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Chapter 965

Numerous people surrounded the layers of Nanshan at the foot of the mountain.

But all people did not act actly blindly without thinking, but looked up at this middle-aged towering cloudy mountain.

No one has ever reached the top of that mountain.

But the powerful intruder before had intruded into the top of Nanshan directly before everyone responded, and he has not returned yet.

This is not good news for them.

If no one has come back, no one will know what happened.

That is Nanshan Holy Land!

“So what happened.”

“Most recently is really a troubled autumn, one after another has such a big mess!”

“The Derivative Palace was completely burnt by a fire, let alone mention it.”

“Now the Holy Land of Nanshan has also been broken into, not to mention that you waste has not found a way up the mountain!”

Derived palace master flustered and exasperated.

Even if it is still barely maintaining the demeanor of his Lord of a Palace.

Everyone can see that his emotions are on the verge of bursting.

But whoever added a little bit of oil and vinegar to stir up the flames would immediately be furious.

But no matter how furious, no one can send people to the Holy Land of Nanshan Mountain to the top of the real mountain.

There are traces of Divine Dragon, there is Supreme’s inheritance.

All the people who have visited have different definitions there, but only one point is the most similar.

That is, everyone who has gone to the top of the mountain, regards it as a unique and unmatched Holy Land.

Some people have obtained Parea’s treasure from there.

Some people have received Supreme’s glorious inheritance from there.

And when some people simply go in, it is a waste that the whole meridian cut off.

When it comes out, it has become an absolute powerhouse.

But their ability to reach the top of Nanshan Mountain was just an accident.

Kanshui Divine Dragon can directly see the people under the mountain through a layer of clouds.

“Sometimes it’s too boring, so occasionally take a nap.”

“At this time is when this layer of cloud barriers is the weakest, there will always be some people coming in.”

“Since they are here, they are all fate, so I gave them anything and let them go.”

At the beginning, he didn’t expect that his own arbitrary actions would bring him such help.

In fact, it is very appropriate to call it trouble.

Originally, he perched on the top of Nanshan Mountain is unknown, and it is also an absolutely safe place.

But it is because these people are good at making claims that this place has become the world’s attention.

But the big hidden is that, he has another layer of hidden.

For example, it was only after receiving the letter that someone asked where he lived, and he said that he was on the top of the Nanshan Mountain in the water world.

This is not a lie or misleading.

After all, what he said was true.

But no one would generally think that he would live in such a noisy place.

Before, it was just a habit of casually talking about it.

There are times when the so-called Divine Dragon is not reliable.

Although it seems that there is not much emotion.

But when it comes to selfish desires, it is more cruel than anyone.

Because they don’t care about anything.

He didn’t care at all if he knew what would happen if he misled others.

“In the future, the Divine Dragon of water within the realm will disappear.”

Kanshui Divine Dragon complexion changed.

Eventually thinking that he had signed a contract now, he had to listen to the order although the treaty was equal, but he still had to be subject to many restrictions.

It is something that is not too much, he has something to do.

I had to agree.

It’s just that he doesn’t appear in front of people.

Not too much demand.

Originally, he should not appear in front of the public as Divine Dragon.

“Even if it disappears, but you have to let me explain, what’s behind.”

“If I just disappear without saying a word, it will only cause panic. After all, I am the Divine Dragon protecting the entire water world!”

Kanshui Divine Dragon has a tough tone.

But Qin Yu still doesn’t care.

Even the Dragon of Origin suddenly disappeared within God World, and countless people tried to give an answer.

Even if they don’t know if the answer is true, it doesn’t prevent them from finding reasons.

It really disappeared suddenly, as long as there is no such difficulty in the water world that no one can bear, no one will think of Divine Dragon.

Looking at Immortal World alone is understood. At that time, such a big thing happened. Did n’t anyone have the idea of ​​playing Divine Dragon?

But when Divine Dragon does not appear, it often means things, and there is room for maneuver.

No one wonders if Divine Dragon is gone, or is Divine Dragon defeated?

Is Divine Dragon already dead, and is no longer in this world.

Because that is nonsense for everyone.

The weak is never able to imagine whether he can beat the powerhouse or not.

Terrifying existence that has existed for a long time, will it suddenly fall due to some accidents.

With so many people at the foot of the mountain, they still have to leave under these eyelids.

“It should be fine, it should be fine.”

“If there really is any terrifying existence in it, it gives the chance to those who are destined.”

“That must be a terrible powerful existence.”

“How could it be trifling …”

“Look what that is!”

The original topic was interrupted.

In the eyes of everyone, there was only that holy and majestic existence.

That powerful existence suddenly appeared.

Everyone finally understood why Nanshan has been regarded as Holy Land.

Not only because of the speciality of this place, but also the existence of this absolute powerhouse.

Many people have not gotten the chance from it.

Nor is it a confidant among the Great Influence.

So I don’t know about this matter.

But now they are understood.

There is indeed a powerhouse in Holy Land, and no one can beat it.

And it may bring them a chance of peerlessness, and let them benefit a lot from it.

Kanshui Divine Dragon did not control the crazy people below, but endured humiliation and quickly wanted to leave from here.

At this moment, this kind of talent suddenly reacted. Is there still a few people standing in this powerhouse?

Yuzu 3 people wish to weaken their existence, and then weaken.

The strength of several of them has been regarded as extremely powerful, but it has become a target.

Especially the birth of this huge Divine Dragon, all the anger is vented on them.

Because apart from them, this Divine Dragon can’t provoke anyone.

It seems that the mood is much better, no matter how powerful it is, after all, it must be in order to be a servant, and they are on the same status as them.

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