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Chapter 976 Xuanhou Dadao

Fresh corpses are still dripping with blood.

The expressions before death are painful, and this painful expression will always condense on their faces.

Will never disappear.

“Oops, this is not a fairy land, or it has long been transformed into a place for gathering evil spirits!”

Xuan Celestial Immortal, suddenly, his face changed.

If he just brought his own discipline, there would be no problem.

But the trouble now is that they have a tow oil bottle beside them.

Situ Hua brought them, of course impossible just let it go.

But if you really want to take him with him, this person is a tow oil bottle.

It is always dragging their hind legs.

“Little Xue Lan, please give me a good look at this dragging oil bottle.”

“If he dares to run, he will break his leg, if he dares to cry, he will sew his mouth!

“All in all, don’t let him whisper and delay us here.”

“It’s all a mess of things. It has brought us to such a place.”

Situ Hua shuddered all of a sudden. Hearing this, he still dared to move.

Obediently and honestly squatted aside, holding his head, not talking or looking.

Anyway, as long as trust is all right, he himself doesn’t know why, all of them have complexion greatly changed.

But looking at that weird scenery, he also knew that this is not the time for him to speak.

It is better to hide as much as possible, otherwise it would only be a huge disaster for him.

Look at all this in front.

Xuan Celestial Immortal Supreme suddenly took out a trace of flame without any temperature.

It’s very cold, but it has extremely powerful power, and in the blink of an eye, it burns everything in front of it.

But soon after this strange place appeared again.

What appears at this time is not an entity but a vague image.

In other words, this time they will not have any ability to burn it cleanly.

I can only watch this platform reappear.

“Oh, dare to play this set in front of me, I’m afraid I’m not getting tired …”

Qin Yu looked at Xuan Celestial Immortal and wanted to take out the dangerous way to crack it all.

Stop immediately.

This kind of thing, let one eye do it.

It may be different from the illusion, but it is also an image after all.

It is always more convenient to do one-eyed than others.

There is a ready-to-use thing, why use a more troublesome method.

The one-eyed fan was pulled out staring, staring at all the headaches in front of him.

Somehow, he disliked the image in front of him, so he didn’t want to get close.

“Let you do what you do, you should have a solution that can be cracked, he always appears, it’s too annoying.”

Qin Yu suddenly appeared a huge stone half-man tall, but he was easily dragged into the palm of his hand.

The center of the stone seems to be a flowing mass.

It looks extremely beautiful.

Looking at the huge stone with one eye, he immediately agreed, and the impatient rushed up.

Looking at this weird stand, that huge eye suddenly shed a tear of crystal tears.

Just flowed down, changed into a drop of transparent spar.

Then he was thrown away by one eye directly, and all the illusions were solved.

Nothing false exists.

Only the entity can survive the tears.

After one-eyed all this, he walked happily holding a huge stone directly.

Qin Yu smiled and looked at the head. Although it was a good collection for him, it was able to crack all of it, and what about a stone.

It was just didn’t expect that he still underestimated the ability of one-eyed, and he could crack it all so easily.

Xuan Celestial Immortal is the most shocked, watching one-eyed bounce away.

The shock in his eyes has not receded until now.

“What the hell is this? With big eyes and thin hands and feet.”

“Ability is so against the sky?”

“Almost as easy as blowing off dust can be cracked, and these seem to be a magical treasure.”

Faced with these surprising tones, Qin Yu indifferently smiled.

“But that’s all by chance.”

speaking of which the situation at the time was a bit more complicated.

But Little Brat is also very good to feed.

If you just throw him some precious ore, you can sleep well all day.

When that image was completely cracked, everything around it became slightly different.

Although those wind elves still exist, they have no intention of attacking people.

Each and everyone, like not seeing them, all hid back to where they lived.

An Ansheng lying down, all gathered together.

When Situ Hua lifted the head again, he saw that everything around him was gone.

Everywhere looks like a very peaceful scene.

Can not help but deeply sighed in relief.

Finally, it’s all gone.

After all, knowledge made him feel a little disappointed, originally he thought there might be some treasure here.

But treasure did not see it, but saw a bunch of strange and dangerous creatures.

Now he can still save his life, all because of Qin Yu’s sake.

No matter how much he dare not extravagant.

This pair of master and disciple can save his life, and did not pursue his news or false things, he is already satisfied.

“The thing at this time is really something I didn’t think about.”

“I don’t dare to ask for more things afterwards.”

“I have to apologize to you for this matter, because I didn’t know that it would be so dangerous.”

“The hastily brought you here, and almost put you in danger.”

“I’m sorry, I have a chance in the future, I will definitely return the life-saving grace of this time.”

Counting it up, he took the life-saving grace twice.

They have been saved 2 times by this pair of master and disciple.

It seems that there are still 2 times of unrequited love, and I feel that the pressure on my body is a bit heavy.

Qin Yu suddenly stopped all his words.

Perhaps this time is not without any gains.

There is also an extremely beautiful sword in the most important position.

This big knife is extremely generous, with a finger on the back of the knife.

The whole body exudes a strong bloody smell, which seems to suppress everything.

Although it exudes a strong bloody smell, there is no evil spirit, it seems to exist only to suppress something.

Xuan Celestial Immortal looked at the knife at this moment, and suddenly gave a soft grunt.

This big knife gave him a very different feeling.

There seems to be a lot of history and secrets hidden in this knife.

You can see the simple and profound meaning at a glance.

But more, with his current eyesight, I can’t understand it!

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