vacuum cleaner.

It was also at this time that the phone in Jing Yang's trouser pocket vibrated.

He took it out and saw that it was an official text message from the Sky Arena - "The battle date has been decided! The Arena on the 215th floor will start at 2 pm on February 15th!"

"It's tomorrow." Xiaodi came over and took a look.

"This is my first battle. I'm so nervous." Jing Yang looked at his phone without any nervousness and casually forwarded the message to Kurapika, "Come and watch my game tomorrow afternoon! - Your boss."

Throwing the phone aside, Jing Yang smiled and said, "You can't waste time. Let's practice 'hard' before going to bed!"

"Okay." Xiaodi went to get the timer skillfully.

On the other side, Kurapika received a text message, "Come to see my game tomorrow afternoon! - Your boss." When he saw it behind him, he couldn't help but stare blankly.

A battle between telepaths... I really want to watch it live!

Kurapika thought so, replied "Okay", and continued to observe in the bookstore.

In order to smoothly realize the thought ability in his conception, he wanted to buy a set of books as a template to assist in the development of embodiment.

"One, two...six. If you have six books, if you want to use different books in battle, won't you be able to fit them in your hands?" Kurapika thought to himself, fingering the spines of the books on the bookshelf. I passed them one by one, and finally my fingertips stopped on the bookshelf itself. "Bookshelf? By the way, you can use a materialized bookshelf to unify all the books you need... Let's customize a bookshelf to assist development."

While Kurapika is busy working on his ability to manifest here, Jingyang and Xiaodi in the apartment over there are also practicing quietly.

Time passed, and soon it was night.

After tossing it into the evening, Jingyang and Xiaodi both took a shower and sat on the sofa to exchange their thoughts.

Jing Yang said: "My reading capacity is now over 10,000, which is about 10,800 qi. But I feel that the efficiency of improvement is slower than before."

"Really?" Xiaodi pressed her cross-legged bare feet, "I seem to be at 9420 Qi, and the speed of improvement seems to have slowed down a bit..."

What's the reason?

The two stared at each other and came to an obvious answer: "Time..."

One hour is 60 minutes, a total of 3600 seconds, and one hour of "hardness" is 3600 qi. It has now taken the two of them more than two and a half hours to practice a complete "Jian", and it is getting closer to three hours.

When he didn't think much about the prospect, three hours was enough for him to go through "Jian" ten or twenty times, but now he can barely finish one "Jian" trip.

"Don't be impatient. If you are impatient, your anger will be chaotic." Jing Yang said, "Continue to practice step by step like this, and you will definitely not go wrong."

In the comics, Bisiki guided Killua to increase his telekinesis to the level of 20,000 using the "Ken" method.

At least it is certain that this method of practice can always be effective before reaching 20,000 thoughts.

The next day, Jing Yang and Xiao Di almost ran to the Sky Arena again out of habit. As soon as they left the house, they remembered that they no longer needed to clock in every morning for two consecutive wins.

So the two of them turned back to the apartment and continued their daily practice.

Noisy entertainment news was playing on the TV. Xiaodi and Jingyang were dressed in cool clothes, walking back and forth on the floor with their bare feet, exchanging blows in a "flowing" manner.

Once Jing Yang activates the battle mode of "Meteor Like Wind", Xiao Di has almost no power to fight back. Soon, he will be overwhelmed by Jing Yang's attacks one after another. Flow and distribution were gradually suppressed by Jing Yang...

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the two of them went out and went straight to the arena on the 215th floor of the Sky Arena.

Only when we arrived at the scene did we learn that our opponent in this match was none other than Zhehao, who had won 8 consecutive games.

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