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Chapter 900 20 Chapter 7

It used to be a battlefield.

It used to be Burial Ground for countless people.

And on this piece of soil accumulated with flesh and blood, Asura’s unreasonable powerful existence was bred.

This is a strange name, but Qin Yu has learned a lot from the book of Revelation.

Asura is powerful, but he is born bloodthirsty and hardly has any nature of his own.

There are no ethnic groups and no companions, and birth is possible only in very special places.

“The breath here is too terrifying, let’s run quickly!”

“Here I am willing to have an Asura full of Saint King Realm!”

“Thanks I thought the Asura here is just immortal spirit!”

Shuling Shiver coldly, let alone close to here.

Even if it is a distant look, it is impossible to bear.

If it has legs and can run, it must run away from here at all costs.

“Don’t be so nervous, it’s just Asura.”

“Don’t you say that no one can see this creature.”

“Then there is no need to care, why are you afraid?”

But other all living creatures, but all the wise ones do not look down on Asura, the fundamental reason is because there is no way to deal with this terrifying existence.

And if Asura is crazy, no matter who you are.

If no one is around, you can even get started on yourself.

It is such a bloodthirsty, and there is no rational monster, so it is despised.

But this does not mean that their strength is very weak. On the contrary, Asura has an innate talent that is incomparable in combat.

Enough to crush anyone.

Same realm is invincible, even fighting across great realm is an attempt.

The most important thing is that when Asura shot, either his own death or the enemy died.

This is the most frightening place to avoid.

Over time, even this existence has become a taboo topic.

Qin Yu not only did not flinch after hearing it, but was also stirred up with interest.

This powerful existence does not have any reason, it is a bit too pity.

In this regard, Shuling’s statement is that 10000 things in the world have their own balance.

If you want to get something, you will have to pay something when you do n’t know. This is the equivalent.

But is this world really fair?

If it is really fair, there is no such thing as Heaven and Earth being unkind to treat dogs with 10000 things.

There are no weak people who can be destroyed by powerhouse.

There are not so many unfair things happening in this world.

So fairness is only relative.

If your strength can overcome this day, overcome this word!

Is it still restricted by the so-called Heaven and Earth?

“Growing under this piece of Heaven and Earth, how could someone overcome the sky …”

Qin Yu stepped into this bloody soil with a smile.

The sound is long.

“No one has done it, does not mean that no one can do it afterwards.”

“If someone really can overcome this day, do you still think he has to follow any so-called equivalence rules.”

The so-called Asura’s strength is strong, but he has no reason, which shows that his strength is also limited.

There is only battle left in the brain, more precisely the combat machine that was deliberately created, and there is no way to control your own destiny.

In his eyes, it was still just the weak.

It’s ridiculous that even one’s own thinking and one’s own reason can’t be controlled.

Can this still be regarded as life?

Stepping into the range of Asura’s blood sea, you can feel the blood in the soil under your feet.

Feel every slight movement around me.

But apart from the noise caused by his walking, there was no wind.

There is still silence everywhere, from strangeness to strangeness, from silence to terrifying.

The real sea of ​​blood is hidden beneath the ground, it is a completely dark space.

Everything on the ground is just an illusion.

Only stepped into the real blood of Asura.

In order to feel assaults the senses, it is so rich that it almost turns into a bloody smell.

“It’s disgusting bloody smell.”

“Is the so-called Asura living in such an environment?”

“It really is just a group of drag out an ignoble existence, and can only survive in the younger brother without seeing the existence of sunlight.”

“This so-called battle strength is very powerful and what is the difference between ants and ants, just like a mouse in the ground.”

I have to say that he was a bit disappointed.

I thought I might be able to see what battle strength is very powerful powerhouse.

But now he found that if Asura is strong, then Asura only has the advantage of being strong.

Both the character and all the characteristics of him are owned by the weak.

Only the weak can’t control their own thinking.

Only the weak can control their own strength.

Only the weak … will hide in this place, Gou! And! steal! Health!

The heavy voice fell.

Suddenly there was a wave of tiny ripples on the Scarlet water.

It was as if someone was gently stirring the pool of blood underneath.

But afterwards it seemed like boiling, gu lu gu lu’s endless bubbles appeared.

The blood spread to the ground.

In a rush, a scarlet was stretched out with hands covered in dark red lines.

The dark red lines formed a very strange pattern on that hand.

If the unsettled person sees the pattern, it will cause confusion and create an endless sense of fear.

Immediately followed by the entire arm, followed by the head and the remaining body.

Until the end, only 2 feet were left soaked.

Asura’s eyes are even dark.

No eyeballs can be seen inside, all that can be seen is the darkness, as if it were 2 voids.

Qin Yu was not intimidated by this scene, but looked at where he was calculated with interest.

Finally found that this guy is estimated to have been hiding under this blood pool.

“Just keep floating like this?”

“Never take a break as follows. After all, although you are already dead now, the ghost should also be resting.”

“I don’t think you are reconciled, just die like this.”

However, the so-called Asura does not have any reason, but it is not casually talked about.

Maybe he understood it, but he could only make a growl like wild beast and rushed up with his hands in claws.

Qin Yu took the blow with his bare hands.

The speed cannot be called very fast.

At least among his opponents can be considered good, but not based on speed.

But the strength of this body should not be underestimated.

The strength in your hand is great.

Just such a rampage, without any skillful attack, numb his arm.

“This kind of strength … I’m interested.”

When he came, he wanted to take a good look!

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