Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1098: Human face

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After a group of killers from the Nine Nine Killer Dynasty left, the void shuddered and Lin Feng stepped out of the void.

These nine ghost killers are best at hiding.

However, even these people did not find Lin Feng lurking here.

"Sure enough, as I thought, this Ning Hanshuang was calculating me. She actually had contact with the people of the Nine Nine Killer Dynasty, which really surprised me."

Lin Feng raised his brow slightly.

After accepting the commission, the Nine Nine Killer Dynasty has assassinated him three times in a row but failed.

According to the rules of the Nine Nine Killer Dynasty, if it fails three times in a row, Lin Feng will become the key target of assassination. At that time, the Nine Nine Killer will come after him, until Lin Feng is assassinated.

"These people are just small characters. Really powerful people should not have appeared yet." Lin Feng frowned slightly.

He immediately thought of the woman Ning Hanshuang.

Are her words really a lie?

Lin Feng doesn't feel like it.

Perhaps Ning Hanshuang wanted to count himself, kill himself, and then join his Nine Nether Killer Dynasty with his own head.

However, Lin Feng felt that the tragic life experience of Ning Hanshuang's words was very likely to be true.

Of course, regardless of whether those things are true, Lin Feng does not care.

He had no time to care about what a woman who wanted to kill him had experienced.


late at night.

Huang Linger and the handsome man that Lin Feng had seen before came to a small courtyard in the northwest corner of the ancient capital of Aotian.

That handsome man is called Xia Zichao, this man is the grandson of an elder of Bixiazong.

Bixiazong is an ancient sect gate in Changzhou, South County.

This southern county, Changzhou, is located in the southern part of the eastern county of Shenzhou. This state has three ancient gates, which are much stronger than the eastern county of Shenzhou.

Huang Linger was an accidental opportunity five years ago, saving an injured middle-aged female nun.

The female nun was the daughter of a big elder of Bixia Sect. The nun took Huang Linger to Changzhou in Nanjun to practice.

This time I came to Changzhou in Nanjun with Xia Zichao with a mission. Huang Ling'er didn't even return home to see his relatives.

"The younger Xia Zichao, the younger Huang Ling'er, please see the senior ...". The two said respectfully outside the courtyard.

"come in"!

The voice fell and squeaked, and the door of the courtyard opened voluntarily.

The two entered the room carefully, only to see that the door was open, and a ghostly light flashed in the room. Xia Zichao and Huang Ling'er felt a chill in their hearts, they both bowed their heads and dared not look into the room. Among those ghost fires.

"Did You Bring Nether Jade?" The murky voice came from the room.

"Already brought"! Huang Ling'er said that she took out a white jade box, and she opened the white jade box, which contained three pieces of black jade.

"You are Yang Lu's apprentice?". Asked the existence in the room.

Yang Lu was Huang Ling'er who saved a middle-aged female nun.

Huang Linger quickly said yes!

"Yang Lu's girl has told you something and what you need to exchange. This is a bottle of Tianyue Luoshen Pill, a total of 36 capsules, taken once every 10 days, one capsule at a time, when 30 After taking six Tianyue Luoshen Pills, you should be able to enter the Yin-Yang realm. After you enter the Yin-Yang realm, you can retreat directly for three years. It takes about three years to refine the medicine that has not been absorbed in the body After the refining and chemical cultivation are completed, your cultivation behavior should be able to be promoted to the realm of Yin and Yang.

The mysterious existence in the room said, obviously this existence must have lived for many years, otherwise Yang Lu, who was close to two thousand years old, would not be called a girl.

At the next moment, a porcelain bottle flew out, and apparently the porcelain bottle contained Tianyue Luoshen Pill.

Then, a suction flowed out, sucking the white jade box containing the Ghost Jade.

"Thank you senior ...".

Huang Ling'er was overjoyed and saluted quickly.

"You don't have to thank Benzuo. This is a deal made by your boss with your ancestor. It turned out that Yang Lu came over in exchange for the benefits she needed. This time, she sent you over. It seems that Yang Lu's girl quite likes you." .

The mysterious existence said lightly that the master ancestor in his mouth was Yang Lu's father.

"Another kid, since you escorted Huang Ling'er over here, it's a bit of credit. Now I will reward you with a bottle of Longli Shenxuedan, a total of twelve capsules. Take it once a month. After taking it, your blood will be strong Ten times, the power will also increase ten times. Although the Dragon Power God Blood Pill can't help you break through the Yin and Yang realm, but after your blood gas has been greatly improved, you can certainly break through the Yin and Yang realm after several years of hard work "!

The words fell, and then another porcelain bottle flew out and landed in Xia Zichao's hands.

Xia Zichao was also very thankful.

"Okay, go ahead!"


"The juniors say goodbye"!


The two performed a salute and retreated.

"I'm going home, how about you, brother?" Huang Linger asked.

Xia Zichao said, "Anyway, let's go home with your sister."

"Since following the master's departure, it has been five years since I have gone back. Let's go buy a Griffon beast and ride the Griffon beast overnight. Huang Linger said.

Xia Zichao nodded and walked towards Fang City with Huang Ling'er. When approaching Fang City, a river in the city appeared and the two walked towards the bridge. At this time, Xia Zichao looked no one around. Palm shot on Huang Ling'er's back, flicked Huang Ling'er a dozen meters away.


Huang Ling'er spurted blood directly, his face pale as paper.

She fell to the ground and could no longer move.

"Brother Xia, why did you attack me?". Huang Ling'er looked at Xia Zichao in exasperation.

Xia Zichao said with a smile, "I didn't want to shoot you at first, but you got thirty-six Sky Moon Pills, and I only got twelve Dragon Power God Blood Pills, I'm not reconciled, I also I want to get the Tianyue Luoshen Pill, so I can only deal with you and take your Tianyue Luoshen Pill as your own. "

"Are you afraid of being known by my master? By then, you will die without a burial ground." Huang Linger said pale.

"What are you afraid of? I said that when I met a gangster, you were killed by the other party. Didn't your master also get the baby from the old ghost and was stared at and almost died? Your master should not doubt this reason, even if you doubt it? It's nothing, anyway, she has no evidence that I killed you. "

Xia Zichao grinned.

"You, a man with a beast and a beast, I curse you for not being able to die." Huang Ling'er's desperate expression cursed Xia Zichao.

"Why? If the curse is really useful, there are not so many people in this world who are eager to kill people and win treasures!"

Xia Zichao pouted, and then said, "However, before killing you, I don't mind enjoying it first."

When the words fell, Xia Zichao directly carried Huang Linger on his shoulders and walked towards the grove not far away.

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