Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1099: Ning provoke villains, don't provoke women!

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"Let me go, you beast ...". Huang Ling'er is now exhausted and can only curse Xia Zichao.

"Curse, the more joy you scold, the cooler I will be later, do you know? I have been peeping at you for a long time, I have wanted to taste the taste of how delicate and prickly roses you are. Opportunity, you can rest assured that I have always pityed Xiangxiyu, and will let you die after the ultimate happiness! "

Xia Zi *** laughed.

Xia Zichao's modest and courteous performance on weekdays, but obviously this is a guy with a human face.

There are also people of this type in the real world who have a mild personality on the surface.

But in the heart, there is a devil.

When the devil will run out, it depends on whether there is something that can move the devil. Obviously, thirty-six Sky Moon Pills is enough to let the devil run out.

Xia Zichao placed Huang Ling'er on a smooth rock. Looking at Huang Ling'er's charming figure, he felt that there was a flame burning in Dantian.

Huang Ling'er's face is white and desperate. Although she is a woman, she is a loyal and hard-hearted person. Her fierce personality is just a manifestation of the inner world. People like her often can make some ordinary women dare not Things to do, such as tongue biting and suicide.

Huang Ling'er wanted to bite her tongue and end her life.

But Xia Zichao made a prohibition in advance, imprisoned Huang Ling'er, and he sneered and said, "I've already guarded against your tongue bite. I haven't enjoyed it well. How can I let you die? Wait for Laozi to enjoy it. When it's over, it will naturally bring you back to the west "!

The body was imprisoned and no longer had the ability to resist. Huang Ling'er's desperate eyes looked at Xia Zichao in anger.

She seemed to want to remember this person forever, even if she died.

Xia Zichao's heart was swollen by Huang Ling'er's eyes, but thinking that Huang Ling'er was already a lamb to be slaughtered, he didn't need to be afraid of anything at all, so he let go of his heart and stretched his hand to tear Huang Linger's clothes At this time, Xia Zichao felt a neck pain. He turned his head and looked around. He saw that a young man he didn't know didn't know when to appear behind him, and he slapped a palm on his neck.

Xia Zichao's heart sank to the bottom instantly.

The next moment, he fell to the ground and passed out.


Lin Feng looked indifferently at Xia Zichao who fainted. He shot a mana to break Xia Zichao's prohibition. Mana warmed Huang Ling'er's body, making Huang Linger's injured body recover quickly. Lin Feng did not stay. 'S plan, turned and walked outside.

"Thank you for your help"!

Huang Ling'er got up and thanked Lin Feng. He didn't see Lin Feng's appearance in the dark.

Lin Feng waved his hand to Huang Ling'er, indicating that she didn't have to thank her.

For Lin Feng, this is just a matter of doing anything, not to mention, Huang Ling'er is also his friend.

However, Lin Feng never recognized Huang Ling'er. He didn't want Huang Linger to misunderstand anything. After all, in Lin Feng's view, his relationship with Huang Ling'er's sister Huang Shilan was ambiguous.

Then it is better not to have any entanglements with Huang Linger as much as possible, otherwise, it will be a harm to Huang Shilan and Huang Linger.


After Lin Feng left, Huang Ling'er turned to look at Xia Zichao who had collapsed on the ground. She bit her lip and kicked Xia Zichao's crotch.

"what……". Xia Zichao, who passed out, uttered a terrible scream, and was immediately scrapped by Huang Ling'er.

"You, abolish me"! Xia Zi woke up in a muddled mood, and the painful body was shaking.

Huang Ling'er kicked out again, this time in Xia Zichao's Dantian.


Dan Tian is broken.

Xia Zichao's face was instantly ashamed.

Was scrapped below! Since then I can't be a man!

Dantian was abolished! Since then it has become a waste person!

"It's too cheap to kill you directly as a beast. Now that you can't be a man, and you don't have any practice, you will spend the rest of your life in endless regrets and pain."

Huang Ling'er gave Xia Zichao a cold look, and stopped staying and walked outside.

Sometimes, killing a person is not the most ruthless way, and making a life worse than death is the most ruthless way.

Obviously Xia Zichao's second half of his life must be a life that is not as good as death.


Lin Feng spent three days in Lincheng, he got up and went to the Zhenwu Kingdom. After seeing Lin Feng back, Shangguan Feier was very excited. Now Shangguan Feier is more charming. It is still daytime and Lin Feng will pull Shangguan Mayfair turned the phoenix.

Although Shangguan Feier is very shy, she has missed Lin Feng for so long, and she misses Lin Feng very much. She cooperates with Lin Feng and is charming and seductive. Lin Feng finally knows the meaning of this sentence that the king will not be early in March. If a woman is accompanying her daily, it ’s normal to say three months, even if it ’s not too early in the three years, maybe it ’s the so-called 'Gentle Township, Hero Mound'.

After Wushan Yunyu, Shangguan Feier was lying in Lin Feng's arms like a lazy kitten, and said, "Some days ago, Lord Ouyang Zhentianfu stepped down and left!"

Ouyang Zhentian helped Lin Feng a lot. When Lin Feng and Aotian ancient capital battled, Ouyang Zhentian also ran around and helped lobby the major forces to help Lin Feng attack the Aotian ancient capital together, so Lin Feng was very grateful to Ouyang Zhentian. Very respectful.

"Are you going back to Sun Moon City?" Lin Feng asked.

"It is said that he intends to travel abroad, and his relationship with the city owner of Sun Moon City is actually not very good." Shangguan Feier said.

Ouyang Zhentian's failure to compete with the current owner of the Sun and Moon City, Li Mingdao, has always been excluded, and Lin Feng also knows this matter.

Li Mingdao had contacted Lin Feng and was a good person. He and Ouyang Zhentian were cousins, so the matter between Ouyang Zhentian and Li Mingdao was very complicated. The dispute between their governors was more like a means of elimination within the family. This is the root of a family's prosperity. Lin Feng is inconvenient to intervene in such housework.

"Unfortunately, I was not able to meet with Ouyang Manor". Lin Feng sighed.

"There must be a chance in the future." Shangguan Feier jade hand draws a circle on Lin Feng's chest. The lazy kitten looks really lovable. Lin Feng turns his horse again. Shangguan Feier wants to refuse to welcome him, and they are both happy.

The Emperor Zhenwu was as lively as ever. Now the Emperor Zhenwu is also a master. The lonely sky knows that Lin Feng ’s woman Shangguan Feier is here. Lin Feng also asked him to protect the safety of Shangguan Feier. It became the second "Lincheng", heavily guarded, and many top strongmen sat in town.

The prosperity of the imperial capital of the Zhenwu Kingdom seems to exceed that of the other nine ancient cities in Dongjun Shenzhou.

Qinglong Academy is a place where Lin Feng has been a strong man. Nowadays, countless people come here and want to join Qinglong Academy.

The "Dragon Gate" established by Lin Feng at the time was a force that all disciples wanted to join.

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