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Chapter 900 Chapter 82

As someone exposes all of Szeto’s evil deeds.

More and more people stood up.

And expose everything you know.

There are some things that Stuart has done without anyone.

So when all the people have said the tasks they have performed.

The secret things to do.

Every and everyone looked at each other in disbelief.

It turned out that when they didn’t know, Situ Sheng did so many things.

It’s a pity they didn’t know anything.

I even thought that most of what I had to know was already.

“It really is vicious and merciless!”

Situ Sheng’s face was somber, even if there were no other people here.

Suddenly, the old man was exposed, and the mood was still extremely depressed.

He grabbed the person closest to him directly, and broke his neck with a wave.

Throw the soft corpse aside, a bloody red color flashed in his eyes.

He is about to start the killing.

And no one can stop him at this time.

The confidants familiar with him soon understood this.

Whether they are smart or stupid, they flee to four places.

There are only a few smart ones, and they are the ones who want to understand all this first.

Immediately moved towards Qin Yu’s direction.

They look powerful, and if they can be sheltered, they can be safe and secure.

Otherwise, on the contrary, their confidants who had already betrayed will definitely become mortal in the eyes of Situ Sheng.

This vicious and merciless guy will never mind letting more life and blood on his hands.

But why does Qin Yu help these people.

At this moment of his thoughts, Situ Sheng had already hurt the killer at the people around him.

Some of these people have a close relationship with him.

Some are good helpers who have done many secret things for him.

But now he is going to kill, and no one can live out of his hands safely.

The closest to him is all dead.

This time he brought more than 100 people, and nearly 100 people have been scattered.

The rest of them haven’t had a good time.

Not standing in the same place with tears in his eyes.

It’s just running away in a panic.

Needless to say, those dumb naturally cut their necks neatly and cut off all vitality.

And those who are a little smarter and smarter have 2 people finally escaped.

Standing next to Situ Hua.

“We did the wrong thing in the past, and since then we are willing to pay a price for a change of face, only to atone for ourselves.”

“Yes, this 10000 evil Great Demon and damn in everyone’s hands, scum like him is not worthy of living in the world.

Situ Hua was at a loss, after all, he was not able to control the fate of these people.

These people are cumbersome and troublesome for him.

For him, now he needs the help of others, not to mention taking in these people.

Even if these people are really taken in, it is a great help for him.

But he couldn’t make such a decision easily, and could only focus on Qin Yu.

I hope to be a little more accommodating.

“If you want to keep it, keep it. Anyway, standing on my side, absolutely impossible to make him kill the killer again.”

Situ Sheng suddenly laughed heartily.

“The person I want to kill, I do n’t believe you can really protect it so easily, even if you hold Divine Weapon in your hand, since my identity is still there, then I can snatch everything you have today . “

“Although your strength is enough to contend with me, even I can’t bear to bear a sense of fear.”

“I’m not totally helpless to you.”

Suddenly there were a few small wooden men in their hands, and each and everyone was only the size of a finger.

There were dozens of little wooden men in that palm.

Messy piled up together.

As he mumbled to himself, some faint rays of light suddenly burst out from these little wooden figures.

Then he was suddenly thrown into the air, each and everyone rays of light were released.

The volume changes instantly.

It turned into a figure like an adult man.

Each and everyone’s strength is also very good.

Although it is still not as good as the boss, but this strength can also be called extremely powerful.

This is his idea.

The person he wants to kill is absolutely impossible to kill.

Now that there is really no way, then simply use other methods to hold back.

The rest of the people waited to kill all the traitors under their hands.

When the time comes he must be able to free his hand.

Dealing with this suddenly appeared, brought him a great threat to the youngster.

But he completely ignored the few others beside him.

Not to mention that Situ Hua, who doesn’t have much ability, can temporarily hold back a little wooden man.

This matter, he can play the greatest value.

Others are also very good at each and everyone.

Among them, Xuan Celestial Immortal is the most arrogant. These little woodmen in his eyes are just small toys that can be turned into sawdust with just a flick of a finger.

So one can imagine.

In these little wooden people broken into pieces cluttered, piled up like a mountain.

Stuart’s movements were completely interrupted.

“I have made you shoot several times, but you are pressing hard, and I wanted to ask you what you chose.”

“Now it seems that there is no need to give you the opportunity to choose.”

“Direct kill without mercy, let you experience the taste of being a waste person and letting mermaid, I think it will be more suitable for you.”

Su Shisheng suddenly had some bad hunches in his heart.

However, after he had a bad hunch, the most terrifying thing happened.

Qin Yu held the heavenly blade, feeling the domineering meaning.

Suddenly, he waved a knife with a simple wave.

Although simple and unpretentious, it carries extremely powerful formidable power.

So that people can not escape.

Situ Sheng ’s terrified look wanted to escape.

But he found that this simple blow blocked all his retreat.

There is no place for him to flinch.

There is no way to escape, he is already in a dead end.

Feeling the overbearing intention, feeling the pain in my body.

Stuart is still full of incredible.

His generation of formable person, all of his heroic ambitions have not yet begun.

Why did it suddenly fall into the hands of a kid who suddenly appeared.

Although the strength of this youngster is extremely out of the ordinary, but he thinks that his strength is also very good.

But everything in front of him had to give him a trace of despair.

After all, Qin Yu left a little bit of love under his hands, and did not directly kill people on the spot.

But it also made him meridians broke apart and became a blood man who could only fall to the ground and bathe in blood.

The red light in the sky has been disappeared.

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