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Chapter 963 Attempt to Break the Contract

But it is too difficult to take this step.

It is noble such as Divine Dragon, and also unable to bear raises greed.

“This power fluctuation is him!”

Dragon Soul has only one master, and only listens to his master’s orders.

Whether it’s Divine Dragon or not, it’s the same for him, but it doesn’t matter to strangers.

“Why? Do you want to have such power too? But this is Dragon Soul’s unique innate talent.”

“So it’s destined to disappoint you. You never get what you want.”

“I only want you to fulfill your promise this time.”

“Let you run away before, this time I see where you can go.”

Kanshui Divine Dragon’s face is slightly ugly.

The beard growing on 2 sides trembles slightly, highlighting his bad mood.

Indeed, he had that thought, but it was still full of displeasure when he was so bluntly said.

It would be too difficult for this world to find an entry to control the power of time.

He wouldn’t suddenly raise that thought.

But let him hand over his blood essence and fulfill his original promise, it is really unlikely.

That is linked to his strength. If it is handed over, he will be greatly damaged.

If not necessary, no Dragon Race will hand over its blood essence with no difficulty.

“Hmph, you should leave here and talk!”

“I think if you can’t even find me, how can you come to me and ask for blood essence!”

Suddenly the silhouette disappear without a trace of Divine Dragon’s silhouette, all covered with a piece of yellow sand, and no trace of water.

Not only that, but there was only a dry place everywhere.

You can’t even see a green plant.

It seemed to be a dead place, and there was no one but myself.

All people are separated.

No matter where you go, you can only see yourself.

Qin Yu took 2 steps on the spot and suddenly appeared in another place.

The position where he was standing suddenly fell into a deep hole.

And under the deep pit is covered with densely packed weapons, countless spikes flashing sharp rays of light.

It is conceivable that if he hadn’t been able to escape in time just now, he would have been pierced into a sieve.

There are indeed a lot of such methods, but it also makes him understand that all these are just illusions.

But the hallucinations laid out by Divine Dragon are also very real.

Once he had seen such a real illusion in the one eye.

Suddenly, the one-eyed was released, and as soon as he appeared, he began to look at four places.

The big eyes blinked.

“The scenery here is good, and there is a beautiful lake, but how do you go outside? I don’t see anything over there.”

He was born to see through all falsehood.

Everything will return in his eyes, the most authentic look.

If you ca n’t control it, you wo n’t see the hallucinations created by others.

If Qin Yu felt something, she suddenly continued to move forward.

This time I didn’t avoid it when I encountered a crisis, but let a hammer falling from the sky fall directly on him.

But in his mind, everything in front of him was an illusion.

So the sledgehammer did not cause him any harm after falling on him.

In a blink of an eye, a hole appeared in this illusion, and he didn’t need to say anything with one eye at all, he saw everything directly, the most original and true appearance.

It didn’t take long to be pulled back into another illusion.

But that moment of time also allowed him to see the state of each other or dignity or panic.

Xuan Celestial Immortal respects the excitement completely, it is not too big, obviously has the ability to get rid of this illusion, but has not been rid of.

Xue Lan has always been extremely calm, and I have guessed that everything in front of me is just an illusion.

Although the damage that may be encountered in the illusion is real, it is also easy to deal with.

As for the rest of the people, he didn’t have too many connections.

Look at the wounds that haven’t appeared on the body, and concentrate on the illusion repeatedly.

Originally, he had the strength to completely break through this illusion, but he was not in a hurry to get out of it.

It is to perceive the road in front of you through the limitations of the illusion.

Close your eyes and ignore everything around you, even the wind or the footsteps.

Even a variety of subtle voices cannot all be factors that affect his judgment.

He went where he thought it was the right path.

Whether you feel a sense of crisis in your back, whether you hear a familiar voice calling in your ears.

They are determined to move forward step by step according to their own ideas.

Until the eyes were wide open, came a strong rays of light.

A cool breeze fell on him.

Splitting the air sound came from behind Qin Yu.

Judging by his voice, he is almost certain that the attack was directly moved towards his back.

If he succeeds, he can directly dig his heart away. Even the most powerful person, if he loses his heart, he will be seriously injured and dying.

If you do n’t have a good spirit treasure to save your life, even a short time later you will die because of your injuries.

At any time, there is one of the most important gates.

This time he did not stand still.

Just slowly turned around slowly, facing the attack.

Kanshui Divine Dragon thought he was going to succeed.

But the next moment will see, I don’t know when a foot of white silk suddenly becomes extremely tenacious.

Attacked directly from his side.

Tied him like a dumpling, only showing his head and tail.

A small one-foot white damask, although it grows in the wind.

But tying up such a huge body tightly also seemed extremely reluctant.

But in any case, it is difficult to break free, and Divine Dragon needs a lot of effort to destroy this white silk.

“This turned out to be the best silkworm in the sky!”

“And that day the silkworm less also had the holy king and even higher strength.”

But if you want to get this silkworm silk.

For the celestial worm, just like taking away the Dragon Race’s blood essence, it will generally cause great damage to them.

So generally speaking this thing is extremely rare unless it can be crushed with strength.

He was forced to do so.

But this one-foot silkworm white silk damask.

The quality belongs to the upper level, and there is no trace of reluctance to sloppy-work.

He was so tightly bound that he couldn’t break free.

Qin Yu ignored his struggles.

When Bai Ling was wound up, the final result was already doomed.

But Kanshui Divine Dragon still insists on his own opinion.

It is impossible to want him to succumb.

He is the dragon of origin and will never acknowledge allegiance to anyone.

Even now it has fallen to this point.

When he can’t break away from the level, he will definitely not easily surrender his blood essence.

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