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Chapter 900 20 8 Borrow Me

Dark red’s claws, like ghost shadow, attack from a very tricky angle from various places.

Because there is no reason, people can not judge his routine.

Can only passively withstand all these attacks.

No one knows what method he will use for the next moment.

Because there is no law at all!

“It seems that it is impossible to communicate.”

Qin Yu has tried to say a lot.

Found that this Asura only has good strength.

And can understand part of his words.

But not at all any ability to communicate.

In other words, Qin Yu can only provoke him further, but there is no way to get anything useful from him.

There is no need to be useless.

Although straightforward and upright powerhouse will arouse his admiration.

But a monster like this only knows about attack, only about bloodthirst, but he is completely grateful.

If such a monster is allowed to go on, it will only grow into a region’s Overlord in the future.

What’s more, this is an opportunity for his breakthrough, let alone let go.

“If the news you told me is not true, there is nothing useful for me, then I think I should treat you as a firewood, so that it can still play the waste heat.”

Shuling almost swears directly at the sky, it almost never made mistakes.

But it was a little uncertain.

Qin Yu’s situation now seems to be wrong.

How could it be possible for Mysterious Immortal to challenge St. King Level and not the powerhouse?

But in the end, a guarantee was issued.

The result it detects is absolutely no problem.

“hope so.”

In the face of ghosts, although the battle strength has reached St. King Level, other ghosts.

But it is also much easier to deal with.

As long as you can use special methods to restrain, you can easily win.

Qin Yu just had a way to restrain the ghost.

Today, he restrains all demons and monsters.

Whether it is a ghost or a dark world.

All are subject to his restraint.

Soon after, the soul of Asura fell to his hands without any resistance.

But still struggling non-stop, he looked at Qin Yu with a pair of black eyes and eyes without any color.

After so long, Qin Yu can even feel that his mood is undergoing some subtle changes.

But he was never a person who was led by his nose.

“If you want to shake my heart, you are still a little bit worse.”

The soul of Asura is not only a lunatic himself.

If you have been in contact with Asura for a long time, even the enemies fighting him will go crazy and become bloodthirsty.

In the end, it may become a terrifying existence similar to Asura.

This is the horror of Asura, and it is why Asura will be listed as a taboo once it appears.

As long as the strength is slightly weaker, not only will it die.

And even if you are forced to come back, you will become a lunatic and become the next Asura.

Such a horrible price is disgusting, even avoiding it one after another.

Capture the soul of Asura.

It is just a simple 6 words, but there is no other clue.

Qin Yu can only fumble for himself.

To capture a soul, he has never tried it.

This literal occupation is definitely not directly to receive and use for oneself the soul of Asura, it should have other deeper meanings.

It was the book of revelation that led him here.

It was also the book of revelation that made him capture the soul of Asura.

Now that he is confused, and he does not know where to start, he naturally wants to ask him the book of revelation that led him to do all this.

“Perhaps you can try to contact him with your own strength.”

“I have a method here, you can try it, use your Soul Power to contact its Soul Power, and defeat it.”

This is a special method to control your Soul Power.

And it’s not just for learners to know how to control their Soul Power.

If cultivation is to the extreme, it can also make your soul exist without the body.

Even if the body is hit hard, the soul can leave at any time, and it can even reshape itself.

Isn’t this the method of rebirth after death.

If you learn the ultimate, you will even be able to reinvent yourself again and again, and reshape yourself.

As long as there are enough materials.

This book of revelation looks common, but it is really something.

Maybe later you can see if there are other methods.

If even this extremely rare upset method exists.

It is not difficult to come up with some Martial Skills.

With the help of this unique method.

Qin Yu soon established a spiritual connection with the soul of Asura.

However, just after reacting, he was drawn into a unique spiritual space.

There is nothing more than the soul of him and Asura.

The soul of Asura on the opposite side also seems to be transformed into an entity, rather than a soul that is not dependent.

But this is not what makes him the most targeted.

It ’s the nameless Asura ’s crystal-clear eyes. Although the pupil is slightly reddish, the eyes are white and extremely clear.

“It seems that your sanity is still sober.”

“But if I guess right, you can’t control your every move.”

Otherwise it will not be the crazy look before.

Not to mention speaking, the attacks are disorderly.

Not to mention that the weak spot 100 came out, but it didn’t mean to defend at all, and there was no rule.

The opposite Asura is already very sober, but looking at Qin Yu’s eyes is still bad.

Asura is the darkest side of this world.

Even if it is conscious, it has no good intentions for 10000 things in this world.

“Since you have come here, stop talking to me so much nonsense.”

“I am not in a damn soul state here, your means have no effect on me.”

Qin Yu wants to take out the weapon he has been used to.

But there was no movement.

It seems that you can only barehanded here?

But next moment his thought was broken up.

Because the opposite Asura has produced an extremely powerful weapon.

It was a very broad sword.

At the back of the knife, it is 2 feet thick.

The blade was sharp, with silver rays of light flashing.

There are countless strange patterns on the knife.

It seems to be countless evil spirits who are screaming and fearing.

Densely packed together, it makes people scalp numb.

And on this weird pattern road, covered with dry traces of dark red.

The traces of blood lines make the pattern look more horrifying, and there is more magic that makes people feel terrified at a glance.

Qin Yu’s eyes lit up: “This knife is a good one. It’s better to borrow it for me.”

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