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Chapter 983

There was blood all over Situ Sheng.

This will hurt you to buy an inch of bone and an inch of gold on your body.

The thing that shocked him most was that he couldn’t use any strength to feel weak.

“No, I am absolutely impossible to become a waste!”

“This is conscience, this is Heart Demon, this must be the illusion that you set up specifically for me, I dignified Situ Tuosheng, Situ Family Substitute Patriarch, how could it become a waste!”

He didn’t want to believe it, that’s the fact, so state seems crazy.

So that Situ Huadu could not bear to bear a little pity.

But more hate in my heart.

Now this answer is enough for him to comfort father’s spirit in heaven.

As for the others, it is not important anymore, and now the enemy has become so miserable.

He can feel at ease and go back to father’s grave for 5 minutes.

But he did not forget who actually helped him do all this.

great kindness and virtue He will not thank, because the pale and weak thank you is not enough to express his excitement.

It is not worthy of this great kindness.

All he can do now is to go back to Situ Family as quickly as possible and get back everything he originally had.

And hand over the remuneration that was already said.

Take out the real resources and benefits.

That is the best he can do now.

Has become a stubborn student, there is no resistance.

Even Situ Hua can easily lift people up with one finger.

It’s like pulling a piece of grass.

Holding it in his hands will not bring him any pressure.

Even throwing people out of the vast distance is no difficulty.

People have fallen into their hands.

Under the proposal of Situ Hua, the entire group came to the main city with the fastest speed.

That so-called pool of wind.

In the eyes of the expert, it really looks like a toy.

with no difficulty The ground is directly broken.

When he broke into Situ Family, he met a group of people around him.

They thought they had foreign enemies.

But when he saw the familiar face walking in front, he was a little surprised.

Very few people who knew the inside story saw Situ Hua safely back, and they rushed in easily, and had a bad hunch in their hearts.

But until I saw the dying madness of Stuart.

This made them have to believe a fact, and now the general trend is gone.

Whispers whispered in the crowd.

Today, Stuart sits on the Position of Patriarch, although there is not much merit.

But he is innate talent, and is the younger brother of the last Substitute Patriarch.

In the case where the heir is missing, he has great strength himself.

Sitting on the Position of Patriarch is really justified, and no one has ever doubted.

This will see unexpected heirs encountered in the rumors.

Suddenly clean, Lilisuo returned again.

The strength actually improved a bit more than before.

The whole person is as dazzling as a sharpened blade.

But also brought back a more temperament out of the ordinary outstanding youngster.

Let them all see through.

The most important thing is how Situ Sheng has become so embarrassed.

It looks extremely miserable, as if completely abandoned by others.

After the detection, it was impossible to bear some turn pale with fright.

Actually, as they thought, Situ Sheng has become a complete waste.

Since then, he can no longer get a little bit of strength.

There is no way to sit on the Position of Patriarch anymore.

Some people are happy and some are sad, but on the surface, there are still many people who show concern.

“What’s wrong with you? Is it possible that you met any gangsters?”

“How did Patriarch become like this, but someone is going to start with our Situ Family?”

“Just say it, our Situ Family is not the only one who wants to provoke!”

The noise in the crowd grew louder and louder, like waves of waves.

Qin Yu glanced at the crowd suddenly.

Everyone only thinks that there is something terrifying existence staring at himself.

That horrible feeling just swept away, not at all staying for a long time.

But still let them all stop, each and everyone are extremely quiet.

Don’t dare to make a loud noise.

Situ Hua raised some envy, if only he could have such a deterrent force.

It’s a pity that for him, even one day he can do it.

That is after 1000 or 10000 years, at least in a few hundred years.

He may not be able to possess the strength of Qin Yu’s cultivation base.

But then he knew that now is not the time to think about it.

Then he cleared his throat in front of everyone and shook everything he knew.

Under the eyes of everyone, Situ Sheng was debunked.

Although some people raised doubts.

But under the support of Situ Sheng’s two confidants.

But many people believe it.

Wise people are naturally impossible, and they have no name. They cleverly saved their lives early and chose to stand in line.

And in the end everything proved that their choice was right.

Naturally can be a little famous.

Some people recognized them, and naturally some people knew that they belonged to Situ Sheng.

It is the kind of person who is extremely trusting and very close.

If there are any dirty things, they will do it in private.

So I believe 70% in my heart.

With the addition of piles, one piece at a time is also somewhat convinced.

If so, then Stuart is a thankless wretch.

Because everyone knows that the last Patriarch is Situ Hua’s father.

It was such a wonderful and gorgeous person, and although he was not talented, he had a kind heart.

It’s great for my brothers, and treats everyone equally.

Such a peerless good man was framed to death by such a villain.

Few people even found out his true face, everyone was turned around!

I was a little angry at the thought.

“He is damn!”

“Being a waste is indeed the punishment he deserves.”

“In this way, it is also deserving of sin, but this Position of Patriarch, I think it is better to be inherited by the original heir.”

“It should have been like this!”

Situ Hua has seen everything that should have belonged to him, and moved towards him far away beckoning.

If this time succeeds, then after this.

He can then return to his place.

Not only does he not have to hide from Tibet, but he can finally come up with his family.

Return to that each and everyone in his heart is as heavy as a mountain.

But at this moment the crowd suddenly separated a road.

4 people came out slowly, and one of them had a soft face.

With a few shallow wrinkles on his face, he suddenly yelled loudly.

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