"Easy guys, easy." Nathaniel said, putting the two blades on the tray that the security officer was still holding, the two Secret Service agents hands going away from their guns.

The two throwing knives were fifteen centimetre long and five centimetre wind on the larger portion of the blade. He had them custom made in Italy by one of Valentina's contact. It was a weapon that was fitting perfectly for him considering the dexterity of his hands that he hone while doing card trick for a while now.

"Just don't touch the blades, there is poison on it that could kill you in seconds." Nathaniel add, seeing the security officer wanting to touch the knives.

Hearing that, the man hand jerk away quickly visibly scared, making Nathaniel laugh.

"No, just messing with you. The knives are extremely sharp, I don't want you to cut yourself. In the other hand if they were to be missing when I come back, I would hold you accountable for this." Nathaniel add with narrowed eyes.

"Don't worry, sir. They will be here when you get back,I assure you." The security officer affirmed. "Please, go through here, sir."

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Passing the portico and being swipe by the metal detector, Nathaniel was allowed in without further ado. Getting back his laptop after it was attentively examined, he turn to his escort.


"Yes, sir. Follow me, please."

It did not take long for them to reach the waiting room of the President and for Nathaniel to meet someone he already knew.

"Hello Judith." Nathaniel said sweetly to the personal secretary of the President who smile seeing him entering the room.

"Ho Nathaniel, I was told that you were expected today."

"I didn't even knew that I was but I'm happy to come here and see you again. Did you do something to your hair? The new hair cut look really good on you and I especially love your earrings." Nathaniel compliment.

"I did actually, two weeks ago." She answers happily, smiling broadly. "You are the only one with the First Lady who actually noticed. My earring are actually an heirloom that was belonging to my grand grandmother a long time ago. My son like to mock me for them, he says that it make me look like my mother."

"That's not a very nice thing to say." Nathaniel shook his head.

"Humm." John clear his throat to get the attention of the secretary. "Judith, can you announce that…" He start to say before stopping abruptly seeing the nasty look that she was giving him.

"What?" She asked coldly, it was evident that she did not like to be interrupt in her discussion with Nathaniel.

"Nothing." He said, gulping.

"I'm sorry it's my fault." Nathaniel add to rescue the poor John. "We are late because of me, that's why John interrupt us so don't blame him. Can you call the President and tell him I'm here, pretty please?"

"Oh, of course. I'm calling him right now, I don't want you to get in trouble because of me."

"Thank you Judith." Nathaniel smile sweetly. "What if we continue our conversation once my meeting with the President is over?"

"I would like that. You can go in by the way, they are waiting for you." Judith said after the call ended.

Thanking Judith and stopping her for opening the door for him, Nathaniel knock on the door once and make his way into the Oval Office. Behind his desk, the President got to his feet a little time after Tobias did the same, both of them making their way to him.

"Lyndon." Tobias grunt as a salute, shaking his hand.

"Tobias." Nathaniel respond in the same way.

"Hello Nathaniel, sorry to take you away like that but we needed to talk to you." The President said, shaking his hand.

"It's okay sir, I was expecting to be summoned albeit not so soon."

"You could use the rest I know but we have to talk about important matter. Please, take a seat."

Sitting on the empty chair in front of the desk, Nathaniel spot something on the side that made him pause for a second. Spreading his senses outward, Nathaniel made a find that did not really surprise him. There was agents in the next room, a demi dozen by his estimation and one presence he already expected to be here.

"Sir, before we begin, shall we call your wife who is in the next room spying on us with the camera who is in that book shelf on the right? It would be easier and more honest that way I believe. Moreover, you should know by now that I was already aware that she was here last time, the trick is up sir, with me at least." Nathaniel shrugged.

Exchanging a surprised stare, the two of them did not have the time to say anything before the side door open and the First Lady enter the Oval Office with an amused smile.

"I told you he will see right through that."

"Linda! I told you to not enter the room, it's dangerous with him here!" The President shout.

"I don't believe that, I meet him alone already and he was the perfect gentleman and he never even try to lie to me. And secondly, I can go wherever I want, I'm not your property." She frowned at him before turning to Nathaniel. "Do you have the intention to hurt me, my husband or anyone in this building?"

"No, even if he decide to arrest me, I will not fight back. I will not hurt you or the President but I could hurt Tobias if he go out of line, he can be kind of a dick sometimes." Nathaniel answers honestly.

"That's the truth." Linda judged after looking at him attentively.

"Hey!" Tobias shout unhappily.

"I was just saying that he was being honest, not that he was right Tobias." Linda said to placate him. The two of them knew each other for more than two decades now and they were familiar with each other. "I'm not saying that he's wrong either." She add under her breath that Nathaniel managed to pick up but was sure the others did not.

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