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Chapter 975 The Secret Wizard

Xuan Celestial Immortal smiled respectfully.

Anyway, his idea of ​​watching drama is basically satisfied now, just go and chant.

This is indeed a little time-consuming, although there are good shows, but now he does not have so much time to slowly watch good shows.

The speed of strength improvement is faster than he expected.

He doesn’t have much time.

It’s a pity that I didn’t even see it, this is a good show within the realm.

But it hasn’t taken care of so much.

Situ Hua’s eyes lit up slightly.

That place is not far from here, although it is a little troublesome.

But maybe I could find something there when I went there.

If Stuart spent all his energy trying to find what he could find in his hand.

Even if it didn’t fall into his hands and was given as a gift to others, it would be considered a very popular feeling.

“I remember that there was a very secret cave over there. I had to walk two steps forward and then back, and after three steps I went forward five steps, and then I went back two steps.”

“Then you can see a door appear, and you can see the flying snow and the yellow sand directly when you enter.”

Half of them are flying snow, and half are yellow sand.

You can only know how shocking the scenery is after entering.

If it happens to be right in the middle of that line.

You can feel the left hand holding a thick icy snow, right hand holding a thick layer of sand.

Two strange feelings appear on the body at the same time, which is surprising.

Most importantly, there are no artificial traces here.

In other words, the scenery here is not deliberately done by someone.

There are no Arrays or traces of renovations here. All the scenery is caused by the unique environment here.

Because the breath here is a little different.

While the sky is full of wind and snow, the sky is full of yellow sand.

It’s all about the wind.

But there are huge differences.

After returning to this place after a lapse of many years, Situ Hua also felt quite novel.

But I don’t know why. He was very interested in this place before, but he has never been here since.

There seems to be something forgotten by him.

Such a strange place, I do not know if there is any other special existence.

If there is, then there will be some troubles, if not, it will be much better.

Going forward for a long time, there is no change in the environment, and the environment here is extremely easy to forget.

In fact, this is a very dangerous place, not a place that is comfortable and allows them to hang out casually.

“Have you heard the sound of the wind.”

Qin Yu suddenly stopped her steps and listened carefully to all the sounds around her.

He clearly felt the sound of his ears.

It seems to be wind but it seems not.

There is no temperature, with the sound of hu hu.

But he had a kind of intuition before passing by him, not a wind.

It is really a living creature.

If there are living creatures here, those who can survive here must be vigilant.

The others suddenly heard some movements.

This sound is obvious, not the kind of existence that is so deep that they can’t feel it.

One can imagine the danger of not at all.

Just suddenly there were living creatures, and it sounded more than one or two.

They still need to be vigilant.

This is a mysterious place, and no one knows how many secrets are hidden here.

It’s not a simple thing to make a Peak family within the realm so serious about taking seriously.

“It’s the wind elves, these little brats just like to hide in the wind.”

“But don’t look at the name as it sounds pretty good. Each and everyone is very brutal and likes to eat flesh and blood.”

“And I like the flesh and blood of the little child the most. I really don’t know how the fool came out from here alive.”

A group of translucent wings-like creatures like butterflies flew out.

Each flight will bring a gust of wind, just like the real wind.

Coupled with translucent wings, if it is hidden under the sun, it is really difficult to distinguish.

But each and everyone has extremely fierce fangs.

There was a small hole in the middle of the fang.

As long as these tiny fangs pierce their skin, they will immediately suck their blood and devour their flesh.

And this kind of landscape forest can come out a large group at a time.

Imagine the existence of hiding the sky and covering the earth capable of devouring flesh and blood.

No matter how powerful it is, it is difficult to achieve a good attack without any restraint.

But these guys are not afraid of fire or water, and there are few natural enemies.

This is a bit difficult.

If anyone really is so bad luck, met so many wind elves.

It is very likely that you will die without a burial site.

Speaking of which, Xuan Celestial Immortal Zun suddenly smiled, now they are not the group of bad luck eggs?

Their group of bad luck eggs is really bad luck.

Not only met the very rare wind elves in the legend, but also met a large group at once.

The wind elves that almost covered the sky suddenly appeared densely packed, looking dazzling.

The silhouette is translucent, and it is almost difficult to see under light.

But they also saw a lot in an instant.

There are many others who are not seen by them because of light.

Even a casual wave of hand can shoot down a dozen.

So densely packed that a few of them were not even enough for this group of wind elves to bring in their teeth.

“It’s a little troublesome, these guys are neither afraid of fire nor water, maybe you can try it with Divine Thunder.”

“Disciple, you come, as the teacher is not good at using the extinction Divine Thunder. This thing requires a perception, and Master, my perception is placed elsewhere.”

It will be there either, but he, who is a Master, hasn’t studied this long.

So much so that the strength is even worse than Qin Yu, so how to take it out.

But soon he came up with another one, which was slightly worse than Divine Thunder.

He uses this more skillfully.

Using strength of Thunder to try to knock down all of these guys is doomed to be a bit troublesome.

But after all, it is very powerful, and it is extremely easy to give them a safe passage.

Finally, through the siege of the wind spirits layer by layer, it finally reached the core place.

But here I saw a small stand.

There are more than a dozen shelves on the table, all filled with fresh corpses, and still bleeding.

I don’t know where these people came from, but without exception, they all died extremely bad luck here.

It can even be said to be dead.

Qin Yu suddenly remembered what he had heard.

It would be a disaster if the wind spirit appeared suddenly.

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