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Chapter 964 The first source Divine Dragon Blood Essence!

As his mind moved to the boiling water, a foot of white silk on the god’s dragon body became tighter.

Tightened tightly, even Divine Dragon couldn’t bear it.

But for him, it is still tolerable.

So he still clenched his teeth and was reluctant to take out blood essence.

After that, he might face something and give him a little time.

He must be able to break through the shackles of white damask!

“You said I was not strong enough at the time.”

“But my strength now can already reach the standard.”

“You said you want me to go through trial and error.”

“But now I have passed the broken relationship, but you are not ready to keep your promise.”

“If Heavenly Dao really exists in this world, you should be punished too!”

Kanshui Divine Dragon suddenly laughed heartily.

Where is there so much Heavenly Dao in this world, so much cause and effect.

Since it is the dragon of origin, it is naturally the most powerful existence.

Perhaps the rules in this world are indeed very strict.

But for him, there are still many loopholes to drill.

Anyway, he didn’t say no, even if he just made an excuse.

But for him, as long as there is an excuse, it is not a breach of contract.

Even if you are not convinced, what can you do?

In the end, his strength is strong, so he has more say.

“It turns out this is called fairness.”

Qin Yu suddenly aimed at the reverse scale and stabbed directly.

Since he did not want to take it out himself, then he went to get it himself.

Kanshui Divine Dragon is reluctant to take out the blood essence he originally said, so he just takes it out himself.

Although relatively troublesome, he always went empty-handed.

Always agree to fulfill the promise, if you are unwilling to fulfill the promise.

If this Heavenly Dao is biased towards powerhouse.

Then he will get a fair deal for himself.

Kanshui Divine Dragon struggled nonstop, he finally felt the deadly threat.

Said it was forcibly in this way, and stripped his blood essence.

In the end he will only be seriously injured, when the time comes even more than the original price he had to pay.

Then he tried all his strength, even if he was injured, he had to break free.

The gap in realm made him successful.

In such a realm difference, even the best innate talent can only play a weak role.

But just when he was about to break free and dodge.

Emperor Celestial Immortal suddenly controlled him.

The shot was controlled from a distance, so that the foot of the white damask was tightened even more.

dignified Divine Dragon is very noble, but it is bound like a worm.

Want to escape is of course impossible.

“It’s still obediently and honestly handed over, otherwise I don’t recommend using harder means.”

Kanshui Divine Dragon struggled all the time, but he couldn’t struggle.

This is not like before, he clearly knew that he would only be trapped for a while.

After a long time, he was able to get out safely.

But now he can feel it clearly.

If you can’t break away in time, you will definitely take away the most important blood essence.

Finally yelled, the sound traveled far and far, and countless echoes came from all directions.

“Stop! I will fulfill my promise!”

But now he only hates that he didn’t use a more brutal method, but only used a fantasy.

Although in the illusion, if you think you are hurt, you are really injured, if you think you are dead, you are really dead.

It’s still too easy!

He should directly injure people to death or injury, so that he does not have to pay so much.

Even suffered such a big humiliation!

But now if there is no compromise, no longer agree to come down, waiting for him only death.

Kanshui Divine Dragon still has not been released, only forced a drop of blood essence.

Qin Yu put it away without immediately calling, but asked him again, whether he would like to acknowledge allegiance.

“Don’t be too unsatisfied.”

“I’m willing to agree to it, just because of you, and there is an oath I say casually between me.”

“It’s because when I reach this realm now, a random sentence can cause Heaven and Earth notarization.”

“But if you want me to acknowledge allegiance to you, what can you do to convince me!”

Qin Yu faint smiled at the white damask wrapped around him.

Now that he has become a prisoner, he still has the qualification to continue negotiations.

Kanshui Divine Dragon only chooses the path of acknowledgement allegiance.

He has no direct ability to control the life and death of a Divine Dragon.

But if it is long and long, he is so trapped.

But it is not impossible.

In the end there is no way, his blood essence has been taken out.

If he refuses to agree at this time, waiting for him, I do not know what the result is.

But the intuition told him that if he did not agree at this time, it might be the long seen never seen the daylight.

So he agreed to gnashing teeth.

But there is still no good face.

He was willing to agree that it was already a decision made under the circumstances of spelled by circumstances.

Because of the gap in realm, the contract signed is a relatively equal treaty.

This is not unacceptable for Kanshui Divine Dragon, it was slightly sighed in relief.

Qin Yu’s strength breakthrough to the Holy King where water flows, a canal is formed.

Such a huge force poured into his body, but he was all transformed and absorbed by him.

A little bit of power is wasted.

This powerful force not only improved his strength, but also transformed his body.

Every drop of flesh and blood in his skeleton now has the power of incomparable.

Kanshui Divine Dragon is only slightly clear.

“It turns out you are for this!”

“The cultivation technique of your cultivation is special, and I always feel very familiar …”

“But where have you seen it?”

He couldn’t remember it, and then he didn’t think much about it, maybe it was something unimportant.

It seems to me that it is a very, very important thing.

If he can’t remember this all the time, I’m afraid he will miss something.

But no matter how he thought about it, he couldn’t think of anyone who had seen such a special cultivation technique.

Use this powerful method to take away every blood essence of the powerful Dragon Race.

With the contract, as the host, Qin Yu can clearly understand every single thought in Kanshui Divine Dragon’s heart.

There was some doubt.

Kanshui Divine Dragon’s memory has a problem?

But if there is a problem even with such a powerful Divine Dragon level, who can have such power tampering?

On top of the dragon of the 9 elements, is there any other more powerful existence?

Perhaps the climb of strength is so endless.

Whenever you overcome an seemingly invincible existence, you will find a more powerful existence, still waiting for you to challenge and overcome.

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