Twenty minutes later, Nathaniel was coming down the plane like he had said he would to the two Secret Service agents here. They were treading on fine water in this situation. They had been given strict order to take Nathaniel away but they also knew that the teenager that they were talking to was not ordinary by any means. The two of them were working for the Secret Service for more than a decade and they knew very well that they were not supposed to be used to fetch people, especially a teenager.

The one who had talk to Nathaniel had already interact with him a couple of month ago and the impression that he got was that he was interesting. He was young and playful but also extremely smart and confident in himself. He also had a control of his surrounding that was astonishing to see on someone that young. It's like he could spot, remember and act on everything that was surrounding him and used that for his benefit.

Seeing the young man descending of the plane when he said he would, he release a breath he did not know he was holding. He really did not want to try to get him by force and he clearly heard him say to shoot them if they were going to come close to the plane and he did not look like he was kidding when he did.

"Are you alright, sir?" Scott ask, seeing Nathaniel descend with a grimace, sign that the conversation inside did not go very well.

"Yeah, don't worry about it Scott. Thanks anyway." He give him a smile, picking his bag from where he had put it previously.

"Do you want me to come with you, sir? You could use some back up." Scott said, looking attentively at the two Secret Service agents.

Pausing a second to think about it, Nathaniel focus his eyes on the one agent he had seen before.

"Excuse me, what is your name?" Nathaniel ask.

"I'm agent Carmen, sir, John Carmen" He answers respectuously.

"Okay John, you let me twenty minutes with my family like I asked you to, so I let you decide. Can I bring a plus one or you prefer just me?" Nathaniel ask in the same way.

"Our orders are for you alone, sir."

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"Alright, since you were flexible with me, I will be with you. Scott just go back home and rest, I have a hunch that we are going to need it. I will be alright, don't worry."

"Yes, sir." He nodded.

"Good man." He smile, putting his hand on his shoulder before going in the direction of the Secret Service SUV.

"I can take your bag if you want, sir." John said.

"No thanks, it staying with me." Nathaniel said. There was a lot of thing inside that he did not want to leave out of his sight, especially with Secret Service agents nearby.

Sitting in the back, Nathaniel prepare to get back to sleep when the other man choose to speak.

"Sir, don't get too comfortable, we are not going far." He warn, locking his seat belt.

"Ah?" Nathaniel said, surprisingly, straightening in his seat.

Until he realised it was evident. They were at JFK airport and so taking a plane to DC was way much more logical and fast. Seeing the car, he thought they were going to ride there, which was kind of dumb thinking about it. Nathaniel really needed to sleep more. When the car stop moving, Nathaniel could see that he was wrong, it was not a plane that was waiting for him. It was anhelicopter, and not any helicopter, it was an Sikorsky VH-3D. It was known better by it's code name.

"Marine One? He really send Marine One to get me?" Nathaniel ask incredulously.

"Not exactly, Marine One is it's codename when the President is inside, as he's not, it's just a regular helicopter with fancy marking on the side." John said, getting out of the car, Nathaniel following him.

"Ah, like Air Force One." Nathaniel said.

"Exactly. We should hurry, sir. We are late." John said.

Not wanting to bother them, Nathaniel hurry and got inside the chopper that was already doing pre flight check, is rotor starting to turn. Taking one of the most comfortable seat inside, which was also the seat of the President when he was inside, Nathaniel lock his seat belt, the two Secret Service agents, doing very much the same.

Nathaniel then sleep the whole way to DC, the two Secret Service agents looking at him with mixed feelings. The kid was in the personal helicopter of the President, in his very own seat, in route to meet the President himself and he was sleeping without any worry in the world. It was almost insulting in a way.

When Nathaniel wake up, it was too see the helicopter landing on the White House south lawn. Getting to his feet, he start stretching to make the pain of his aching muscles go away. Lately, he was sleeping on chairs and he was missing a real bed, he was missing his bed at home especially. Seeing the two Secret Service agents looking at him weirdly, Nathaniel asked.

"What's going on with you two?"

"Nothing, it's just you are meeting with the President of the United States and you sleep the whole way like it was no big deal."

"No, nothing of the sort. It just I did not have a lot of sleep this week." Nathaniel said, purposely vague.

"Got it, sorry to have ask, sir. Please, follow me."

Following John out of the chopper and into the White House, they were quickly stop by a security checkpoint. Passing inside after showing their badge, John look at Nathaniel.

"Sir, do you have some metallic object on your person or your bag?" One of the security officers asked, approaching Nathaniel with a detector in hand.

"I have my laptop in my bag." Nathaniel answers.

"Just put it in the tray here. Anything else?"

"Well, I have also that." Nathaniel add with a smile, making appear two throwing knives in his hands startling the security officer and the two Secret Service agents who had escorted him here, their hands going straight to the gun in their belt.

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